Fantastic Beasts

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(This chapter was especially difficult to write due to Hagrid's accent being all over the place. I somehow think JK Rowling sort of just winged it whenever she wrote Hagrid's accent. The important thing to remember is that 'ing' is always written as 'in' except for with 'Something' which is always written as 'Summat'. As for contractions, it get's really difficult when writing Hagrid. So if I ever do a sequel for this book on account of my fans wanting me to, let it be known that the Hagrid chapters will be extremely exhausting for me.)

When Lily awoke the next morning, she nearly flew into a panic when she saw that Mikoto's Four Poster bed was empty with the curtains drawn back. She had half the mind to wake her other classmates when the door to the dormitory opened, and Mikoto walked in, wearing a tracksuit and sneakers, her face flushed and sweat pouring down her face.

"Wh-where did you go so early!?" stammered Lily. "It's 7:30!"

"I always run in the mornings back in Academy City." Mikoto said. "Well, we have PE classes at the start of every day, so since I haven't been keeping in shape for a while, I thought I'd keep up the tradition you know?"

"You went jogging?" said Lily. "Where did you go?"

"Around the lake, several laps." said Mikoto. "Saw something huge in there while I was running. Are there like.. Krakens in the lake?"

"The Giant Squid." said Lily.

"Impossible." said Mikoto. "A Giant Squid wouldn't survive the lack of salinity in a freshwater lake, nor could it survive in that sort of water pressure and exposure to the sun.  Plus a Giant Squid's full length is nowhere near the enormity of that monster."

"You can ask Hagrid about that, he cares for all the magical creatures on the grounds." said Lily. "He's invited me for tea later, you can come with me. Anyways, Breakfast is starting about now.. we should probably get going."

"After I get a chance to shower." said Mikoto.

"By the way, where did you get the tracksuit?" Lily asked.

"I lent it.." yawned Tasha as she sat up, scratching her head tiredly. "She told me before we turned in last night that she'd like to go for a run in the morning, so I gave it to her."

One by one, the other girls in the dorm began to wake up.

There were a total of 3 other Fourth Years in the Girl's dorm.

The first was Panya Patil, a rather studious girl, but despite her studious attitude was very easy going and laid back. (yes, there is a relation to Pavarti Patil.)

The second was Elise Gabby, a black haired girl was abnormally quiet.

The third was Liu Chuang, a Chinese girl who was amicable and an ordinary teenage girl by most respects. All of them awoke rather eagerly, as if determined to speak to Mikoto first.

But Tasha held up a hand. "Girls.. questions can be held on the weekends when we have time. Right now.. we have a day to get into."

Breakfast seemed like a pretty ordinary affair. Mikoto walked down with the other girls, wearing Hogwarts robes, and the various tables were filled with students filling their plates with food and discussing the morning's classes.

As soon as they sat down Gil and Al had already walked over, in the company of Scorpius.

"Scorpius Malfoy." said Scorpius, giving Mikoto a handshake. "Er, welcome I guess."

"Thanks." said Mikoto. "Cool name."

Scorpius raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not making fun." Mikoto admitted. "I think the name's pretty cool."

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