
By Jadiegirl21

118 31 5

Alone and forgotten Nina was destined to be after the death of her only family left, her older sister. With n... More

After math
Haunting past
Surprising hits
Bad news
Walls Up
How can I feel
Tougher than We


3 2 0
By Jadiegirl21

Nina's Pov

My eyes flutter open as my alarm clock sings a random song by Future. As I sit up putting a hand on the side of my neck I feel the pain of my bruise throbbing. Petting my cat I quickly turn my alarm clock off and roll out of bed literally. As I lie on the comfy carpet I put one hand on the bed blindly searching for my phone. Picking it up my eyes discover multiple text messages.

From: Unknown number
Your going to pay for what you did to Luke you little bitch!😡🔪

From: James😍🤓
Sweet dreams bby girl.😘

From: Luke😒👎🏼
So you got a new boyfriend? Not for long I got sumthin up my sleeve for u lil Bae.😘 wldnt want 2 b u rite now!

   As my eyes scanned the screen chills started to run down my spine. Getting to my feet and unlocking my phone to text James.

To: James😍🤓
Hey um, good morning.😅😭

  Throwing my phone on to my bed I grabbed a towel out of my closet and went into my bathroom. Turning on the hot water then standing in the mirror waiting for the shower to start steaming. Looking at myself in the mirror I examined my neck seeing how visible the bruise was. If my sissy sees this she will definitely over react. Sissy already suffers from stress and she only recently got over a deep depression. Her anxiety kills her sometimes. Sissy is overworked she tries her best to make sure I have the best life possible even tho she had a horrible one after... the accident. Stepping into the shower the hot water stings on my skin for a moment. Letting the water fall over my head my curls straighten out as the water runs through my long hair like a fine tooth comb.
     After getting out the shower I put on a black wife beater tucking my shirt into the high waisted blue jeans. Slipping my feet into long black boots that end about 2 inches under the knee I throw on a black leather jacket and throw my damp curls into a ponytail. Combing my baby hairs to perfection then I try to cover up my bruise with makeup. Soon giving up seeing as how my sissy's concealer is too light. Deciding to just put a black leather choker on. Walking out the bathroom to my bed seeing my phone flash.

From: James😍🤓
Morning. Want me to drive you to school because I know your car is still at the school?

To: James😍🤓
Um yea , please if you don't mind. I'm ready now when ever you can come.

From: James😍🤓
I'll be there in 5.

   I bite my lip as I realize my bedroom door is being opened.

"Hey stranger." My sissy says jumping on to my bed."You look hot." She teases giggling.

"Heh. Yea I guess.😅" I say trying to come off as tho I'm not nervous.

"I wanted to ask how you got home yesterday, because your car is not here or at the diner." She said seriously raising one eyebrow and pursing her lips.

"My friend drove me home. I didn't have to work yesterday. I'm driving home in my car today though sissy." I explained hoping there would be no follow up questions.

"How you getting to school today? Do you need a ride?" She questioned getting off the bed walking towards the door.

"Nope." I said turning towards her. Just as sissy was about to say something my phone started buzzing and singing in my hand.

"Who's calling you this early?" She giggled grabbing my phone and then sprinting down the hall. As I chase after her I hear her answer my phone.

"Helllooo! This is Alina's cell. Can I help you?" She joked making her voice go as deep as she could.

"CYNTHIAAAA!" I yelled pulling her hair then tackling her onto our white couch in the living room. " GIMME MY PHONE JERK!"

"Okay okay butthead." Sissy said her Spanish accent being muffled by my knee. "Here!" She exclaimed throwing my phone to the other side of the couch. Jumping off of her I quickly grabbed my phone and put it to my ear only to here the deep familiar chuckle of  James.

"Hush puppy." I say walking back down the hall into my lavender colored room.

"Well I'm here kid hurry up." He playfully said I could tell he was smirking at this.

"I'll be out in a sec dodo bird." I laughed hanging up. Grabbing my phone charger and my book bag I ran down the hall and jumped on Cynthia, who was still on the couch. Sitting on her lap giving her a wet kiss on the cheek smearing lipgloss all over her cheek.

