The Street Fighter (#Wattys20...

By KenZ_Dizzy95

2M 50.6K 6.9K

"Talk to you about it?" I asked with a dark laugh. "it's not as easy as you make it sound," "Yes, Garret! Tal... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Coming soon!!!
Chapter 25.
For Her - Preview!!
Alternate Ending Epilogue.
New books!

Chapter 8.

86.2K 1.7K 162
By KenZ_Dizzy95

"Wow..." Keeley whispered as we pulled into a parking space. She looked up at the bright colorful lights of the amusement park that lit the night sky, the sparkle in her eye made me smile at my choice of venue. 

"You ever been here before?" I asked as I opened her door for her.

"During the day, sure, but i've always wanted to come here at night." She says, smiling up at me. "my mom never wanted me to come here at night because she said it's when all the creeps come out,"

"She's a little right," I say, causing her to snap her head towards me. "don't worry princess, it's safer here than in the streets. Which you have ventured to, what, three times by yourself?" I smirk down at her.

"Shut up..." she mumbled, her cheeks turning red. I shove my hands into my pockets and we stet walking to the entrance.

"So mommy dearest still tells you where to go?" I joke with her.

"No," she playfully elbows me in the side. "She told me that when I was 14, it just kind of stuck." She shrugs. "didn't your mom ever tell you not to do something when you were younger, and it just sort of stuck with you?" millions of different things that my mom told me went through my head just then, from all the little things like 'don't play with matches' to 'garret... don't follow in your brothers footsteps'.

"Yeah, I guess a few things did." I mumble. I suddenly feel a small hand placed on my arm and turn me to look at them. 

"You okay?" Keeley asked me, looking a little worriedly at my facial expression. I quickly change my face to a smirk to coverup my thoughts.

"Yeah, come on." I remove her hand from my arm gently, and then put my hand on her waist to move her so she's walking in front of me. 


"Oh my gosh! That was the best ride here!" Keeley says all excited as we exit the roller coaster. "Can we go again? Please!" she asks as she grabs onto my arm and jumps up and down, I was starting to think that I shouldn't have gotten her that cotton candy after all.

"I thought you were hungry?" I chuckled at her, before the ride she was saying that we should grab food afterwards.

"Oh yeah! Let's do that... then can we go again?" I nodded at her and she jumped in excitement again. Before I could ask her what she wants to eat, she grabbed my arm and started towing me towards the food. "nachos sound good to you?" 

"Sure." I wanted to smile at her, but the thought soon vanished as soon as I had it because someone caught my eye. "hey," I pulled her to a stop and pulled out my wallet. "you go standing line, theres something I gotta do really quick." I handed her some money. She gave me a strange look for a second, then she shrugged and took the money wand hurried over towards the food stands.

I turned around and headed to the familiar face I had seen, wondering if I saw right or not. I scanned the crowd to see if I could find them, and I almost gave up till the crowd parted just right. I made my way over to the person, I saw him talking to a few people, they also looked familiar, but not in a good way. 

As I reached them, I pulled down my hood, knowing that he wouldn't recognize me with my hood on. I felt bare without it, but if it is who I think it is, then it should be fine. Someone pointed to me and said something and the guy turned around, confirming my suspicions.

"Garret?"  he looked just as surprised as me.

"Luke..." suddenly a grin appeared on both of our faces, we slapped hands and hugged. "how have you been?" I asked him, pulling back. 

"Good, I've been good... How about you? I didn't know you lived around these parts." Something flashed in his eye's as he said that, I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but I know that i've seen that look before.

"Yeah, I have for a while now," I peaked bad to the guys he was talking to, they were all shifting weirdly, looking like they felt awkward. "what about you?"

"Where do I live?" He raises an eyebrow then shrugged. "Nowhere really, here and there, I move around quite a lot."

"Haven't found somewhere you want to stay yet?" I scrunched my eyebrows together. 

"Something like that," he shrugged again, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Well, it's been great running into you man, ill see you around?" I asked as I started backing up.

"Yeah, you'll see me around." The smirk was back on his face, but it didn't really bother me s much as what flashed in his eye's again. "I'll be in town for a little longer."

"Cool, maybe we could meet hop sometime then? Catch up," I started backing away, wanting to head back to Keeley.

"Yeah, sure!" I nodded and then turned back around, pulling my hood up again, glad that I didn't feel naked again.

