Pawn in the sick game

By Monstrous_beauty

29.1K 730 33

Sophie is a beautiful girl with responsibilities. She loves her mother the only family she has... Then there... More

Harsh Reality
Taken Forcefully
Night in the hotel
Stranger Danger
Unknown Place and Past
Sweet turned bitter
Threatened to Divorce
Scattered Emotions
Married Again
Games in Action
Insecurities Love & Confession
Found her finally
Wiping the Past
Missing Love
Too close yet so far

Determination to make her mine

1.5K 37 1
By Monstrous_beauty

"You don't love me Mr. Smith. You have your own reason to keep me and if I am not wrong some personal interest. I know how plain I am and I know not to live in fantasies" I said in my dry tone and started to walk away.

He suddenly pulled me to him and kissed me again and though I tried to pull away I could not and he carried on till he felt my tears and only then he looked at me and left me. I scurried my way to my room bolting the door and cried myself in the pillow.

The kiss I shared with Ryan was so different from what I had with Mr. Wilson but still it managed to give me an erie feeling that though he is not harsh like Mr. Wilson but he too was capable of doing harm to me and though he put forth an illusion of safety but is he really safe person to be with.

Ryan's POV

Last night was enough to prove to me that the woman I love doesn't even feel a single emotion towards me. She thinks I brought her all the way down here for revenge on my fucking cousin. Well no I didn't, I wish it was true so I wouldn't have felt so heart broken to know she doesn't feel anything for me. It's been a week I have her here, I know she will not try to escape but I don't want to use her mother to bind her to me each and every time. So I guess what I can do to make her see things, is to marry her and that too marry her soon and then show her that I really do love her and did not brought her here for revenge.

I called my friend Jay and asked him to arrange for a legal marriage  once her divorce is finalised. He said it would take 2 more weeks for the paper work and then I can be married to her. Meanwhile I plan to spend every waking hour with her. Once I am married to her I will take her to private island and till she feels love or agree to be mine we will not leave that island.

Sophie/Rose POV

It's been a week since the night in library and now I find Ryan wherever I go. He doesn't leave me alone. He is everywhere and he doesn't miss any opportunity to touch me and kiss me whenever he feels like. I don't like it but I cannot do anything he has my mother under his power and I don't want to put my recovering mother in danger, so yes I bear with it. I don't know why he is doing that, because I knew he doesn't feel anything and he doesn't need to act so lovey dovey because I know he has some history with Mr. Wilson but what I don't understand is where do I fit in that equation.

"Rose what are you thinking" He asked.

"Umm.. nothing" I replied.

"Doesn't look like nothing to me" He said.

"I don't think it is anything that you should be worrying about" I replied wanting him to leave the topic.

"Well whatever you do is my concern" he replied.

"You really want to know Mr. Smith" I asked.

"Yes I do" he said with winning smirk.

"Why are you marrying me? Me a plain Jane... Me who is penniless... and if you want to take revenge on Mr. Wilson then where do I stand on this..and do you think involving me who has nothing to do with your past need to suffer because of this" I blurted my anger and frustration.

He look shocked at my outburst and I expected him to come pounce on me, may be strike me do anything but not what he did next. He stalked to me and captured my lips with his mouth in a kiss which was soft, pleasuring and promising one and turned into one which was passionate and possessive at the end.

I was shocked when he pulled away for breathe which we both needed and then he said "I guess that answers your questions love. Next time I don't want you to worry about your position because I love you and I love you so much that I can take a bullet for protecting me so please if you don't have anything sweet to tell me then don't degrade my love by imagining that you are a pawn of my sick revenge. I am Ryan Smith and I don't need a woman to avenge my enemies." Saying that he turned to leave but then turned back and said "And Rose never degrade yourself because for me you are the most beautiful woman with the beauty inside out and I am proud to say that you will be my wife".

I was in daze with the kiss and if you say I felt guilty for hurting his feeling then yes I did. But if you ask me whether I believed in his words then I would say no. I have seen the world enough to know that life is no fairy tale and there is nothing special in me that would catch the interest of not one but two billionaires. If he thinks he loves me then I will not bother him with the questions again because I know time will show me whether he really meant those words or it was just on spur of the moment or just attraction. For love to happen you need to know the person and by knowing I mean not his or her bio data but the person's feelings, their thoughts and for that to happen you need to spend time with them not force them to be with you. Because if you are forcing your love on them then it is not love anymore.

Nicholas POV

"If I accept the check then I can trace the account from where the amount came right?" I said.

"Well that is a possibility" He said.

"Fine I accept it and I will find her to know whether it is her or someone else" I said.

Stephen was relieved that he was able to convince me and not have him get me out of another legal mess and I was pissed that I have no clue where she is, how she is, is she eating or not, is she happy there or not. All these thoughts made me more angry and I rushed past his office door.

It's been three weeks and her lawyer represented her in the court and the divorce has been granted. I received the payment and now she is free from me. Though I was beyond pissed that I was forced to let her go but I knew I had married her with wrong intentions and now that we are divorced I would hunt her down and this time I will marry her with right intentions and I will court her because that woman is the light of my dark life. I am ruthless, I am dark and only she can illuminate my dark heart and my life. Her presence made my haunted mansion home. The way she would wait for me at dinner even though I came late, the way she would prepare my breakfast even though I kept her late in the night. She would make sure my things were in place. She made me dependent on her that every damn thing in my house reminds me of her, asks me to bring her back so that this meaningless building becomes home once more.

Her presence made it home. I know she treated my staff with respect and she cared for these people. I never gave a damn but she did, in three weeks she made everyone in the house care for her and her absence has made this place loose its peace, the place is like a haunted place where my servants do their jobs mechanically no one talks, although it was one of my rule for employees but her presence made me overlook that rule and I let my employees chitchat and enjoy but her absence turned me into monster and I shout and yell for little things. 

When Stephen called me about info on Sophie I felt I would have in my arms but seems like a dream now to me. I have the money I loaned to her I would say double I gave her. But what good is this money when I don't have her to enjoy it. I used the loan amount as an excuse to bring her in my life, I wanted her life to revolve around me, I wanted her to think only of me that is one reason I didn't let her meet her mother while I was here. She did everything a wife should but I failed her as a husband, because all I was interested was to make her mine. But in the pursuit of making her mine I didn't realised I made her so unhappy that she might have chosen to run away in another man's arms. If she is gone by her own then I will try to win her heart and bring her back but if the bastard has taken her forcefully I am going to torture him and then burn him live.

I may have divorced her but she will stay mine till our last breath.

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