Zootopia: Snowfall (CURRENTLY...

By CrazyAnimationChick

31.6K 1.1K 942

Snow Wilde is an Arctic Fox and is the eldest adopted daughter of Judy and Nick Wilde. She's just a regular f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

1K 45 80
By CrazyAnimationChick

"Get up and try again!"

"Well, if you stopped pushing me down--"

"It doesn't matter what I did! Just do as I say!"

"If you gave me a breather--"

"Get up!"

"I'm trying!"

We've been doing this for hours, but my body makes it feel like it's been years. I'm sweaty and out of breath. I was also certain that I dropped a lot of weight. That's not too bad I suppose. Maybe I can finally fit into those cute skinny jeans I saw at the mall. I mean, I'll probably be dead soon so I won't ever wear them, but it's a nice thought.

I stagger to my feet, fighting against the wobbling of my knees, and tried to stand in the fighting position Warren had showed me. "Okay. I'm--"

....Back on the ground again. I growled angrily at Warren and ignored the pain in my butt. It should be completely numb by now. I fell on it so many times. My butt is probably the most bruised part on my entire body. "You want me to get up and yet you keep pushing me down! Make up your mind!"

"You need to learn to be fast, Snow," He scolded. "Once you are down, your opponent will destroy you before you can even blink."

"In case you forgot," I snapped. "I'm an arctic fox, not a cheetah." My best friend came to mind and my heart ached for her. I hope she's okay. She's probably taking a test or doing homework right now. I wonder how many tests and assignments I missed. My straight A's are probably all F's now. I think I have an exception though.

"You're more of a sloth if anything," Warren mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that." I say in annoyance.

"I can see that your ears are quick. Unfortunately, your legs aren't."

"And I can see that your eyes can see perfectly. Can they see how much I hate you?" He said nothing and I finally decided to just give up. I didn't even bother to get up from the ground and just laid back down. "I can't go on, Warren." My eyes started to fill with tears. I overworked my body and everything burned with pain. "I can't do it anymore. I'm exhausted."

He kneels beside me and takes my paw firmly in his. "You have one more hour, Snowflake. Just one more hour. You can do it."

I shook my head. "I can't move, Warren. And don't," I tried to sound menacing, but I sounded like I was in labor instead with all the panting I was doing. "...call me Snowflake. Only my mother calls me that."

"How about Snowball?"

"That's my father's nickname for me."


"I think one of my brothers uses that one. I usually never paid attention to them. Little brothers tend to be excruciatingly annoying. Something you have in common with them." Now that I think about it, I really regret not giving them enough attention.

"You're so funny," Warren said, sarcastically. "How about Snowfall?"

"Snowfall?" No one has ever come up with that nickname before. In all honesty I liked that one. I'm just too stubborn to admit it, and unfortunately he could tell.

"Yeah." He answered. "I mean, your name is Snow and you've been falling a lot today. It suits you."

"You kept pushing me down!"

"Don't be a baby."

"I believe I have every right!" It's crazy how infuriating this guy is. And yet...it's even crazier that I'm still alive. I honestly thought I would have been dead by now. I keep thinking I'm going to die any day now, but I'm still here. I feel like I'm dead. Everything hurts soooooo bad. But still I wonder; am I the longest living victim that they've had?

"Come on, Snowfall." Warren said, then pulled me forward, causing me to groan. He helped me to my feet and let go of my paw once he did so.

"Now remember. When you have the advantage--"

I don't know what came over me, but after hearing the word 'advantage', and having so much anger toward him and his stupid gang, I pushed every ounce of energy I had left in me and punched him hard in the stomach. He toppled over in pain, and gasped for air. Shit, did I hit him too hard? I didn't realize I was that strong. At the moment, I feel weak as hell. Damn...now I feel bad. Wait what?! I shouldn't feel bad! He deserves it!

"Damn it!" Warren moaned. "I thought you were too exhausted to move. What the hell--"

"When I have the advantage," I interrupted, panting once more, and making sure not to feel guilty. "I take it. That's what you said earlier when we began, and that's what I did."

Warren's pained and angry expression turns into a proud and amused one. A laugh escapes him as he shakes his head. "You're a fast learner."