I walked over towards the nacho stand, hoping I could catch Keeley as she's still in line, but as I got up there I see that she wasn't there. Not thinking too much of it, I went over towards the tables, thinking that she might have sat down already. I looked around and across each table, looking for her, hoping to see at least her blond hair. But as I saw nothing of the sorts, my heart jumped into my stomach. 

I looked around the area, turning in a full circle. Telling myself I was overreacting, I took a breath and then started walking back to the food, thinking, hoping that she maybe decided to eat something else and was at a different food stand. As I walked I heard her voice shout, my eye's immediately snapped towards her, and I quickened my pace, once she came into sight I practically sighed in relief.

"Come on, Just say yes to a date." I looked at the guy with a raised eyebrow, he was leaning across the food stand from behind the counter holding, what I assume is Keeley's food, hostage.

"Im here with someone." She said it like she has said it ten times before.

"So? I don't see anyone around." The dark haired guy put on what I guess he thinks is a charming smile and leaned closer to her. My eye's narrowed at the guy and I made my way closer. "come on baby, I could show you a good time."

"I already told you, I don't go out with cocky, self centered, jerks. Now give me my dang churro." I could tell from here that this guy had been giving her a hard time for a few minutes.

"Ouch, you bruise my ego." The guy fake winced.

"A lot more will be bruised if you don't give her what she asked for." I growled out. The guy jerked his head up and glared at me.

"Who are you?" Keeley's head whipped around to see me and she smiled smugly as I walked up next to her.

"Do you see him now?" keeley asked smartly, raising her eyebrow challengingly at the guy.

"Doesn't look like much to me," the guy spat at me then turned to look back at Keeley. "I could give you a better time than this street trash, baby." He winked sat her, I balled my fist up and lifted my head up more slightly so that he could see my glare from underneath my hood. When he glanced back over to me, his face went pale.

"I said, give her what she asked for." I demanded him, he gulped and grabbed her food from behind the counter where he stashed it. He handed it over to her and Keeley happily took it, then she grabbed my hand.

"Let's leave before you get into trouble." She starts pulling away, nibbling on her churro happily s we walked. I turned around and glared at he guy again, he was looking my way with a worried face. As I turned back around I smirked and fell into step with Keeley.  I looked down at her face and she looked slightly frustrated as he started at her churro. 

"What's the matter?" I raised an eyebrow at her. Without looking at me, she just shrugged her shoulders and took another bite of her fried dessert. 

"That was not worth this crappy churro."  she muttered, causing me to laugh.

"Well, then, Princess, would you like to grab some good dessert?" I put emphasis on the 'Princess' part, causing her to narrow her eye's at me.

"But I have this," she gestured to the partly eaten churro in her hand. 

"And now you don't." I snatched it up from her hand, then threw it in the trash across the way.

"why did you do that!" she cried out. "that was a waste of-"

"A disgusting excuse of a dessert." I cut her off, she looked like she was about to protest, but then bit her tongue. "Come on princess, let's go get you something good to eat." I chuckled and started walking ahead of her, I didn't even notice she still had a hold of my hand until I feel the tug from her dragging behind me. I peaked behind me and saw her looking across to the trashcan with a frown on her face, then she sighed and turned back around and kept pace with me, though her hand still didn't leave mine.


Pulling up to the small town german family restaurant, I hopped out and opened the door for Keeley. she thanked me then grabbed my arm as we walked, looping her's through mine. When we entered the doors, the short brunette at the reception desk greeted us without looking up.

"Welcome to Bavarian Restaurant and Bakery, how many?" 

"It'll be two, Mrs. Bäcker," she looked up at the sound of my voice and put a smile on her face. 

"Oh, Look at you! You look exactly the same." She said in her german accent happily with a smile on her face. "and who is this?" Mrs. Bäcker asked, looking over at Keeley. "I see you're here with someone other than Alex for once." She chuckled.

"She's a friend," I smirked down at keeley.

"Well, good, it's nice to see you making friends." Mrs. Bäcker chuckled, she grabbed up some menus and had us follow her. "you know the specials, do you want your usual?" she asked as I took a seat.

"Uh... not today, were going to have two Spaghettieis though," she nodded with a smile and then went back to the kitchen.

"So you have other friends besides me and Alex?" Keeley asked jokingly, smirking over at me.

