The Last Philosopher

By NickfEast

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11x featured wattpad story. Before everything, it's assumed there was nothing, but what if there was no real... More

Part one: With a capital D
Richard, long for Dick
Sleepless in Pentakl
(Self) mocking and pity
The rule of rules
Escape from Zig-Zig
Trying to do right
What, is that the question
What about the hows and whys
Further than possible
The final gathering in the Khmur grasslands
Empris becoming a nation
The Khmur desert
Present in the Dalmicir tower
The spawning of an Afreet
The Game
Part two: The p-wyrd
Escape discovered
The unbearable joy of punishing philosophers
P-wyrds and fading stars
To err is divine
Crossing the Khmur
A bay in the desert
Frel in not Agalaland
Lingur's stories
Manhunt in Agalaland
The hopeless case
Talkin 'bout Ms Skvosip
A stroll into the hanging tree
Twenty years a marshal
The p-e-r-v-e-r-t in Fenmark
Sharp as a marble
Strange, stranger, Áettar
Pea-keeping ain't easy
The drunk-fellows
The trick to fetching Rascal
Left holding the bag
Morning meeting in Pentakl
Is something better than nothing
Inattention on Xefef's agenda
Whose trap is it anyway
Night-ride to Fenmark
The Merrywither gaff
A mess in the scullery
The moonlight trap
A traditional lynching
Between a rock and a p-word
The stench of a Knome
In smelling range
A sorcerer is never lost
Hardly working
Philosophy happens
Less than possible
Who helps the helper
Saving an askhole
Ms Skvosip's, um, help
Dummies helping themselves
The strangest of meetings
In the dark
Disrespecting the afterlife
In the wyrd
Three brothers and a baby
Trial and sentence
Good times ain't cheap
The judgening
Secret meetings
Good moods are for good people
Four in the chamber
Truth by majority rule
The dishonour of a Knome
Part three: Keeping up appearances
The trouble with beautification
The oldest profession
Serving words
Unwelcome to Pentakl
Go to jail, go directly to jail
The secret jail
In the circle of slight embarrassment
A Barrac stroll
Solitary patrol
Like a lizard to the slaughter
Weetie's special mission
What's good for the runaway is good for the guard
HC's Books
Only helping
Like selling books to a drowning man
The game of compromise
Just things

The courthouse riot

97 23 7
By NickfEast

The square was packed hours before the announcement. Many of the townsfolk were up on the roofs or hanging out windows. Any space with a view of the hanging tree was occupied with a menace. Meaning a swift kick in the shin for anyone getting too close. Well, no one wanted to miss the swift mob-led hanging, that was expected as soon someone heard the word guilty.

"Looks like Bres has prepared for trouble," Earl told Charlene from the door of the marshal's office. "The shutters on the courthouse are closed up tight, like he's expecting a storm."

"Wha' da'ya think it means?"

"If I was a betting man, I'd say it might be good news for Herschel."

"Ya know, Ms Skvosip's seats were empty yesterday."

"Yup, I saw," he drawled.

"She must've been in the back with Patrick, pulling Bres' greedy little strings, don't ya think?"

"Could be." He came over and gave her a supportive pat on the head.

At noon sharp, they were both standing halfway up the steps to the courthouse. In front of them were some of the largest men Charlie'd ever seen. Rascal was oblivious to proceedings, and was booping Herschel with her nose begging for pets.

"These aren't even bailiffs, they're just blaggards," Earl whispered.

He recognised them as the kind of scumbags who'd break someone's legs for a half-pint. The worst Agalaland had to offer on long or short notice. M.C and his bunch were above them, in positions to surround Bres. With everyone in place, the judge slinked out of the courthouse. He looked smaller, diminished somehow. Not only because he had to stand several steps above the bailiffs to be seen.

Anxiously, he read out the charges. When at last he came to the verdict, he took a good long pause. "We, the court, find the accused... guilty."

The square erupted. If it wasn't for the blaggards holding people back Herschel wouldn't have had long left on Huom. Bres was waving his short arms, trying to get the mob's attention. After a while he gave up and started shouting as loud as he could. But only the closest few rows could hear him.

"We find the accused guilty, but only on the charge of being a chicken-stealer. We sentence him to time served, and a year of community service!"

Over and over he repeated the verdict. But his body language, and his use of the lowly we, screamed that he had nothing to do with this.

It took a while for the news to ripple through the crowd. But eventually as the square turned to stunned silence. Bres repeated it one last time for all to hear. As one the crowd surged forward. Even those who wanted out had no choice, any more than a drop could choose to be part of the river. Bres stumbled back into the courthouse with his hands raised in surrender.

"I know justice shouldn't be about entertainment, but this I like," Earl yelled to her over the roaring crowd.

The young men in the front rows, and the hired goons, were already enjoying themselves. There hadn't been a fight on this scale in years. Even watching was risky. Anyone within reach was fair game and would get a work boot to the groin, or a giant fist to the nose. This went on for half an hour, until all the fight was beaten out of the less experienced crowd. Once they accepted there wasn't going to be a hanging, they took to drink for comfort.

The rest of the market week went ahead as normal, except with more cuts and bruises. Also, Bres wasn't seen outside even once. Still, once people had a few days to talk about it, and calm down, they agreed that missing the hanging wasn't that big a deal.

The catastrophic success of the courthouse riot had made this the best Hein-day celebration in years. And there was still the market to limp around and enjoy. Even so, Earl figured it was best to keep Herschel locked up until the visitors were gone. Rascal kept guard as always. She was as effective at keeping people away as any number of thugs. Charlie made sure to bring her a new rock every day. It was the least she could do to keep their good girl happy.

The day after the market ended, Charlene and Herschel took an evening stroll down to the river and no one bothered them.

"So, community service? Haw's tha' gonna work? Ya can't do anything but talk," she teased.

"I'm sure it will be alright; this seems like a place that rewards incompetence"

She was almost insulted before she realised he was only returning what she started.

"Ah, of course ya're right, ya'll fit in jus' fine," she countered, and Herschel smiled raising a quizzical eyebrow at her.

Happiness hit Charlene like a stampede of Boolenyn. Neither of them said it, but it was obvious that Herschel'd made the choice to stay in Stagna. Even after his community service.

Updated: 17.09.2023

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