baekmi | king & queen

By FairyHeartz

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gotten a scholarship to study at an elite school with my friend,Krystin. who knew that going to this school w... More

author's note
chapter 2 - living together
chapter 3 - prom
chapter 4 - kissed
chapter 5 - a bet
chapter 6 - being his slave for a day
chapter 7 - confession
chapter 8 - engagement
chapter 9 - him
chapter 10 - jealousy HAHAHAH
chapter 11 - broken off engagement

chapter 1 - king & queen

399 14 10
By FairyHeartz

Bomi's POV:
I was there,waiting for my friend,Krystin.In the midst of waiting for her,the surroundings was noisy just like being in a noisy market.After a while,I spotted her in a crowd of people.She was probably being crushed by those people.I walked towards the direction of the crowd to help her.I pulled her out of the crowd.


No problem!Also,hurry,assembly gonna start soon

Okay then

Krystin and I run hurriedly to the auditorium for the assembly.We run through those huge flight of stairs with a fast speed.I was literally panting when we running and also now.This also same goes to Krystin.

Drink water,Krystin

Same goes to you too,Bomi

I was too tired from running too fast that i was not aware of my surroundings.Suddenly,Krystin shake me up to bring me back to reality.

Eh?Yes?What do you want,Krystin?

It's not me,it's that person who wants you

That person?

I looked at what Krystin was pointing to.It was a man in a black suit like a bodyguard.

Oh,but why would that person want me for?

How can I know that?Anyways,he has been calling your name since just now

Is there a 'Yoon Bomi' here?If you are here,please raise up your hand
-That person

I raised up my hand.

Finally,you raised up your hand.Come on,let's go
-That person

Wait,go to where?

You find out soon.Come on,follow me now
-That person

I followed the person.In my head,i was thinking 'What does he want?' , 'Did I do something wrong?' and etc.Suddenly,he stopped his footsteps.I bumped to him and was going to tell him to 'Watch where he is going' but I didn't managed to utter a word due to someone pulling me that results me to be sitting on a chair.

Where am I?

Finally,you are here

Who are you and why am I here?

You will find out who am I and the reason you are here soon

Can't you just tell it to me now?

I asked but that person just ignore me like my question was not heard and paying attention towards something else.I felt irrated at that moment.'How I wished I can punch him right on his face' is what i'm having in my mind but i held down my temper.Soon after,a female student stood on stage.All of the students' attention were on her.

Good morning to all of you.I'm Kim Taeyeon.I am a heir to 'Kim's Manufacturing' and will guide you during this assembly

Kim's Manufacturing?I think I heard that before

I mumbled and try to recollect my memories of 'Kim's Manufacturing'.A few minutes later,I finally remembered that they were one of the richest and productive company.

"So,she is the heir?She is quite a beauty and seem to have good manners too" i thought.

By the time I was back to reality,the things she talked about and was presenting is almost finished.Soon after,Taeyeon,the female student,finished talking.Just when I was about to put my hands together to give her an applause,she mutter something.

Before we forget,I have yet to announce the King and Queen which all of you have been anticipating

"King?Queen?What does that relate to the school?Oh,is it the principal and the vice-principal of the school?Gotta give him and her a standing ovation since they were the ones whom let me and Krystin to be accepted inside this school which seem impossible for commoners to go to" i thought in my head.

So,this is the moment we have been waiting for.Give an applause to the King a.k.a Byun Baekhyun as well as the Queen a.k.a Yoon Bomi

Oh,Byun Baekhyun and Yoon Bomi?Congratulations to them.Wait,Yoon Bomi,isn't that my very own name?Why is my name called?What the hell is happening?

Come,my queen.Let's get onto the stage
-someone a.k.a Baekhyun

He lended out his hand.I took his hand without realisation as he interlock our hands together while walking together towards the stage.Upon realisation,I was already on stage.He let go of my hand and Taeyeon gave me the microphone that she was holding onto.

A microphone?

I whispered to her.

Umm,you just need to say everything from the slide above but first,please introduce yourself


Umm,good morning and hello,i'm Yoon Bomi and I will be talking more about this school.Let's get over it now

I said and started to say what was on the slide.I stuttered my words time to time and my voice becoming softer by the second.Without knowing,I skipped some parts due to being flustered.When I finished what I managed to say from the slide,I also added that 'Even though exams are far from now,please study hard and do your best to be able to do well in the future so it will be good enough for your standards.That is all.Thank you for listening'.I ended my unplanned speech with just saying things from the slide and from my mind.The audience of the whole lot of students were quiet.No noise was even heard.

