Mama Gotham

Von Avec_DS

159K 6.9K 729

The number of kids on the streets of Gotham has been dwindling, and fingers are pointing to an eccentric woma... Mehr

Haly's Circus
Opposites Attract
Somethings Can't Be Explained
I'll Look After You
Think Well Of Me
Gotham Junior High
In July
Charms And Guns
I'm So Sorry
A Promise
Selina Kyle
Keeping Your Word
Don Falcone
No More Hiding
Two Of A Kind
Alyssa Connors
The White Queen
Bottle Girl
Grown Up
Being Brave
We'll Be A Perfect Family
Worth Killing For
Very Great Things
People You Can Count On
All Hail The Queen
Everything Is Gonna Be Alright
I Honestly Miss You
A New Day?
As The Crooked Smiles Fade
Family Matters
The Blood On My Hands Scares Me To Death
The Love Of A Good Mother
Only Alyssa
Through Dark And Light, I Fight To Be
Ask Alyssa
Living In A Coo-Coo Clock
Keeping What's Important
To Give Your All For No Return
Madame Mayor
Tell You What I Do Know
Love And Hate
Its Not Your Fault
Empires From Nothing
The Pain Of Being Alive
Where My Demons Hide
My Past Has Tasted Bitter For Years Now
Raw Materials
I Have Been Tagged!
On The Honor Of A Boyscout
A Memory's Lament
A Matter Of Control
Dear Alyssa
This Is My Version Of Heartbreak
Regarding Arkham
Promise Me A Place In Your House Of Memories
Alex And Ali
Closin' Walls And Tickin' Clocks
All Those People In Those Old Photographs I've Seen Are Dead
The Ticking Beat
You Can Fool Any Friend Who Ever Knew You
Stop And Stare
RIP To My Youth
Tear It All Down
Only Just A Dream
Damaged And So Ashamed
Lookin' Too Closely

Love You Just A Little Too Much

1K 60 5
Von Avec_DS

Theo Galavan was nothing if not persistent. And seeing as he wasn't smart, or a good man, persistence was sort of all he had going for him.

He had half the city council backing his side of the race for mayor, while the other half seemed to have mysteriously disappeared. Not that it mattered; Alyssa had the love of the people, and they were the ones voting.

Not to say she didn't have endorsements of her own. She had gotten to Jim Gordon first, along with Bruce Wayne, and boy had that pissed off Galavan. He had arranged meetings with her – though sometimes he preferred showing up unannounced – and always said she was a worthy adversary and a true Gothamite. When Alyssa mentioned that he was not, he only chuckled and said she'd be surprised.

He was very passionate about her being a 'true Gothamite.' A little too much for one who wasn't.

Had she not already had enough on her plate, she would have looked into the man for he was clearly hiding something. As it stood however, far more...petty things were demanding her attention.

Kristen Kringle was becoming a problem. Not that Alyssa was jealous or anything....okay maybe she was, but wouldn't you be if a woman your boyfriend used to have a crush on was so openly flirting with him right in front of you?

And they worked together, so it wasn't like she could keep them apart. And attempts at telling Kristen to back off had been futile, if anything they seemed to encourage her.

"You're brooding again."

"I am not."

"You've been glaring at that beaker for a half hour." Edward set his microscope aside and looked up at her. "Either you've returned to your childhood desire for heat vision, or, more likely, somethings bothering you."

"...You'll laugh." Alyssa diverted her eyes to the floor.

"Doubtful. You rarely go that deep into thought about something worth laughing about."

"....Kristen Kringle. Despite many attempts at telling her otherwise, she still seems to think she has a shot with you."

"Alyssa, I've told you, her advances mean nothing to me."

"I know. Doesn't make me hate them any less."

"Alyssa..." Edward stepped around the table and brought his hand to her cheek to make her look at him. "Despite how much I love knowing you care about our relationship, I'm aware there are other ways of knowing it. How about I talk to her? Perhaps hearing it from me would help her understand."

"Thank you." she smiled at him.

"Of course. Though I must admit its fascinating seeing you get jealous."

"'M not jealous." she pecked his lips. "Nothing to be jealous over." another small kiss. "You're mine."

"Always." he smiled and kissed her properly.


The election was very close to ending, and as voting day drew closer, speeches and press conferences multiplied. Everyone wanted a final say in what the candidates promised if elected, what they thought they're chances were, and what they planned to do if they weren't elected.

Truthfully, Alyssa had never cared much for the press of Gotham. They thirsted for a scandal more than the truth – which made being Gotham's #1 pillar of light a challenge as they were nearly always looking for a way to bring her down.

That, and she just really couldn't stand Vivian Vale, who always seemed to be at the front line when it concerned Alyssa.

But it seemed the press was on her side this time. A campaign supported by the people instead of the officials already in office was legendary – the press may be annoying, but even they knew how easily the city officials could be bought.

"Helloooo Gotham city!" Alyssa said into the microphone attached to the podium. "My name is Alyssa Connors, and I'm here to elect me!"

"Ms. Connors –"

"Ms. Connors –"

Every reporter was trying to speak over one another, until Alyssa picked one out of the crowd to ask their question.

"Ms. Connors, you've made quite the name for yourself with the Mama Gotham foundation, but you've never shown an interest in politics. Why now?"

"Well, there's only so much I can do on my own. In a position of influence, I'd be able to help this city in ways I've never been able to before. I've tried, but a lot of the red tape came from city hall."

"So what are you plans for the city?"

"Well, I'll be honest with you; this city is sick. And there isn't going to be any quick fix for that. But with the help of my fellow Gothamites, I hope to at least start our city on the path to repair."


Knock knock.

Kristen Kringle looked up at the sound and smiled when she saw Edward Nygma coming into the record annex.

