I Never Imagined ( an Alec Vo...

De JillNapier

373K 6.7K 2.5K

Anna is Rosalie and Emmetts daughter. Rosalie always wanted a child and her family finally adopted one for he... Mais

Prologue: Rosalie and Emmett's gift
Trip to Italy
Winning Jane over
Aro, Caius, and Marcus.
Alec speaks
An incident.
Waking up
Alec's surprise
The Transformation
The Confrontation.

An intimidating surprise.

28.2K 479 197
De JillNapier

Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story, except for what I come up with, the rest belongs to Stephenie Meyers.

Vote & Comment Please :)


I sat alone in the castle garden staring out at the sunset, as cliche as that sounds.

 I loved to hang out in the garden, its the only place that's outside and receives sunlight in Volturi Castle. Seeing as vampires are to conspicuous in the sun, they don't have windows in the castle, and don't have many places where you can see the sun. So I come out here when I want to relax or soak up some Vitamin D.

I sighed and listened as I heard birds sing their songs, and felt the wind blowing through my hair. The feeling of the sun and wind on my skin was a few of the many things I would miss when I became a vampire.

I twisted around on the bench I was sitting on so I could feel the wind better. The wind blew through my white blond hair and made it tickle my face. It felt nice. It wasn't a cold wind and it wasn't warm, it was just right.

This place allowed me to just think and relax. I thought about Alec and how much I missed him.

Alec was sent on another mission, America's southern vampires were creating armies again, and Aro sent Alec, Demetri and Felix to clean up the mess.

I sighed. I really couldn't wait to become a vampire. I wanted to be able to go with Alec when he went on missions. I hate missing him so much when he's gone. Maybe I could end up being useful and protect him for once if I was transformed.

Alec and I have been inseparable over the last week. We did everything together. We always hung out with Jane and the guard, but when we were alone.... he would pierce me with his gaze that made me feel like we were the only people on earth.

We haven't made our relationship official, but I guess we wouldn't have to, seeing as we are blood singers, but it would still be nice to imagine him asking me to be his girlfriend, or eternal lover... whichever. It's the same difference.

" There you are Anna, I've been looking for you." Jane said sighing in relief.

I smiled at Jane and said " You should've known I would be here, I always am in my spare time."

" True, true." She said brushing it away as she sat down beside me.

For awhile we both just stared out at the horizon, it was beautiful. The way the sun was setting made the clouds turn pink, bright orange, red, and purple.

Finally Jane turned to me and dug through her cloak pocket and said nonchalantly " Aro wishes to give you this."

I turned toward her on the bench and stared at the velvet box in her palm with shock. " What is it?"

" Open it and you'll see." Jane said rolling her eyes.

I took the box and felt the dark blue velvet before opening it.

When I opened it I gaped down at the necklace and looked back up at Jane. " Jane... I thought I wasn't going to receive this until after my transformation?"

Jane shrugged and said " He thought that since you're already part of the family, that it wouldn't hurt to give it to you sooner."

I stared back down at the necklace. It was the Volturi crest.

I was touched. Now I really do feel like a part of their family.

I stroked the V shaped crest and held back my tears of joy. It meaned so much to me that everyone loved me enough to give me the necklace that every Volturi member wore.

Reflexively I looked up at Janes neck and smiled as I saw her necklace. Every member of the Volturi wore one, it was a sign that showed them who they were, who their family was. I was incredibly proud to have earned this necklace.... especially so soon. Aro said he would give it to me when I was changed. I was officially part of their family now.

" Will you...?" I asked Jane as I took out the necklace and put it around my neck.

" Of course." She said smoothly.

She quickly clasped the back of the necklace and we stared at the V around my neck. I was ecstatic.

" Thank you, Jane." I said as I clasped the crest  firmly in my hand.

" Aro is the one who gave it to you, thank him. We should do that now... besides my brother will be arriving soon, he'll be eager to see you." She said smirking toward the end.

