Lions Learn

By CatThatLovesToWrite

235 9 9

Elladora Arawn Mcgonagall was a gryffindor with great resemblance to her aunt, Minerva Mcgonagall. Not even t... More

The staff ball
Teaching , truly an art

Lesson One: Pain

59 2 2
By CatThatLovesToWrite

  It had been a week since her fathers death, anyone could tell she was at the edge of tears. A part of herself lost, her mind amidst in her thoughts. If you where to look at her, you wouldn't see the strict, intelligent, perfect ponytailed girl you would usually see. She looked broken, her face pale with nervousness, her eyes puffy and red from crying. She didn't let it effect her, teaching wise. She didn't have the energy to have her usual arguments over quidditch with Severus Snape. Elladora was reading more, her eyes growing colder and sadder each day. Most of the staff had noticed, some tried to comfort her the best they could. She only replied "I'm fine." Then touched her necklace...

   She had lost her friend, one of her only friends...Regulus Black in 1979. Only a few years before her brother and mother's death. She was in hiding for two years, two long painful years, Her only outside world was hogwarts the only place she felt somewhat safe. She brushed her words and thoughts off her, she had her job to do and wasn't going to stop from doing so because of a death. She learned that the hard way, people let that influence their lives when there is nothing they can do about it now. It was near Halloween for hogwarts, she was in charge of enchanting the pumpkins, she reminded herself. As the students began to file into her classroom, she took a deep breath, putting her thoughts behind her and began to teach her class.

   After her class had been taught and a pile of papers lay on her desk, She slowly began to read the essays that the sixth years had written. She sighed at the stupidity of some of her students, smiling to herself. She continued to grade and read her papers, eyes moving across the pages, occasionally dipping her silver quill into the ink. She finished her papers within the hour, as she always did. She was very quick with these things. When Elladora put her mind to something, she would stop at nothing. She didn't bother to go to the great hall for lunch, Elladora wasn't hungry these days, or any days for that matter. Just as she was about to stand up to look at the photograph again, the door creaking opening. Not turning to see who it was, she had a guess "knocking is an option." Elladora called to the witch or wizard. "Excuse me?" She heard a familiar female voice say back, a small Scottish accent in her voice. Elladora's eyes widened slowly, from fear mostly. "Why where you not in the great hall?" "I ordered food from the house elves." Ella replied hand going up to touch her necklace, she refrained herself from doing so by having another hand stop it quickly. "I don't appreciate you lying to me Elladora. I know it's hard.. but you need to talk to someone. It doesn't have to be me. But I know from personal experience," "you have Dumbledore. You realize I don't have.... someone like that." Elladora said, getting the small box down from the shelf, not daring to look at Mcgonagall. "You have friends if I recall." Mcgonagall replied, looking at her warmly. "Do you think they would understand?"  Mcgonagall was silent at her words, hurt. Elladora sat the box gently on her desk and turned to the professor. "I apologize.." She said, sighing and rubbing her eyes through her glasses. "For lying to you. I didn't order anything from the house elves" "I know. Your necklace, you always touch it when your lying." "Habit I suppose." Elladora said as Mcgonagall Turned her gaze to the box." Your fathers... he used to carry it everywhere." Elladora winced at the words, holding back tears and turning away. "I-I know..." She managed to choke out. Mcgonagall put a hand on her shoulder, they had been so close before the war... Elladora was so young... only the age of 16 when she was forced into hiding. Born in 1965, during Voldemort's rise to power. Befriending slytherins, told her they where both misunderstood....most of them turned to Voldemort. She was asked to join them, but refused. She they weren't bad friends, or bad people for that matter. Just choose the wrong path or where raised that way. Elladora was born on the nineteenth of April,nineteen sixty-five, a full moon...

