Turn Away (A Hollstein Fic)

By AddlctWlthAPen

72.9K 2.8K 1.1K

{AU INSPIRED BY TWENTY ONE PILOTS' "CANCER" (MCR) COVER} Laura: *I didn't plan this. I wasn't supposed to me... More

Authors Note
The Hopeless Poet
'It's a Date'
Two Words We All Hate.
'You've Made Your Bed,
Now lay in it.'
Making Plans.
A Shot In The Dark
Just Give Me A Reason.
'Say It If It's Worth Savin' Me.'
I Don't Care.
Spend A Little Time
Breathe Deep
Breathe Clear..
The Silence Is Deafening.
"Star Gazing" (I Want To Know You)
It's A Bit Cliché.
"Turn Away, Cause I'm Aweful Just To See.."
"Know That I Will Never Marry."
Home Is Where You Are.
"Baby I'm Just Soggy From The Chemo.."
"Cause The Hardest Part Of This.."
"is leaving you.."
Darling, You'll Be Okay..

Christmas 'Coming Out' Party

2.2K 85 67
By AddlctWlthAPen

Two long dreadful weeks had passed and Laura was doing a lot better. She managed to stay on track with her meds and was dealing with her side effects a lot better. She would slip every once and a while and not keep in some foods but overall she was starting to look herself again. It was enough to keep us both happy.

Since the thanksgiving accident we have been able to get back on track. She's always trying to be independent when I am around and as frustrating as it is, I allow her to do things on her own. It gives her a sense of strength and was the reason for her smile these days. She even managed to convince me into taking her to school during the week after the thanksgiving break. It was hard for her to get used to it again but she managed well enough. She is strong. I never let her go a day without reminding her.

We continued with her chemo schedule except now I went along with her. Laf wanted someone driving her home from now on since the session would be a little rougher than before, and boy were they rougher. She'd come home too tired to do anything. I'd have to help her up the stairs because her head was always pounding and her muscles were weak. Feeding her after chemo was hard but eventually she'd eat, or try to. She always managed to convince me into taking her to her favorite bench. I considered it her second home. After a couple of days spent at her place I practically moved in with her which we both didn't mind at all. She said I brought her comfort, making her home feel more like home. We kept each other warm and in my arms I felt she was safe.. I took over payments on her apartment since I had more than enough money to pay for it and more.

It was friday afternoon, a week before Christmas and Laura had been speaking to me about a Christmas party.

"So you're telling me your dad throws a yearly Christmas party a whole week before Christmas?"

"Yup. It was tradition when..." She pauses. "Well, it's been tradition."

I give her a curious look but before I could ask why she paused she interrupts my thoughts.

"And we're not missing it."

"Oh, 'We're' not missing it, huh?"

"Yup." She nods crossing her arms. "As in, you're invited too Carm and you're not getting out of this one."

I laugh at her as she keeps her tough stance.

"What's in it for me?"

"How about spending a little time with your girlfriend." She walks towards me and puts her arms on my shoulders and her hands behind my neck. I rest mine on her waist.

"Tempting," I smile at her.

"And if that's not enough, my dad's buying wine for others so-"

"That's it, I'm in." I interrupt her.

She looks at me in frustration.

"What? Free drinks is a deal breaker." I wink at her as she rolls her eyes and scrunches her nose causing me to smile.
"You know, that bunched up little face you make when you're angry is hilarious buttercup." I say placing a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Is not." She says pouting.

"Is so" I say pulling her close.
"And besides, you know I'm going to go if you're going cupcake, there was never a doubt."

"You're so frustrating you know?" She says placing her forehead against mine.

"But you love it." A smile begins to form on her lips causing me to smile just as big.

"Well get dressed, my dad will no doubt need help in the kitchen so we'll have to be early." She says letting me go and walking towards our room.

"Lovely." I sigh following after her.

- - - - - - -

We were on our way to the party. The air was cold but not as cold as it often was. The snow was melting and the roads were easier to drive on.

Laura places her hand on my knee. I place my right one over hers smiling as she locks her fingers with mine. The radio was on but we payed no mind to it.

"So. I haven't exactly mentioned.. this.." She gestures to our hands, "to my dad yet." She laughs a little awkwardly.

