Bite •Yoonmin•|WATTYS2017|

By Yoonmin321

197K 11.2K 4.1K

In which Jimin is a vampire and he thinks Yoongi is one too... but he is very mistaken. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
The Duo
Co - writer needed

Chapter Seventeen

6.6K 423 215
By Yoonmin321

Say the Name~ Please Vote And Comment^^



Yoongi was now laying on a cold metal table at the doctor.

"Aish. Why do I have to do this?" Jin grumbled as he rubbed the cream on Yoongi causing his to wince cause of the coldness.

"Because you're the only vampire doctor in here and Yoongi has a half vampire in him." Jimin said.

"Makes sense. I'm just surprised you're letting me touch him like this." 

"Trust me, I'm not happy about it. But you gotta do what you gotta do." Jimin sighed.

"I'm literally right here. Stop talking like I'm not." Yoongi said, "And hyung hurry up!"

"Stop rushing me or I won't do this at all, I don't care if you're paying." Jin sassed as he started the ultrasound.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Alright."

"Jin hyung, have you found the gender yet?" Jimin asked.

Jin monitored the screen and stopped in a certain place and pointed, "See that little tiny thing on its body, it shows that it's a boy."

"Stop being a smartass." Yoongi groaned, wanting the cold camera off of him.

"I'm so about to smack you but I don't want to lose my job." Jin said with a tone.

"Can you just take the picture of the ultrasound and get this thing off of  me." 

Jin nodded and rubbed the cream off Yoongi, "Here's the photo." He handed it to Jimin.

"Wait, do we have to pay for the picture?" Yoongi asked.

Jin shook his head, "Nope, it's part of the price cheapskate." 

Yoongi sat up and pulled down his shirt, "Smartass."

Jimin scratched his neck, "I think it's time to go now. Thanks Jin hyung." He said and helped Yoongi get off of the table.

"Sayonara." Yoongi said and left with Jimin.

"Where'd you learn that word, I thought you sucked at Japanese." Jimin chuckled.

"Because of all the fucking anime you watch, weeaboo." Yoongi glared.

"Yah! At least I put in headphones in... sometimes." Jimin pouted.

"Speaking of shows, there's a drama we should watch to teach us how to raise a child."

"What drama?"

"My little baby."

"Yoongi... if you learn off of that drama, you'll be the worst dad ever."  Jimin deadpanned.

Yoongi shrugged, "Let's watch it anyway."


As the couple was watching that Korean drama, Yoongi spoke up, "What should we name our son?"

Jimin thought, "Uh... Jiyoon."

"No. How about Yoonmin?"

"That's even worst. How about... Hyunki?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi nodded, "Yes..."

Jimin smiled and pecked Yoongi's lip, "Great." He looked at Yoongi's stomach, "Hyunki, how are you doing?"

Yoongi flinched and his eyes widened, "Jiminie... he kicked. That fucking hurt."

Jimin chuckled and rubbed his boyfriend'a stomach, "Sorry, babe."


Omg that v app live where Jimin was like "Do I look like a vampire?" And the emoticon that made him have fangs XD

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