"Ewwww!" She wiped her cheek and stuck her tongue out at me pushing me off her lap onto the floor. "Bye Nina. Be good booger. Te amo."

"Bye luh you tooooo." I sang already up and going out the door. Closing the door behind me I see James' black Volvo in the driveway. Skipping towards his car I hop in and buckle my seatbelt.
James' Pov

   As I pull into the school parking lot I see a spot right next to Nina's bright red car. As the car stops in the spot I look over at Alina. Seeing her choker I assume she used to cover her bruise. Quickly I get out and open her door. As she hops out she starts walking but I quickly catch her wrist and close the car door. Pinning her to the car, I let my hands find their way up her figure to her neck. Her chocolate eyes lock on my hazel ones. Putting my fingers under her choker I pull it down examining her bruise. As I stare at her neck I can feel her tiny hands gripping the front of my shirt tightly.

"Am I hurting you?" I ask letting go of her choker and putting my hands around her waist.

"A little bit but I'll be fine." She mumbles not breaking eye contact. Her arms find their way around my neck. My eyes break away from hers down to her juicy glossed lips.

"Let's go we can't be late." She says letting her arms fall onto mine, her hands grabbing mine off her hips.

"True." I say letting her guide the way into the school.
Luke's Pov

"Yeah man. I fucking saw her walking with that little snake bitch in the parking lot this morning." I say irritated while sitting at the lunch table.

"Ghe we could lowkey jump the little shit for beating you up though." Chance suggests taking another bite out of his sloppy joe.

"True but why would she actually want to leave you man? Your the main reason anyone in this school knows her damn name." Jermaine laughs eyeballing my purple and yellow nose.

"That's what I'm sayin! She must be fucking retarded or something dude." I laugh right back taking a sip of my Gatorade. Just as Anthony opens his mouth to say something I spot Jade and Alina at their lunch table laughing.
"I got to find a way to make her miserable." I say interrupting Anthony.

"Well I have a pretty good idea. Don't you know where she lives?" Trent asks nudging me with his elbow smiling.
Nina's Pov

After lunch I have free period, but Jade has culinary for 6th period. As me and Jade reach her class we exchange hugs and I begin walking to the gym. The gym is a separate building next to the school. I always spend my free period behind the gym because I'm normally the only one back there. Occasionally there will be a typical freshman couple making out but it usually only happens near the end of the year. As I reach the back of the gym I sit down in the grass with my back against the wall. I open my drawing book and pull my pencil out my pocket. Turning my earbuds all the way up and listen to one of my favorite songs by Toni Romiti called 'Time to leave'. As I start a new drawing all I can picture is James' smirk. So I find myself drawing him smirking. Making sure to capture every detail and put it onto paper. As my pencil moves swiftly on the page I am startled by a tap on my shoulder. Quickly I rip my earbuds out and look up to see a familiar face.

"Is that me your drawing?" James teased sitting down next to me.

"Maybe. How did you know I was out here?" I questioned closing my book. I could feel the warmth of my blush as I looked at his hazel eyes.

"I saw you come back here." He explained smiling. "Am I not good company?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"No I never said that, I was just curious."I quickly explained myself.

"What are you up to tonight?" He asked changing the subject. Pulling me on to his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well I have to be at work by 3:30 then I get off at 9:30. After work I'm just going to go home." I say putting my hands on either side of his face.

"I want to hang out with you tonight." He says pulling me closer, our faces inches from each other.

"I don't really want to go out I'll probably be tired."I say shutting him down wrapping my arms around his body and laying my forehead on his shoulder.

"Then I'll come to your house." He suggested holding me tighter.

"I will have to sneak you in through my window." I say lifting my head off his shoulder. Putting my arms around his neck I stare at his lips missing the feeling of them.

"Cool with me. I really just want to get to know you. Your a mystery girl. I know barely anything about you. Yet I still want you around." He explains with his strong hands on my hips gripping me firmly.

