Magic For Psychics

By MisakaLovesYou

20.5K 788 426

Mikoto Misaka. She's seen magic, she's seen weird. Did she imagine all that might try to kill her one day? Ye... More

The One Who Got Away
Serious Accidents
Fantastic Beasts
Price of Popularity
A Bold New Magic.
Kuroko Shirai
The Hog's Head
Silver Bells, Thestral Fells
The Meltdowner
Terrible Truth
The Grand Magic Order
Silver Voldemort.
The Dark Lord and The Accelerator
Power of the Majin
Till Next year

The Sorting Hat.

1.2K 45 35
By MisakaLovesYou

Mikoto shuffled through the outdoor forest next to the train station with nerves exploding through her like wildfire.  If this plan didn't work, it meant lots of trouble.

As she walked alongside Tasha and Gilbert, she hastily ducked her head down while passing by Lily and Al, who both looked worried for some reason and were looking around the crowd along with a pale blonde haired boy who must've been Al's friend Scorpius Malfoy.

If they were already worrying about something, no need to give them another thing to worry about right?

"There it is, self drawn carriages coming up." said Tasha. "These carriages always pull themselves, but it's fun to ride in for other reasons, or so I'd like to think."

Mikoto felt chills run down her spine.

These carriages weren't pulling themselves, that was for sure.

Mikoto stared at the strange black skeletal creature as it clopped towards them, pulling the carriage behind it. It had black bat-like wings folded to it's back, and pale milky white eyes.. it looked like an undead horse.

"What the heck is that?" Mikoto whispered.

"Uh, a carriage?" Gil said. "Muggles have those right?"

Mikoto stared at Gil and Tasha and pointed at the horse. "Really? You can't see that? How can ANYBODY not see that? In fact, how can anybody UNSEE that!?"

Gil and Tasha now were looking at Mikoto worriedly.

"Are you okay?" Gil asked.

Mikoto sighed. "yeah, sure, it's nothing, guess I thought I saw something."

Mikoto climbed into the carriage with Gil and Tasha, and the horse grunted and began to pull the carriage towards the castle.

"Now, right about now is when they're checking for people in the train." said Gil. "But, once the feast starts, they'll be focused on checking the train's maintenance for the journey back. So once the feast starts, you sneak out of the castle and back into the train."

"Got it." said Mikoto. "And thank you both.. for everything."

"No problem." said Tasha. "I hope we meet again some day. I kind of like you. Wish you could be a student here."

Probably better that she wasn't one, after all considering Mikoto was currently seeing things.

Mikoto looked back at the creature again. Was it invisible? No, then why could she see it? Invisible to only certain people maybe? Or maybe only Espers could see it.

All she knew was, she really didn't want to know.

As soon as Mikoto dismounted the carriage, she hurried into the large open castle doors, trying to avoid looking at the animal as much as possible. The moment she hurried in, she was suddenly greeted by a massive water balloon falling right on her head.

"EEEK!" Mikoto squealed as the water splashed over her, and two more water balloons splashed on the heads of Tasha and Gil.

"HAHAHA! Lookie lookie! Students all wetsy!!" sang a voice.

A little man appeared, wearing a coat and hat, floating in the air. "Awww so wetsy! So not clean! Heehee!! Looksy to Peevsy that we're going to have to make you wetsier!!!"

The little man laughed again as he took out some more water balloons and prepared to throw them at more students entering the castle.

"PEEVES!!!" a voice roared.

A stern looking elderly woman with hair tied in a tight bun strode into the castle's entrance hall, looking furious. "YOU WILL STOP THIS INSTANT!!!"

"Hmm.. this instant?" said Peeves, looking positively gleeful. "Nah.. how about never?"

"The headmaster will hear about this!!" the woman growled.

Peeves responded by blowing a huge raspberry kiss into his hands.

"SPLAAAASSSSHHHH!!" Peeve's raspberry kiss was cut short by a water balloon splashing right back into his face.

Everyone, even the stern woman, stared back at Mikoto with amazement, as she was the one who had thrown one of the still intact balloons that Peeves had dropped.

"Little bastard." Mikoto growled, obviously very angry.

Peeves gave Mikoto several rude gestures, to which Mikoto responded by grabbing a helmet off a suit of armor standing nearby and sending it smacking right into Peeve's forehead.