   Elladora's mind raced at the memories that she had, of her whole family. Her fathers will. He made one when the war started.... she turned to Mcgonagall, teary eyed. "His will." "The ministry has it dear.." Mcgonagall stated softly, pulling Elladora into her arms. Elladora was surprised at first, her eyes softened for the first time in weeks. She embraced her aunt back, letting tears fall from her face the first time freely. They hadn't relied on each other for years.... a memory flashed through Elladora's mind:

It was Christmas, 1971. She was only eight years of age, glasses covering half of her face, bright eyes shining with happiness, her mother beside her. She was reading to her 'tales of beetle and bard' She had been introduced to transfiguration since her earlier years. There was a light knock on the door, Elladora, wearing a dark green dress, opened the door to a younger Mcgonagall. She stepped in, her hair sprinkled with snow. "Aunt Minnie!" The young girl called out, hugging her aunt, Elladora was about to her waist in height. Minerva couldn't help but smile down at the girl. Her brother and father where having a conversation, he had arrived from hogwarts a day before, he was in his second year. "Mother was just reading to me." She said, stepping back and looking up at the taller woman. Elladora quickly pushed her round glasses up, which had slide on her small nose. She then tucked a small strand of  dark blonde hair behind her ear. She turned back to the chair, finding her mother had left to join her brother and father in the kitchen. "I have a question." "What is it dear?" "Can my brother transfigure me into a teapot?" "Not outside school." "He said-" her brother had ran over and put a hand over her mouth "I didn't say anything about using transfiguration on you." "Yes you did-" Elladora said, voice muffled by the hand "That's because you where reading my books." Her brother said, uncovering her mouth."I just wanted to know how to do the thing Aunt Minnie does." Minerva turned to look at the young girl "Elladora, that's high above your level, you haven't even started schooling! It takes years to become an-" "animagus! An animagus is a witch or wizard with the rare ability to transform into a particular animal at will." Elladora blurted out, looking down in embarrassment. "Elladora, it is very dangerous." Mcgonagall replied, warning the girl. " It takes skill, practice, and most importantly patience." "I know I've read-" she turned, smiling in guilt to her brother. "Ah-ha! You have been reading my books!" "I wanted to know, Mother won't tell me anything about it, neither would father!" Minerva smiled upon the younger humans, reminding her of her and Malcolm fighting as children. "Elladora, I would like to talk to you about transfiguration, it seems you know more than your brother" Mcgonagall said winking at her, which in reaction, Elladora looked at Mcgonagall, wide eyed and smiling "of course, I would like that very much." Elladora then ran to the tree and pulled out a small box, and held it out to Minerva."I-I made it for you." She said shyly. Mcgonagall opened the box, slowly, not knowing what to expect. She opened the box fully and saw a beautiful broach, with three orange gems "H-how did you make this..?" "I went to a muggle shop and asked. The nice muggle helped me make it." "You....asked?" Elladora nodded her head, pushing up her glasses again. "Father gave me a necklace" she said looking down at the necklace she always wore.

   Minerva had given her the tartan hair ribbon that year. "Elladora, let me take you to the hospital wing." Mcgonagall said, still embracing her. She only nodded, she didn't have the energy to say anything, her throat felt as if it was swelled. She followed Mcgonagall to the hospital wing, pushing up her glasses, which where still to big for her face. Mcgonagall smiled, She never did grow into those glasses. They soon reached the hospital wing, they where greeted by the small blonde she saw earlier that week. "Hi!" The girl called "Hello Emmeline." The little girl went to hug her leg and looked up at her "I like you." Elladora smiled at the girl. "May I ask where your mother is?" "Over there." Emmeline pointed to a women, with the same long blonde hair as her. Emmeline grabbed Elladora's hand, leading her to Violet hopkirk. "Mummy this is my friend." Emmeline cooed. Mcgonagall couldn't help but smile at the sight of the young girl holding the hand of Elladora.