I squeeze her hand letting her know it was okay.
"You sure he hasn't exactly figured it out on his own?" I turn my attention to her then the road.

She shrugs. "Whatever the case, allow me to talk to him before we.. you know-"

"Look affectionate towards each other? I got it Laura, you can relax," I pull her hand up to mine and kiss the back of it. Her shoulders relax instantly and she smiles looking back at the road. Once we reached her father's house the place is decorated for Christmas. Lights were hung from his roof and around his front yard trees. A blown up Santa was out front with a waving snow man and a sign that said "reindeer landing zone".

"Well he sure is.. festive." I say turning the car off. Laura playfully punches my shoulder making me laugh.

"Try to be in the spirit? Don't you have like a 'Christmas Carmilla mode' or something?" She laughs playing with my hand from across the passengers seat.

"Christmas Carmilla mode? Might have lost that one a few years back" I say sarcastically. "But, I'll try." This was enough to make Laura lean over and press her lips against mine in a soft and loving kiss. We both smile into it.

"Alright let's go." She says smiling and pulling back.

"If we must." I get out of the car and open her door for her, walking beside her to the house door. Before she could knock her father opens it.

"Laura!" Mark says excitedly pulling her into a hug.

"Dad" she laughs pulling out of the hug, "Still haven't learned your strength yet have you?" I say rubbing my shoulder.

"I'm sorry honey, sometimes I forget," he rubs the back of his neck with an apologetic face.

"You remember Carmilla?" She says stepping forward so he can see me. He smiles brightly and puts his hand out for me to shake so I do.

"Of course, nice to see you again Carmilla."

"As well as you Mark," I smile and our hands let go.

"Well come in you two, I've got eggnog, wine, Laf and their wife Perry are already inside watching Christmas movies by the fire and their kids are.. well, running around somewhere. Can you believe those two are 8 and 10 years old already?!" He asks Laura in disbelief. "Anyways, just make yourselves at home." He says allowing us in and closing the door behind us.
"Laura dear could you help me in the kitchen?"

"Of course dad," she says agreeing. She looks at me to make sure I'll be okay and I nod walking towards the living room where Laf was.

So much for being early.

- - - - - -

Laura's POV:
I help my dad prepare dinner in the kitchen. He kept tradition and made turkey and ham with the works for everyone. I stirred the stuffing and prepared myself to talk to him.

"So," he speaks from behind me. "Is Carmilla treating you well?" He asks causing me to turn quickly and look at him in disbelief.

"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." I say feeling my shoulders tense up.

He rolls his eyes.
"Oh come on Laura, I'm a cop, not to mention your dad. I see the way you two look at each other. She has such a protective stance around you, I kind of like it-"

"Dad!" I laugh awkwardly feeling my face heat up.

"Laura Hollis, you can't lie to your father." He crosses his arms and grins at me.

I sigh giving in.
"Alright fine we-"

"I knew it!" He points his finger at me laughing.

"Shhh. Not so loud."

"What do you mean? Laf and Perry already know, it wouldn't be a shock to anyone else around here." He teases.

My face feels much redder than before, if possible.

"You didn't answer my question." He raises an eyebrow. "Is she treating you well?" I could hear the intimidation ringing in his voice making me roll my eyes. There's the usual overprotective dad I know.

"Yes dad she is. Incredibly well. She's.." I pause to really think about her. I thought about how gentle she was with me. She never let me go a day without trying to eat, or remembering to take my meds. She'd read to me every time I asked and when my side effects were really bad she'd take care of me. Giving me everything I needed and more. Comfort, care. She was like home. She was.. "perfect." I whisper then look up at my dad. His smile couldn't be any wider.

"Looks like I can put that shot gun away, intimidation isn't needed with this one"

"Daaaaad." I whine as he walks up to me and hugs me gently.

"I'm happy you've found happiness Laura. Your mom.." He pauses. "Your mom would have loved her." I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes but I wipe them away as soon as they threaten to fall.

"Thanks dad." I give him a kiss on the cheek and smile at him.

"Let's get dinner started for those hungry people shall we?"

I nod and start making plates.

  - - - - - -

Carmilla's POV:
"How is she?" Laf asks from beside me.

"She's been doing well since we last spoke, considering that was only a few days ago."

"Good" they nod. "So, you two official now?"

