Flashette(Book Three)

By Flashette1

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(Season 3 of The Flash) Following the events of season 3, picking up where they left off, Chloe and Barry de... More

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Author's note 6/27/17


1.5K 26 2
By Flashette1

       Everything checked out with the baby, and everyone was tearing up during the whole thing. We're going to wait until the baby is born to find out the gender.
     When it was over, I could tell Caitlin was holding back on something, but I didn't dwell on it. I shrugged it off and continued on with the rest of my day. I knew that if something was wrong, she'd tell me. Barry and Cisco went off together, and I talked to Caitlin for a majority of the time. We eventually all met in the speed lab to check on Wally's progress.
     "He's going so fast, I can barely keep up with him. It seems like he gets faster every time we rest him," Joe said as he watched his son speed around the track.
     "Mach 2...." Cisco replied.
      "He just got his speed a few days ago, how are his vitals?" I asked.
"Running economy and lactate threshold are all way above expected levels," Caitlin replied, looking up from her tablet.
"I think we might have a little prodigy on our hands," Barry commented.
"I don't want Wally thinking he's Barry or Chloe, running around and doing whatever he pleases, whenever. We don't need him jumping the gun, trying to take down Savitar or Alchemy,the next time one of them shows up," said Iris.
"Wally isn't like me. He doesn't want his powers gone. You saw how much he wanted them....With that, it's gonna be hard tying to keep him from using them," Caitlin commented.
"We have to try.....Until he's ready, we'll have to convince him that he isn't. That means no encouraging him, no training him, and no talking about a suit...." Iris said motioning to Cisco, who suddenly wore a frown.
"Why the hell not? It's just another lie between friends, right?" Cisco asked. I sighed, but was interrupted by Wally speeding in. He wore a bubbly and happy expression with a big smile.
"What?......Not good?" Wally asked, noticing the unimpressed expressions of his friends.
"We'll try again tomorrow...I'll run a few more tests....," Cailtin said before Joe walked up to Wally and wrapped his arm around Wally's neck.
"Dinner anywhere you want, on me...." Joe said walking out with his son. Iris joined him, and the loudspeaker startled us.
"Test! Test! Hello S.T.A.R Labs personnel! Your presence is greatly needed in the cortex!" Harry exclaimed over the intercom.
"That's tonight? His presentation?" I asked, agitated. Caitlin nodded.
"What about after.....We get a drink.....Me, you, Barry, and Chloe...." Caitlin proposed.
"So we're just gonna get drinks and pretend we're friends? Nice try, ain't gonna happen," Cisco said walking up to the cortex. Caitlin shrugged, and we proceeded upstairs.
"You want to open S.T.A.R Labs in two weeks?" I asked.
"The clock is ticking....My vision is a personal tour of the facility or a virtual reality alternative..." HR said before he went on a rant about his vision. The satellite alarm went off, interrupting his speech....
"Is.....Is that the satellite?" I asked walking over to the screen, excited to hear the alarm. "I mean...Too bad we have to cancel this lovely presentation..."
"Is that a meteor?" Caitlin asked nervously.
"Yes, it is a meteor, and yes it is heading for downtown!" Cisco exclaimed.
"We gotta go," I said to Barry before we suited up and sped off. We followed the meteor to its landing site.
"Uh....guys..." I said through my earpiece.
"What is it?" Cisco asked nervously.
"It's not a meteor...."
"What is it?" Barry asked as I he closer.
"Chloe, don't!" He yelled as I reached for it. The object flew open and Barry and I both went flying. We were thrown to the ground, and when I regained my vision, a creature was running towards me. It stopped infront of me and screeched.....
"Aliens?" I asked as they trampled us and ran out of their ship.
"It's not a meteor.....It's Aliens..." I said through my earpiece. When they all left, we sped back to S.T.A.R Labs, only to find that the new stations were already on the case.
"Government officials are reporting the strange flying object that flew over Central City and crashed late last night to be a DOD aircraft on a routine training operation..." said the news reporter. I clicked the off button on the tv and sped to the scene in my suit.
"Lyla!" I called, jogging over to her after I sped in. "What is this?" I asked, hoping to get an answer. "I saw a ship last night and-"
"What else did you see?" Lyla asked me.
"Enough to give Ridley Scott nightmares....." I said before Lyla looked over her shoulder at a man who was conversing with one of the reporters.
"Meet me at S.T.A.R Labs, I'll tell you everything I know," she said before I sped over there.
"Where were you? I was worried-" Barry said rushing up to me as I entered the cortex.
"I was talking to a friend. There's no way to describe these-"
"Aliens....." said Cisco. He had surprise and shock in his voice. "Are they "Alien" aliens, or little green men?" Cisco asked.
"Both, sort of," Barry replied.
