Moon Heir (Moon Child Series...

By daawesomeme

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(SEQUEL TO MOON CHILD) Opal is trouble. A lot of trouble in one small package. At sixteen she already smokes... More

Moon Heir (Moon Child Series Book 2)
Character Interviews
Chapter 1: You say Stupid, I say Fun
Chapter 2: Dresses, Drinks and Trouble; Oh my!
Chapter 4: A Broken Heart, a Broken Entrance, and a Broken Rep
Chapter 5: She Handled the News Better Than I thought
Chapter 6: Over Confident Blonde Really Works for You
Chapter 7: A New Friendship is Born
Chapter 8: You aren't in Trouble, Yet
Chapter 9: I'm Scared of what You'll Become
Chapter 10: Monsters
Chapter 11: Lonely

Chapter 3: Blond is so Overrated

152 5 0
By daawesomeme

A.N: Hiya! So I stole this idea for the chapter from my cousin, and it's a short chapter. 

Remember, please read Star Child by kILLjOYSmileyFace! They're both supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 



A knock on my door woke my up from my slumber, and I groaned loudly in response. The throbbing head I had caused me to clutch it forcefully, and my face pulled into an agonized expression. Whoever was at the door was persistent, because they simply kept knocking. 

Thrashing, I stumbled out of bed and stomped to my door. I yanked it open, glaring daggers at the awaiting guest. Guenevere looked guilty, looking at her hands from behind my mother. My mother was anguished, her face disappointed at my appearance. But I didn't care, and crossed my arms over my chest. 

I still had on my dress from last night, but I could tell my hair was a mess and my makeup was smeared like a clown's. I was uncomfortable around my pristine mother and matching niece, and I almost sneered at them for their perfectness. They wore matching teal dresses, and I knew Natalia would be wearing the same to wherever they were going.

"What?" I snapped, looking at the two of them.

My mother cleared her throat, and Guenevere looked at me, sad. Her eyes asked, 'Why are you resenting me?' but that wasn't something to discuss with her. It wasn't my fault she'd rather deal with my mother's business then hang out with me anymore.

"Opal, that is no way to greet your mother and your cousin," my mother snarled, glaring right back at my heated gaze.

"Well, that's all you're going to get from me. It's too early for your crap," I replied, walking back into my room but leaving the door open. They walked in awkwardly, looking out of place in my dark room. The dirty and clean clothes everywhere, the dark purple walls, the black and white leather furniture, the mysterious patterned curtains and sheets, everything clashed with their auras. Their posh and immaculateness did not go with my well, me-ness.

My mother let out a short, impatient breath. I lit a cigarette, and took a long drag. I watched the smoke rise to my ceiling, and soon bounce back around the room. Completely ignoring my mother and cousin, I turned to my bedside table and pressed a button that opened my skylight window so the smoke could be released into the air. As I was doing this, I noticed the clock on my table read 3:38. I really slept that long?

"Opal, you are required to come to a dinner party with me, Guenevere, Natalia, Ashton and Annabell; the Sun Heir," my mother said, running out of patience with me.

I scoffed, and took another drag. "Natalia and Ashton are planning on being in the same room together? They haven't talked since Ashton kept that secret from Natalia, what's the special occasion?" Somewhere in my mind, a thought I couldn't decipher was trying to ease it's way into my vision, but I wouldn't let it. I didn't want any of that creepy psychic stuff right now. When it stopped nagging me, I was surprised I could actually control it. That's new.

"Opal!" Guenevere scolded, and then blushed when my mother and I both snapped our heads in her direction in shock. She never back talked me, ever. That wasn't how it worked around here.

My wide eyes then grew cold upon her, and I squinted them murderously. No one, and I mean no one got to yell at me like that. 

I pulled on an overly fake grin, my eyes baring hatefully into their sparkling eyes. "I'll go to this sh*tfest, only because it'll be an interesting show. Oh, and Helix and Alicia are coming with me."