He gets up, and I take a step back, preparing myself in case he tries to suddenly pounce. Surprisingly, he doesn't. He just brushes himself off. "I think we're done for today."

"But you said I have another hour left?" I say, confused but also so relieved.

"Our session ended an hour ago. I just wanted to keep going." He responded then walked past me to get his water bottle. "After that hit, I think I'm the one that needs to rest, not you."

"Oh, and who's the baby now?"

"You still are."

I hmphed then crossed my arms. "The session didn't really end an hour ago, did it? I swear I'm going to be so pissed if it did. You are joking though, right?"

Warren shook his head. "I'm not joking. In case you haven't noticed I'm not really a comedian."

I growled, but kept my anger in control the best I could. My collar nearly went off on me twice since the session started. "No," I stated. "You're just a lying thug."

"I didn't choose the thug life," Warren responded then paused for dramatic effect. "The thug life chose me."

I couldn't control the ugly snort that came out of my mouth, and tried to pay no attention to it. "I cannot believe you just said that."

"And I cannot believe that my stomach is still hurting," Said Warren as he rubbed his stomach.

I laugh, nervously, for some reason. "Yeah...sorry about that. You pissed me off."

Warren laughs as he shakes his head. "I can tell. Don't worry about it though, Snowfall. I'm actually impressed....and proud. It's only day two and you're showing progress."

"Progress?" I scoffed. "By hitting you once when you've hit me...what? A billion times!"

"Yes," Warren replied. "It could have been a billion and one times for me, but you took that point. Good job. Now," he grabs my shoulders and turns me around. "You said you wanted a shower?"

My ears perked at this. "Am I getting one?" I tried to not be too hopeful in case he was lying.

"Yes," he replied. "Mr. Small agreed to one, but....you'll be guarded."

"I swear to god," I say, starting to get angry again. "If I have to take a shower with you or Hank or whoever in there with me--"

"I'll be outside the bathroom door," Warren assured me. "No one will disturb Mr. Small's...." He cuts himself off, unsure of what to call me.

"What?" I asked, urging him to tell me what he thinks. "Mr. Small's what? His prisoner? His weapon? His house guest?"

Warren shrugs, but his facial expression was sympathetic. "All of the above, I suppose. Just know that you won't be disturbed."

"How can you expect me to actually believe that?" In all honesty, I do believe him. The downfall is that I only believe he won't disturb me. Which is....odd. I know I shouldn't, but I do; especially when he's compared to the others. I don't trust Hank, Wally, or Carl. Or whatever horny, perverted animals Mr. Small has.

Plus, there could be cameras or something in there. I doubt any of the animals working for Mr. Small have mates, and with me being the only female here--so I think--wouldn't it just be common sense that they'd have nasty ideas?

"Hey, I got you the shower." Warren said with a tired sigh. "Now do you want it or not?"

I let out my own sigh of defeat. "I suppose. A shower does sounds fantastic right now." I then remembered the collar around my neck and touched it. "This isn't going to electrocute me, is it?"

Warren laughs. "No, you'll be fine."

I nodded, relieved. I don't know how much more pain I can endure in one day. Another thought then occurred to me. "What about my clothes?"

"You'll have to put them back on, I guess." Warren responded, then gripped my arm once we got close to the large house I was being held captive in.

It's such a gorgeous house. Why is it always the pretty ones that hold dark secrets? I would have love to live in a big, luxurious house like this. Not anymore.

"Why do you have to hold onto me?" I asked. "You know I won't run away." Even if I desperately want to.

"It's so they don't think I'm letting you get comfortable around me," He answered, keeping his gaze hard and focused on the house as we kept getting closer to it. I saw that his eyes were searching for something, or someone, and that didn't make me feel good. Are we being watched? Have they been spying on me as I trained?

"Are you?" I asked after a moment of silence passes between us. "Letting me be comfortable around you, I mean."

He says nothing and I wasn't sure if it was because he simply didn't want to answer or because we finally approached the back door to the house, where any animal with keen hearing could hear. I still didn't receive an answer once inside the house, and I knew I probably wasn't going to get one.

As he led me into the hallway, I saw Carl and Walter at the end of it bickering as always. Walter was the first to speak when he noticed us approaching.

"Well, if it isn't Runt and Cunt. Thought you two ran away. You were out there for a long time," he snarled.