"And they are no joke," Lyla said as she walked into the cortex. "Ever since we've encountered them, we've called them the "Dominators."
"That does not sound like the name of a creature that comes in peace," Wally said as a picture of them were passed around.
"How long have you known about them?" Iris asked.
"Since the '50s...That was them in Redmond Oregon.....The government tried covering it up...." I said as everyone looked at me with skeptical looks. "What? I watch all those channels....Syfy, History, Animal Planet-"
"Staying on track, in 1951, they appeared in similar circumstances..." Lyla said showing us a video. "A ship crash landed, little or no communication......We learned they were abducting humans to gather Intel about us. They attacked, and hundreds lost their lives. And suddenly, they left.....All contact had been lost until 3 months ago. We recieved this," Lyla said before she played an audio clip:
"We pose no threat, human inhabitants....Understanding is or purpose.....Any action to us, as shown to us in our past...Will prompt in retaliation," the voice spoke before Lyla stopped it.
"And when we saw 4 ships heading towards earth, we knew it was happening all over again. One of them landing here."
"That's just what we need. It's not like we have enough crazy going on here."
"Another crisis to add to the list."
"They've ignored all attempts to communicate. But we do know that the ships hold alien teams that are here to gather more Intel about us. Military teams are already taking action."
"So you want us to sit this one out?" I asked stepping foreword. "These are like World War Z, Zombies.....If the military decides to attack, they can't stop them. They'll all perish...."
"Neither can you.....At least not by yourselves....Let us handle this for now," Lyla said before turning off the monitor and exiting.
"You can't do this alone," Iris said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"We don't plan to," I hinted to Barry. We sped to S.T.A.R City to find our friend. With a little help from his tech guru, we found his location and proceeded with caution. I heard gunfire coming from his location and knew that could be trouble for Oliver, so Barry and I sped in. We got both Dig and Ollie to safety by bringing them to Oliver's house. Oliver struggled to catch his breath next to me, and Dig was currently throwing up on the terrace.
"Hey Felicity!" I exclaimed as she entered.
"Hi Chloe!" Felicity replied before we turned our attention to Oliver.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"The Vigilante.....We almost had him....."
"You....A-almost....had him...." I replied in a sarcastic tone.
"What can I do for you?" Oliver replied back sarcastically. "Is there another evil speedster you need me to take care of?" Oliver asked.
"Maybe, but no."
"Then what was so urgent?" Felicity asked.
"Aliens," I whispered. Thea appeared from the hallway and joined us. Dig came in from the terrace and joined the discussion as well.
"My life what somewhat normal until I met you," Dig said to Barry and I.
"They're here and they're real and from what Lyla told us, they don't appear to come in peace. We already had a little taste of that."
"Oh no....." Said Felicity.
"Lyla knows about this?" Dig asked. I nodded. He grabbed his coat off the back of the couch and stormed out of the house.
"I called Thea," Felicity said, pointing to her. She had already been present for a few minutes.
"Yeah.... I came over to have Oliver sign this before city council went in mutiny...But that?" Thea responded.
"But what?" Felicity asked.
      "This is aliens we're talking about! Speedy wants to kick some ass," Thea replied.
"I thought you were retired," Oliver said.
"Count me in!" Thea exclaimed. "Speedy's coming out of retirement!"
"You can't."
"But they're aliens!"
"Awe, look at all of you. Going out together to fight some aliens......HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?" Felicity asked. "All of you couldn't take down that many. You're not powerful enough. There's only 5 of you!" said Felicity.
"Not if we get Stein and all the others......" I commented.
"They're calling themselves the Legends...."
"Egotistical, but catchy!"
"Do you know where they are?" I asked Oliver.
"No, but I know where they were," Oliver said before he got the location and we headed over there.
"What is this place?" Thea asked upon arrival.
"It's this old hangar that S.T.A.R Labs owns...I guess we own it..." Barry replied.
"You should use it-"
"Let me get this straight....Our time traveling buddies in their spacey time ship are just supposed to appear right now?" Diggle asked.
"This is the time and place I gave them, so they should be he-" Felicity said before she was interrupted by the ship coming out of nowhere and landing infront of us.
"Tell everyone to get inside."
"Where are you going?" Felicity asked.
"Since we're fighting aliens, I thought we needed one of our own..." I replied. Cisco and Barry stayed outside with me while the Legends and the rest of the team went in.
"Tachyon device says you were on earth 38 when you met her. You'll find her there. And you know I'm only doing this for the sake of the mission. I'm not gonna let my problems with you get in the way," Cisco said to Barry before I followed them into a breech. We found ourselves in the living room of our old friend: Kara Danvers.
     "This better be the right place," Cisco said examining our surroundings. "Or else someone's gonna be real confused."
      "It is," Barry replied.
       "Just like I remember......" I said before the front door opened. We all froze before we realized it was Kara.