"Yeah I'd like that." I say looking up into his eyes. His hand now on one side of my face and his other arm around me in the arch of my back. He brings his face closer to mine. I feel a tingling in my stomach and I can tell I'm turned on by him. I close my eyes and lock my lips to his. Our lips move in sync then I allow his tongue to enter my mouth. I allow myself to be submissive, his mouth having full control over mine. His hands sliding down to my butt gripping the thickness with his strong hands. I can feel myself getting more turned on. I part my lips from his and kiss down his face to his neck. I bite and suck on his neck as I sweetly kiss his neck. Letting my hands touch his abs. I can feel his dick getting hard beneath me. Not moving from his lap I continue to kiss moving my lips back to his. As his tongue enters and exits my mouth repeatedly he begins to pull my ponytail making me look up. I can feel my bruise start to throb. I also feel myself starting to get wet. His hand still holding my pony back, his other hand goes to the back of my neck unbuckling my choker revealing my neck. I can feel his lips peck my neck in several places then finally connecting to my sweet spot. As he sucks and bites me back, soft moans escape my lips. His hand that he used to unbuckle my choker finds the way around to the front of my neck then slowly moves down over my breast. His hand moving to the right breast he massages me I can feel my legs starting to quiver. He disconnects his mouth From my neck and brings his lips back to mine, releasing my ponytail. I bring my hands back up to his face and end the passionate kiss with multiple pecks on his lips.

"I want to continue buh I can't." I giggle looking into his eyes.

"Why can't we?"he asks resting his hands on my thighs.

"Well I don't want to soak through my pants." I joke but kinda being truthful.

"Heh, okay we can continue when I come over tonight." He laughs with an adorable smile. I peck his cheek and I stand up revealing a big dick-print his boner is causing to happen through his jeans. I avert my eyes quickly and when he sees me avoiding looking at it he laughs standing up and picking up my drawing book and pencil. Handing it to me the bell rings, we start towards the building hand in hand.😊
Still Nina's Pov😇

     As I pull up to 'Beth's Diner' I put on my apron and wrap my ponytail into a bun. Pulling the foundation I just bought out the dollar store out of the bag I open it and cover the bruise on my neck.
      Getting out my car I walk in and see the manager Mary talking to Amy at the cash register.
     The night goes by smoothly and I counted my tips before grabbing my stuff. Walking out the back door towards my car I hear a familiar voice. Suddenly I am turned around and I see Luke standing there. I turn and start running towards my car but he grips my waist picking me up.

"Stop! Let me go right now!" I yell kicking and punching trying to get him to drop me.

"Chill out girl! I wanna talk!" He shouts sitting me on the trunk of my bright red car. I look at his white face in the moonlight and I just push him and jump down off the trunk. He quickly grabs my sides and puts me back on the trunk, this time standing between my legs.

" I don't want to talk to you." I Say angrily pushing him back and kicking him in the stomach. He bends over in pain and I jump back off the car. He quickly recovers and pins me against the car.

"I miss you. I want you." He whispers in my ear. Then his hand slides down over my pants and he grabs between my legs.

"Get off dumbass I don't want you!" I scream. Then I knee him in the balls. A small whimper escaped him as he began to fall to the ground. Before he can even hit the ground I run to the driver side of my car and I get in, locking the doors. Beginning to yell again, "Luke your a nasty fuckhead, and you ain't shit!" I face palm for a moment.

"You little bitch!" He yells getting up and banging on my window. I quickly start my car and speed out the parking lot. I can hear my heart racing as I drive towards my house. When I get to a red light I take my phone out my bag and look at my phone. Seeing multiple texts from people.

From: James😍🤓
Text me when you want me to come.

From: Cynthia
Hey I feel kind of sick so I'll be sleep when u get home jst make sure u lock the door when u get home. Teamo ! 😘😷

From: Jade😜
Have fun wit boy toy tonite grl 😂😘

When I look up the light turns green. As I reach my house I pull into the driveway and pull out my phone.

To: Jade😜
Lmao def not gonna fuck nd omg Luke fucking attacked me when I got off work again.😒😷😴 he so irra

To: James😍🤓
You can come now I'll leave my window unlocked I'm gettin in da shower. My window is on the left side of the house second window. I'll leave my lamp on.