Peeves fell out of the air and landed on the floor in a daze as the helmet clanged to the floor.

Tasha and Gil both began to clap as the stern looking woman continued to look shocked.

"My dear, that was a glorious shot." said the woman.

"No kidding Professor McGonagall." said Tasha.

"But in the meantime, Mrs. Aya, you must hurry over here, the Sorting is about to begin, and you're already a minute late to the First Years." said Professor McGonagall.

"Who, me?" Mikoto stammered as McGonagall took her wrist. "I think you have me mistaken for-"

"Your parents already told me the details. You'll be starting in 4th year of course, but you'll need tutoring to catch up with the rest of your school mates, however, that doesn't excuse you from the Sorting." said McGonagall.

Mikoto gave Tasha and Gil a desperate look that clearly said, 'Help Me'. before McGonagall dragged her through another hall into the castle to join what appeared to be a large group of 11 year olds, all of them looking fearful and nervous.

"Now just wait here." said McGonagall sternly.  "Good luck."

McGonagall left through another door, shutting it behind her.

"Wh-what are we supposed to do?" Mikoto muttered.

"I hear we're going to have some sort of test, real nasty.." Whispered one boy.

"I hear that we have to do some sort of weird thing where the school determines if we're worthy or something." said one girl.

"Test? Worthy?" Mikoto groaned. "Oh damn it the jig's up."

"Jig?" said one student.

"Nothing, you'll probably find out." Mikoto muttered.

Yep, somehow because of this Aya person who McGonagall had mistaken her for, Gil's plan had completely backfired.

Mikoto suddenly felt a warm weight on her shoulder as Mizuchi landed on her. Apparently the faithful owl had followed her into the castle.

"Thanks, that feels better." Mikoto said, petting the large owl.

The door to the direct front of the room where McGonagall had left through, now opened wide, it revealed a massive hall.

The Great Hall was a tremendous room, filled with long tables at which students were seated with empty plates and glasses. There was a head table at the very end of the room, where large chairs that held staff members were obviously put. The center largest chair was empty.

The ceiling however, was the most amazing, it looked like there was no ceiling in fact, looking exactly like the night sky outside. Was there actually even a ceiling at all? Yes, Mikoto could see the ceiling somewhat, as if it were holographic and transparent.  Amazing.

The first years shuffled through the room, pulling Mikoto unwillingly with them, who bent her knees and tried to look short and unnoticeable, which was impossible since all the first years were trying to do the same, and they were all shorter than her to begin with.

Worst part was when she saw Lily in the crowd. She gave Mikoto a look that plainly said 'stay quiet, try not to say anything.' before returning to a very frantic conversation with what appeared to be Tasha, Gil, and the red headed Rose.

Mikoto was treading on thin ice, and there was no way out.

That's when Mikoto noticed it, a very old looking worn pointed hat..  sitting on a bench in the middle of the room.  It wasn't just old actually, it looked positively ancient.

There was a silence, as if people were waiting the hat to do something.

"What's it going to do? Sing?" Mikoto muttered.

As if on cue, a rip near the hat's brim opened up, like a mouth and began to do exactly that.

"Day by day, year by year, a I hat I  surely may be

But on this day of September 1st, your fate I shall decree.

To wonder which house is it? How fun, I think I'll see!

Four Houses there are for you, I bet you want to choose!

Well don't be sad, I'll help you out, In the form of a wandering patched up muse.

Four houses there, are, each in their own way grand.

I assure right now, that neither is in any way bland.

For the brave and courageous, Gryffindor shall be your creed.

For the quick of wit and smart of mind, to Ravenclaw I shall steer.

Slytherin shall make you great, if cunning is what you need.

Not looking for anything else? Hufflepuff, you should not fear!

As you see, each house fills you with glee, depending on who you'll be.

But fear not, the process is quick, as soon you might see.

Just whip me up upon your head, I shall not bite, do not dread!

And I shall look within your mind, and see where glory you might find!"

The hat stopped singing, and everyone in the Great Hall clapped. All the First year students looked utterly relieved. Apparently all you had to do was put on the hat.

Mikoto, unlike all the First years, was now positively mortified. The hat would read her mind, it would KNOW she didn't belong here.

Mikoto could just imagine the amount of trouble Harry was going to get into with the ministry. Would they fire him!? Would she be the one who got the man who took her in fired!?