At the sound of Alec's name I quickly stood up and grabbed Jane's arm meaning to drag her up to the castle. Of course seeing as she was a vampire, that epically failed.  I tugged at  her arm, she didn't move. Stupid vampire strength.

" In a hurry?" Jane asked sounding amused as she started to walk up to the castle.

I walked beside her with our arms linked as we made our way to the throne room.

We made it to the throne room in a matter of minutes and  walked in to see the minor guard members and of course Aro, Caius and Marcus.

" Why, hello Jane... Anna." Aro nodded to us. " Anna, I do hope that you enjoy your necklace?"

I grinned up at him and said " I love it Aro, thank you. It really means alot to me."

Aro looked pleased and said " I'm glad to hear it my dear."

I nodded toward him and said " Well I'm going up to my room. See you everybody."

I heard murmurs of goodbyes from around the room. " I'll be up their in a little bit. Lunch is almost here." Jane said to me.

I nodded at her and ran up to my room. I didn't want to be anywhere near there, when the humans came in. I hated hearing the screams from the poor people. They were so unaware that they would become meals.

When I become a vampire, I am definitely going to be like my parents and drink from animals.

I got to my room and closed the door. I turned toward my room and instantly saw a white letter on my bed. I walked toward it looking curiously at it. Who would leave me a letter? I live with vampires.... if they wanted to talk to me they can just zoom up to my room.

I looked at the blank envelope and suddenly felt a little fearful. This has to be some sort of trick or something. This letter can't be good.

I slowly tore open the envelope and took out the letter.

I read over it and dropped it in fear.

It read:

    Dear Anna,

          We have recently been informed that the Volturi have become attached to a human... you. We don't like the Volturi, and so we don't like you. It's seems to be a pity that the Volturi can't follow their own rules and kill off humans who find out about them. Since the Volturi seem to be incapable of  doing you harm or killing you.... we will do it. You better watch yourself Anna. We WILL come for you, and we will USE you to gain our power back. You won't tell them about this letter, because if you do. We will kill you and your loved ones. We WILL be watching you, we may be watching you right now as you read this letter. We will know if you plan to tell. Prepare yourself, human. We are coming.

                                                                                                             - The Romanians

I stared down at the letter feeling nauseated. This is sick. Who the fudge nut are the Romanians??

I picked up the letter and shoved it back into the envelope. I looked around for a good hiding place to hide it.

I stared at my pillow and quickly shoved the letter into its case.

There was no way I was telling the Volturi about this letter. I refuse to endanger anyone. It already scared the crap out of me that the Romanians were capable of sneaking into Vulturi castle, that within itself is a feat. It's unheard of getting into this castle without the Vulturi knowing. There are guards and vampires everywhere.

I was shaken. Whoever left this letter must have been very powerful... or they are part of the Volturi... maybe it was a prank.

I quickly marked the letter off as a prank. Besides... no one ever sneaks into this castle. If it was just a prank it would explain how they knew my name. This was a really sick prank. Regardless if this was a prank or not, I won't tell anyone about it. I won't risk the lives of the ones I love.

I calmed down somewhat and layed down on the bed and waited for Jane to come in and keep me company.

After a few minutes of waiting I finally heard a slight knock on my door.

" Come in." I said in my normal voice, I knew she would hear.

She walked in and I saw her Burgundy eyes were now crimson. She had fed.

" Hey.... wow, are you ok? You look pale." Jane said sounding concerned when she caught sight of me.

She closed the door and came and sat on the bed across from me.

" Oh... yeah. Fine. I just don't feel well is all." I said looking down at my fingers.

Jane growled and I looked up to see her glaring at me " I really hate it when you lie to me, Anna. Aren't I supposed to be your best friend? You can trust me with anything."

I stared down my fingers with intensity. What am I supposed to tell her?? I wanted to ask her who the Romanians are so bad, but that would probably give away my reasons of looking upset. I debated with myself for a few more seconds before curiousity won.

