We'll meet again | Vhyun

By Milkitys

35.7K 1.3K 115

Jealousy, love and friendship. Why do I feel this way? cover by @emer129 More

Chapter 1: It all begins
Chapter 2: The notebook
Chapter 3: Changes
Chapter 5: The kiss?
Chapter 6: Someone new
Chapter 7: The more the merrier
Chapter 8: Stop
Chapter 9: That night
Chapter 10: First date
Chapter 11: Who is he?
Chapter 12: Escape
Chapter 13: End?
Chapter 14: Not surpised
Chapter 15: We aren't the same
Chapter 16: Wait why me?
Chapter 17: Otaku, gamer and hacker!
Chapter 18: Time to give up
Chapter christmas
Chapter 19: Truth or Lie
Part 20: Sleeping beauty
Part 21: Hate me
Chapter 22: Forced
Chapter 23: Happy ending?
Chapter 24: Our promise

Chapter 4: Our Mistake

1.5K 63 4
By Milkitys

Baekhyun's POV

Seeing my little brother holding a girl and running out the school made me smile. He has finally grown up and found someone he likes, I just hope she's not like "her".

I walked back in to school, I wasn't looking and Bam I've hit someone.

"I'm soooo sorry!!!" I said

I looked at her she stared back with starry eyes

"Tae- Taeyeon???" I questioned

She stood up and ran away

Dahyun'a POV

I wanted to say let me go but I just can't, I want to follow him and let him bring me somewhere.

"Where are we going Taehyung?" I asked

"You'll see just wait and follow." He replied

Soon we arrived at somewhere I didn't expect to arrive, a dance studio.

"Taehyung why did you bring me here??" I asked

"Well...."He said shyly "iI.....think I might.... Have" Does he like me??? Is he going to confess??? Is this the beginning of my love story??? Theses thoughts came rushing into my brain.

Taehyung's POV

I couldn't continue as I was about to confess, but instead I said "I might want to know you more and be great friends" I finished.

Seeing her face from a bright smile back to a frowning smile. "Oh, sure...." She said in a sad tone. Did I just mess up??? Should I just confessed, I then wanted to say I like you but before I could say it she said "well I'm gonna go.... I'm Im going to practice dancing at home."

"Well you can stay and practice here...." I smiled "I can teach you some moves to improve your dancing ;)" I said

"No no it's fine, I need to go home back." She said without making eye contact. A few seconds later she disappeared into the darkness.

Dahyun's POV

I walked slowly expecting him to come chasing fro me and saying I'm sorry but I love you. But nothing happened....... I looked up at the stars, it looked beautiful. Then I ran away filled with tears, when I ran home, seeing that my parent's car was not there I figured they were not home. I wiped all my tears away before I knocked on the door, then Jackson opened the door.


I didn't say anything and just walked it, and asked only one question "where is Mum and dad?"


"YOUR NOT MUM!!" I shouted back, I quickly ran upstairs to my room and locked the door.

Soon after that I fell asleep.

Jackson's POV

What up with her??? I just cared about her, as I'm her older brother. She went with that Taehyung kid -.- really out of all the boys she choose him.

I stood up and went upstairs, I knocked on dahyun's door. No reply, I tired opening it but it was locked.

"Dahyun let me in!! I'm sorry for what happened down there ;-; I just hope you will forgive me." I said but there was still no reply so I left.

Dahyun's POV

I woke up today at 5 am I had 2 hour extra till I had to get up. But for some reason I couldn't go back to sleep, I closed my eyes but no. My thought was filled with Taehyung and Jackson. Why??? Why does it have to happen to me??? Only me ㅜ ㅜ.

I stared at the ceiling for about 2 hours straight thinking about that. OK!! At last I thought, I'm going to make things right. I will apologise to Jacksonbecause I have become a bad sister and I will try and be the greatest friend Taehyung will have, for the sake of my problems. When I finished thinking about all this it was 7 am already. I got up and knocked on Jackson's door. It seems that he left, I now was all alone at home.

Today I didn't bother to do my proper daily routine, but instead I went out to the nearby café and had breakfast.

Sitting there I was looking out of the window till Taehyung walked pass, I quickly hid my face. He then enters the café, he didn't see you but you act like you not there. Then he leaves after he got what he ordered.

Taehyung's POV

I walked into the café not knowing what to get Dahyun, as I finished ordering and paid I see her hid her face from me. Did I do something wrong??? Was yesterday a mistake?? Should I even get friendly with her??? I thought of that till my order was here. I was about to walk to Dahyun but didn't have til he guts to, so I left instead and pretended I didn't see her.

To be continued...

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