'Wait,is this really the school I was at?Why is it so different from what I heard just now?' i thought in my head.

Suddenly,Taeyeon,who was sitting with the students raised up her hand.


Umm,Queen,your words aren't feasible for us to understand since the start till the end.Also,all of us don't see why were you qualified to be a Queen.Did you sign up for this yourself or gotten some help from your family?

Other students started to giggle.Her words is making me turning on my switch.I was burning in fury inside.I try to hold it in but I couldn't anymore.

I know you have a lot to ask me and it seems that you have a wish that wanting to be a queen so why don't you just take this spot away?Don't even ask me about how am I qualified for this Queen thingy as I know nothing about this.That's all,bye

I said and left the auditorium.I head directly to the principal's office.

-in the meantime-

Baekhyun's POV:
I saw that girl storming her way out of this auditorium.I thought to myself 'That girl is quite interesting.Should I play with her?'.I take this chance to say something.

Students,I'm sorry for the Queen's behaviour.It seems that she is new so she is unaware to this situation.I will be sure to explain to her when this assembly finishes

The students seem to be apologetic enough.

So,since Queen managed to say what she could.I guess I could give the microphone to Miss Kim Taeyeon to continue with the assembly while I catch up with the Queen


By the way I see it,this girl is head over heels on me.

-in the meanwhile-

Bomi's POV:
I barged in the principal's office.The principal himself is shocked by my action.

Principal,I know it's rude to barge in suddenly but why am I selected to be the Queen?

Well,you are the smartest student for female in this school

But,why me?

Because you were chosen to do so and you qualify for the Queen's position.Just be hard working as you are now and you will be able to keep your Queen's position

But,I do not want this position.Can you give this position to someone else?

No can do,Miss Yoon Bomi.It has been decided and the Queen will only change when you were to drop your ranking in academics but Queen will only change once a year if needed to

But,principal,can't you make an exception?

That will be unfair to others

"When did he appear?" i said in my head.

Yea,that's correct.It is just like Mr Byun Baekhyun just had said.So,please at least cope with it for a year.I got some other work to do so please return back to your assembly


I said sadly and went out of the office. Baekhyun,at the other side,is smirking.

Why are you smirking?

Can't I?Sad for you that you will unable to change the Queen's position

Such a rude jerk

Eh,don't call me that.We will be together for 24 hours so it's better to be getting along than arguing with each other

That's true but wait,what do you mean that we will be together for 24 hours?

Who knows?Ask your friend for more information

He said as he walked away.

Eh?Wait!Where are you going?

I asked but there was no response from him.I was left alone,standing there while being dumbstruck.Not knowing where to go,I went back to the auditorium and sat beside Krystin.

-an hour later-

Assembly is finally finished and students are heading to their classroom as well as I with Krystin.

Bomi,why did you leave so suddenly just now?

I was going to ask the Principal to switch my position with someone else but-

Let me guess,the principal said 'cannot'?

Ya,he said i got chosen because of my good academics.Why didn't they chose you and not me?Your academics is good

Well,it is just not good as yours.Also,i have something to tell you later

Oh,okay.You can't tell it to me now?

I could if I can but it's class time right now

Oh,yea.Let's go inside the classroom


Upon entering the classroom,I saw someone i really did not want to see,Byun Baekhyun."Why must he be in the same class with me?Is this what he meant by me and him being together for all 24 hours?".Also,I saw someone who turned on my switch just now,Kim Taeyeon.She is clinging to him even when the teacher is there.

Both of you,go and find a place to sit for now

-Bomi and Krystin

Both of us took a seat at the back together.From the back,the whole class is in a very big mess.Suddenly,a very loud sound coming out from a chalk is shrieking our ears and it made the students in class quiet in just a second.

Finally,you are quiet.Seat down on your seats.I will be assigning you om where all of you are going to sit.No one are allowed to do seat exchanges

I hope i get to sit next to you,Krystin

Me too

Before I forget,i'm your homeroom teacher,Park Shin Hye
-Teacher Shin Hye

Also,i have decided on where all of you be sitting
-Teacher Shin Hye

Okay,"......" and "....." seat there,..........."Park Hye Kyrstin" and "Do Kyung Soo" seat there.......finally,"Yoon Bomi" and "Byun Baekhyun" seat at the back
-Teacher Shin Hye

"It's disappointing for me,being unable to seat next to Kyrstin but sitting next to that Byun Baekhyun is more worse," i said in my mind.