"When I call your name, come forward." said McGonagall, holding up a parchment list. "Elsly, Jim."

One by one, McGonagall would call a name forward. Each time, a First year would walk up to the bench, put the wide hat on, where it was too big, and therefore went over their eyes. And the hat would sit there for various lengths, before shouting the House to which each student belonged.

Finally, after nearly every student had gone, McGonagall called the name of the person Mikoto was believed to be. "Aya, Tatsumi!"

Mikoto felt her feet move against her will, or maybe not against her will, maybe the feet knew they couldn't possibly move anywhere else without somebody noticing.  She sat down on the bench, holding the hat in her hands.

People were staring.

Everyone was staring.

Lily, Tasha, and Gil looked like they were praying with all their might.

Mikoto gulped.

"Well, go on." said McGonagall.

Mikoto put the hat on her head, and for a minute, the darkness of the cloth within the hat went over her eyes.

A small voice spoke in her head.

"Hmmm.. very VERY interesting. I don't believe I've ever seen a mind quite like this! Lots of brains.. no.. PLENTY of brains.. you're so smart, I'm tempted to put you right into Ravenclaw.. But, my, the things you've been through, the battles you've fought.. I have to say, it is a privilege to look into this head of yours.. but.. you don't believe you belong here do you?"

"Please.. don't tell.." Mikoto whimpered.

"You're not quite what you think." said the voice. "You've never used a wand have you? And of course that rather interesting ability of yours must have put away any notion of you ever having magic blood, it explains why you're not in school yet."

"What?" Mikoto whispered, now confused. "Yet?"

"Oh, you really don't know! You think you're a muggle, hmm this won't do. You need to be educated! Yes, I know you're not that Aya person, but all the same you deserve the same dignity of learning what you have! Very well then.. you'll have to go to.. GRYFFINDOR!!!!"

"Eh?!!" Mikoto stammered, falling out of her chair in surprise, the hat still on her head, oblivious to the large applause coming from the Gryffindor table.

Still bemused, and completely shocked, Mikoto managed to use her quivering hands to hand the hat back to McGonagall, before shuffling over to the Gryffindor table, where Lily, Tasha, and Gil were waiting for her.

"H-how!?" was all Lily managed to say.

"I don't know!!!" Mikoto stammered.

As Mikoto sat down in between Lily and Tasha, a hush fell over the room. The reason soon became apparent, as the Sorting Hat had just hopped off it's bench of it's own accord and spoken up.

"Excuse me, Professor." The hat said. "Might I have a word before we continue?"

McGonagall looked surprised. In fact, judging from all the student's reactions, and staff alike, this had probably never happened before.

McGonagall picked the hat up, and the old thing whispered into the Professor's ear. McGonagall's eyes widened, and she gave Mikoto a swift glance.

"I see." said McGonagall. "It seems that I have made a mistake with the names. Her name is NOT Aya, Tatsumi, it is Misaka, Mikoto. My apologies. "

McGonagall set the hat back down on the bench.

Mikoto felt cold now. She knew.. she knew and was trying not to make a massive scene. Oh.. dear.. god..

"Calm down.. just keep calm.." said Lily, patting Mikoto on the back. "She's a friend of Dad's, she'll understand.

As soon as the Sorting was finished, and the hat had been folded up and put away, McGonagall stood up in front of the staff and all the students.

"Now, our Headmaster is running late, so I shall give you the address before we begin our feast." said McGonagall. "This year, I am told by Mr. Filch that our caretaker, the ban list on items has expanded to numerous new wares just released by Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. As always, the Forest on the grounds is forbidden to all students unless given permission.  Those wishing to try out for the Quidditch team, will find tryout dates on the common room notice board, let it be known that you must at least be of Second Year if you wish to try out."

As McGonagall continued to make announcements, Mikoto continued to reel from the recent events.

Was McGonagall going to send her back to London? Seemed like it. She probably didn't want to make a huge scene and made sure nobody would pay too much attention by pretending she was a witch.

Yeah, that must have been it.

"We received an owl from dad on the train that you were missing." Lily explained in a hushed voice. "So we were searching for you.. lucky for us, we ran into Tasha and Gilbert on our way to the feast... well, not that it made much difference in the end.. sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. " Mikoto whispered. "This was my fault. I was trying to hide from somebody I recognized, and I chose a bad hiding place."