Did he just call me a cunt? What a bastard.

"And?" Warren said as he walked past him. I felt his grip on me tighten, and I let out a hiss.

"Hey, I kinda need my arm," I whispered, wincing.

He loosened his grip, but said nothing. Wally, however, continued to talk.

"And I think it's not fair that you get to have your fun time with her and we don't."

My fur bristled, and I let out a low growl. "Excuse me?!" I tried to face him, but Warren jerked me forward.

"Keep walking!" He snapped at me. I obliged because, even if he didn't say anything, I knew he was right. I didn't need him to tell me that Wally wasn't worth my time.

"Don't just walk away from me! I expect to be answered!" Walter suddenly shouted. I jumped at his outburst, and tensed up when I hear him stomp his way toward us.

"Wally, just drop it--" Carl said, trying to stop his partner, but failing. I don't even know why he even bothers.

As soon as I watched Wally put his paw on Warren's shoulder, Warren let go of me and pushed Wally up against the wall. I stumbled backwards, partially shocked at what Warren just did and also partially impressed. Wally is much bigger than Warren. How on earth was he able to push a 330 pound pig up against the wall? And why isn't Wally doing anything?

"And I expect you to let me do my job!" Warren shouted back. His arm was pressed against the Warthog's throat, and from the side where I stood I could see a vicious fire in his eyes. Warren was back in Alpha mode once again, and for once I was grateful. That pig deserves it.

However, Wally smirked, amused by it all. "Do you even remember what your job is?"His eyes look past Warren and lock with mine. "Because it seems to me you have a distraction."

What's that supposed to mean?

"I know very well what I'm meant to do," Warren spat. "And you better pray on your soul that you do too." He released the warthog, and turned back around to face me. I willingly offered him my arm, which he, gently, took.

"Don't think we haven't noticed," Wally warned, confusing me even more. Warren kept his expression as stoic as can be. I couldn't read anything that could possibly be going on in his mind. All I could decipher was that he didn't want to be here right now talking to Walter, and that he hates him just as much as I do. "And don't think we haven't talked to Mr. Small about it. Not sure when, but he's gonna want to have a word with you."

Warren tenses, but his expression didn't falter. "I'm looking forward to it."

Walter wasn't expecting this response, and his amused smirk was replaced with an annoyed glare. I nearly laughed at it. "You should be."

Was that the best response he could do? I nearly laughed at this as well.

With one last glare, Warren began to guide me away. As we walked, I could feel Walter and Carl staring at us. I purposely look behind my shoulder and glared daggers at the damn pig. I can't believe he thought that Warren and I were doing the deed! He probably imagined himself--ugh! I'm not going to think about that anymore.

He wasn't phased at all at my glaring, but I expected that. What I didn't expect was how much I was bothered by his stupid comment.

"Don't think we haven't noticed. And don't think we haven't talked to Mr. Small about it. Not sure when, but he's gonna want to have a word with you."

He also said that Warren has a distraction, and he said this while looking at me. Am I...the distraction? That doesn't make sense. His stupid "job" is to watch and train me. How could I possible be a distraction to his job when I am his job? And what on earth did they notice? What does Mr. Small want to talk about with Warren? Will he be okay? Why do I even care? Why do I hope he'll be okay after his talk with my kidnapper?

"I hate them so much," I hear Warren mutter under his breath, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and smiled a little. "You know who hates them more?"

"Mr. Small?"

A stupid giggle escaped me before I could stop it. Ignoring it, I said, "I was going to say me, but that works too."

Warren chuckles, but doesn't say anything more. We were then thrown into an awkward silence. The quietness only made me focus more on my aching body, and not wanting to be aware of how sore I am, I say, "That was very impressive."

"What was?" He replied, ears perked.

"You pushing Wally up against the wall like that," I answered. "You're pretty strong." I don't know why my face heated up or why my heart somehow started to beat faster, but they did and I hated it. "I mean, obviously compared to me you are, but compared to him? I'm impressed. He's like, three times your size!"

"Eh I'm pretty sure he expected it." Warren sighs with a shrug. "He always loves getting a rise out of me."

"Then don't let him," I tell him straight up. "Don't let him or anyone else see that they get to you."