       "BARRY! CHLOE!" She yelled waking in the door. She closed it and set her grocery bags down.
        "I knew it! I knew it was you in that....space portal!" She exclaimed hugging Barry.
       "It took a couple tries to-"
       "I figured. Wouldn't wanna mess up the continuum." Kara broke the hug from Barry, and came over to me.
      "Little Baby Allen!" She exclaimed, giving me a hug.
         "Didn't have the best of luck with the first one.....But hopefully everything will be okay with #2!"
         "It will......" Kara replied. "I'm so happy for you!"
         "Let me just say, this is a pretty nice universe you got here," Cisco said to Kara. She hesitated.
       "Sorry....This is our friend...Cisco." Cisco shook Kara's hand.
      "Friend is a loose term. We work together," Cisco replied. Kara nodded and looked at me. Barry spoke:
       "Do you remember last year when we helped you out, and you promised to do the same for us?" Barry asked.
      "What are we up against?" Kara replied. We explained to her and brought her through the breech. She stumbled before observing the rest of the team.
"Legends, thank you for coming. Good to see the gangs all here..."
"I thought you were bringing an alien?" Oliver asked.
"She is. This is my friend from earth 38....Kara Danvers.....They know her as Supergirl..." I said up the team.
"What makes her so super?" Diggle asked. She flew into the air and carved her logo in the concrete behind the team with her laser vision.
"I'm convinced..." Diggle said before he was interrupted.
"Best.....Teamup......Ever!" Felicity exclaimed, clapping her hands together. We explained the aliens to the team before a whole new discussion started.
"I think we need a team leader...Someone we can all trust...." Ray suggested.
"Oliver has my vote!" Cisco exclaimed.
"Barry and Chloe are the ones who put this together, let's let them call the shots...." Oliver suggested.
"Fair enough!" Cisco huffed.
"As team leaders, we should start out by..." Barry went on.
"Having a test run!" I finished.
"Yeah, that," Barry replied.
"Against Supergirl!" I suggested.
"Yeah, what she said," Barry responded. "Suit up! Look alive! Whose ready to-" I cut Barry off. I called Kara and Oliver over to talk to them before we got started.
"This is Oliver....The first man to train us..." I introduced.
"Really?" Kara asked. Oliver nodded.
"You did a great job..."
"It's because I didn't hold back....I shot him.....You shouldn't hold back either..." Oliver said.
"He really did shoot us. Barry was the only one affected. I moved out of the way."
"Are you sure?" Kara asked.
"Really? I just met these people."
"They need to see that this isn't going to be easy. Don't hold back, especially against me...." Oliver said before he left to suit up.
"Wow...Okay....I'm getting the vibe that he doesn't like me..." said Kara.
"He's like that with everyone. He'll warm up to you.." I said before patting her on the shoulder and going off to find Ray. He was talking with Cisco behind the van, and Cisco exited when he noticed our presence.
"Hey! How are you doing?" Ray asked.
"Good. I wanted to ask, Where's Snart?" Rays expression changed and I became concerned.
"I'm sorry......I forgot we didn't tell you.....He sacrificed himself.....To save us all....He died a hero, even though he put up the front that he was stone cold."
"He died a legend..." I replied. We finished with Ray, and headed over to the tech table. We were stopped by Stein and Jackson.
"A message needs to be shared with you two. In private..."
"I'll step away," Oliver said before I stopped him.
"It's okay," I said before we followed Stein and Jackson. They brought us to the van and plugged a little chip into the computer.
"A war is coming, Captain hunter. And at some point, you're gonna be called back to Central City to fight it. You need to know that while your team has been in the temporal zone, I made a choice that affected the timeline. As you know, whenever you alter the past, you alter the future, and those changes affect the present. When you return, you will be in the new timeline I created. Where everyone's past and future have been affected, even yours. When you come back, don't trust anything or anyone.....Not even me...."
"Where did you get that?" I asked. "It sounded like-"
"Barry........That's because it is him......." Stein said.
"We found it in a secret room inside the WaveRider. It was sent from him 40 years from now," said Jackson.
"40 years from now? Barry, what the hell does this mean?" Oliver asked.
"It means I screwed things up when I changed the past. Just like Chloe, I dragged all of you along with me."
"What did you do?" Stein asked.
"I went back in time and saved my mom. Chloe saved her parents because I dragged her along with me. That created this alternate universe we were in for 3 months, before coming back to this one. It's totally different now than where we came from, and it's all because of me. I thought that coming back and killing her again would reset things back to how they were but-" Barry was cut off.
"It didn't work," Oliver finished.
"So what changed?" Stein asked, curiously.
"Cisco's brother is dead, Wally has powers, Caitlin has powers, and Dig has a son instead of a daughter..." I went on.