   Elladora was quickly examined and sent with a note to get a potion, from the private potions store at hogwarts. "Thank you." She said to Madam Hopkirk and smiled at Emmeline. "The potions storage is located near the kitchen. Professor Snape might be of-" "Professor," Elladora turned her attention to the young Emmeline "Isn't he your boyfriend?" Elladora's eyes widened and blushed slightly "N-no" She said, bright red. "I'm sorry Elladora, She tends to make assumptions." Violet said, scolding Emmeline. "Thank you again." Elladora said, walking outside with Mcgonagall. "Boyfriend?" Minerva raised her eyebrow. Elladora's eyes widened even more, she pushed up her glasses "No." "I remember you used to hang around with that slytherin boy.... What was his name...?" "Don't." She said narrowing her eyes as she was knocking on the door to the potions storage. Mcgonagall transfigured herself into her tabby cat form, wanting to listen more. Snape opened the door dramatically and raised an eyebrow. Elladora handed him the paper, pushing up her glasses. She walked inside, looking at all the potions that lined the walls. "Tsk, tsk, little kitten is ill." Snape sneered, reading the parchment "I don't appreciate being called kitten." She replied crossing her arms, not noticing the cat watching them at the doorway. "My reason exactly." "Oh? Is it your pet name for me?" "I wouldn't think you would mind, considering-" "Come to think of it, I don't have a name for you," she pretended to think for a moment "Snake." "Original, really." He replied, keeping the potion behind his back. " My potion please." She said holding out her hand. "What potion?" "The potion I was prescribed." "And that was...?" " You Git!" She said basically climbing on him, trying to get the potion. "Severus!" She growled, "Give me that potion!" "What potion?" She jumped on him, trying to get the potion from him, "somehow you always end up on top of me, Elladora." " You arse!" She  hit him on the arm, "We are both adults!" "At least I don't tackle men." "But you annoy women." "Just you mostly." "Just give me the potion!" "What potion?" "The potion I came for!" "I have quite a lot of potions Elladora." "Just. Give. Me. The. Potion." "What potion?" "The one you have in your hand!" "Elladora, if you would get off me." "Give me the potion." "I don't believe I have a potion for you." He was hit again, the same spot on his arm. "Give it!" She turned into her Manx cat animagus and sat on him. "Elladora, Get off me." The cat just got more comfortable on this chest. " Your to old for-" The cat was now looking at him, head tilted slightly. Severus held the cat, standing up and lifting the cat in the air. Elladora's eyes widened and transfigured back, hitting him. "Do I look like a lion?" He caught her hand by the wrist, "Yes." "Just a question, Snake." "What is it little kitten? I would really like to know." He replied sarcastically. "Why won't you give me the potion I need." She said crossing her arms.

   "Because I obviously value your time so very much, Elladora." "Give me the potion, Now." She growled. "But we where having so much fun." He smirked a rare smirk. "Speak for yourself." "Make me." "I just did, Severus." She said getting closer, trying to intimidate him. He stepped closer as well, making her stop in her steps. Her eyes widened as he got closer to her face, smirking. While he was inches from her face, Minerva was still watching with curious eyes. "Seems." He said, leaning closer. A loud smack was heard throughout the room, Elladora had slapped Snape, grabbing the potion from his hand quickly and running out of the room, the cat at her heels.  She pushed up her glasses, looking behind her quickly, slowing down. "Thank Merlin..." She said, breathing hard from running. She looked at the potion bottle, an empty one. "That git." She said, looking down at the cat, wide eyed. Elladora's face flushed "You saw....all of that....didn't you...?" Mcgonagall un-transfigured herself, looking at her niece,"Every word." "And....?" "I'm not disappointed." Elladora looked at her, a small smile graced Elladora's face. "I had a reason to slap him." She stated. "And your reason was?" "He was.... to close for my liking." "Reasonable." " just said your not disappointed." "You where defending yourself, but if it where me, I would have hexed him." "Now I have to go back to get the actual's not even a necessary potion it just is rumored to give the same effect of muggle vitamins. And most students in the sixth year newts know how to.." She realized it was Halloween... She needed to enchant the pumpkins. She pushed up her glasses and said to Mcgonagall "I have business to attend to, I apologize." Mcgonagall nodded her head in understanding and as Elladora was walking down the hall she called out. "Elladora!" Elladora quickly turned as Mcgonagall walked to her. " I would like to discuss transfiguration with you over tea." "Of course, I would like that very much." Elladora smiled and walked off, determined.