Warren stared at me for a moment, his golden eyes peering into my icy blue ones, intensely. We stopped walking and were in the middle of the hallway just staring at each other. It only went on for about 5 seconds, but it felt so much longer.

"Snow..." He began, his voice low in a whisper. "I..."

"You...what?" I urged, feeling a tingling in my stomach.

"I..." He looked nervous and guilty as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll...uh...be sure to keep that in mind. I hope you have a good shower." He lets my arm go and gestured to the door I hadn't realized we were standing next to.

For some strange reason I felt a little disappointed. "Oh...um....thanks. I hope it's good too." I say, chuckling nervously as I reached for the doorknob. I turn back around before opening the door, and it was like Warren read my mind.

"Don't worry, Snowfall." He took a step forward so he could be closer to the door. "I'll be right here." He put his paw on the doorknob, right above mine, making me blush, and together we opened the door. (AN: Love is an open door! *wink wink* Sorry, I had to.)

I flashed him an appreciative smile, before disappearing from his sight inside the bathroom. He closes the door and as soon as it shuts, I lean my body against it. I stayed like that for a moment, trying to get my thoughts together.

"I'll be right here."

My parents would always tell me that whenever I was scared or nervous about something. They always made me feel safe and secured. The way Warren said it though--the way he looked at me--I can't explain it. I had felt a familiar tickling feeling in my stomach, and it's still there, growing bigger. I've only ever felt this way towards Cole and that was because--


My eyes widened at the ridiculous thought and I literally felt my heart stop. I put my hand on top of it, as if that would stop its rapid beating, and just stood there, completely shocked.

No! Absolutely not! There is no way that I--

I shook my head and walked over to the sink. I quickly turned it on and splashed my face with the cold water. I gasped as the coldness hit my face, and when I looked up into the mirror, finally seeing my face for who knows how long, I gasped again.

I looked like shit! I was covered in bruises, and there were patches of light brown dirty fur here and there. I looked homeless, but then again I kinda am at the moment. Homeless and abducted.

I quickly stripped out of my dirty clothes and hopped into the shower. I turned the water on both hot and cold to make it warm and as soon as the water hit my skin I was in pure bliss.

I needed this so badly. As I scrubbed my body and applied the shampoo and conditioner, I also noticed how brown and dirty the water was that fell down the drain. It disgusted me that all that dirt was on me. I've never gotten this dirty before. Okay, scratch that. When I was younger and made mud pies I would always be dirtier than this, but that was when I was six. I'm sixteen now and not once since the time I was ten have I ever gotten this dirty.

Something suddenly snaps in me.

I have to get it off! I have to get it all off! I'm so dirty. I'm gross and disgusting. I have to be clean. It all has to go! I have to be clean!

I scrubbed my dirty white fur faster, harder; so hard that it actually kinda hurt, especially against my sore muscles. That didn't stop me though; I kept scrubbing and scrubbing.

"I gotta get it off," I whispered in a panic. My scrubbing came to a cease when my vision suddenly became blurry. It wasn't the shower water that fell down my cheeks, but was instead my own tears.

"Stop it," I whispered to myself. "Crying will get you nowhere. Just..." I held in a sob as I scrubbed. "Just...stop." I started scrubbing faster again. "Just stop it. Stop crying." Scrub faster. "Stop it." The tears kept coming and I scrubbed Harder. "Stop it! Stop scrubbing! No! Keep scrubbing! Get it off. N-No! Stop it NOW!"

It was like a switch went off in my mind and I suddenly stop. I was out of breath, panting heavily, and my arms hurt worse than they did before. I could barely lift them. They hurt so bad. Everything hurt and just like with my tears and the scrubbing I wanted it to stop.

"Snow?" I hear Warren say from the hallway, followed by two soft knocks on the door. "Are you okay?"

"I..." I cleared my throat to speak louder. "Y-Yeah. I'm...I'm fine." No, I'm not.

It took him a while to respond and in my head I pictured him unconvinced about me being okay. "Okay then." He said, then remained silent.

I took a moment to breathe and calm myself down. I needed to think of something good. Which is easier said than done in my situation. There's nothing good right now. Then again...Warren....isn't so bad.

"Stop it," I say again.

Only this time it was for an entirely different reason.

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