The Mating Tournament

By Ryder3113

1M 47.4K 4.6K

Chloe doesn't want a mate, and fighting in the tournament is what she has dreaded her whole life. All she ha... More

The Mating Tournament
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 ish
Chapter 5 :)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 1/2
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Frequently asked question

Chapter 18

30.3K 1.5K 72
By Ryder3113

Chapter 18

This gas station was too close to the Tournament grounds to be filled with anyone but werewolves. A few humans or so may come in, but one sniff of the area alerted me that most of them if not all were not human. That made stealing a car much harder, they would be alerted to the fact that I was an unmated female.

I spotted an ATM and decided that would be the best thing to do first, giving me time to look around the area to find a car I could snatch. It would be easier to take one that was already parked, I could pick through the drivers door lock pretty easily. I would leave the old car away from the other car.

I spotted an older looking white car, I didn't pay attention to the make or model, and decided to go for that. I would need to ditch the car anyway as soon as I got to the nearest airport. I quickly picked the lock, periodically looking around to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

My skills, however, did not include starting cars without the ignition keys. I walked towards the gas station store and went inside. There was only one worker, with nobody else in the store so the car must belong to him. He was an older man, salt and pepper hair, with a muscular build. Not the normal kind of person you would see working in a gas station, but he is also a werewolf, and werewolves don't usually look anything but almost perfect.

"Hello, sir. I was wondering if you could take a look at my car for me? I think it needs a jump."

He looked up at me and just stared for a second.

"Sure Miss, just let me get my keys, I think I have some cables in my trunk."

"Great, Thanks!"

I started walking outside to my car. This wasn't exactly going as planned, I wanted to get away without being noticed. Now I would have to steal his car right in front of him. There would be no other way to get his keys.

He came to my car and lifted the hood, examining the engine.

"Here let me get my cables out, I can fix your truck real quick."

"That would be great, thanks so much."

He opened his trunk and got out his supplies, then closed it, setting his keys right on the good of his car while he went over to undo his hood.

If I could just grab his keys...

When his good obstructed the view I grabbed his keys and quickly worked at undoing the ignition key from the keychain. Hopefully he wouldn't notice the one key missing until after his shift was over.

"Okay, I think that just about does it." He grabbed for his keys which I had put back where they were with the exception of the ignition key.

"Oh, and could you show me this think in the store? I think I'll need it to help de-rust my car." I hoped to distract him from trying to lock his car. He seemed to buy it, because he didn't go to lock it. The whole werewolf community was just too trusting, I would never leave my car without locking it first.

He kept talking the whole way to the store and I ended up buying the rust cleaning bottle, I took more money from the ATM after that and then scrapped the credit card in the trash. I had at least 1,000 dollars now, which should be enough for a one way ticket somewhere.

I walked calmly to the car, hoping not to raise any suspicions. I unlocked the door and started the car, driving out of the station as quickly as possible. I would get to the airport as soon as I could, but by now Cooper had probably started looking for me.

********About 10 Minutes Ago *******


"Chloe, are you unpacked yet?" I called as I stepped out of the shower.

The cabin was quiet and empty, but it couldn't have taken so long for her to get her bags. I had been in the shower for at least half and hour, and there could be no way that she was still getting her stuff.

I walked to the phone and dialed her cabins number, her mother picked up the phone.

"Luna Holtz, did Chloe come to pick up her stuff?" I asked.

"Alpha Cooper! How nice to hear from you! Yes, your girl came here about 20 minutes ago and got her luggage. Isn't she there yet?" Her mothers voice was chipper, trying to be sophisticated, yet I could hear her underlying irritation with her daughter.

"No, she isn't." I stated.

"Did you check the bedroom? She may have fallen asleep after unpacking, that could be all. She seemed very distracted when she was here."

"Yes, I'll check. Thank you."

"Of course, Alpha."

"Luna Holtz, could you call to your Alpha and ask him to meet me at the exit of the grounds please?"

"Well, yes, but why?"

"Because Chloe ran away, that's why."


Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuun....! So many updates, but I think this was much deserved after such a long time with no updates. Please comment and tell me what you think. Where should Chloe go? Should she fly to Europe? Or to some secluded island? Should Cooper catch her before she gets anywhere? Should Chloe meet a new guy? What would you guys like to see happen. I might use some ideas if I like them enough

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