"Who?" Lily asked.

"Meltdowner, another esper about nearly as strong as me, well.. almost, she hates me. If we clashed in that train station I don't want to think about what would've happened.

"But, what's she doing there?" Lily asked.

"I can't answer that." Mikoto muttered.

"Now, without further ado, I believe it is time to dig in." said McGonagall, finishing her announcements. 

Suddenly, all the plates and glasses across the tables of the Great Hall were filled with food.

Meats, and vegies of every color, soups, and etc.

Mikoto had to admit, she never often ate British cuisine, but this all looked quite tempting.

Before she could dig in however, McGonagall tapped on her shoulder.

"Might I see both you and Lily for a minute?" McGonagall said.

Here it came.. the woman was probably going to whack Mikoto upside the head for her audacity in coming to this school.

Mikoto followed Lily and McGonagall to a nearby room at the back of the Great Hall. The small room was filled with many clinking silver instruments, all of which were labeled "Formerly owned by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

"Don't touch." said McGonagall sternly as  Mikoto reached a finger out to one of the instruments. "These are on display for eyes only."

"Sorry." Mikoto said, bowing apologetically. "I was curious."

"You're not the first to be struck curious by the belongings of the Headmaster before me, I can assure you." said McGonagall. "But some of those instruments are not only delicate, but dangerous in the wrong hands, they are the last things you'd want to touch out of instinct or without thinking."

"Professor, why did you call us here?" Lily asked. "Are you going to send Mikoto back to my Dad's?"

Strange, did McGonagall already know about the situation?

"No, actually quite the opposite." said McGonagall. "The Sorting Hat, and me included, wish that she continues her education here in this school."

"Er, but aren't I a.. you know... Muggle?" Mikoto asked.

"Not quite." said McGonagall. "You see, Albus, one of our former headmasters, had a very interesting theory regarding Espers that the Hat tonight supported immensely.  The difference between Magician Magic and Wizarding Magic was included in this study. Of course, before he could complete his research on Espers and these two separate methods of magical practice, he was killed during the war against the Dark Wizard Voldemort.. so the research lay forgotten for a while, until recently."

McGonagall thrummed her fingers on the desk in the room, as if trying to decide how best to proceed. "Ollivander, I believe you can come in now."

A very elderly small looking man shuffled into the room. He had silver hair and his eyes, were also unusually silver themselves. He pushed with him a large cart filled with what appeared to be very long boxes.

"What are you doing?" Mikoto asked.

"It is my understanding, from reading Dumbledore's research.." Mused Ollivander as he picked up a box and opened the lid, examining it's contents. "That an Esper is a human being, a Muggle more often than most,  that has awakened the inner power of the Mind. The Mind however, houses all sorts of awakening qualities, and often, when awakening the mind, the mind awakens other aspects of the Muggle that might otherwise have remained dormant."

Ollivander smiled at Mikoto, staring at her deeply. "The Sorting Hat is never wrong. It sees things even you yourself cannot.  Have you ever practiced magic my dear?"

"No, my blood vessels would explode if I tried." said Mikoto.

"Ah yes, the far more volatile, and in many cases, powerful, form of magic, Magician Magic." said Ollivander. "Practiced by Muggles who are aware of the Wizarding world, and are well versed in Religion and Mythology.  It is an INCREDIBLY unstable magic, and to Espers, which have incredibly stable blood due to their powers, it is a poor match... Wand Magic on the other hand, is different."

Ollivander pulled out a wand from one of the boxes. "An Esper, that has also awakened magical genes, shows no sign of magic powers due to the fact that their blood is so stable, that even with intense emotion Underage Magic is nearly impossible, but it also means that they can possibly control their power much easier when learning it."

"You can't be serious." Mikoto said as Ollivander gave her the wand. "So you're saying because I'm an Esper, I also became a Witch?"

"Well, that's the theory, made by Dumbledore." said Ollivander. "And more than once Dumbledore's theories have turned out to be very correct.. yet we won't find out until we try... so go on.."

"And... do what?" Mikoto said, feeling very stupid with the wand in her hand.

"Give it a wave of course!!"

Mikoto waved the wand, but as soon as she did, Ollivander snatched it out of her hand.

"Nope, won't do." said Ollivander.