"Believe it or not... yes," I nodded, chuckling at her. "I come here once a week or so, and have done so since my mom brought me." My eyebrows furrowed as I realized I just openly talked about my mom without a second thought on it. I mentally shook my head and played it off, continuing to talk. "I'm not really floe to her, but i've known her for a while," I shrug, and as if she could read my feeling like she was reading a book, she switched topics.

"So... correct me if i'm wrong, but..." I raised an eyebrow, her face was scrunched up in confusion and looked grossed out a little too. "did I hear you order Spaghetti with ice?" that caused laughter to bubble up in my chest, and a small smile broke out on my face as it escaped.

"No," I said as I was controlling my laughter. Her face was still one of confusion. "No, I didn't order Spaghetti with ice. I ordered Spaghettieis, it's a german dessert." Her face turned a little red, but a smile made it's way onto her face as well. "And no, the dessert isn't spaghetti." I concluded.

"That would be one interesting dessert," She chuckled. "and i'm guessing it's a german dessert?"

"Considering the fact that we are at  german restaurant... yes." I couldn't seem to stop the huge grin that made it's way onto my face, but I wasn't quite sure if I wanted it to leave either, it's been a while since someone made me smile like this.

"Here you go! Two Spaghettieis. enjoy!" Mrs. Bäcker said with a big smile before walking off.

"I thought you said it wasn't spaghetti?" Keeley asked confused as she looks down at the dish in front of her. The bowl was filled with what looked like noodles and red sauce on top, sprinkled with what looked to be parmesan.

"It's not... just try it." I told her. She hesitantly poked her fork into the noodles and a surprised look flashed on her face when  the first cut like butter through it.

"What the..." she held up the fork to her mouth, hesitant to eat it, but then she slowly put it in her mouth and  her eyebrows went up almost as high as her hairline. "Its ice cream?" I nodded my head as she shoved another bite into her mouth and practically moaned. "this is awesome!" she said while c=shoving yet another bite into her mouth, causing me to laugh and another big smile to appear on my face.


After we ate the ice cream and made small talk, I drove her home and the ride was anything but silent. We played twenty questions, only asking the small stuff, and since we already knew each others favorite colors, it was the other stuff we asked like. 'whats your favorite movie?' 'what places would you travel to?' 'what are your hobbies?' and other basic questions like that.

It was actually pretty fun, especially when we threw in some crazy questions afterwards like-'You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies, which do you choose?' or 'How do you feel about cannabalism, yea or nay?' and she even asked me 'If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman, how would you spend your day?' I busted out laughing at that one and so did she, but after we calmed down, she still made me answer, even though I could barely sputter out an answer.

"I guess i'll see you around then?" Keeley asked as we pulled up to her house.

"Yeah,  but i'll come to you again, don't eve think about stepping foot in that arena," I warned her, but a smile was still on my face.

"I can manage that." she nodded with  chuckle. "so... wait-"

"Hm?" I looked at her strangely.

"-Are you going to tell me your name yet? Or do I have to keep calling you Mr. Dark and Mysterious." I chuckled at that and shook m head.

"Mr. Dark and Mysterious is nice-"

"So I take that as a no?" she interrupted me, but I continued anyway.

"-But you can call me Garret." 

"I mean I guess it would be nice to-wait, what?" she stumbled over her words, suddenly realizing I just told her my name.

"I said, You can call me Garret." I chuckled at her.

"Garret?" she tried my name out, and I liked the way it sounded coming from her. "It suits you," she suddenly smiles widely. 

"I hope so, I mean, I would hate to look like a Bob." I joked with her. She tucked her hair behind her ear and got out of the car.

"Hey, I have one more question," she says ducking down to lean in the open car window.

"Shoot." I look at her curiously, seeing if she's going to ask a serious question or not, and judging by her composed face, it looks serious.

"Boxer? Or briefs?" she asks. I sit there as still as I could be from shock, wondering if my mind was playing tricks on me or if she really just asked me that question. She started laughing at me and then backed away from the car, heading up to the door, but I finally composed myself and called out to her.

"Hey, princess!" she turned around and looked at me. "boxer briefs!" her cheeks turn red and then she starts laughing, I drive off and head home, the whole time wanting to laugh because of her.


