Great Things Take Time (disco...

By MusicAndTvAreLife

1.4K 175 154

"Maybe it was the alcohol which was controlling my actions, maybe it was my body which felt like it had been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
I'm Back

Chapter 3

73 10 2
By MusicAndTvAreLife

Hi everyone, I hope you all made it through this week. I am so happy that it's finally the weekend! I hope you enjoy this short chapter. :) All the love, Summer xxx

The next day, all of the boys were stuck doing interviews all day long, so I joined Lottie, Lou and Lux on a girls day out. Compared to her brother, Lottie was lovely and we got along well, having already hung out in Australia earlier this year. We were strolling down a busy shopping street, Lux tightly holding onto mine and Lottie's hand, looking into shops every once in a while. "Oh, look at that dress!" Lottie suddenly exclaimed and dragged us towards a small boutique which had a beautiful turquoise dress nicely presented in its window. Lux let go off my hand and happily followed Lottie into the shop where she immediately started looking at all the nice dresses.

After exchanging a look, Lou and I followed them into the shop. "Just looking, honey, no touching." Lou told Lux with a stern look who pouted and then disappeared somewhere into the back of the shop, Lou on her heels. Patiently, I waited until Lottie had asked the sales lady if she could try the dress on, before I followed her to the changing rooms where she quickly tried the dress on. "Wow, you look stunning!" I complimented her when she stepped out of the changing room. 

The dress fit her like a glove and the colour looked amazing on her. "You should definitely buy it." I encouraged her and the lady who had walked over to us nodded in agreement. Lottie smiled widely at us and nodded. "I'll definitely buy it. I needed something for the party tonight anyway." My eyes went wide. "What party?" I asked warily, making her frown. "Oh shit, has no one told you about it? We're all invited to a party tonight, mostly the band and the crew but some local friends are invited as well." she explained it to me quickly.

"Harry didn't mention a party." I said dryly and shook my head. "I'm sure he just forgot about it with everything that's going. Do you have something to wear then?" Lottie asked me from inside the changing room, her voice slightly muffled. I thought for a few seconds. "Yes, I think I have an idea. Maybe we could do our makeup together? I'm absolutely rubbish at it and you're a genius." She laughed and steppe out of the changing room, now dressed in her jeans and t-shirt again. "Sure, I would love that. You can come over to my room after dinner." she suggested and linked her arm through mine, dragging me along to the cashier.

"That will be $269.99." the cashier said with a smile and carefully put the dress into a fancy bag. I would have protested if it had been anything but fancy one when the dress what that expensive, but Lottie didn't even blink when she handed over her credit card. When she saw me gawking she giggled and winked at me. "Louis' card." she explained and I immediately understood and smirked. "I see..." I laughed and then started looking for Lou and Lux who were still somewhere in the shop. Just as we started looking around for the other two, Lux came dashing towards us, an exhausted Lou behind her and followed us out of the shop. 

"I'm hungry." Lux said loudly to no one in particular when we were back outside in the bright sunlight. Next to me, Lou sighed and managed a defeated smile. "Alright, let's go then, maybe we can find a nice place to eat somewhere close." We followed her and Lux who was excitedly bouncing at her hand at the prospect of getting food very soon. A couple of minutes later we spotted a small Italian restaurant and sat down. Within seconds, a waiter was at our side and handed us adults menus and Lux a stack of papers and some crayons which earned him a squeal from Lux and a thankful smile from Lou. He smiled down at Lottie and me and promised us to return in a moment to take our orders. 

"Hottie." Lottie whispered with a smirk and Lou and I giggled and nodded. "I think he fancies you." Lottie said with a grin in my direction and I flipped my hair over my shoulder, making the other two laugh. "Well, what can I say? I'm simply amazing." I commented. Lou shook her head at us and Lottie and I giggled and then had a look at our menus. When the waiter returned, he send me a shy smile making me giggle. "Um, Luca, is it?" I gave him my most charming smile and saw with a bit of satisfaction that his cheeks had turned slightly red. "Ye-yes?" he stuttered and next to me Lottie snorted. "Could I please have the medium Margarita pizza and a water?" I asked him and he starred at me for a couple of seconds, before nodding, his cheeks now even redder than a moment ago. 

Satisfied, I leaned back into my seat and continued watching him while he noted down the others' orders, before hastily disappearing into the kitchens. "Oh, Abby, you scared him off! The poor boy doesn't even know what just hit him." Lou commented with a chuckle and I grinned. "Well, he sure is attractive, but I need someone who can keep up with me." I replied with a smirk and Lottie giggled. "Can I have him then?" she asked and wiggled her eyebrows. My eyes wandered over to the kitchen again where Luca had just reemerged from. His caught me starring at him and promptly stumbled into a chair. "Oh, I think I have scared him enough, he's all yours." I said with a laugh and then others joined in as well. It wasn't like I wanted to embarrass him on purpose, though. I had seriously considered making a move on him, but I needed someone who was a little bit less shy and a little bit more outgoing to keep up with me. 

When he brought our drinks, I send him an apologetic smile which made him blush again and he avoided my eyes at all costs when he placed my water in front of me. "Thank you, Luca." I smiled at him and he gave me a hesitant smile in return, before leaving us again. "I think you have scared him off for good." Lottie pouted slightly next to me and I reached over to patt her arm. "Don't worry, honey, I'm sure there will be plenty of attractive guys at the party tonight." I tried to comfort her, but she shook her head. "Even if, Louis will be there which means that it will be impossible for any boys to even come near me." Not really able to deny that in any way, I gave her arm a light squeeze, before looking up to see that Luca and a girl who could easily be his sister were walking towards us with our food. " Food!" Lux cheered excitedly and beamed at Luca as he placed her pizza in front of her. Everyone laughed, before we all dug in and enjoyed the rest of our lunch together in the warm, Californian sun. 

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