"Of course Nathaniel and Matthew are invited, as well as your Aunt Fawn and Uncle Forte. Opal, I want you to be nice to Annabelle, she's been through a lot and she's nervous about Acrylic. She lived in the mortal world for her whole life and now she's being abruptly dragged into our world; it's a traumatic experience. She doesn't know she's the Sun Child, so please no shenanigans about that either. Best behavior." I raised my perfectly waxed eyebrows when she said this, and my mother sighed. "Well, decent behavior. You have half and hour to get ready, I'll send Alicia and Helix in after that. The dinner is at Acrylic, in the Headmistress's dining hall."

They left me to get changed, and I fell face first onto my bed, letting out a moan. My head was still screaming at me in pain, but I ignored it. I walked up my stairs and into my closet. My finger tapped against my chin and my other hand brushed along the fabrics of my clothes. I pulled out a pair ofjeggings, dark wash of course. I tugged open my dresser and rummaged around for my purple tank top with grey lace around the neckline. I found it after a few minutes of searching, and grabbed my black leather jacket on my way out. I threw them carelessly onto a beanbag chair, and skipped to my  bathroom.

The hot water woke me up, and I had a quick shower before walking back to my clothes in my fluffy black towel. I put on my underwear, jeans and tank top before drying and brushing my hair, adding a simply silver necklace with a simple crescent moon on the end, and my lucking sparkly ring. I added some light makeup, just foundation, light pink lip gloss and black eyeliner to make my eyes pop.

"Opal!" Alicia's voice shrieked from downstairs, sounding scared and anguished. I snatched my leather jacket and sprinted down the stairs, scared because of her tone of voice. I expected to see her either ghostly pale and terrified, or on the floor in a pile of blood, but I didn't see either.

"Opal! He doesn't know!" she cried, sobbing into my unprepared shoulder. Besides the fact that she was sobbing, she was fine. Her hair was a little messed up, but she seemed fine. I pulled her away, even though it was a struggle, and faced her.

Her sad eyes met mine, looking like an abandoned puppy's eyes. I sighed. "Who doesn't know what?"

"Mr. Pezpoissonfish! He doesn't know about the Giants winning the super bowl!" she wailed, falling into my shoulder again. Mr.  Pezpoissonfish was her goldfish, who she had for about a week until she killed him. Her excuse was, 'How was I supposed to know he wouldn't like salmon?' He died two weeks ago, and she didn't seem to put out about it until now.

I knew that there was no point trying to get her to come to whatever senses she had, so I just patted her back awkwardly as she cried. After ten whole minutes of crying, she sniffed and reluctantly slumped away. 

Her lips pulled into a bright smile, and her eyes went cheerful again. "Time to go! Helix had to take a phone call so he's waiting near the portal. You ready my young black dragonfly?"

I shook my head and chuckled at her sudden change of emotion, and grabbed my iPhone and headphones as I followed her retreating figure out my door. We walked in silence to the portal, where Helix was tapping his foot and glaring off into space. He was wearing a dress shirt and dark jeans, his hair actually brushed for once making it stand up like fresh cut grass. I noticed Alicia wore a ballerina pink skirt and a white t-shirt, and her hair was simply hanging around her small frame.

"Finally!" Helix huffed, walking briskly into the portal with Alicia and I in tow. 

On the other side of the portal we were brought into a forest, a forest I recognized. It was behind the school, a hidden one that no other students knew about. Since it lead to anywhere in the Moon Lands, it was best to keep it hidden. Helix, Alicia and I tiptoed around the dark campus, in the front door, up the stairs and towards the headmistress's private dining hall.

Acrylic burned down over 300 years ago, when Natalia and my mother were at war with an evil man named Jacob. We aren't even supposed to say his name aloud. The headmistress was killed, and so was everyone inside. My aunt Fawn is the only person who would talk about it, so she told Helix, Alicia and I the whole story. I didn't think I'd ever seen my mother more angry at Fawn, Forte also. It was rebuilt during the Construction, after Jacob was killed. Now, it was a tall building almost entirely made out of that stuff where it's a mirror on one side and glass on the other; so everyone inside is aware of everything going on outside without being seen by everyone else. It's a little scary, especially when you're changing, but at least the inside walls are made of wood. It was huge, despite the small number of students, and every time I looked at it I felt like an ant staring at a skyscraper. 