She walked to the great hall, where other teachers where doing various decorations. She looked around and prayed she didn't run into a certain potions professor. She be an to enchant the pumpkins with her own incantations, one by one. She had enchanted all of the pumpkins when she suddenly jumped behind the pumpkins, for two reasons. Reason one: blonde blob with bright white teen and a big ego. Reason Two: Slytherin potions master with a grumpy attitude. She cursed at herself, the pumpkins began floating up and looked at her surroundings: tables and a door far away from her. She began making her way to the door, trying to avoid as many people as possible. She thought she was safe, turning the corner running straight into Gilderoy Lockhart. She pushed up her glasses and continued walking, "Ah, Miss Elladora." She stopped in her steps and cursed under her breath, "Lovely Evening." She replied. "Not as lovely as you." She blushed slightly and turned to him. "I certainly doubt that, but thank you." "Would you like to accompany me?" He gestured to the great hall. "I don't believe so." "I insist." He gave one of his bright smiles that blinded many women of his arrogance. Elladora was more intelligent than to let that blind her, she didn't care for looks much. She just nodded and walked with him, looking down. "Did you hear of my great-" Lockhart was broke off my A Violet hopkirk, "Elladora you are needed right away." Elladora just followed Violet. "Needed for what..?" "Even I know you don't like Lockhart, I mean he is handsome, but when you get to know him his ego is bigger than his teeth." "Thank you, and I agree completely." Elladora realized she liked this small hufflepuff, she reminded her of Elladora's brother. "Doesn't the great hall look splendid?" Violet smiled. Elladora only nodded and smiled back. She slowly looked around the room, Lockhart talking to Severus, which made her chuckle to herself at Severus's unamused face. They suddenly made eye contact, Elladora turning away and continued to talk to Violet.

The feast soon started, Elladora joining Violet at the staff table. She heard the chair to her occupied, but didn't turn to see who was indeed sitting there. They where having a nice walk across the grounds, talking casually about herbology. They both suddenly stopped and walked to where the students where gathered around a wall, writing in what seemed....blood... madam hopkirk stepped into the crowd and towards Mrs.Norris, which was hanging on a hook. Elladora turned to see the other professors arrived, one student asked," Professor...are we safe...the muggleborns that is.." "I-I am unsure. But I assure you, we will have this under control as soon as possible." She then walked over to the other teachers gathered, Minerva quickly sending the students to their dorms. "What has happened..." "petrified.." "What?" "Petrified," "chamber of secrets?" The words kept flowing from the professors mouths, Elladora kept quiet but listened. "Who else has been taken?" "Ginny Weasley." Violet grabbed her wrist, pulling her aside. "What kind of.... Monster do you think it is?" She asked, hands shaking. "Well if it was slytherin's monster.... the crest of slytherin is-" "a snake!" Violet said, worry filling her face. "Where is Emmeline?" "With the house elves..." " I need to get that potion... it's on the way to the hospital wing if I'm correct?" "Yes." "Then you can go to Emmeline and I can get my potion, we can walk together." She said that so Violet wouldn't be afraid, she was very intelligent, Violet was. Violet nodded her head in agreement.

They made their way to the potion storage, Elladora walking Violet to the Hospital wing first. She walked alone to the potions storage casually, hearing noises behind her. Every time she heard those noises she began to walk faster, until she was running. She got to the potions storage breathing hard, chest going up and down in movement. She knocked furiously on the potion storage's door. The noise was getting closer, jingling almost. She slowly pulled out her wand, ready to cast a spell in any given moment. Her wrist was grabbed suddenly, being pulled into the room forcefully. She quickly straightened her glasses, and found herself against the back of the door. "Why where you out their alone?!" Snape growled "Are you an idiot?!" "Am I?" "You arrogant-" "at least my house's founder didn't set loose a beast." He scoffed, "and you think I did that?" "No, you most likely don't have the-" she was slammed against a wall violently, " You don't know what power I have." His voiced boomed throughout the room.