Before I could respond Laura walks out of the kitchen

"Dinners ready, help yourselves!" She says walking towards me as the kids run to the kitchen with Perry following them not too far behind.

"We'll discuss this later," Laf winks at me and pats my shoulder before walking to the kitchen, giving Laura a quick hug before.

"What was that all about?" Laura asks sitting beside me laying her head on my shoulder.

"It's nothing," I smile as I feel her wrap her arms around my arm placing her hand in mine.
"I take it you told your dad," I say kissing her forehead from the side. She nods slowly as I lock our fingers together.

"He likes you." She says quietly with a smile and small chuckle.

"Oh? He doesn't know me much?"

She shrugs.
"He likes your protectivness and the way you look at me."

"What can I say, I'm a natural born charmer." Laura nudges my shoulder with hers making me laugh.
"How are you feeling baby?"

She stays quiet for a bit.
"I'm alright. Though I don't think I'm eating much today since I didn't take many pills for it."

"Lauraaa." I frown as she picks her head up to look at me.

"Laf said if I wanted to drink some wine I had to stay off my pills for the day. And" she plays with my hand drawing little circles in it, "I wanted to drink with you."

I look down at her hands playing with mine.
"I don't know if I should take that lightly or not."

"Hey," she says using her finger to turn my head and face hers.
"It's supposed to be romantic." She places her forehead against mine.
"I want to drink with you."

I sigh and nod gently against her head.
"Fine but your making up for the food you don't eat today in tomorrow's dinner."

"It's a deal" she smiles placing a quick peck against my lips then standing and helping me up. We walk to the kitchen to meet everyone.

- - - -

"Now what kind of party would this be without music?!" Mark yells turning his radio on and dancing.

"Oh gosh." Laura says beside me placing her palm against her face.

"Come on Laura! You love Christmas music!" He says encouraging her.

"Daaaaad" she whines trying to hide behind my shoulder. Perry grabs hold of Lafontaine and they both walk towards the living room from the dinning room table dancing to the Christmas music together in the middle of the room with Mark.

"Laura Hollis you get your butt in here right now," he says causing me to laugh.

She looks at me allowing me to see her red cheeks from embarrassment.
"Don't be shy, go on." I say grabbing her hand and twirling her till she twirls into her dad. They start dancing and I smile from afar leaning against the kitchen bar. Christmas music wasn't exactly my type of dancing music but watching Laura smile the way she did made me melt.

Laf allowed their son to cut in and dance with Perry as they pulled out of the dancing group to grab a drink.

"So, why aren't you out there?" Laf yells into my ear from the music being loud.

"Christmas music isn't my thing." I keeping my eyes on the ground now.

"But Laura is." They nudge my shoulder leaning against the bar with me while taking a gulp of their drink.

"You know, your lucky your her doctor or I'd-"

"Easy now." They say raising their hands in defeat, "just teasing, just teasing."

I nod looking at Laura now.

"You sure I can take her?" I say in a low concerned voice.

"It's all planned out Carmilla. There's a nearby hospital just in case anything goes wrong. As long as you have her medications and take care of her, which you do very well, I'm sure there's nothing to fear."

I watch Laura as she's laughing, spinning Laf's small son in a circle and dancing with him. She glances over at me and smiles brightly. I couldn't help the smile forming on my face.

"You've got it bad my friend. Haven't seen this since.." Laf stops speaking.

"Since?" I say pushing the conversation.

"That's a story for Laura to tell you." Laf says watching Laura as I look at them.
"I think your attendance is being called for."

I look to see Laura pointing at me. She curls her finger telling me to come with her. I shake my head laughing but she doesn't take no for an answer. She walks towards me and pulls me into the dancing people forcing me to dance along with them. 'It's cold outside' started playing and I grab Laura's hands placing her arms on my shoulders and wrapping mine around her waist until we're in a slow dance position, rocking back and forward.

She lays her head on my shoulder.

"This, is perfect." She says. I smile placing my chin on her head.

"I'm glad you had such a good time." I say placing a kiss on her head.

"Oh, the parties not over yet." She grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of wine then walking out the back door still pulling me along.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously.

She looks back at me and smiles.
"To look at the stars."

If this girl wasn't absolute perfection already, those simple words only made her more so.

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