I looked guiltily down and asked randomly " Who are the Romanians?"

The question caught her off guard and she gaped at me with wide eyes. she quickly recovered herself and put her emotionless mask back on.

" They were in power before the Volturi was. They were terrible rulers. They wanted to take over the world. They believed that they should make themselves conspicuous and show domination over the human race.... to make all humans and vampires alike fear them. It worked for a little while. They made humans their slaves. Humans thought that they were demons. Many times humans tried to kill them, but of course they never succeeded. It got to the point where people were beginning to guess that they weren't quite what they thought they were. Thankfully Aro, was already collecting the guard and he attacked them before things got to out of hand.... well particularly my brother and I. Our powers got the better of them. We killed all but two of them. Their  rise of power fell and we took over as the rulers. They quickly went into hiding. They hate us for taking away their power..... Where did you hear about them?" Jane asked suspiciously.

I thought about what she said. I didn't realize that there was rulers before the Volturi, it was hard to imagine. I

 wasn't quick to answer and I knew she was becoming more and more suspicious.

" Anna?" She growled.

" Uh..." I said not able to find a lie to say. My mind always went blank at the worst of times.

" Anna! Tell me how you know them." Jane said growing angry and anxious.

" Ugh!" I huffed as I grabbed the letter from my pillow and shoved it in her hands.

I originally wasn't going to show her but I can't hide anything from her. She was to suspicious., Besides hiding something from Jane... or anyone from the Volturi was next to impossible.... they would have figured out somehow.

Jane read over the letter and seemed to turn paler than she originally was. She glimpsed up at me and said blankly " Where did you find this."

" It was on my bed when I came in." I answered truthfully.

She looked around the room and she said " I don't smell any trace that a vampire was in here... we have to show Aro... Now... Right now."

Jane swooped me up into her arms and started to run toward the throne room. She cradled me to her like she was protecting me. I cowered into her. This must not be a joke.... the way that Jane is acting is making me nervous. She looked anxious and it takes alot to make her feel that way. This must be really bad.

" Just in time..." Jane said to me " Demetri and them are here."

I exhaled air that I didn't realize I was holding. I was suddenly anxious to see Alec. I knew he would protect me.

Do you remember when I said that my luck had packed it's bags and left me? Yeah... that seems to be the case... Man I have no luck at all... except for Alec of course. I'm lucky to have him. But Of course I would attract the attention of the Romanians.

Jane all but burst her way into the throne room.

Everyones heads flew in her direction and took in her tense expression. They all stiffed and stared anxiously between her and me.

Felix seemed oblivious. He looked at my Volturi Necklace and said brightly " Hey! Welcome to the family An!"

I smiled at him and looked up to Alec. He looked stiff and tense as he stared at his sisters expression.

Alec ran over to us and took me from her arms and held me close, sheilding me like she had been.

" What happened sister?" He asked tensely.

Jane glimpsed at Alec and held up her finger, to signal to wait.... before she ran up to Aro and handed the letter to him.

" Anna found this on her bed. I didn't smell a vampires sent in her room except for mine and Alec's, and we certainly didn't write and plant this letter." Jane said tensely.

Aro looked down at the letter. His expression seemed to harden as he read through it.

Aro looked around the room at everyone suspiciously. " Who wrote this letter? I want everyone to let me touch them... if I find out that any of you wrote this you will be severely punished."

" What does the letter say?" Alec asked stiffly.

Jane took the letter back from Aro as he stood up and started to touch the guard, trying to find out who wrote the letter.

Jane raced over to Alec and handed him the letter. Demetri and Felix came over and read over his shoulders.

Alec read through the letter and growled. His arms instantly held onto my tighter and he looked at everyone with accusation in his eyes.

" No one will touch you." Alec promised me as he crushed me to him.

I kissed his shoulder and murmured " I'm not afraid."