We were the last people to arrive besides the Sun Heir, everyone was already sitting around the table. Ashton was at the head of the table, one one side of her was Fawn's husband Jonathan, and on the other side was my uncle Rick. Next to Jonathan was Fawn, then Forte, and then an empty chair where I assumed the Sun Heir would sit. Rick was looking around awkwardly, since he was the only person on that side of the table. My mother and Guenevere canceled last minute to go make some final decisions for my party tomorrow. I took note of how she had Guenevere help her with myparty instead of me.

Only when I sat down, Helix and Alicia on either side of me, did I move my gaze over to Natalia. You see, every time I looked at her I felt over whelmed. Just her general atmosphere was regal, sophisticated, and mature. From the way her hair swept effortlessly around her face, to her casual poise, to the way her slim lips tugged into a perfect smile that made everyone around her smile right back. It was intimidating just to be in her presence, but I found that every time I looked at her I couldn't look away.

There was small, awkward chit chat going on, but all in all everything was very tense and awkward. It was as if everyone knew some sort of secret they were too afraid to talk about to the rest of the group. After brief with my aunts and uncles, I found my self being quite antisocial and just talking quietly with Helix and Alicia. Nathaniel and Matthew were with my mother and Guenevere, dealing with duties related to my party. Helix seemed put out after receiving that news.

"They never seem to talk to me much anymore," he said pathetically, looking down at his perfectly polished white plate.

I scoffed. "I haven't had a real conversation with my mom since I was five."

Helix shot me an eye roll, grumbling under his breath. "Well, that's by choice."


Our conversation ceased at the sound of the wooden doors slowly opening. A girl stood shyly, her hands playing nervously with the hem of her pale blue dress. She was pretty, with glistening blond hair and shining green eyes that hid behind her thick eyelashes. You could tell she felt out of place, anyone could see that. 

Everything about her had 'I'm pristine, innocent, and I'll deceive you into thinking in the best thing since sliced bread.'

Blond is so overrated.

I scowled at her, I saw right through her act. She was just one of those girls, the ones that tried to act all innocent and sweet until BAM they go and stab you right in the back. I didn't like her, she was going to try and waltz right in here and try to be a princess like Alicia and I!  'No way,' I thought, 'am I going to let that happen.'

Alicia seemed to be doing the same thing as me, and she saw the cliche-ness of the new girl just as I had. We exchanged a look, a look that said 'she's one of those girls, I know'. Simultaneously we glanced over to Helix, who was gawking at her like a dead fish. 

Anger coursed through me at his entranced face, and my jealously flared. I did not like him looking at her like that, and it just added to my hatred towards her. 

Ashton rose from her chair, and I vaguely saw Natalia scoff under hear breath at her straightforwardness. "Oh Annabelle! You look lovely!"

Natalia, not wanting to seem like the bad guy, rose from her chair as well and all but snatched Annabelle from Ashton's embrace and into her own. "Hello! I'm Natalia! I take it you've learned all about our kind and such from Rick already, right?"

Annabelle nodded, and Rick did so to in confirmation. Natalia smiled at Annabelle. She had never done that to me.

"Come! Sit," Ashton said through gritted teeth, leading Annabelle towards her chair and glared at Natalia from behind Annabelle's back. Natalia stomped back to her seat, watching Ashton butter Annabelle up and push her chair in. 

When Ashton sat down, Natalia raised her glass of water for a toast. Everyone did the same, and she cleared her throat. "To my extraordinary niece's birthday! I'm so glad we could all make it for an early celebration tonight!"

Everyone mumbled congratulations to me with warm smiles, but all their gazes always strayed to Annabelle, who was staring at me. Her lips were pulled upward the slightest bit, and her eyes were bright and hopeful. Alicia rolled her eyes, noticing Annabelle and turned away.

I gave Annabelle the nastiest glare I could give, and I could practically see the shivers traveling down her spine. 

No one, and I mean no one could just strut in here and take everything that is rightfully mine.

No one.

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