"What?" Oliver asked, surprised.
"This screwed up not only my life, but everyone else's as well. Even their futures.....I thought the aliens coming was something that I didn't cause, or something that I can help with to make up for what I had done..."
"I think we need to inform everybody else," Jackson suggested. Barry and I shared a glance.
"We're going up against aliens, and you wanna tell people that their lives have changed because of an alternate universe that Barry created? One Sci-Fi problem at a time," Oliver said, putting his hand out. "You made a mistake, and we are going to have to handle it.....Just not today," Oliver said exiting the van, followed by Jackson. I looked over at Stein, but recieved a look of disappointment. I tapped Barry's shoulder and we exited.
We proceeded with helping our teammates in a test run against Supergirl. Ray was currently shooting blasts at her.
"She's indestructible. She's a total badass.....That's hot," Sarah drooled as she helped Ray with his attack. Barry and I tried using our speed to catch her off guard, but she used her heat vision and flying skills to out power us.
"Are you sure you want me to keep going?" Kara asked.
"Yup. Let's go!" Oliver exclaimed. The rest of the team decided to continue, while Barry and I went off to the side for a break. Cisco came up to us, and he looked like he was angry.
"What's this?" Cisco asked, holding up the IPod Stein was using earlier. We knew it had the message on it.
"Nothing....Nothing....Our workout playlist..." I tried to cover.
"I listened to it, nice try....But It's really you......Like future you..."
"You didn't tell them?" Cisco asked.
"We're going to....When this is finished..." said Barry.
"When this is finished?.....Even though you're about to lead them through an alien war....Even after Flashpoint.....Even after everything you've messed up...After all the lives you changed, you still don't think you should tell them...." Cisco said, raising his voice.
"Tell us what?" Sarah asked, stepping towards us.
"Uh...Jackson and professor Stein found a message from me....In your ship...And it said that right now I can't be trusted...." Barry said with his head down.
"And why would future you say that?" Sarah asked.
"I think because I went back in time and it changed everyone's lives. Things now are different from before. Including, some of your lives."
"Some of our lives-Like who?" Kara asked.
"Cisco, Caitlin, Wally, Dig..." I said. Everyone looked around, and Dig looked at me.
"What do you mean?" He asked. Oliver stepped closer and told him that he had a daughter.
"I had a daughter, Bar?" He asked. I nodded.
"Baby John was Baby Sarah...." I said looking down at my hands. I couldn't see him, but I knew that John was starting to tear because of the cracking of his voice when he spoke.
"So you just erased a daughter from my life?" Dig asked.
"Yeah....." I said looking up.
"You can't just go back and change things like that, Barry!" Sara explained. "Do you know how many times I've wanted to change everything to get my sister back? But I don't because I know the implications!"
"So all the traveling we've done in the last 8 months to correct the wrongs...You just decided it was okay to create your own?" Ray asked. "Leonard sacrificed his life, when In turn it didn't even have to be-"
"We should've told them before," Jackson said before our attention was turned to Felicity. She got a message.
"That was Lyla, the president has been abducted by the Dominators."
"Go. We'll sit this one out. You've got Supergirl, she's just as fast as we are..." The rest of the team went out and Supergirl stayed behind.
"You trust us, Right?" I asked her.
"I will always trust you guys. They might need a bit more convincing," she said before Oliver returned.
"This is crazy, we can't leave without them. Everyone is going, including the speedy duo. I'm not going without them," said Oliver.
"Then you'll stay here," Dig said, placing a hand on Oliver's shoulder.
"It's okay, I'll go with them and get the president back. Okay?" Kara asked. I nodded and the team went off.
Barry and I brought Oliver to a place where we could explain everything and make it right. We went back to Wells' little room off of the corridor. I used my handprint to open it, and Barry spoke to Gideon. We pulled up that same page from the future, and Oliver looked at it in surprise.
"I didn't think about it, Oliver," Barry said. "I didn't think about the future.....I was so focused on the past......I changed so much...."
"What is this?" Oliver asked.
"This is an article from a news story in the future. It's about me vanishing."
"Where's Chlo-"
"Not definite. Doesn't say. No clues either. It used to be written by Iris West-Allen, but now it's written by some "Julie" person."
"It's just some article.....You need to stop beating yourself up...."
"How could you say that? I'm responsible for all of this.."
"Maybe not.....You made a choice, do you know how many people would kill for the chance to go back and see their parents alive? I would do the exact same thing...After the Gambit went down, it was me, my father, and a crew member on a life raft. Enough food for one person, maybe. My dad shot the crewmember, told me to survive, and than turned the gun on himself...Right in the head...He shot himself so I could live....Nothing I could do, no choice. Slade Wilson killed my mom by stabbing her through the heart infront of my sister and I. I was there....Powerless on the ground.....Again, I had no choice..."
