fOoL fOr YoU- Ziall Fanfic

By Boys_On_The_Stairs13

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He's just a fool for him and the things he does- Zayn Malik More

Author Note
Forgotten Love
Author Note


414 22 13
By Boys_On_The_Stairs13

You're caught between a dream and a movie scene
In a way, you know what I mean.

Niall POV:
The sound of my foot hitting the tiled floor echoed in the silent dressing room. I was already dressed and my hair was styled but Harry was being fussy and such a drama queen with how his hair looked.
"No, I don't like it down," he wined and ran his fingers roughly through his hair messing it up.
"Harry, baby, please just corporate with Susie," Louis cooed and rubbed his stiff shoulders.
Ever since Lou Teasdale left us and we had to get a new stylist Harry has been so stubborn.
Lou wanted to settle down and have more children with her husband Tom so she started a stay at home business. 
"Fine," Harry huffed and laid back against the chair allowing Susie to touch up his mess of a hair.
My fingers fumbled with my phone in my hands trying to decide if I wanted to open that message. The sound of my heart drowned out the constant chatter coming from the boys. Thump Thump thump. It felt like I was going to explode as my chest got tighter and tighter with each dreadful thought.
'What if he's telling me off for tagging him in a tweet?...wait that's stupid I haven't tweeted about him in ages'
The fear that formed in my heart was growing with each minute that ticked by. I chewed at my bottom lip, tugging and picking at it.
"Hey mate, why are you so worried?" A soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
I turned my head, letting go of my sore, bleeding lip and looked at Liam.
"Oh nothing Li, I'm just...worried about the concert," I lied through my teeth, forcing my eyes anywhere but his soft hazel eyes.
"Ni..I can tell you're lying," he sighed, "I'm here for-"
"Come on boys!" Simon called cutting Liam off and handed us our head sets.
"We'll talk about this later," Liam warned me as he grabbed his head piece and left with the other boys.
I knew that I couldn't tell Liam about Zayn because he would be pissed at me for even keeping his number.
A sigh left my busted lip as I adjusted the ear piece putting the issue in the back of my head.
The only thing on my mind right now was the show.

Zayn's POV:
There was screaming girls everywhere I looked, almost all of them wore a t-shirt that had the boys on it. I had to wear a disguise just in case any of the girls here were fans..or well not fans.
I grabbed my seat and watched as they dimmed the lights introducing the opening act. The opening act wasn't all that good, they sung the same pop music and they had the same beat as every song out there.
I only came here for one boy band..let me correct that one special boy. Niall Horan is the only reason that I came to this stupid concert.
I'm done with One Direction and I can honestly say that they're part of my past. All three of them except for Niall.
I so badly want him to be my future. I want to take care of him like I used too.
The boys all ran out on stage and my eyes immediately landed on him. He looked so gorgeous.
He looked a little too skinny and that concerned me but other than that he was as beautiful as ever.
Seeing him again made my heart stop, even if I wasn't that close to him, and my hands were sweaty.
I wanted to talk to him but I knew the boys hated me and would keep us away.
I just wanted one more minute of feeling his soft pale skin against my dark skin.
I just want to hear his gorgeous voice laugh my name as I tickled him or told him a funny joke.
I just want to see his breath taking blue eyes light up when we talk and how they watched my lips. Like they wanted to remember every word that came from them.
God, I missed him so much that my chest ached and my heart longed for his touch that I knew I could never have again.

Hiii guys, so I decided to update again and I know it's not that good but I hope you like it. I threw in Zayn's pov which I hope you enjoyed. Idk if I should do more of them or not. Anygay.
How was it?
Do you think the text was bad or good?
Should Niall tell the boys more specifically tell Liam?
Did you like Zayn's pov and learning how he felt?
Do you want more of that or more of Niall?
Comment 💕
Give me feedback💗
And stay amazing I love you guys 💝

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