  I get out the car and walk in locking the door behind me. As I walk into the living room I kick off my shoes and go left down the hall. Poking my head into. Cynthia's room she's knocked out on the bed snoring a little. I giggle a little as I close the door quietly and continue down the hall into my bedroom. I turn on the lamp and unlock my window. As I take off my jacket my phone buzzes and I look at the text.

From: Jade 😜
He's so creepy. You need a tazer or sumn grl😪💯‼️

To: Jade
Ima get pepper spray tomorrow boo. Buh I gtg ill txt u inna mornin. Ilyyyy boo! Gn😜🤓😘

As soon as I put my phone down it buzzes again.

From: Jade😜
Luh u too bih😘 have fun nd use protection lmao😂 jk nite.😌😘

From: James😍🤓
Omw. I'm walking I'll be there in like 5 min.

To: James😍🤓
Kk! Can't wait!😊

I throw my phone on the bed and run into my bathroom turning on the hot water I go back to my dresser and grab my red and black lace panties and bra. Then I grab my silky red and black robe. I walk into my bathroom closing the door. So that James wouldn't see me when he got in my room. Quickly getting in the shower I shave every thing even tho I don't ever get hairy because I shave damn near every day. I wash up with my specific dove soap that smells like heaven after I get out I rub my skin dry. After applying deodorant I put on my panties. Before putting on my bra I rub my body down with baby oil until my golden brown skin is the perfect amount of glowing and shiny. Then I put on my bra and robe tying the silky black belt to the robe just enough so my breast poke out just a bit. I shake my wet hair till it curls up into a sexy shape. My last step is perfume. Then I put on my red and black slippers and prepare myself mentally to walk out. I collect myself then casually start shaking my wet curls as they fell perfectly down my back I continue shaking then I open the door. I see James sitting on my bed, as he looks up from his phone his jaw drops when he sees me.

"Damn." He mutters loving what he sees sweating a bit. "Heh. Uh hey." He says nervously.

"Hey James." I say in a sexy low voice walking towards him, twirling a strand of hair around my finger. I touch his chest pushing him to lay back. I pick up my phone and turn on music. 'Slip N Slide' - by Anthony Hayes. As the music fills the room I start feeling good. I sit on his lap as he lays back. I play around moving my lips mouthing the lyrics to the dirty song I put on. He sits back up untying my robe exposing my curves. I pull his shirt over his head then I throw it on the floor. Examining his sexy abs as he examines my d cup breast, my tiny waist and my thick hips and thighs. He stands me up slipping my robe off my shoulders, letting it hit the floor. He stands up turning me towards him he sits me on the bed then lays me back. He climbs between my legs his boner against my panties still in his pants. His hand rubs from my breast down to my waist then over my hip, between my thighs he slides my panties to the side and massages my clit, all while sucking and biting my neck. I can feel myself dripping from the sensations of his hand, my legs quivering. My arms around him hands rubbing his back while moans escape my lips. Quiet moans cautious not to wake sissy. His lips join mine, our lips moving in sync to the beat of the song. His tongue dominating mine, he pecks down to my neck, sucks and bites down to my breast, sucks , licks and kisses down to my pussy. He pulls off my lace panties and puts my legs over his shoulders. His tongue begins to lick up and down my kitty lips teasing my clit with his thumb rubbing it. One hand on my breast the other satisfying me. He licks and sucks on my clit and puts his finger inside. Moans escape my lips as pleasure fills me. He gives me a break when he begins to kiss back up to my neck. A hot passion begins to fill the room as my legs wrap around him. He picks me up putting me on top, as he lays on my bed he one-handedly unhooks my bra and I let it slip off. Now completely naked I feel a warm blush on my cheeks. Getting off of him I kneel in front of him and slowly I slide his shoes off then his pants. Rubbing his huge boner through his boxers I slide off his boxers exposing his beast. I examine him capturing the details of his erection, the vein bulging out and his army head. I climb back on top of him, his hands grip my ass then rub up my back. Without letting his dick penetrate my kitty I let my pussy lips rub up on his dick. Soon his dick was also soaked from my juices. I connect our lips again this time he allows my tongue to be dominant. He stands up picking me up, my legs wrapped around him he lays me down on my back and then takes a magnum out his pants pocket then he throws his pants back on the floor. I sit up and take the condom opening it with my teeth. I jerk the condom onto him gently. As it fits perfectly over his dick, he lifts my arms around his neck and connects our lips again. Laying me back down I wrap my legs around him. Before he starts to slip in I stop him.