I walked to where the teacher pointed and saw 'Byun Baekhyun' there,sitting while resting his head on the table.Luckily,in front of me,I have Kyrstin.I sat on my seat and payed attention to the teacher.

We won't be having lessons today since it's your first day in this classroom,so,now,I'm giving time for all of you to do introductions of yourself
-Teacher Shin Hye

Starting from the first row,students introduced themselves one by one.Now,it was my best friend,Krystin's turn to introduce herself.

Hi!I'm Park Hye Krystin and my...........

Time passes by and it's my turn.I stood up and introduce myself.

I'm Yoon Bomi,nice to meet you

Is that all you want to say?
-Teacher Shin Hye

I nodded and she said it's for the last person to introduce himself.There was not even a sound heard.

"Why is he not saying anythi-,he's sleeping," i said in my mind.

Miss Yoon,would you mind waking up your seatmate?
-Teacher Shin Hye

Byun Baekhyun,wake up

I said but he didn't move an inch.I shake him while asking him to wake up.

Teacher,he is not waking up

Nevermind,i think all of you know about him already
-Teacher Shin Hye

Anyways,moving on,all of you will be doing a project
-Teacher Shin Hye

Almost all of the students in class sighed.

Teacher,why do we have to do a project right at the start of the year?
-Student 1

Some students nod in the agreement.

Aish,i didn't mean the project will be right now.Can't you guys just listen to me till the end?The project will be held somewhere along this year.It is not starting now,get it?Anyways,there will be a prom tomorrow so get your things ready
-Teacher Shin Hye

A prom?Right at the start of the year?

I guess you didn't know,Yoon Bomi-ssi.It's an annual prom for all the students before the school lessons start
-Teacher Shin Hye

I said 'ohh' to show that I understand.

Oh yeah,since school lessons have not yet start,i will go take my laptop from the staff room so we can watch movies or something.For now,talk among yourself but don't be too loud or a punishment is awaiting for all of you
-Teacher Shin Hye

The students nodded their heads.As soon as the teacher leave,the noises start to rise again but only whispers can be heard.I can hear someone's footsteps,nearing my table,it was Kim Taeyeon.

Do you want to talk to him?Come here and sit next to him

Really?Thanks for your offer

I stood up and went to Krystin.

Bomi,is it fine that she is sitting on your seat?

It's fine.I would rather stand and talk to you than sitting next to him while waiting for the teacher

You really dislike him that much?

Yea,I do.

Don't hate him too much,Bomi.Do you know there is a saying "the person that you hated the most will become the person that you will love the most in the future,"?

Yea,I do know of that saying.Anyways,don't talk about him.Talk about something else

Before Krystin could say something,the teacher came in and everyone went back to their seats as well as I.The teacher set up the laptop and show us a movie,a Pororo movie.

Seriously,teacher?A child movie?
-Student 2

Most of the students groaned.

Just watch it or go to sleep or anything you want as long as the noise level doesn't rise more than 6 inches
-Teacher Shin Hye

Looking at the movie and watching it made most of us fell asleep and that includes me as well.It's a morning bedtime for all the students who fell asleep and my homeroom teacher as well.

-a few hours later-

The bell rang and the loud voice of a wake up call from the teacher woke me up.I slowly opened my eyes and see such a good-looking and cute sleeping guy,right in front of my face,that is easing my eyes.I yawned upon waking up.

"Such a cute sleeping face," i thought as i look at Baekhyun.

"Wait,Bomi,get your mind straight,that's Baekhyun," i said while face palming myself.

Okay,everyone,wake up.It's time for lunch break
-Teacher Shin Hye

Students start to wake up one by one.Yawning of students waking up and standing up to go eat at the cafeteria.I woke up Krystin,who was deeply asleep.

Krystin,let's go

I said as I dragged her to the rooftop instead of the cafeteria.

So,what did you want to tell me just now?

It is not that important but I just wonder and is worried whether going to this elite school is the right decision

That's all?Don't need to worry about that.If they were to bully you or anything because of your background,tell me right away.I will be by your side to protect you and maybe give them a flying kick

Thanks,Bomi.You are such a caring friend.Should we go eat lunch now?