The truth of the words shocked me. It was true though, I was only afraid of the Volturi getting hurt. They were my family, I loved them just as much as I loved the Cullens. I would gladly give my life up to save them. If someone wanted me dead... fine... I'll let them kill me... just as long as they left my family... Alec out of it.

Just the thought of Alec getting killed or harmed.... no I couldn't even think it. It was to much to bear.

" Annabella... come here." Aro beckoned to me.

I walked up to Aro and let him take my hand. I watched his eyes close, and let him explore my mind.

Aro opened his eyes and he said " No.... it wasn't any of us... The Romanians must have been here."

It seemed like everyone in the room stopped breathing. It was to quiet and to tense.

" But Aro... I didn't smell them... their scent wasn't anywhere in the castle. How could they have gotten in?" Jane asked.

" I don't know.... I don't understand... and I certainly don't like it." Aro said darkly " Demetri.... you are going on another mission.... bring Jane and Alec... go find the Romanians and end them once and for all. I want them gone. They have gone to far this time. No one will threaten the life of my family without paying for it"

" Master..." Alec said " May I remain to look after Anna...I don't want to leave her."

 Aro calculated that in his mind for a few moments and finally said " Yes... that may be best... Felix... you will go with Demetri and Jane. "

Felix, Jane and Demetri all nodded their heads and headed for the door.

I looked guiltily toward the floor and sighed.

" Don't be upset Anna. We will kill em." Demetri winked at me before exiting the throne room.

" Yes, don't worry about the Romanians. They will be gone before you know it." Jane said touching my arm in reassurance.

She kissed her brothers cheek before she left the room behind Felix.

" Thats not what I'm worried about." I muttered.

" Then what are you worried about?" Alec asked in my ear.

I jumped and forgot that he had superhearing.

" Oh... I just hate that you all have to do this for me.... wouldn't it just be easier if you killed me." I said dejectedly.

Alec growled " Don't say that Anna... we would never kill you, you're our family now. We protect family."

I nodded and buried my head in his chest to hide my tears. I hope they aren't hurt. After all if the Romanians are capable of sneaking into the castle... which has never been done... which was supposed to be impossible... than who knows what could happen to my friends.

I couldn't bear the thought of my friends getting hurt.

Alec rubbed my back soothingly and let me stain his jacket with my tears.

" Shhh, it's all going to be alright." He murmured.

" Maybe you should go get her something to eat Alec... she may need some comfort food." Aro said trying to send reassurance to me through his eyes.

Alec nodded and said " Yes master."

He took me by the waist and led me to the kitchen in the castle... which was always empty for obvious reasons. Vampires don't eat.

The kitchen was huge and modern. It reminded me of the one back home in Forks, except this one was a few times bigger. I sat down at the island and watched as Alec started to gather the ingrediants to make ravioli and started to cook.

" I didn't know you could cook." I said trying to distract myself from the worry building inside me.

Alec grinned over at me and said " Well, when you have all the time in the world...  you pick up on a few things."

I smiled back at him and watched as he worked. He worked in vampire speed so a meal that could have took hours to make only took him 30 minutes.

When he finished cooking he layed the bowl in front of me, and sat down next to me.

He draped his arm around my shoulders and stared at me, probably wanting to know if I liked the food he made.

I felt self conscious as I lifted the fork and speared a ravioli. Alec was watching me intently.

I put the food in my mouth and chewed carefully. I giggled after I swallowed.

" What... didn't you like it?" Alec asked sounding a little disappointed.

" Oh yes, I love it... it's just I never really pictured you as a cook. Or a good one at that." I chuckled.

Alec rolled his eyes and faked hurt. " Well then..."

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. " Thank you for the food, it really is good." I sighed

Alec kissed the top of my head and squeezed my shoulders gently.

" Tell me what's bothering you." He stated.

I speared another ravioli and chewed it slowly as I thought of what I was going to say.

Alec waited patiently for me to swallow and played with my hair.