"You never told us that....."
"The world is different not because you changed the timeline...Change happens....Tradgedy happens....People make choices, and those choices affect everyone else....You're not God....You're human...." Oliver said before Cisco interrupted. A large blast was heard and the building shook.
"Wherever you guys are, we need you!" Cisco said over the intercom. Barry used Gideon's keypad to pull up footage from outside. It was our team, and they were attacking S.T.A.R Labs.
"Things just got so much worse..." I said before we suited up and headed outside. The team assembled before us.
"Guys, can we talk about this?" I asked before Thea shot an arrow at us. I caught it and broke it infront of her.
"I guess not," Oliver said before the whole team went after us. Barry and I sped over behind the van, and Oliver joined.
"What's wrong with them?" I asked.
"I don't know, but we're gonna have to find out.." Barry said before we got blasted away from the truck. Kara......I thought. We were thrown from our position, and we landed in the courtyard. We scrambled to our feet and hid behind the sign.
"You really did it this time, didn't you?" Oliver asked us as we dodged another blast. We sped him to safety against a wall and spoke:
"Seriously?" I asked him.
     "Yup, seriously. You come to Star city and ask for my help, and than immediately we find ourselves in trouble!" Oliver scolded. Kara shot a beam inbetween the brick.
"What's that?" Oliver asked.
"That would be heat vision..."
       "They're moving in!" I commented as another blast was heard.
      "On three team leader!" Oliver joked.
       "1...2...." I said before a beam of light was shot in our direction.
     "3!" Oliver finished before we split off. I sped ontop of the building, and Atom and Firestorm followed me. I began running around in a circle, and shot lighting in their direction. The bolts broke off, and struck both of them. I was then blown from the top of the building by Supergirl and I landed on the ground infront of the rest of the team. Oliver was trapped by Diggle, and I was surrounded. All hope was lost until a blur came out of nowhere. It knocked the team down and stopped infront of me.
"Wally......" I said as he stood over me.
"Kid Flash," he said giving me a help up. Supergirl came out of nowhere and threw him. He fell onto the cement and I followed him.
"Wally....Speak to me......." I said trying to get him to move. "He's alive, but hurt bad," I said through the earpiece. I looked down at his body.
"Let's get an ETA on overriding mind control," Oliver said through his earpiece.
"There's a signal coming from the salt mines," Cisco said through the earpiece.
"Can you jam it?" Barry asked.
"No...." Felicity answered.
"How many arrows do you have left?" I asked Oliver.
"Not enough," he replied.
"This hallway leads to a bunker under the building...Hold them off as long as you can..."
"Where are you going?" Oliver asked.
"If they can't shut it down, maybe she can," I said before facing Supergirl.
"Hey Supergirl!" I called. "Let's see who can go faster," I challenged. I ran all around city with her following. She came close to getting me with her heat vision, but I luckily dodged it. I continued to speed along, and lead her to the building where the sing along was coming from. I sped around it a few times before coming to a stop inside.
"Is that all you got, Girl Of Steel?" I asked before running around again. I stopped on the stairs and she followed. "Too slow," I commented before running again. I stopped, and she flew down infront of me. She looked at me before charging in my direction, and running through the "satellite" of the mind control. She rolled, but stood up. I was relieved when I saw the red mind control patch go away from her forehead.
"Chloe?" Kara asked. "What happened?"
"You didn't kill me...But don't worry, you're not the first superhero to be mind controlled," I said with a smile. She returned it, and we sped back to the rest of the team.
"Chloe and Barry, message or no message, we're here with you," Diggle greeted.
"Thank you."
"Where's Supergirl?" Thea asked.
"Making sure there are no more mind control orbs. Wouldn't wanna do that over again. No one else needs to be whammied."
"So what should we do now?" Dig asked.
"Call Lyla....Tell her that these things aren't here peacefully," I said before Sara was abducted by a ray of yellow light. The alien ship was overhead.
"SARA!" Oliver yelled up to her. Ray and Jackson were taken, and eventually heatwave. I could see the beam coming down to take Oliver, so I tried to run and save him before it got to him. But I was too slow. Oliver was taken along with the rest of the team. It was just Barry and I standing outside alone.
"Did you see that?" I asked through the earpiece. I sped inside and Cisco talked up a plan.
"How about I go to Starling and talk with the team there? They have all those smarty pantses, they'll know what to do," Cisco said before he grabbed his coat.
"What about us? I want to go help you..."
"You stay here. I've already got some friends coming down to help. One of which you have to pick up. The other will meet you here."
"Okay," I replied before looking at Barry and Supergirl. We stayed around a few minutes before I sped to Starling City to pick up our friend. Barry and Supergirl were at the meeting place, and when I returned two of our new friends were already there.
"You should have had one of them carry you. That was awesome!" One of the friends explained when I put him down.