She made eye contact with him, straightening her round glasses. "So it is fine for you to call me weak, but not the other way around. Seems fair, really." "What do you want." "My potion I asked for earlier." She said, crossing her arms as her words tinted with Scottish accent. "What potion?" "I refuse to play this game again." "Then don't." He said crossing his arms and raising both eyebrows. "You know your a git. And I remind you we are both adults, not children." "Yet your calling names such as git." "Yet your testing my anger." "I do enjoy it." "You do it quite often, so you must enjoy it." "You must enjoy it, or you wouldn't come back." "Perhaps I do." She held out her hand for the potion. "Potion, please." He began to climb on a ladder swiftly, grabbing a bottle filled with orange liquid. He went down the ladder, potion in hand and placed it in her hand. "I suggest," he started dramatically " You don't slip this in with your evening firewiskey, could....." "Could what?" "It's said to kill cats..." "And what makes you think I drink? Cats-" "Pain." "What....?" "Your in pain." "What makes you think that-" "You can see it." Snape said as Elladora looked down, pushing her glasses up and holding the potion. "Thank you." She said politely and turned to leave before it got even more personal. "You aren't walking alone." She pocketed the potion "I can handle myself perfectly well, I'm not scared of some beast Slytherin created." She said opening the door to leave, Something running at her in the door way. Elladora froze as the thing came at her, her first instinct was to run or scream.

"Professor!" Emmeline said, hugging her leg. "What are you doing here?! Alone!" Elladora said, pale in the face. "I wanted to see you." "Do you know how dangerous-" "I was scared. I couldn't find mummy and I absolutely hate the house elves! And I-" "Let me take you back to the hospital wing." "I want to stay with you!" "Your mother will be worried about-" Elladora heard a jingling sound, she quickly pulled Emmeline into the room. "You could have been hurt or worse-" "But I wasn't..." "But you could have been!" Elladora quickly looked around the room, noticing Severus was slightly behind her. "We need to get you to your mother at once." "You said we." Severus growled from behind her. "I realize what I said, Severus." She took Emmeline by the hand and Slowly opening the door, wand drawn. "Lumos." She whispered and began to lead Emmeline back to the hospital wing swiftly.

They reached the hospital wing quickly, they moved as quickly as possible. There stood Violet, worry faced "Mummy!" Emmeline ran to hug her as well. The rain pitter-pattered against the windows of the hospital wing, this set Elladora's mind into a relaxation she had never felt. "Off to bed Emmeline. Now." Emmeline hung her head, going to a small room in the back of the hospital wing. "Elladora, I apologize Emmeline-" "Its perfectly fine, I believe I am late for tea..." "tea? At this hour? Elladora it is nearly midnight." "What?" "It's almost midnight." "I must go." "Your not walking alone....are you?" "Yes, I'm not frightened." "Elladora I can't possibly.." "You have to remember, I am very capable of using my wand." "You don't mean using unforgivable spells...?" "Of course not! People don't go around throwing unforgivable spells." Violet went to hug her, Elladora's hands staying at her sides. "You look like your..." "in pain, So I've been told." Elladora quickly pushed up her glasses. "Evening." She said nodding her head at Violet and exiting the room, wand still glowing."

She didn't bother to knock at Mcgonagall's door at this hour, feeling ashamed. She was four hours late for merlin's sake! She stopped at her door, saying the password as the lion allowed her to pass. Elladora quickly let down her hair, exhausted she then sat in her favorite chair. She slowly opened her favorite book, a muggle tale her father had shown her years ago, a book of the name 'Catriona'. She had read it almost a million times, each time understanding more. She heard a small sound being made outside of her door, she put her knees to her chest, childlike. The noise began to get louder and closer until it seamed it was right at her door. She held her knees tighter to her chest, frightened slightly. The noise suddenly stopped, causing Elladora to freeze dropping her book.

She untucked her knees and stood up, walking to the door. She slowly put her hand on the knob her hand shaking madly. Elladora took her wand out of her robes, ready to cast a spell at any given moment. She slowly opened the door. She didn't remember what happened but she closed the door quicker than ever, she hand had a gash right at the wrist. Ella held it dearly, trying to stop the bleeding. Did someone try to....kill her..?

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