"Ms Kringle, I need to speak with you, are you busy at the moment?"

"Not at all." she shook her head, her ponytail waving behind her.

"Excellent. It has come to my attention that since I began my relationship with Alyssa, you've been rather..." he looked up, searching for the right word. "Shall we say, forward. While I am myself am not particularly bothered by this, Alyssa is, so I've come to ask you to stop."

"But you just said you weren't bothered by it." she stepped closer to him.

"I'm not."

"And why's that?"

"I'm in love with Alyssa Connors. Not to sound rude, but anyone else is of little consequence."

"Oh come on Nygma. We both know you had a thing for me before she came into the picture."

"Be that as it may...." Edward observed the distance between them and took a step back. "I'm with Alyssa now."

Kristen scoffed. "What's so great about that tramp? She just waltzes in and thinks she knows everything!"

"Why you little –" a voice in Edward's head that sounded far too much like someone he thought was well buried growled.

While he was internally freaking out, Kristen was closing the distance between them again. "She doesn't deserve you."

"Please don't say that."

"Why? I mean, how does one woman just swoop out of no where and take everything she wants? The GCPD, the mayor's office –" she stepped even closer. "You. Its not right...." she leaned in slightly, just a breath away from laying her lips on his.

Edward swung her against the wall, one hand around her through and the other pinning her wrist to her side. "Don't you ever speak ill of Alyssa Connors!" he said lowly. "She is three times the woman you could even hope to be! She is smart, funny, kind, and deserves everything she has and more!"

Once his anger had subsided slightly, it occurred to him that Kristen Kringle was no longer struggling against his hold.


Edward Nygma was breathing very heavily as he came up to Alyssa's apartment. Killing her horrible ex-boyfriend was one thing, she was happy he was gone, even if she didn't know he was responsible. But Kristen Kringle? Alyssa didn't like the record keeper, but she and the rest of the GCPD would ask questions, they'd want to know where she was.

Not to mention the fact that one of the reasons Alyssa liked him was because she thought he was one of the last good men in Gotham – the only person she knew who hadn't killed anyone, herself included. He felt horrible enough for lying to her about Benjamin, which was why he had decided he needed to tell her what had occurred with Ms. Kringle.

She'll never speak to you again. The voice he had hoped was gone for good informed. No, she'll slap you, and then she'll never speak to you again.

"She loves me." he muttered under his breath. "She'll understand."

She'll be furious. Devastated.

"Be quiet." he muttered, for he had no real argument. It didn't matter how much she loved him, he had betrayed her trust, and the second she knew what he had done their relationship would never be the same – if it even continued.

But lying to her was far worse. No healthy love could be built on lies, he knew that as well as she did. Besides, she had taken the whole voice in his head thing rather well, maybe this wouldn't be any different.

Edward shook his head, forcing himself to stop over-thinking it and knock on her door. The smiling face of the woman he loved greeted him as it was opened.

"There you are Eddie! I was beginning to think you'd miss the announcement." she pulled him inside.

"Alyssa, I need to –"

"Hey forensics guy." Selina Kyle waved from her place on the sofa. The TV screen in front of her displayed the most recent polls for the mayoral election, the reporters on screen making their bets for the announcement that was due tonight.

"Good evening Selina." he nodded at the teenager. "Alyssa, I need to speak with you."

"Go ahead." she nodded as she poured soda for the three of them.


"Oooooo!" Selina smirked.

"Shush kitten." Alyssa gave her a look, handing her her drink. "Can it wait?" her gaze returned to her boyfriend. "Harvey gets the news about the election before the reporters; he promised he'd –" as if on cue, her phone ran from inside her pocket. "Oo! That's him! Selina, mute the TV!"

The girl did as told and watched her mother anxiously, trying to read her expressions and the bits she got from the one-side of the conversation.

"Mhm?....You're kidding?!.....W- You did what?....Harvey!" she laughed. "Yeah, we'll be there." she hung up the phone and squealed, something Edward had never known her to do.

"I take it Dent called with good news?" Selina laughed.

"Kitten, you are looking at the newest mayor of Gotham City!" Alyssa beamed. "Not only did I win; I got a landslide majority!"

"Congratulations!" the teenager jumped up to hug her mother.

"I-I'm very proud of you, Alyssa." Edward said, fidgeting with his gloves. He stumbled back when the newly elected official launched herself into his arms and attached her lips to his. He very nearly melted into the embrace, but she pulled away before he got the chance.

"Harvey put together a celebration party down at the bar! Come on, we're the guests of honor!" she told Selina to grab her coat and slid her hand into Edward's, still unaware of what those hands had done just before he had arrived.


"I am very proud to present, Alyssa Connors, the new mayor of Gotham!" the voice of Harvey Dent cheered.

His Alyssa was beaming in the light of the spotlight. He had never seen her smile like that – like absolutely everything was okay.

When she stepped off the stage, he still didn't get the to pull her away, to many people were doing it for him. All of her friends, her children, the bar was packed to the roof with people she cared for, all congratulating her. She was happy, she was in her element, and she looked like she'd been placed ontop of the world.

Edward looked down at his hands, clenching and unclenching his fingers. He had planned to tell her, really, but....she looked so happy. He didn't want to be responsible for ruining the perfect world Alyssa had worked so hard to build, he didn't want to be responsible for wiping that smile of her beautiful face,

No one ever said she had to know. The voice in his head reminded him. Look at her, she's got everything she's ever wanted. Her friends are all with her, her kids are safe, and she's in an amazing relationship. Don't throw all that away over one silly girl.

Usually, Edward was vehemently against everything the voice in his head said, for it went against everything he believed himself to be.

But...perhaps...just this once...he was right.


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