"I'm not being carried around anywhere."
"It's so cool Felicity reached out. It's awesome to meet you," one of the others said.
"Wait until you meet her," I said before pointing to the approaching object in the sky. She landed:
"Hi Everyone!" Kara said with a wave.
"I've had enough of this," one of our masked friends said before stepping off his motorcycle. He proceeded into the building, and I followed.
"Do you want some company?" I asked, trailing after him.
"Not really...." He replied.
"What was it that you had enough of?" I asked.
"Nothing. I just didn't know there were flying metahumans-"
"No sign of Washington," Kara said as she flew in.
"She's not a Metahuman, she's an alien. One of the good ones."
"There are no good ones...."He replied.
"What's your problem?" I asked.
"My problem is that you have the power of gods, and you think you can make the world a better place just by putting on a fancy costume. Look around, as soon as you show up, Metas start appearing, and when she shows up, there's aliens. Superpowers are evil and I don't want anything to do with them, not even you," the man said grabbing his helmet and continuing to walk. We let him go off on his own before we heard commotion.
Barry and I sped in his direction, and I pushed him out of the way of a blast. Supergirl flew in after us and we put our "choreography" into action. Supergirl clocked the meta and when the meta was about to land, I punched her right back. She fell to the floor with a crash and I hi-fived Supergirl.
"Girl power."
"There's the regulator.." One of our other friends said walking in. "That was awe-"
"Just remove it..." I said before he bent down and grabbed the chip from the metas arm.
"Thanks for the save. And not usually one for apologies sweetheart, but I'm glad there are guys like you in the world..."
"Awe!" I cooed. We sped back to hq and were excited to hear from Felicity that the rest of our team was back.
"I can't believe you escaped an alien spaceship!" Cisco exclaimed. "What was it like? How was the tech? Did it have-"
"Cisco!" I said before he piped down. "Nothing new since the little "brain games" incident we had last time."
"Why would they-"
"They were propably searching your minds because of Metahuman vulnerabilities."
"It would make sense......"
"So what are we gonna do now?"
"They captured you for Intel, why don't we do the same to them? Taking that chip left them in short supply."
"I know just where to find one," Oliver's friend said, walking over to the computer. He pulled up a clip:
"1951...." We watched as troops went down, trying to fight off these aliens.
"So you're suggesting we travel to 1951, and abduct a dominator to determine their intentions?" Stein asked.
"They kidnapped us....Seems fair," said Sara.
"Time travel....I'm in..." said Cisco.
"Hold up, Stein and Caitlin have been talking about a way to take them down... They could probably use your help."
"Pass.." Cisco replied.
"I'm with him...I don't want to list my geek cred, but time travel!" Felicity squealed.
"I can take Amaya and Mick..." Oliver's friend said before Cisco and Felicity ran off excitedly.
"The new president also called....which would be cool under different circumstances, but she wants to meet with us."
"Let's bring Ray and Sara as backup..." Oliver suggested.
"What about me?" Supergirl asked. Oliver ignored her and I shrugged. I went on with the rest of the team while Oliver talked to Supergirl. He eventually joined us.
"Where's the president?" Sara asked as we waited outside.
"She's late. I expected more from her..." Barry said.
"What did you say to Kara earlier?" I whispered to Oliver. "She seemed angry. I didn't know she was capable of being angry." Oliver ignored my comment.
"We have movement," Sara said before we turned around. Multiple cars were coming at us. They formed a circle around us and stopped. Someone came out of the car and spoke. He was later joined by other men in suits.
"Sorry.....but the president couldn't make it...."
"Who are you?" I asked. The men circling us pulled out their guns and held them up to us. Barry put his arm infront of me protectively.
"If I told you that, I'd have to kill you," he replied.
"I think we have a misunderstanding. We're the good guys...."
"And girls.....The president sent us here."
"I think it's time we do something," Oliver whispered. "Fast..." He said before Barry and I sped around. We caught the bullets that were fired, turned down the guns, and took care of all the guys around us. After that was done, we heard something bounce off Rays chest plate.
"SNIPER!" Oliver yelled. "On it," I said before I sped to find him. The rest of the team stayed back to fight the men that were coming in. I took care of the sniper, and sped back in just to meet the eyes of the last man standing.
"We're trying to help you, and this is how you thank us?" I asked.
"You don't understand....The reason why they're here is because they have-"
"A beef with the metahumans..." Sara finished. "Tell us something we don't know."
"What exactly have we done?" I asked.
"Nothing, yet. But they see individuals with powers like yours as a threat. And frankly, so do I."
"Well if you're such good friends with the Dominators, why don't you call them off?" Sara asked.
"We know you sent them packing once back in 1951."
"That was just a reconnaissance mission."
"What brought them back?" Barry asked.
