Finding An Angel - Gabriel x...

By elysium_is_real

267K 11K 4.3K

Most people don't really have a guardian angel, especially not one of the big four. Guess you're special, eh... More

Finding An Angel
Stupid Angels
Ridiculous Humans
The Past is the Past
Safe is Boring
Keeping the Boys Safe
Keeping the Boys Safe (Pt. 2)
Got Some 'Splaining' To Do
Being Alone isn't the Same as Lonely
Apologies Aren't Enough
Apologies Aren't Enough (Pt. 2)
Winning Him Over
Changing His Mind
Taken (Pt. 2)
The Descending
The Ascending
Forgetting A Lifetime
New Life, New Love
Moving On...?
Thoughts Like Monsters
I'm So Sorry, Sugar
Take Me Back
So We Meet Again. I Think.
Try Again
Get Out Of My Head
Let That Sink In
The Rains of Castamere
And Until Then
Giving In, Giving Up
At Long Last
The In-between
Regrets And Last Words
This Is What It Feels Like
And It Isn't All It Seems
Life Alone Until You
What's Left Inside
Epilogue - Christmas Special
Well Holy Sheet (A/N)

Everything's Alright

3.2K 142 121
By elysium_is_real

Put on sad music, this chapter's emotional.

Everything was burning down around you, literally and physically. Someone was yelling your name while you thrashed about, trying to get away or wake up from this nightmare. You heard Micah's small whimpering and you reached out to where it was. The light was getting bigger and bigger, turning more and more to a blinding golden color. The noises got louder until you thought you were going deaf and Micah's voice disappeared completely. The light was so bright now, it was almost destroying your vision. A bit more, and it did. Everything was black and so horribly still. A steady beeping noise with the warmth of a pair of hands on your shoulders, but you couldn't open your eyes. You didn't want  to open your eyes. You were too afraid of what you'd see.

Perhaps you'd had a mental breakdown like you'd predicted and you were in a hospital of crazies. They might have taken Micah away, but not without a fight. The hands were going to restrain you back and you were strapped to a bed with medicine going into your arms, the pale blue and white colors of everything in the room that reminded you of the North Pole. Nothing was going to be alright this way, and you knew it.

Perhaps Lucifer had gone back on his word and taken you back with him and you'd never see the true light of day again. Not the big, bright, beautiful moon or the laughing children or the couples falling in a kind of love you once had or the rich light that filtered through the trees like gold. Never hear the sweet sound of turning a page in your favorite book or the live performance of your favorite band or the revving of a stunning car or hear the soft whispers of old men to their wives about how much they loved them. Only being so terribly alone that the walls seem to come down on you. Nothing was going to be alright this way, either.

Perhaps a lot of things had happened, and nothing was going to be alright that way. You just wished you would wake up. Wake up to a world in which everything was okay again. When he  was with you, when the boys cared about you for you, and where the beautiful flowers were still by your bedside table each morning and Gabriel was in holding you close in his arms. When your words didn't lose their meaning and what you felt and what you said didn't have such a rift between them. You just wanted to wake up. 

And so you did.

"I love you, kitten." Your eyes flew open and you held your breath. In a sweeping gaze, you took in the scenic overlook of what seemed to be New York through a wall of glass. Strong arms were wrapped around you, one hand rubbing your shoulder with a thumb. Looking behind you, you were met with a sight you almost cried at. Gabriel was there, his hair in a mess and amber eyes gazing down at you in adoration. You opened your mouth to say something, say anything, but nothing came out. "We should probably get up soon; our son will be up soon and your brothers sometime after that," he said, his voice still thick with sleep. You reached up and touched his cheek with one hand. He cupped your hand in his and leaned into your touch, moving only to brush away a tear that fell down your face.

"Are you okay, baby?" he asked. You opened your mouth to say something, but the door to the bedroom bust open and a small boy came flying onto the bed. "Hey, kiddo! How'd you sleep?" Gabriel asked, picking him up and setting him between the two of you. He looked to be about six and had his father's hair, only curlier and longer, with your eyes. His face was angular, reminding you strangely of John's. "Good, Daddy! Mommy, why are you crying?" he asked, holding your face in his tiny hands. You placed a hand on his and stared. "I think Mommy's tired, that's all. Right, kitten?"  You nodded and Gabriel and the child smiled in unison. "Micah, son o' mine, would you like to make breakfast for Uncle Dean and Aunt Lisa and Ben?" asked Gabriel, pulling the boy into his lap. "And Uncle Sam and Auntie Jess! Auntie Jess especially, she needs it for the baby in her tummy," he said seriously.

Gabriel laughed a hearty laugh, just like the one he used to. "Okay, kiddo, get going. I'll be down in just a minute. Don't make a mess!" Gabriel called as the boy grinned and bounced away. You, looked after him with your mouth open as Gabriel pulled you back into his arms. "Seriously, are you okay?" he asked quietly. Turning back to him, you managed to squeak out, "Is this real? Are you here? Did we... did we get out of the life?" He tilted his head and smiled at you. "Sometimes, I think I married a crazy lady," he said. He brushed the hair out of your face and kissed your forehead. "Tell me my life story. I want to hear you tell me. The quick version, I guess," you pleaded, holding his hands tight against your abdomen. "Okay?" he snickered. Continuing, he said, "Your parents are John and Mary Winchester, and you're the youngest with two older brothers, Sam and Dean. You had a boring childhood, as you always put it, and we met when we were freshmen in college and I fell in love with you faster than I can say my A-B-C's. Just absolutely stunning, and you were funny, too! Smart, sophisticated, but such a fun girl. I knew you were the one, and I had to make you mine. We graduated together and I asked you to marry me, and you said yes, much to my surprise. You were and still are so far out of my league, babe. You got pregnant, and we had Micah, our first out of what I'm hoping will be more. Now I get to tell you how much I love you every single morning and wake up to the most beautiful girl."

You pressed your lips to his in a heated attempt to pull him closer and he grunted in surprise and then fell in with the rhythm. Your hands went for his shirt, but he stopped you there. "Sam and Jess are next door and Micah's gonna want me. As much as I want to, and I really  want to," he paused, gesturing down, then continued, "I have to go. Can I get a rain check?" You smiled and nodded. He got up and went to the door, turning around to take one last look at you. "You still take my breath away. Love you, kitten," he murmured before walking away. "I love you, too," you choked out between relieved laughs.

What a nightmare.

Hey, guys! Elys again! Like I said, this is the last chapter. *cries under 87 blankets* But I might do a one-time epilogue for the hell of it because of how much this story means to me. Over 10k reads. Good Chuck, I think that's amazing. Thank you to everyone who's stuck with me from the beginning, to those who's comments made my day SO much better, and to those who took the time to click that little vote button. No words can describe how much each and every single one of y'all mean to me. I'm sorry if this isn't the ending you were hoping for, but I'll be making another Gabriel x Reader, so please follow/subscribe to my account to get updated on when I release it! I hope you have a fantastic day, week, month, walk through life, and I'll see you guys in the next BOOK!
Much love,

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