"See, didn't work, now I guess I should get going-"

"Not quite yet.." said Ollivander. "The wand chooses the wizard Ms. Misaka, that much is certain.. we must continue trying.."

Ollivander took out another wand. "Holly, Dragon Heartstring, 13 inches, reasonably springy."

Mikoto took the wand, and gave it a wave, but Ollivander snatched it out of her hand as well.

"Not this one either." said Ollivander. "Very well, try this one. Cedar, Unicorn Hair, 12 inches, flexible."

Mikoto sighed and took the wand, waving it, right before Ollivander whipped out of her hand once more.

"Ohoho.. a tough one aren't you?" said Ollivander. "Ah.. howabout this? It's  Japanese favorite actually, Cherry, Dragon Heartstring, 14 inches, incredibly powerful, but one of your self control should handle it well."

Mikoto went through wand after wand, until the floor was littered with empty boxes. Lily sat next to the desk, looking ready to fall asleep. McGonagall however, continued to watch with her sharp unwavering eyes.

Mikoto however, began to wave with a halfhearted air. Surely this theory was completely bogus. No way she could do magic. Her esper abilities began to mirror her annoyance at the situation, with sparks jumping from her bangs now and then.

"Ah.. here's one, this is one of my most well crafted." said Ollivander.  12 and 1/2 inches, Black Walnut, Phoenix Feather, Unyielding Flexibility. She's an odd one this wand, due to her wood, she is very powerful, but will fail to those who are not true to who they are.. and her loyalty is very hard won thanks to her core.. she won't change, that much is certain with her rigidness.. "

"You keep on talking about wands as if they have feelings." Mikoto muttered.

"The wand chooses the Wizard Ms. Misaka, said Ollivander. "That is a hard fact."

"You didn't exactly answer the question." Mikoto said. "Are you saying that either, yeah I'm a good to honest Muggle, or that every wand here hates me?"

Ollivander merely smiled as he set the Black Walnut wand in Mikoto's hand.

Mikoto rolled her eyes, but as she held the wand, she felt something strange.

The wand felt warm in her hand, like an old friend having just come home. Her own esper ability activated of it's own accord, sending electrical sparks running down the surface of the wand without harming it.

Mikoto waved the wand, and instantaneously, sparks flew from the wand's tip, not resulting of her powers.

"Bravo!" said Ollivander, clapping his hands together, as a smiling McGonagall also clapped.

"I'm.. " Mikoto said, but at this moment she was speechless and couldn't say more. Did.. she just do magic?

"This one is on the house of course, due to the special circumstances." said Ollivander, putting the Black Walnut wand back in it's box and wrapping it in a ribbon. "Will you need me for anything else?"

"No, that is fine for now Ollivander." said McGonagall.

"Huh!?" Lily jumped up, now wide awake. "Is it over? What did I miss!?"

"Congratulations Ms. Potter." said Ollivander. "Your friend is indeed a Witch."

"Oh! That's.. Great!" said Lily, looking as surprised as Mikoto.

"Though, it's curious indeed, I am amazed I was able to sell the entire set." said Ollivander.

"Set?" Mikoto asked.

"The feather in that wand.. came from one unusual phoenix in particular." said Ollivander.  "That phoenix gave 2 other feathers. This wand, I made recently, around a year ago when that phoenix, for a reason I cannot surmise, appeared on my windowsill. But yes, she is the youngest out of three siblings, the youngest sister of two brothers, whom have done some very great deeds."

"You don't mean..?" said McGonagall.

"Yes.. one of Ebony, one of Holly." said Ollivander. "If Mr. Potter were here, I do think he would find this as curious as I have.."

Mikoto did not understand a single thing Ollivander had said at this point. So she merely blinked in confusion. Even Lily seemed confused about why her father would find this situation interesting.

Ollivander clasped the box into Mikoto's hands. "Keep her safe, keep her close.. she will guide you, I am most certain of it."

"Oooookay.." Mikoto said, not wanting to look at those disconcerting silver eyes any longer.

"Well, I do apologize." said McGonagall. "It appears that I've kept you for nearly the entire feast."

Mikoto's stomach, and Lily's Stomach both let out a symphony of growls at these words.

Mikoto's lip quivered. She hadn't eaten in so long, the sweets on the train was ages ago.