" Alec.... I.... I don't know how to feel about all of this." I started

" All of what? The food?" Alec asked confused.

I chuckled but then turned serious " No... the letter. I understand how big of a deal it is that Jane couldn't smell a vampires scent in my room... and that Aro read all of your minds and it wasn't any of you who did it..... I just hate the thought of them going out there to find the Romanians."

" Anna, they will be fine....especially since they have my sister. She's invincible." Alec soothed.

" If those Romanians were capable of sneaking into the castle, who knows what else they can do! I could never forgive myself it any of you got hurt.... seriously Alec... maybe you should change me now... maybe I could protect you instead of causing more trouble." I said in a rush. I was surprised when he caught what I said.

" You didn't cause any trouble Anna. It's not your fault that the Romanians found out about you. There is no need to rush things with the transformation either, with me here, you have nothing to worry about. And lastly... My sister and I were the reason for the Romanians downfall. With my sister there, there is no way that they will get hurt. My sister is lethal... she can handle herself...and Felix and Demetri for that matter." Alec said trying to reassure me.

" But the letter.... how did they do that!" I persisted anxiously.

" I truthfully don't know, Anna... but I don't think you should worry about it. No one will get to you, not as long as I'm here." Alec said hugging me.

 " Now enough worrying. Eat." He ordered.

I reluctantly went back to eating and finished up quickly. I got up and put the dishes in the sink and washed them.  When I was done Alec came up behind me and wound his arms around my waist.

" Let's go to your room." Alec suggested as he intertwined our hands.

We walked quietly up to my room. He seemed to realize that I was still worrying and I needed to think in peace.

When we arrived to my room, Alec sniffed around and murmured " She was right... no scent anywhere."

We sat down on my bed and he watched me intently. I was biting my lip... a habit I do when I'm nervous or upset. He sighed and started to massage my neck gently.

" You really need to calm down Anna. I swear to you.... I won't let anything happen to you." Alec said seeing as I was still upset.

He removed his hands from my neck and brought my face toward him.

I sighed and realized that a few tears were leaking out of my eyes. " Alec... it's not me I'm worried about... It's everyone else."

Alec rolled his eyes and chuckled " You are a human... your a million times more vulnerable and fragile than a vampire. You shouldn't waste your time worrying over vampires... especially us. We are the Volturi... we are lethal and we have trained for more than a thousand years... some of us longer. If you are to worry... worry about yourself. If something was to happen to one of us... you'd be the most likely candidate. Like I said, you are just human... the rest of us can handle ourselves."

I felt slightly better knowing that they were trained and stuff, but I also knew that the Romanians were training just as long as they were... most likely longer.

" I swear.... if you end up getting hurt..." I said shaking my head trying to fight back the pain.

Alec shook his head aggrevatedly and said sternly " Annabella Cullen..... you are afraid for my safety?"

" What else is there to fear? If you are gone, I won't have a reason to live anymore, Alec. You are everything to me!" I said letting a few tears leak out.

The pain of the thought of losing Alec sent me into hysterics. I hid my face, I didn't want him to see me cry.

Alec's eyes softened and he he cupped my face in his hands " Anna... look at me."

I looked up after a moment and he was staring at me with so much love that it made my breathing stop.

" I love you Anna...more than you know....And since I love you.... I'll do anything for you.... I'll do anything that will ensure your safety. That means that I will be alive. I will fight for you, you can count on that." Alec said so fervently that I had to believe him.

I blushed somewhat, it was the first time that he ever told me that he loved me.

" I love you Alec." I said softly as I reached out to hug him close to me.

" I love you too." He said with a smile in his voice.

I snuggled into his chest suddenly felt tired. Crying always wears me out.

Alec slowly laid me down on the bed and layed beside me, holding me close.

I stared into Alec's eyes and said " So...I have a question."

" Ask." he said smiling a little.

" Since we have swapped ' I love you's'.... does this mean we are, a couple?" I asked feeling stupid.

