In the Dark(Darkiplier x Anti...

By akwardingthrulife13

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They're nowhere and everywhere. Anti lives on the streets and does his dirty work at night. (GET YOUR GOD DAM... More



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By akwardingthrulife13

Anti's Pov:

I hugged the gun close to my body as I grabbed the phone I had ever since I could remember. I slipped outside through the crack in the wall and faded in the shadows. Today I decided to take a walk through town. Eventually I spotted someone in front of me. They were shifting through the shadows as well. I decided I needed a better view of who that person is.

I started to climb up the wall. I grasped onto a window sill with both hands and silently pulled myself up onto the ledge and looked down. It was Dark.

My eyes grew wide as adrenaline rushed through my system. I wobbled a bit on the ledge at the sight of him. I then had a great idea. I pulled out my phone and hopped to the next window. I took a photo of his beauty. He was staring straight ahead so all the was visible was his red hair that swooshed backwards.

I hopped to the next window and took another picture. This time there was moonlight that cast over his body giving him a silver glow. He was turned slightly to the side making his face visible. His muscles could be seen through his shirt and his hair was blowing towards his face slightly. I felt giddy just taking the picture.

The window hopping continued until the building ended. I had no more windows to hop to and Dark kept walking forward. I was losing him. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around. I then spotted a tree not to far from me. I took a deep breath and leapt.

The wind filled my ears as I flew above him. The tree was nearing me and I held out my arms for the impact. I felt myself hit tree with a loud thump and I grasped onto the large branch above me. I was hanging there hoping he didn't hear me and kept on walking.

Of course that didn't happen. I heard footsteps approach me. I just hung there as a deep voice rung in my ears.

"I was just looking for you," he continued once he realized I wasn't going to say anything, "I am supposed to kill you, you know." I tense at his words. Kill me? I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. I am a wanted man after all. But still I couldn't help feel a little bit hurt when I heard this random guy I like say that he was going to kill me, but I wouldn't want anyone else to kill me, if I were to be killed.

"But I can't. I tried that night but there was something about you that made me not want to. Something I haven't felt ever." I relaxed as he spoke and dropped from the tree.

As I dropped, something fell out of my pocket. It was my phone. Once I landed I franticly scrambled on the ground looking for my phone. As I did so, Dark said,

"Looking for these?" He held up my phone. My eyes widened in shock and I launched myself at him trying to get my phone from him. It was still open to my camera, I don't want him to see the pictures.

He held my phone above my head and said, "Got something to hide?" He then looked at my phone. I angrily jumped at him as he looked through my phone. He was only on there a few seconds before he laughed and flipped the phone around at me, showing me the picture I took of him last.

"Well, well. We've got ourselves a stalker," he said with a smirk. I felt my face heat up with both anger and embarrassment. He only gave me a devious smile.

"So, since I can't kill you, do you mind if I join you?" Dark asked with a genuine smile. I nodded and led him back to my little run down apartment. I slipped through the crack and Dark followed.

I saw his face twist up in a strange way. Almost in disgust, yet not quite. I guess that would be normal reaction, right?

"How do you live like this," Dark asked as I sat down on the ground, "It reeks in here."

"This is how I always remember it," I shrugged. His face scrunched up in confusion when he heard my answer.

"How long does your memory go back to?" he asked.

"Now that I think about it, not very far. Only a few years." His question really got to me. What happened before what I can remember. Dark's expression melted into a shocked one.

"You know, I can only remember what happened a few years ago as well."

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