Nothing Like This

By Blue_Mist21

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Nothing Like This
Nothing Like This - Chapter 2
Nothing Like This - Chapter 4
Nothing Like This - Chapter 5
Nothing Like This - Chapter 6
Nothing Like This - Chapter 7
Nothing Like This - Chapter 8
Nothing LIke This - Chapter 9
Nothing Like This - Chapter 10
Nothing Like This - Chapter 11
Nothing LIke This - Chapter 12
Nothing Like This - Chapter 13
Nothing Like This - Chapter 14
Nothing Like This - Chapter 15
Nothing Like This - Chapter 16
Nothing Like This - Chapter 17
Nothing Like This - Chapter 18

Nothing Like This - Chapter 3

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By Blue_Mist21

Chapter Three

There on either side of the doorframe, 5 long jagged claw marks. I turn to the others.

“Did anyone see him???”

They all chatter amongst themselves, become silent and shake their heads.

“How long has he been here? It could not have been that long! Firelexis you stay here with everyone,” I turn to Organization 13, “Guys, make sure he doesn’t get to her, keep her safe!”

I say in an alarmed tone, “He could be anywhere,”

I look all over the basement first. I look in every possible hiding place. I find no one.

I run up the stairs and check the main floor. Again, I find no one.

There is only one floor left, I run up the stairs.

I pause at the top of the stairs, listening for any movement. I hear a faint shuffle. I move carefully around the second floor. I look in the bathroom, laundry room, and guest bedroom in every possible place that I can think of. No sign of him.

There is only one room left, my bedroom. I move quietly, careful not to make any noise.

I enter the bedroom, looking around myself.

I look for any sign of where he could be. I see more claw marks on the closet door.

As I go to open the door, I stop. Kalona would never leave such an obvious clue to where he is... oh no!

Suddenly I feel the point of a sword touch my back.

"Well done Alicia.... you found me," Kalona says.

"You will never get to her Kalona!" I say angrily, closing my eyes.

As I already know, Kalona knows exactly how to kill vampires just like him. He leaves blood on the blade of his sword. It stains the metal and acts as a weapon to vampires.

This sword has been stained for many years, causing it to look red in color.

Kalona puts more pressure on the sword, bringing the sword even closer to my skin.

Kalona says angrily, through gritted teeth, "Where is she?!?"

"I will never tell you where she is!!!" I say angrily.

Kalona drives his sword into my back

I close my eyes and scream as I am overcome with pain.

I fall to the ground.

Kalona looks down at me, frowning. He says coldly, "You could have prevented this," Kalona leaves out the window again.

I lay there, my eyes closed.

Soldier heard the fight and rushes up the stairs, only to find me, lying on the floor of my bedroom, a huge gash in the middle of my back.

The cut is bleeding out and I start to black-out.

The last thing I saw was Soldier at my side.

“How long will it take?” Soldier says, watching as Roxas attempt to fix the large gaping wound in my back.

Roxas focuses on disinfecting and cleansing the wound, “I don’t know Soldier. It could take a few days… just give her the time, she’s been through so much,”

Soldier sighs, “Alright. Thank you Roxas,”

Roxas nods, getting a needle and thread out of his pockets.

He motions for someone to go get something to sterilize the needle.

One of the members comes back with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

“Okay…” Roxas mumbles, beginning to stitch up the wound.

I wake up a few days later, unaware of how long I have been unconscious for.

Soldier is the first person I see. He is sitting in the same chair, watching over me.

"Soldier, what happened?" I say softly, putting my hand to my head.

"Guys come here!! She's awake!!" Soldier calls.

Everyone comes downstairs in a hurry.

Firelexis is the first down the stairs.

"Really she's awake?" Firelexis says excitedly.

"Firelexis…?" I look at her. Her face is glowing with excitement.

This one word is soon followed by a deafening, "Alicia!!!!"

All of Organization 13 come running down the stairs, so excited they are running each other over!!!

