Saving Mr. Davenport ✗ Bree D...

By ShayWritesFanfics

7.2K 96 8

❝Losing one of the people you love the most can take it's toll, but when given a chance to save them, you'll... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

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By ShayWritesFanfics

Original Stats:
1.1K Views. 45 Votes. 19 Comments.


Chapter 4


I groaned quietly as I woke up to the bright light of the sun. I reached over absentmindedly, looking for my phone. I frowned as I brought my hand back to my side. Where was it? I opened my eyes to see the sun was high up in the sky. I sighed as the memories of yesterday came flooding back. Douglas had captured Davenport. He took me out here, and now, I was stuck with Chip. I sat up, only to feel like I had been shoved into a box all night. My back was aching while my neck still felt as though there was a log underneath it. I closed my eyes once more as I attempted to rub away the pain in my neck and back. I stretched out my neck as I moved my hands around and reached as far as I could to the spot that had me ready to lie back down. I was never going to save Mr. Davenport in this condition. I shook my head as I stood up warily, hoping that I could walk it off. My feet felt as though I had walked a million miles and hadn't rested all night. I rolled my eyes. Maybe Chip was right. I didn't belong out here. I belonged in the Davenport mansion where there were fluffy blankets and plush beds in every room. I missed the smell of eggs and bacon in the morning before we left for school. I even missed Tasha's constant tries to be my best friend.

She had left on a huge reporting deal along with Adam and Leo. They each headed over to the other end of California while Davenport and I decided to stay home so he could train me. Douglas had planned that we would all be gone for two weeks, though. That we would be gone one too many to save Mr. Davenport.

I glanced from side to side as I looked for Chip. He should be right here. But of course, he was off somewhere. Probably hunting a bear for all I knew. He did say that he was going to catch food for us to eat this morning, before our little fight yesterday. I would hope that he's off cooking for the two of us. I would have to repay him somehow after this. If, he was able to get me home in time to get to Mr. Davenport alive. If not, my life was in danger as well. If Douglas turned my chip back on for even a minute, he could tell whether or not I was alive. He would find out soon enough I had been saved and was this close to beating him.

Where is Chip? I thought he would be back by now. Surely the loud sounds of my pain would have brought him back. Either that or...

No. He wouldn't leave me. I might have gotten on his nerves, and him on mine, but he wouldn't leave me stranded here. Alone. In the middle of his twisted, rock paved, woods. I didn't even know if I was anywhere near California, for that matter. I could be out in another state for all I knew. I sighed as I looked around again, tying to find some sign of him. I hated that he was making me do this. I didn't exactly feel like going on a Chip hunt this morning.

I rolled my eyes and decided to walk around the lake in search of my adventure buddy. He hadn't even left a footprint for all I could tell. The lake looked exactly as it had last night. Not that I could see everything in this great of detail before. I stopped as I reached the opposite side of the lake to where I had slept. This was where he had been last night before I had fallen asleep. Where could the rebel have disappeared to? He couldn't have gone that far. Unless he walked all night.

Maybe he was testing me. Maybe he wanted me to find my way out of here. Maybe this was like my right of passage or something. He did seem like the kind of person that would go to great detail to make a scavenger hunt, even under my circumstances. Or maybe it was simpler than that. Maybe he really did leave me behind.

My only fear of going on without him, is if he was stupid enough to place a fork in the path. I didn't want to make a choice between two roads. Two roads that could lead me to two very different places. It seemed silly for me to leave the lake, but that's exactly what I was going to do. I couldn't see him for miles, anyhow. And I was on a pretty tight schedule if I do say so myself. Once I got back to California, I would know where to go. Douglas had failed to blindfold me on the way up here. If I could get to the road, I would be fine. That was actually my plan in the first place. If it hadn't have been for Chip, I might be halfway to Mission Creek by now. The only problem would be actually walking that far, that fast. I now had four days, counting today, to return home from, where ever I stood now. The clock was even ticking as I sat and thought about where Chip could be.