"Be gentle. This is my first time." I whisper nervously hoping he wouldn't judge me for just giving my virginity to him.

"Don't worry baby girl. I'll take care of you slowly and gently. I'm loving you, relax and enjoy yourself, Ima make you my Queen." He says gently and he begins to passionately kiss my lips. Up and down he rubs his dick on my clit then slowly and gently beginning to stick it in. Loud moans escape my lips, as pain and pleasure overwhelms me. His hand gently covers my mouth as I moan to his slow gentle strokes. As the time flew by the pain decreased and the pleasure increased. I gave him scratches on his back and hikeys on his neck, chest, shoulders and stomach. The song was on repeat and the beat never got old it was creating a very passionate sexual mood. As he thrusted into me he went deeper with every stroke. Pulling out he stood me up and kissed on my neck and breast while his hands were around my waist. I turn around and let him love me and kiss me from behind. I bend over crawling onto the bed into doggy position. His warmth follows and soon enough he is inside again while gently gripping my long curls in his fingers. As he strokes, in, out, in, out, he goes a little deeper and a little harder, I let my back arch and his hands rub down my back onto the thickness of my ass. Soft sweet moans escape my lips. About a hour and 15 min since the start we are still at it. He puts me back in missionary and thrust and stroke till my legs quiver. He strokes deep and hard to the beat and then starts rubbing my clit. Starting to cum my back arches up into his warm chest. His hand is quickly over my mouth again as loud moans escape me my hands pull on the sheets. My legs shaking, sweat covering my body, cumming hard I wrap my legs and arms around him with my nails digging into his back, toes curling. Breathing hard and biting my lip after he pulls his hand off my mouth.

"Oh, please don't move yet." I moan quietly still holding him tightly feeling the pleasure spread to my stomach.

"Can I cum please?" He breathed with his face in my shoulder. His lips kissing my collarbone.

"Okay." I breathe as he begins thrusting his hips into mine again. Fast then slow, gently then rougher. Then his last stroke was deep and hard. His arm wrapped around my back the other around my neck. I connected his lips to mine and we exchanged another passionate kiss. Letting our tongues take turns dominating each other. Pulling himself out as we kissed, both of us sweaty and out of breath. Getting up he walked into my bathroom naked. After he shuts the door I pick up his t-shirt and put it on. When he comes back out he gives me a sexy smile. As he stands in the doorway to my bathroom I let my eyes examine his caramel body his abs defined by harsh lines, tattoos on his chest and arms , his still erect penis, his strong calfs and broad shoulders. I was honestly feeling in love as he was glaring at me I passed him on the way in the bathroom.
    When I came out, our clothes still scattered across the floor the sheets wrinkled. A Sexy man in boxers lying in my bed and the beat to the music still on repeat. I walk over to my bed and take my place next to James. I reach over grabbing my phone I turn off the music then the lamp. I lay my head on his chest and we sleep until he has to leave so we don't get caught. Before he climbs out the window we exchange yet another passionate kiss.

"I think I'm in love." He says. Before I can say anything he kissed my lips then goes out the window. Closing my window then laying on my bed, I sigh happily.

"I think I'm in love." I say to myself drifting away into my dream land, all I can picture is him.
Heyyyyyy guys😅 I hope you guys enjoyed this super long chapter. Happy Monday. I had a nice long break did you guys? I'm going to update when I can buh I never update on sundays or Saturdays those are my days to just relax and get things done. But please vote comment and share I would reeeealllly appreciate it. Thanks Love you guys😊. Oh and I'd love to here your opinions and what you would like to see happen with the very naughty Alina and the literal perfection of James . Tell me what you think Luke and his friends are going to do after his freaky encounter with Alina. Also would you like to see more happening with Jade/the best friend of Alina? (Btw I am not playing this character I just named her after me😇)

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