They all stand around me, hugging me and telling me they all had given up hope!

I get to my feet and say, "K-Kalona, W-where is he?"

Soldier lays a hand on my shoulder and says, "We haven't seen him since the day he attacked you. He told us that he would be back. We have been keeping watch for him ever since,"

I look at them all and ask, "How long was I..."

Alex, a member of Organization 13, steps forward and says, "About 3 days. Soldier never left your side,"

Roxas steps forwards and says, "He talked non-stop. All he said was, 'I won't lose you,' over and over,"

Soldier looks at me and says, "I thought if you heard a familiar voice...."

"It's alright, Soldier. I understand," I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Soldier kisses my forehead lightly.

I become slightly frightened and back away from Soldier. I say slowly, "Aro, Jane, and Cairon?"

"They left after the second day. Jane was getting irritable," Alex says.

"Wait a minute!! How did I heal from that huge gash... in only a few days??" I ask.

"We have not figured that out yet, but we think it has something to do with the necklace," Roxas says, from the other side of the room.

I bite my bottom lip. The necklace! I had forgotten that I had been wearing it!!

I go upstairs, to my bedroom. Soldier follows me.

I look at the wooden floor. There are still traces of my blood on the wood.

I get to my knees and pass my fingers over the stains.

I look up at Soldier, standing in the doorway. I say, "Did I really bleed this much?"

Soldier nods, looking out the window.

I get to my feet, still staring at the dark red lines of blood.

Soldier and I go back downstairs, where everyone is waiting for us.

There is a loud crash. We all look into the kitchen. And there stands Kalona, leaning casually against the table.

"Oh, nice to see you Alicia," Kalona turns to Alex and says in a low, threatening voice, "I told you I'd be back,"

I walk to the front of the group, with my sword in my right hand.

"Oh I see you survived. But how could you have survived???" Kalona says in a confused tone.

"I don't know Kalona. I really don't," I say, watching him carefully.

"We are still trying to figure out," Soldier says, coming next to me.

"Hmmm..... nice to know," Kalona says, sounding bored.

"Hey Kalona you sound bored. That's a first," I say, holding back a laugh.

"You think this is funny? Maybe next time I won't go so easy on you!!" Kalona says, moving his hand, closer to his sword.

I whisper to Alex, "Why did he come back?"

Alex shrugs his shoulders.

"I came back for her!!!!" Kalona says, as if he has answered my question.

"I told you I would never tell you where she is!!! That is final," I say in a commanding voice.

Kalona draws his sword and looks at me angrily. "Are you positive you want this to happen?"

I step away from the group and say, "Guys I suggest you leave, NOW!!!" I command, not taking my eyes off of Kalona, who is glaring at me.

I hear shuffling behind me, they are going up stairs.

Soon all is quiet, we are alone.

"Kalona, why do you bring this upon yourself? I have told you many times that I will not tell you her location. So why do you continue to ask me?" I ask, stepping closer to him.

"I will not rest until she is with me. If I have to kill you to do so… then I will,” Kalona says, pointing his sword at my chest.

"You wish to fight? Then so be it!!!" I stand ready.

Kalona lets out a frustrated growl and charges at me.

I duck down and Kalona soars over my head.

I laugh and say sarcastically, "Oh man, Kalona, I didn't think you missed me THAT much!!"

Kalona growls and charges at me again.

This time I stay completely still. I will let him hurt me this time.

Kalona brings his sword across my right arm.

I look down at my arm, then at him. Then something inside me just... snaps.

That a**hole! I'll kill him!

I step towards him and say, "Never,"

I take my sword in my right hand.

Kalona's got quite a thirst, I know from experience.

I look at the bite mark again, it has opened and blood drips steadily from the mark.

Kalona stares at my arm.

I bring my sword across the mark and open it even more.

Kalona smiles devilishly. He charges at me.

I stand still, my sword in hand.

Just as Kalona reaches me I bring my sword across his chest, leaving a fairly large gash on his chest.