Alec laughed loudly and I blushed feeling stupider than ever.

When Alec calmed down he chuckled again when he looked at me. He sighed and said " Of course... unless you don't want to be."

" Of course I do." I said to quickly.

Alec smiled down at me and pecked me on the lips.

" Annabella.... my girlfriend." he murmured to himself while looking into my eyes. " It's hard to tell myself that your my girlfriend.... I haven't had one since I was a human."

" Is it a good change?" I asked

" Of course." Alec said kissing my temple. " I never thought I'd meet you Anna. I never thought I'd find my blood singer. I'm so glad that I did."

I shivered at his touch and snuggled closer to him. He chuckled and held onto me tighter.

" So... you had a girlfriend when you were a human? I thought back then that you didn't date. I thought that you just got married." I said. I was really just a tad bit jealous that Alec was with a girl.

Alec laughed and said " I did have a girlfriend. Things worked the same way back then as they do now Anna. It's true. People were more strict back then about marriage and kissing. That's why people my age kept dating a secret."

" What was she like..." I asked.

Alec smirked at me " Her name was Sophia. She had long black hair and brown eyes. She was quite plain. Especially compared to the beauty right here." Alec said and nudged me playfully.

" Tell me more." I ordered

" She was rebellious. She thrived on doing things her own way... and she was all the time disobeying her parents. Of course she wasn't suicidal... she would disobey her superiors in secret. I think I was going through a phase. I wanted to be a little reckless. I heard the reputation she had with my friends and decided to give her a go. We would sneak around alot... secret kisses at night.... holding hands when no one was looking... all the things that are alright now.... was horrific back then." He said.

" Hmmmm, did you ever....?" I asked letting my question trail off.

It took Alec a moment to realize what I was asking and he said " No, we never went that far."

" How far did you go?" I asked letting my jealously fall thick in my voice.

" Your really cute when your jealous, you know that?" He said smiling " We never went that far, we french kissed a few times.... but that's it. I had enough dignity to control my horemones."

" Ahhh." I said sounding relieved. I was glad he never went that far with her.

" How about you... tell me about your love life." He said. I could hear and anxious tone in his voice. He knew our times were different. He probably feared that I've done alot more.

" I've had a few boyfriends, but none of them lasted long." I admitted sending him a smile.

" Tell me about them." He ordered me, just like I did with him.

" I went out with Zach, Kyle, Aiden, Jerry and Andrew..... " I said sneaking a peek at him.

He frowned a bit but quickly hid it.

" Like I said none of them lasted long, the longest I dated was two months.... but all they wanted was to get in my pants, so I'd break up with them. Andrew though..... he was one of my best friends. I liked him, but only as a friend. I only went out with him for a week. I was afraid that if we got to serious than we couldn't have remained good friends." I said

" How far have you gone?" Alec asked.

" Same as you, no further." I replied easily.

Alec looked relieved and held me closer to him. " Your mine now, I'm holding you hostage, and never letting you leave." He said jokingly as he tightened his arms around me, making it impossible to move.

I laughed and said " I could get used to that." I said winking at him and kissing him lightly on the lips.

When I pulled away he growled a little bit and quickly pulled me back to him. His lips met mine urgently and I eagerly kissed him back.

he pulled away breathless and I pouted at him. He chuckled.

" You should sleep.... I have a big day planned for us tomorrow." He said smiling secretly down at me.

" What do you have planned." I asked suspiciously.

He shrugged trying to hide his smile " You'll see."

I grumbled something uncoherent and twisted into a more comfortable position so I could sleep. I may as well. He wasn't going to tell me what he had planned.

Alec chuckled at me and said " No, complaining Anna. I know you'll love it."

It took me a moment to comprehend his words. I was falling asleep quicker than I thought I would.

" I better..." I slurred at him trying to sound stern.

He just chuckled.

I drifted to sleep feeling him next to me.

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