All My Doubts; Minecraftfines...

By camikittens

18.2K 328 122

Camille has known the MinecraftFinest crew for a couple years now, but this year is different from the rest... More

CH1: Storm
CH2: Streaming
CH4: We're Not Dating
CH5: Las Vegas
CH6: Piggyback Rides
CH7: BajanCandian
CH8: Pool Day
CH9: Again
CH10: Ice Skating
CH11: Go-Cart Racing
CH12: You're So Dead
CH13: Seven Mins In Heaven
CH14: Here To Kill Me
CH15: Boxers & Fireworks
CH16: Tickles & Baking
CH17: Snow Cones & S'mores
CH18: 21 Questions
CH19: No Silent Treatments
CH20: MCfinest Livestream
CH21: You Owe Me
CH22: Disneyland
CH23: Gum Catastrophe
CH24: Stay With Me?
CH25: I Trusted You
CH26: Heartbreak
CH27: Make Me Smile
CH28: I Wouldn't Dare
CH29: I'm Not That Kind of Girl
CH30: I'm Not Drunk
CH31: I Can Kill Him Too
CH32: I Do(n't) Want you

CH3: Meeting TeamCrafted

689 15 1
By camikittens

I was curling my hair, bright and early in the morning, when my phone started vibrating; alerting me that someone was calling. I sigh, putting the curling iron down and answering the call.

"Hmm?" I mourn, switching to speaker-phone.

"Camille," I hear Max's voice say, "are you up for something fun?"

"If you're talking about sex, it's a no." I joke, setting my phone on the vanity and picking the curlers back up.

"Aw why not." he pouts, as I laugh, starting to curl the last few pieces of my hair.

"So what's the real reason you called?"

"Jordan, Danny, and I are all going to the TeamCrafted house today, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Who's going to be there?" I ask, biting my lip with unease.

"Just some other Youtubers."

"I guess so," I sigh, "I mean--as long as they're not as annoying as you," I tease, checking my nicely bounced curls in the mirror.

"We'll be over in ten to pick you up, Okay?"

"Mhmm," I murmur, fixing the cuffed sleeves on the coral shirt and black shorts I decided on wearing already.

Though on the outside I looked calm, with my hazel eyes glimmering under the sparkly eye shadow--deep down inside my stomach was erupting with butterflies, afraid as to who I would be meeting today.

♡ ♡ ♡

He looked about 20 years old--wait no, maybe a bit older? I was never good at guessing people's age, usually it would result in a beating because of how far off I was.

A guy with voluminous brown curly hair and military green eyes was hovering over me at the front door of this glittering mansion and I had no idea as to what to say.

I just stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. The Finest was already led into the house and they just kinda left me here . . . all alone . . . with a complete stranger that has been staring at me for at least two minutes now.

All the sudden he spontaneously bursts out laughing.

"I'm Adam," he gloats, ending his fit of laughter and practically pushing me into the house.

I just follow him upstairs, where things didn't seem anywhere near quiet; I hear screaming and laughing coming from one of the rooms and when Adam violently swung open the door I was taken aback at the sight.

Nearly six guys were wrestling, laughing, and hitting each other with plastic tubes.

I try to walk around them, slowly trying to escape the mess, but someone grabs my ankle and I'm thrown to the bulging wood floor.

"Shit, I'm sorry--I really didn't mean to do that," someone says, lending a hand out and lifting me up from the ground.

Slowly he leads me out of the room and from the cacophony screaming pit of boys.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know it was you--I thought you were one of the guys," the same person says to me, stuttering.

I finally look up to who's been speaking to me this whole time.

A light brown haired guy with gorgeous caramel-colored eyes was standing baffled in front of me. He looked about the same age as Adam, maybe even slightly younger.

"I'm Mitch," he hesitates to say.

"Camille," I reply back, smiling at his remote compassion.

He tells me all about the TC house for the next couple minutes, who everyone is and what they all do.

But before long, another guy comes up to us, breaking the meaningless conversation.

"Mitch wanna go record something, I have nothing to upload?" He says, scanning me for a split second, then turning his attention back to Mitch.

"Sure, I'll be down in a sec," Mitch answers.

"That's Jerome," Mitch mutters, watching as the guy sprints down stairs.

I nod, following both of them.

"I'm going to be in here recording, but you can join them--" Mitch points to a group of guys gathered on the sofa shouting at a video game playing on the television.

"Okay," I utter, plopping down on the couch beside Max.

"What'cha doing?" I ask, leaning in on Max's shoulder.

"We're playing teamed COD, wanna join?" A guy named Jason asks me, elbowing another guy beside him.

"That's not happening; she's a noob," Max answers, shaking me off his shoulder.

I cross my arms against my chest, slightly positioning myself away from Max, "I'd love to play, thanks for asking."

"Alright, how about . . ." Jason pauses, "Max, Camille and I on a team and Ian, Danny, Jordan on the other."

"I don't want her on my team." Max groans, picking up a controller, "She sucks."

I sigh, "I'll just watch this round."

♡ ♡ ♡

After watching Jason's team dominate the other a couple rounds in, I kinda get how this game works.

"Can I play a round?" I ask.

"Sure, who wants to go 1v1 against her?" Jason asks the guys.

Max agrees, and claims it's because he wants to smash my face, but I didn't care about losing.

I died 3 times in the beginning, so I started giving up and clicking random buttons. I was actually winning.

"How the fuck are you doing that?" Max glances at me, then back at the tv.

"I have no idea, I guess I'm just too good for you, Max." I reply cockily, a smug smile creeping on my face.

The end score was 18:7 kills; Me winning with 18.

Max got pissed and called me out for cheating, but all the other guys were laughing at him for losing to a girl.

Mitch, Jerome, Adam, and another guy came out of the room they were recording in and asked what was happening.

"Camille just whipped Max's ass," Jason replied and they all started laughing and applauding me.

I could get used to this.

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