"You did, Mr Allen."
"He knows who you are.."
"You threatened the entire universe when you used your powers to upset the normal course of time."
"Flashpoint.....How do you even know about that?" I asked.
"They told us."
"He made a mistake, okay?" I asked. "We all do. It's not gonna happen again."
"For the last 60 years, we've enjoyed a truce with the Dominators. You broke it."
"What do they want?" I asked.
"I've negotiated a deal with them. If Mr and Mrs Allen surrender themselves, they will leave us in peace. If you really want to save the world, here's your chance," he said before exiting. The team fanned out.
"CHLOE, Wait!" Barry called after me. I turned around.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"We can't do this. It's too-"
"We have to. Flashpoint is our doing. We have to fix this," I said walking into the hanger where the team was.
"This isn't up for debate," I said. The team turned around to face me. "This isn't even a close call. The Dominators will stop terrorizing the world if we turn ourselves in. Simple..."
"But I don't want you to do this," Barry said placing a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off. "Thanks for the support, but my minds made up."
"That's not simple, Chloe. And it doesn't matter what you've done."
"A wrong was made, and if I have the chance to fix it, I'm gonna take it. I'd rather it be me going than any of you. It's been a honor to know you. To fight alongside you. To love you," I said looking at Barry. "Now it's up to you to keep our home safe," I said before nodding. I turned around and walked towards the exit.
"CHLOE!" Oliver called. "I'm not letting you do this."
"No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?" I asked, turning around.
"This one," Barry answered. Our team was suited up and in formation.
"Listen pinky pie, I don't like you, but when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest," said Mick. I chuckled.
"That was actually pretty inspiring up until the point where he compared us to criminals.."
"According to the Dominators we might as well be," said Amaya.
"And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but let's find out," said Ray.
"We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that's what it means to be a hero," Cisco said stepping foreword. "You're not a hero to me.....You're my friend." Jackson and Sara came into the room. They looked like they had some urgent news.
"That ship that opened in Central City is opening up!"
"Here we go," said Oliver. The computer started blaring and Felicity checked it.
"According to this, ships are opening up all over the world. And something from the mothership was just dropped and is on its way to Central City. It's headed rapidly."
"It's the meta bomb. The ships must have been a distraction....."
"We have to keep them at bay."
"I have something that might help," Stein said walking in. "I've created a small device that will cause indescribable agony when placed on individual Dominators. Not the best invention, but this is war."
"The caveat of course is that if we activate the weapons before all the devices are placed, they'll know what we're up to."
"We gotta do it, fast."
"The only way I know how." The team assembled and we headed out. We met a clan of Dominators and we didn't hesitate to attack. We ran towards them and gave it all we got. We used the best of our abilities and took down many Dominators. And it seemed like they were coming and coming. Barry and I didn't hesitate to put the devices on them. We sped around, and "tagged" them with a little device.
"We still have Dominators all over the country. This looks like a job for.....Supergirl..." Felicity said through the earpiece.
"Wow. Thanks, I'm totally not insulted. My feelings totally weren't hurt," I said.
"I mean The Flashes as well.....Supergirl and The Flashes..." She corrected. Barry, Supergirl, and I sped around the country, tagging any dominator we saw in sight.
"Waiting for the signal..." Felicity said, anxiously. When the end was in sight, we gave it.
"NOW!" Oliver yelled. Within seconds, the Dominators were screeching in pain.
"What's the status?" Felicity asked.
"They're retreating."
"Even the ones all around the world."
"He did it," Oliver said after Firestom sped back to us. "He transformed the Metahuman bomb into something harmless."
"No, we all did it...." I said to him. We stood proudly over the city we saved.
When we got back to the hangar, we stood before a crowd of military and government officials.
"Many responsibilities have fallen to me since the presidents passing at the beginning of the crisis. Sobering, sad responsibilities," the president went on. "This is not one of them. Today, it is my distinct honor to bestow upon you a small acknowledgement of the great debt the world owes you all. Although your brave efforts must be kept a secret, know that Metahuman or not, masked or not, each and every one of you is a hero." She finished, and the crowd stood up. They cheered, and we were being applauded. Eventually, they all left and we celebrated.
"WOO!" Felicity yelled as she popped a champagne bottle.
"Thank you!" Barry said as he held out his glass. Felicity poured some in his glass, and Oliver handed me a glass of sparkling cider.
"Because I know that you can't drink..." Oliver said hanging it do me.
"Thanks, Ollie!" I said before kissing him on the cheek. He blushed, and Barry took notice. Barry grabbed my hand and lead me over to some of our other friends.
"I think it's cute when you get flustered!" I said as Barry lead me over to Ray and Sara.
"Well then you'd have a field day if I ever caught you doing something with him."