Kalona closes his eyes, overcome with pain, he curses angrily, clutching his chest.

I step a few feet away from him.

Kalona glares at me angrily. He curses my name, "I’ll kill you!!" Kalona screams.

"You brought this upon yourself. I only reacted to your actions. Your actions bring consequences!!" I say, looking into his eyes.

Kalona stands up and says, "So sorry but I have someone to get to,"

Kalona begins to swing his sword.

I close my eyes, bracing myself for the blow.

"Alicia!!!!" I hear Soldier yell.

Soldier hurdles down the stairs and jumps in front of me.

Soldier falls to the ground.

"Soldier, no!!" I scream, coming to his side.

"Alicia, I'm sorry," Soldier says, looking into my eyes. "I couldn't let that happen, Alicia. I-I love you, I always w-will," Soldier kisses me.

 I hug him tight to my chest. His body becomes limp in my arms. I gently lay him on the couch.

"Soldier," I say, fighting back tears.

Kalona is gone now; He left moments after Soldier came.

The guys come down the stairs.

Roxas looks at me. "Guys stay here,"

Roxas places a hand on my shoulder and says softly, "We tried to stop him. We told him not to go, but he kept saying, 'I have to save her', we begged and pleaded with him to stay here, but he was... so determined...."

I sit in the chair next to the couch. I bury my face in my hands and cry.

I stop crying and touch Soldier’s hand, hoping that the healing will work. I tell them while I do this, "If he dies, I die,"

I have been sitting in the same spot for over two days, not taking my eyes off of Soldier.

Firelexis is sitting next to me, watching over me.

Ever since Soldier died, I realized that he was willing to do anything and everything if it would keep me safe.

I haven't let Soldier's hand go. I still have hope that my plan will work, so I sit motionless, watching Soldier for any signs of life.

Alex and Roxas come to me and say, "Alicia, it's been two days... I know that you are determined to save him, but let's face facts, Soldier is gone. Nothing can be done to change that now,"

I sigh, looking sadly at Soldier, "If I hadn't fought him...If I hadn’t let my anger get the best of me… Soldier would still be alive;" I cup my face in my hands and cry.

"Alicia we are all sorry for this, if we had stopped him..." Roxas' voice trails off.

"No. Don't blame yourselves, this is my fault. If I hadn't fought with Kalona in the first place then Soldier wouldn't have come to save me. I am the reason that Soldier is dead," I say, lifting my face from my hands. I stand up and look out the front window. Leaves cover the ground, the sky is dark with clouds and, again, there are no signs of life on the streets.

"I have to fight him again," I say to myself.

"WHAT??? He'll kill you!" everyone says in unison.

I turn to them and say calmly, "Exactly, I said before, 'If he dies I die'. That is what I will do,"

I go towards the door.

"Alicia this is crazy, you KNOW that Soldier would want you to live, even if he is gone," Lexie, a member of Organization 13 says, stepping towards me.

"Lexie I am sorry but I must. There is nothing worth living for... if Soldier is not with me. Unless by some miracle he survives I will continue with my plan," I turn to everyone and say, "I am sorry but my decision is final," I open the door and head out to find Kalona.

I walk along the deserted streets, looking for any sign of Kalona. I watch the sky carefully, knowing that Kalona flies everywhere. I walk for hours, watching the sky.

I have walked for a long time. I have not realized yet, but I have wandered into a patch of woods far away from my home.

I look around myself, looking for signs of Kalona’s presence.

A squirrel runs past me. I jump, startled by the movement. The squirrel darts up a tree.

I continue walking. Every noise makes me jump, I expect Kalona coming out of the trees.

I stop and listen to the sounds around me. Birds sing in the distance, small animals, run across the leave-covered ground.

There is a louder sound, a footstep? I listen and again I hear the sound. Cracking branches, crunching leaves.

I listen until the sound disappears. I continue walking.

I have reached a part of the woods that seems strangely familiar. I have reached a large clearing, about the size of a football field. There is definitely something familiar about it…. but what?