Yup,let's go

We arrived at the cafeteria and took our food.We placed our food on an empty table and sat on the chairs.While eating,i heard many students talking about me such as "She is the queen?Her looks are average,she doesn't seem to be rich.Only good point is that she is just smart and etc".Those words stabbed me in a way.

Bomi,don't worry about them.Just ignore them

Will do

Out of the sudden,someone placed their food on our table.Some students gasped.I look up to see who it was and it was 'Byun Baekhyun' again with his friend beside him.That friend is Krystin's seatmate.

What do you want?

Can't we both King and Queen sit together for lunch?Is there a rule that don't allow us to?

No,there isn't.Just sit there.You gathering so much attention

Will do then

By the way,how did you even become a King?A guy like you become one is such a mistake

A guy like me becoming a King is a mistake?Be careful of your words,Miss.I have the most priority than anyone in this school.Don't ever try to underestimate me

Do Kyung Soo,what is he talking about?

Oh,well,his family is one of the richest families in the whole world and his good academics lead him to getting a position of a King
-Kyung Soo

You got a good background,Byun Baekhyun?Oh,wait,Byun BACON

I said and especially emphasises on the word 'Bacon'.

You rascal.What did you just say?

Umm...Byun B-A-C-O-N

I said and laughed.

Isn't that a good nickname for you?

A good nickname?Call me that again and I will bring your family to misery

Okay,i will stop.Just don't disturb my family or I will kill you

I shot a glare to Baekhyun while saying that.

Oh,being killed?I'm scared..Also,stop glaring at me,Missy or your family will really be in trouble

Tsk.Just go away after you eat

Really?You wouldn't want me to explain to you more about this Queen and King thingy?

Don't worry,i will find it out by myself.Come on,let's go Krystin

I said before we both gave our dishes to the dishwasher.Both of us head back to the classroom once again.No one was there yet.

Guess we are early

Yup,since we have free time,why don't we use this time to play?

Play what?
-Bomi and someone

Both of us looked at the someone.

You again?

I said and sighed.

Sorry for being here again and i'm sorry for my words just now.I was rude,sorry

"An apology from Byun Baekhyun?That's good to hear," i thought to myself.

It's fine

Suddenly,someone rushed inside the classroom.

Has he apologise for his words just now?
-Kyung Soo

He did

Good that you did it.You listened to me
-Kyung Soo

He listen to you?You can tame that beast?

Eh,Bomi,it's rude called a human a beast.Go apologise to him

Okay,i'm sorry.Sincerely sorry

Haha,it seems that she can tame you too

Yea,she can.Isn't that great,why don't you guys pair together?

I said jokingly.I was expecting a reaction but there was none.Krystin was blushing like crazy as well as Kyung Soo.It seems they took my words seriously.

Really,you guys do harbour those feelings for each other?

I didn't hear a response so i planned of leaving them alone,to talk about it.I took Baekhyun out as well by grabbing his wrist.A while later,someone came approaching us.

Eh,Baekhyun,you are still in school?Today, school will be ending early right after lunch so that students can take out their things at their dormitory


Yea,it's true.Don't you see that the bags of students are not in class right now?

Now that you mention it,i guess it was true.I didn't see any bags beside ours

Oh,Queen?Nice to meet you.Anyways,have a fun time with each other.Sorry for bothering you guys

He said and ran away.

A fun time?Why would he think that he is bothering us?

Maybe because of this?

Because of-

I said my words incomplete upon seeing my hands still holding onto Baekhyun.I immediately let go of him.He start to tease me once again.We start to bicker with each other.

By the way,you said I will be with you for all 24 hours?Do you mean that in class or what?

Well,that's a part of it.You will know more of it soon

What do you me-

I stopped in my words as I saw Kyung Soo and Krystin walking out of the classroom,holding hands.

Both of you started dating?

Yea,we did
-Krystin and Kyung Soo

They said it shyly.I find them so cute.


You also say something to them,Baekhyun

Okay,congratulations for both of you.Last long together

All of us walked inside the classroom again to take our bags and walked to the dormitory.Boys and girls dormitory is spilt in different sections.Upon arriving the dormitory,a crowd of people was crowding at a certain place.I was curious so i take a look on what they were looking at.It was a flyer.The contents of the flyer shocked me the most.

-to be continued-

a/n : hii,i'm back with another Baekmi book

and posted this earlier than the expected date

so i hope this chapter is enjoyable for you :)

if you have time,please check my other books as well

also,i hope you guys don't mind if there are errors >^<

thanks :3

bye 👋

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