"I'm all yours," I said before kissing him. "You don't have to worry about that," I concluded before we talked to Sara and Ray for a while. We eventually said goodbye and walked over to Kara and Oliver, who had called us over.
"Have you ever saved the world before?" Kara asked.
"Mmhmm...Last year..." I replied.
"It doesn't get old, does it?" Kara asked.
"No, but it sure beats screwing up the world," Barry replied.
"You are too hard on yourself."
"That's what he's always told," I said, patting Barry's chest. "Trying to juggle all life's problems on his shoulders."
"Back on my earth, it's just me and my cousin. Between the two of us, we're more powerful than-"
"Everybody in this room," I finished.
"That's not the point. Metahumans or not, powers or not, you're earths mightiest heroes."
"And I owe you an apology...." Oliver trailed off to Kara. I took Barry's hand and pulled them aside to give them some privacy.
"She should be a motivational speaker...."
"I was thinking the same thing........Anyway, How are you after all of this? This was a lot of action and I want to make sure you and the baby are okay."
"Never been better..." I replied before kissing him. When we broke it, we noticed Kara and Oliver watching.
"That's so sweet!" Kara cooed.
"Why don't we spread the love?" I asked Barry.
"Like a group hug?" Barry asked.
"Exactly," I replied before we got closer to Kara and Oliver. Kara gave in, but Oliver had to warm up to it. We held the hug, but let go before Oliver would have killed us.
"Kara?" Cisco asked, approaching her. "I made you something.." He said handing her a box. She opened it, and looked at it with a puzzled expression.
"What is it?" She asked.
"An inter dimension extrapolator. It creates small breaches so you can use it to crossover to our universe any time you need to."
"That's amazing! Thank you!"
"I even added a communication feature, so if you need us, you can call."
"Why don't we test it out?" I asked as we stepped outside. Kara was meeting us because she had to talk with the old director.
"You won't be hearing from him again. He's going to Antarctica," Kara said as she joined us.
"Nice. Hope he packs warm. Ready to test this out?" I asked.
"Yeah," Kara sighed. "If you ever need me, I'm a call away." We said our goodbyes to our alien friend.
"Bye, Chloe! I better be getting updates on this little fella. I hope I get an invitation to a shower or something. Or possibly something to your wedding."
"You will," I said before she hugged me. I was the last she said goodbye to before stepping into the portal. It closed, and she was gone.
The rest of the team went their separate ways, and we continued with the goodbyes.
"I never have understood you guys, but you're two of the best I know," John said before hugging us.
"Does this mean you forgive us?" I asked.
"It's like I keep telling Oliver, you have to forgive yourself.." Dig said before he left. He waited with Felicity. It was just Oliver, Barry, and I.
"We have to do this more often..." Suggested Oliver.
"You guys need some guy time....Why don't you go to the bar? I'll meet you at home.." I said to Barry.
"Sounds good to me," said Barry.
"Me too," Oliver said before they went off. I headed home and settled down after saying goodbye to the rest of the team.
     I snuggled into the warm blankets and covered myself up. I opened up my laptop and began doing some research. Barry came home eventually and I was up waiting for him. I bookmarked the page and closed the computer.
"How'd it go?" I asked Barry as he entered the room.
"Good," Barry replied, taking off his suit. He showered, changed, and joined me in bed. "It was great. We bonded, once again," he said as I snuggled into him. "But one ongoing topic was what life would be like if we didn't have powers. When he was on that alien ship, they poisoned his mind and gave him a taste of what life was like if he wasn't on the "Queen's Gambit." It was totally different. He had Laurel, Tommy, and his parents. And even with a happy family, he still returned here because it wasn't his home. It wasn't his life. It wasn't he life he desired. Even if he has all those luxuries, his life still wouldn't be full. And that's what it seems like now.
We were in Flashpoint for three months, and though we are here now without our parents, I know that this is the life of rather be living. That wasn't my life, and that's what I have to understand. I shouldn't have gone back because there I wouldn't be whole. Saving people and giving people hope makes me whole. Being The Flash is a part of me, and it completes me. If we stayed there, I'd be missing a part of me that only being The Flash could fill.
And with this mission, Cisco and John forgave me. I messed up their lives, and I'm just glad that everything is better between us. Oliver also said that having a normal life would be happy, but I told him that I didn't need to have a normal life to be happy. I told him that all I needed was you."
"Bar," I said, tears in my eyes. I couldn't think of what to say. Nothing I said could top the speech he gave. "I love you."
"I love you too," Barry said before giving me a passionate kiss.
CROSSOVER COMPLETED!! I hope you enjoyed! It was a lot of work and ALOT of time. I'm sorry that it's so late, but it's done. I'm hoping to have last Tuesday's episode out by today or tomorrow. Thank you for everything and I'll see you in the next chapter!

**What do you think was the tab that was bookmarked on the computer?**

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