"Busted!" I heard a voice shout as soon as I stepped through my door, I immediately took a swing at where I heard the voice come from and my fist landed in the persons gut. "nice... swing..." I looked down at the person who was now bent in half, trying to catch his breath, I flipped on the lights and saw it was Alex.

"What the hell?  You trying to get yourself killed?" I let out a relieved laugh.

"Yep, because you could totally kill me," he says sarcastically as he rolls his eyes.

"I could and you know it." I smirk and head off to the kitchen, I heard footsteps behind me so I knew Alex was following me. "so what's up?" I asked as I grabbed the thing of orange juice from the fridge and started drinking it.

"What's up is that you, my friend, are busted," he drug out the busted part. "I came over here to see what you were doing, right? Then I see you're not here so I go to the next place I think of, The girls house." I scowl at him, wondering how he knew where she lived. "and low and behold, I find you taking her out! So... how did it go?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me, causing me to smack him on the arm.

"What did I say about doing that, it's just down right creepy." I shivered.

"You're avoiding!" Alex shouted, jumping up from the counter and pointing an accusing finger at me.

"Yes," I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I... I took your advise and made it up to her."

"I knew it!" he fist pumped in the air. "so how did it go?" he asked eagerly.

"What are you, a girl?" I joked, chuckling uneasily.

"No, now get to it." He motion at me to keep talking.

"I picked her up and we went to the amusement park, then I took her to the Bavarian Restaurant and Bakery for some dessert." I shrugged nonchalantly, putting the orange juice away.

"What? Thats' it?" he asked incredulously as he furrowed his eyebrows at me. "nothing happened?"

"No... why would anything happen?" I asked him strangely.

"Never mind... so, are you guy's friends now?" he smiled.

"I don't know, possibly." I shrugged my shoulders with a slight smile on my face, then it changed into a confused one as I remembered what we were talking about at the restaurant.

"What's with the face?" he asked me curiously.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. " I shook my head.

"No, there's something, what's up?" he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the counter.

"It's nothing... we were just talking and everything, she asked me a simple question-joking around because I said that Mrs.Bäcker was a friend so she joked about me having other friends than her and you… and it just sort of came out." I said, still confused about it myself to even think about if I was saying something that made sense.

"What just slipped out?" Alex looked so flipping confused and concerned at the moment that I almost laughed, but I was still too confused myself to.

"I started talking about my mom." I whispered as I looked down at my hands.

"She got you to talk about your mom?" Alex's eyebrows were almost as high as his hairline.

"That's what i'm saying, she didn't even ask about my mom, I just sort of started taking about her without a second thought!" I threw my hands up in the air, confused as to why I would just randomly start talking about my mom-even if it was something small and simple-to a girl I barely met two weeks ago.

"I think..." I looked over at Alex as he trailed off. "I think she's good for you, that she's helping you to try and trust again. You are always so closed off, not even I can barely get you to talk about her, to be honest I'm glad but jealous, haha. I mean, i've known you for what, six years? and we've talked about your past all of maybe ten times, but then she come's in and she's got you talking about it without even a second thought crossing your mind." he shrugged. "that's why your confused. you're wondering how you could just randomly talk to her about something when you can barely talk to me about it, you're starting to trust her... that's what's confusing and scaring you."

We sat there in silence as I thought over it for a minute. Could I really be trusting someone I just met, this fast? It would make sense as to why I just randomly started talking about my mom, but it still doesn't make sense why I started trusting her in the first place.

"When did you become a Psychologist?" I joked lamely, still looking down at the floor.

"Since apparently you've needed one." He chuckled, patting me on the back. "I think you should just go with it, with whatever it is that you're feeling. Your gut instincts are usually right, which is why your good in a fight, but also good with people. If it's telling you that you can trust her, I would listen to it." I nodded my head as I listened to him. "Besides, it would be nice if I wasn't the only one watching your sorry butt all the time." He joked and playfully punched me before jumping back.

"Oh, you're so going to get it!" I jumped up from the counter and ran after him. As Alex and I horsed around, I couldn't help but wonder to myself, will it really be that easy to let someone else in my life?


Well? what do you guy's think?!?! sorry it took so ling to get out, so to make up for it i added a bit extra and made it longer!

let me know what you think? should Garret start trusting Keeley? is it too soon?
What do you think happened with his past?

Let me know! comment below! lol, that rhymed.


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