Suddenly the sound returns, the loud crunching of leaves, the snapping of twigs. I know that it is much larger than the animals in these woods.

I listen to the sounds, keeping my hand close to my sword, just in case.

I continue walking.

Suddenly I hear… a whistle? Yes, a long, low whistle.

I frown, someone is following me.

I hear the person behind me but I keep still, letting them come closer to me.

I feel a breath on the backs of my shoulders. I draw my sword and turn around.

Kali stands behind me, her sword drawn.

"Kali, did THEY send you?" I ask, pointing my sword at her.

Kali is a Revolution member. She wears black leather. Black leather pants, boots, tank top. And black gloves.

"Yes Alicia, they sent me. They sent me with an order. An order to kill you," Kali says, looking at me.

"Kali you do not understand... I am far too dangerous for you to be around right now. I cannot deal with this right now," I say, backing away from her a bit.

Kali laughs, "Too DANGEROUS??? That's a good one!!"

I am becoming angry. I know that if I become too angry that I will act without thinking and that could be disastrous for Kali. I try to calm myself down, but Kali's laughter is angering me even more!!

I clench my teeth, I will not attack her!

"I won't do it, I won't do it," I say over and over, "I won't do it,"

I back away from her, my eyes shut. "I won't do it, I won't,"

I walk backwards, away from Kali. I know not where I am going but I know that if I attack Kali; Aro, Cairon, and Jane will come after me, and that is even worse!

I fight the impulse to attack her.

I stop, wondering, "Should I fight her? Knowing that Jane will act without a moment’s notice? Yes. They have hurt me so much. Kali had been against my joining the Revolution ever since I became a member. She fought with me daily, trying to convince me to leave. I left on impulse; I just had to leave,"

I draw my sword, and stand ready.

Kali frowns pointing her sword at my chest.

I push my sword into the ground. I lean against a tree.

Kali smiles she walks up to me, stopping to throw my sword into the trees. The sword gets stuck in the trunk of a tree.

I watch her as she gets closer to me.

Kali says smugly, "What a shame, Jane will be so disappointed. She is the one who wanted to kill you. I will explain it all to her later," Kali puts the tip of the sword to my chest.

I close my eyes, thinking, "I know what to do... I know what to do,"

Kali pushes the sword into my chest.

I fall to the ground.

"Alicia, Alicia you could have stayed, but you betrayed us. I did what I had to do," Kali says, walking away from me.

I lie still, on the leave-covered ground.

I open my eyes, “What the hell?” I touch where she cut me. There is no wound, no cut, and no blood.

I get up from the ground, and continue my journey, the journey to find my killer.

I have been looking for hours, and still no sign of Kalona. I am worried for everyone back home. Are they ok? I do not know.

I think of Soldier. I could have stopped him myself, I could have pushed him away.... but I didn't. The guilt is unbearable, I go to the tree my sword is lodged into. With one strong tug I pull the sword from the tree.

I go to a fallen tree and sit down.

"Why did I not stop him? I could have pushed him back, I could have told him, 'Soldier stop,' but in my fear I became unfocused," I ask myself, tears streaming down my face.

I wipe away the tears and stand up.

"Why are you crying?" a voice says. It sounds like a young girl, maybe age 7 or 8.

I look around. "Who's there? Come out!!" I command, holding my sword at my side.

I look towards the voice.

I listen to footsteps, small and light.

I see a little girl coming out of the trees. Her black hair is pulled up in a pony-tail. Her hair goes just past her shoulders. Her red eyes catch my attention. She can’t be more than 8 years old.

She walks up to me, looking at my tear-stained face and asks, "Please miss; tell me why you are crying,"

"I am crying because someone close to me has died," I explain, getting on my knees so I am at eye-level with the girl.

"I'm sorry. Say have you seen the man?" the girl asks me, looking around her.

"The man, what does he look like?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder.

The girl turns around and says quietly, "Like me,"

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