My mind was screaming, leave him. Leave him behind. You'll find a way home. He left a pretty self explanatory path for you, anyway. You'll get home faster without him.

I nodded as I came to my decision. I would walk home by myself. He had been great while he lasted, not "great" per say, but it would leave him a bigger ego than he had already. But as of right now, I had no use for him now.

I looked to my side to see the rock path was only ten feet from me. This was my way home. I walked calmly to the rocks and began the long walk towards home. If he found me along the way, I guess that would be okay, as well. The only person I had to worry about right now though, was Mr. Davenport. His life was resting in my, no longer bionic, hands. I could make a difference if I kept going forward. I was going somewhere at least. Hopefully somewhere closer to where Douglas had my father "hidden". Douglas had, again, failed to blindfold me on the way to the warehouse where Mr. Davenport was currently tied to a chair, waiting for his doom.

The path became bumpier as I kept going. The rocks slipping out just as I thought I was in the clear. I was glad I had chosen to wear my boots yesterday. If I had worn my heels, I would been in bigger trouble. The training Mr. Davenport had given me had helped as well. Without my bionics though, I was slightly screwed.

I shook away the thought. I would be home in ample time to save him. Adam and I have taken on enough bad guys before. I've never personally beat anyone up, but I would probably be okay if I did. I could handle myself. I was stronger than most of America for crying out loud.

I stopped as I heard a small crack of a branch to my right. I took in a deep breath. I was in the light of day. A bear would only attack during the night. Or so I hope. I shook my head and continued on, taking lighter steps to not completely tip off to the fact that I was out here. I had to keep moving. I pushed past a few trees as I stayed along the path, slightly thankful for it. As much as I hated Chip at the moment, he made a pretty reliable source of transportation. I would have never thought to make something like this. I actually would have ignored the idea, simply because of the time it must have taken.

I took in a deep breath, already feeling a tad winded because of how long I had been walking already. I didn't realize how much Chip had slowed down for me. He was practically taking baby steps yesterday compared to how fast I was moving now.

I froze as I heard steps behind me. Steps that sounded much like that of my adventure buddy's, loud and obnoxious. I cringed as I waited for the moment when he came up behind me, waiting for the moment when he could tell me he was right. I should have listened to him. I should have waited for him to return. I shouldn't have left without him. How did he even catch up with me anyway? I only left five minutes ago... Well that explains it.

I sighed as I turned to see he was walking along on the other side of the trees, I had time to hide. I ran over quietly before I was positioned behind a very large tree and a bush. He would never see me from the path. Chip pushed the tree line back as he walked through to my side of the path. I held my breath as he walked by, practically counting every sound he heard, or movement he saw. I knew he had heard me, before. He sighed and brought his hand up to his temple, tapping it until he uttered the one words I never thought he would say. The one words I thought only one person knew.

"Override app, on. Connect to Caitlyn." He mumbled as he turned in a circle once over. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I scrambled to quietly cover my chip, hopping he wouldn't pick up on it. Douglas had turned it off, that would mean the signal was off as well, right? That, and my name wouldn't come up as Caitlyn. My fake identity was screwed as I knew it.

I closed my eyes as I waited for him to pull back the branches of my hiding spot. To reveal this little game I had somehow wrapped him into. If he didn't want to continue on with me, I would understand. I would almost be thankful in a way. No wonder he was so hell bent on getting me home in time. He was one of us. Probably one of Douglas' creations. Word has it, the Davenport brothers shared the recipe for bionic kids.

"Connection failed?" He stated in disbelief as he spun around once more, knowing I was somewhere near, that I couldn't have traveled much farther without him catching sight of me. If I made even the slightest movement though, I knew he would hear me for sure. Because only come to realize, that my so called adventure buddy, had the same abilities as Chase. He was bionic. But the even worse factor, he knew I was bionic. And I was scared to see what would happen if he actually found me.


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