Wrapped Around Your Finger ||...

By malumslovelife

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"You had me Wrapped Around Your Finger," he murmured to the picture. He looked to the small girl sleeping bes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

447 12 0
By malumslovelife

I never mentioned a lot of Luke's background and stuff. Just know Luke, Frankie, and the other three live in Michigan (USA). Their families are still in Australia.

"Daddy," Luke heard a voice whisper excitedly. He opened his eyes, and looked next to him to see his excited daughter.

"What hon?" He asked hoarsely.

"It's snowing!" Frankie giggled happily, trying her best not to start jumping on the bed.

"Yeah?" He smiled softly.

"Yeah! Can we go play in it?" She pleaded.

Luke thought for moment. He didn't really want to go out in the cold, but on the other hand, it would make his daughter ecstatic. "Fine, but first you need to eat breakfast, and clean your room."

Frankie's face dropped when he said that. "I don't wanna' clean my room," she pouted, crossing her tiny arms.

"But you will," Luke informed, getting up to throw on a T-shirt.

"No!" She yelled.

Luke immediately turned around, giving her a warning look. "What did you say to me?"

"No! I don't wanna' clean my room!" She angrily yelled at her father.

"Frankie, if you want to go outside, you will clean your room and not throw a fit. There's only a few toys and books you need to pick up. And then you just need to make your bed. If you keep arguing with me, you won't go outside at all," he declares, already getting a little frustrated.

She jumps off the bed, stomping off to her room. Luke finishes getting dressed, and walks into his master bathroom. He looks in the mirror with a sigh. He runs his fingers through his hair when he noticed the bags under his eyes and the dull look in his eyes. He needed to get out more...

"What happened to you, Luke?" He asked himself quietly.

He walked out of his bathroom and went to check on Frankie. As expected, she was slowly cleaning up her little mess of toys. The little girl saw him standing there, and pouted.

"Daddy, I don't wanna' clean," she whimpered.

He looked at the little girl with a small frown. He hated when she was upset. "I know baby, but the sooner you get done, the sooner you can play outside," he informed. Right away, the little girl began rushing around her room to finish. "Don't forget to make your bed," he reminded her.

He walked away and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. When he was nearly done, he heard the front door open. "It's Ashton," he heard his best friend yell. He had given Ash a key to his house a little bit after he moved in since he came over so often.

Luke and Ashton had met through Calum, another best friend. Luke and Calum have been friends since grade school, but didn't really become good friends until later on. However, Luke met Ashton when he was searching for a job.

Calum had mentioned knowing somebody who works at a school that had an opening for what Luke wanted. So Luke took the opportunity in a heartbeat. In the process, he ended up becoming great friends with the one and only Ashton Irwin, whom was also a close colleague.

Ashton walked into the kitchen to see Luke cooking up a storm. As if on cue, Frankie ran down the stairs, screaming for her Uncle Ashton. He gave a bright smile, lifting her up with a twirl. "What's up Franklin?"

The little girl immediately grimaced. "Franklin's a boy name! My name's Frankie!" She said with a glare.

"I know Frankie. I'm teasing you," Ashton chuckled, kissing her forehead. Luke started serving the food. Luckily he had made some extra.

He set Frankie's plate at her chair along with some orange juice. "Frankie, did you finish cleaning?" The little girl nodded as her Uncle Ashton sat her down in the chair. "So if I go up there, it'll be all nice and clean?"

"Yes daddy," she promised with a toothy grin.

"Here Ash," Luke said, handing Ashton a plate of food. "Want anything to drink?"

"Some coffee would be nice," he informs, starting to dig into his meal.

After eating and checking Frankie's room, it was time to go outside. The three of them bundled up, and headed out to the backyard. While Frankie was making snow angels, Ashton and Luke stood watching.

"So how's Cora doing?" Luke questions. Cora is Ash's fiancé. She is currently pregnant, so that put off the wedding for Cora's sake.

"She's doing good. The baby's coming along, too. It's due any day now," he smiled. They had decided to keep the gender a surprise. However, they're really hoping for a girl.

"How's Little Man?" Luke asks. Little Man is his three year old boy. His real name is Conner, but everybody calls him by his nickname.

"He's doing really well. He started preschool, so that keeps him out of my hair," Ashton chuckles. "I'm just hoping he'll take being a big brother okay."

"I'm sure he will," Luke assures.

"Daddy, I'm done playing daddy," the little girl says, hugging her father's legs.

"Yeah? Do you want some hot cocoa?" Luke suggests, picking the slightly shivering girl up. She nods, and hugs her daddy close. The three headed inside to warm up.

Luke made up some hot cocoa for the three of them as Frankie chose out a movie. Soon enough, they were on the couch watching Monsters Inc. This was one of Frankie's favorite movies. Luke always wondered why she wasn't into Frozen that much, but he was honestly glad.


It was late at night, and Frankie had fallen asleep while watching Big Hero 6. Luke carefully lifted Frankie, and took her upstairs. He tucked her into her bed, and switched on her nightlight. He softly kissed her forehead before tip toeing out of her room.

He headed back to the living room to see Ashton scrolling through his Facebook. "Want a beer?" He suggested. Ashton quickly checked the time.

"Sorry mate. Maybe next time? I gotta' get home to the family," he informed with apologetic face.

"It's fine Ash. See you at work?"

"As usual," he smiles, standing up. "Oh shit, I almost forgot. The weekend after Christmas, Cora and I are having a small party. It's just a few close friends and their families. Such as Michael, Calum, and Heather. We were thinking you and Frankie could come?"

"Of course mate. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yup. Bye," he said, heading out.


Luke shut, and locked the door behind Ashton. He walked into the den, turning off the TV, and picking up a few toys. He glanced at the picture of himself and Eli. It was one of those picture perfect days. They were at the beach with Luke's family. Liz ended up taking a picture of them kissing passionately in the ocean. It was perfection.

He picked up the picture, and sat on the couch. He began thinking about what could be happening right now if she never got in that car accident. If she never left the house. If they never got in that stupid ass fight that was pointless. If he had never made that stupid remark about not being able to go out anymore because of Frankie being here. He knew it was his fault...

Aw, poor Luke :( That ending made me so upset.

Anyways, if you haven't noticed, I changed Frankie's age to five... She's too sophisticated for a three year old sooo

Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me if you haven't. Please DM me any ideas for chapters, or any suggestions to make this book better.


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