McGonagall waved her wand, and a plate filled with sandwiches appeared. "Fill up a bit, and afterwards I will guide you up to your dormitories, Misaka, you will be staying in the 4th Year Girl's dorms, Potter will show you where, Considering  Ms. Aya's unwillingness to attend, and constant attempts to avoid us, I do think the tutoring program will be better suited to you tomorrow morning."

"Actually, I think I might have accidentally made her miss the train." Mikoto said apologetically, remembering the girl she knocked down in an attempt to avoid Mugino.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, instead of sending an owl to tell us, she was seen partying with trolls in Las Vegas a few hours ago." said McGonagall.

McGonagall left the office, getting into a deep discussion with Ollivander on her way out.

"Well." said Mikoto. "That was.. uh.."

"Unexpected?" said Lily.


"Why did she need me here though?" Lily said.

"Well, out of everyone in this school, I know you better." said Mikoto. "Maybe that's why?"

Lily shrugged, then laughed. "The funny thing is, this was actually a deep held wish I had ever since I met you, that maybe we could be classmates one day."

Mikoto couldn't help but smile, she liked Lily so much, it had become sort of a secret wish of hers too, only she pictured them in Academy City.

"Well, let's dig in, these sandwiches aren't going to eat themselves." said Lilly, picking up a sandwich.

After they ate as much as they could (The plate kept refilling), Lilly led Mikoto through the massive castle.

It was mostly empty, as a lot of the students had already gone back to bed, so Mikoto was able to fully appreciate how massive the place was.

getting lost wasn't something she was worried about. Espers had an incredibly well versed memory, not to mention their incredible ability to calculate anything from wind speed to air current without using instruments or equipment.  Calculation was essential to using Esper powers.

Staircases upon Staircases, Portraits everywhere, of people who actually moved around in their frames, some of them actually moving past their frames into other portraits next door to theirs to look at Mikoto as she walked past.

At one point, Mikoto thought she saw a suit of armor turn it's head to look at her.

After a little bit, the two friends stopped in front of a large portrait of a incredibly fat woman in a dress.

The Fat Lady looked at Mikoto and Lily. "Hmph.. up so late on your first night back?"

"Special circumstances." said Lily.

"Whatever then." said the Fat Lady. "Password?"

Lily opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the sudden sound of a raspberry kiss.

Peeves cackled as he floated over Mikoto and Lily's heads. "Oho!! Well well, thought you got the best of ol' Peevesy hmm?"

Peeves glared at Mikoto and pointed at her. "You've made me mad girly girl! That much is true! Just wait! I'm going to focus plenty on paying you back for- ZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP!!!"

Peeves fell face down on the floor, charred and sizzling, sparks still jumping from his body, having just been blasted with a tremendous amount of electric energy.

"Piss off." Mikoto growled. "Idiot."

"Oh this year is going to be fun." said the Fat Lady. "So.. where were we?"

"The Password." said Lily. "Erumpent Horn."

The Fat Lady's portrait swung forward like a door on hinges to reveal a hole in the wall.

Mikoto and Lily crawled through to find themselves in a comfortable looking room, filled with plush red armchairs, a bookshelf, other furniture, and accompanied by a large fireplace crackling merrily nearby.

Tasha and Gil were both sitting in armchairs, and stood up when they saw Mikoto.

"So?" said Gil. "What's happening? Are they sending you back tomorrow?"

"Nope." said Mikoto, holding up her new wand.

Gil stared at the wand for a minute, then he stared at Mikoto, then he stared at the wand again. "No way... REALLY!?"

"Yep." said Mikoto.

"She's a Witch!" said Tasha.

"Which apparently means I'm lighter than a Duck." said Mikoto.

"Huh?" said Gil.

"Right, no TV, means no Monty Python." Mikoto said.

While Gil remained in the common room, Tasha and Lily proceeded to lead Mikoto up the stairs.

"So." said Mikoto. "How many people know about me right now?"

"Not many, I didn't tell that many people." said Tasha as the trio stopped at a door labled '4th Years'.

As soon as Tasha opened the door however, 5 girls in pajamas crowded into  Mikoto, jumping up and down excitedly.


"Is it true you can shoot lightning without a wand?"

"Do you have a boy friend!!?"

"Do they have wizards and witches in Academy City!?"

As the girls crowded Mikoto with questions, Mikoto raised an eyebrow at Tasha.

Tasha grinned sheepishly. "Okay.. a little more than a few.

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