Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo...

By rainbowselena

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Fred Weasley x fem!oc Fem!oc x fem!oc Draco Malfoy x fem!oc Daisy Potter's now going out with Draco Malfoy... More

Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo's Return (Book 4 Harry Potter ff)
Chapter 1 - A Sleepy Draco Is A Draco I Can't Deal With
Chapter 2 - Home Is Where The Clan Is
Chapter 3 - The Quidditch World Cup And The Kidnapping
Chapter 4 - Beautiful Unlike You-Know-Poo
Chapter 5 - Meet Daisy Potter, Your Local Angel
Chapter 7 - I'm A Holy Fuck
Chapter 8 - Hints And Intermingling Tongues
Chapter 9 - Wet Dreams
Chapter 10 - Homework Is Fun For Once
Chapter 11 - Champion Of The World
Chapter 12 - The Champions And Fraisy's Make-Out Session
Chapter 13 - Daisy Potter, Actual Best At Causing Orgasms
Chapter 14 - That's What I Thought
Chapter 15 - Little Less Frivolous
Chapter 16 - The Yule Ball
Chapter 17 - Everyone Is So Blushy Today
Chapter 18 - The Election and the School Trip
Chapter 19 - He's A Demon
Chapter 20 - Snape is NOT One of my Suitors
Chapter 21 - Two at Once
Chapter 22 - The Triwizard Cup
Chapter 23 - Captured
Chapter 24 - Dreamless

Chapter 6 - Guess Who's Back, Bitches

307 11 23
By rainbowselena

Fred's POV

"It's been an absolute uproar." Percy told us importantly, the Sunday evening before we were due to return to Hogwarts. "I've been putting out fires all week. People keep sending Howlers and of course, if you don't open a Howler straight away, it explodes. Scorch marks all over my desk and my best quill reduced to cinders."

I snorted, because George and I may have sent some of those Howlers for that very reason.

"Why are they all sending Howlers?" Ginny asked, who was mending her copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi with Spellotape on the rug in front of the living-room fire.

"Complaining about security at the World Cup, complaining and 'voicing their concern' for Daisy." Percy said. "They want compensation for their ruined property. Mundungus Fletcher's put in a claim for a twelve-bedroomed tent with en-suite Jacuzzi, but I've got his number. I know for a fact he was sleeping under a cloak propped on sticks."

Harry glanced at the clock, which caused the rest of us to as well. The clock had hands for us Weasleys, as well as two homemade ones for Daisy and Harry that George, Ron, and I made the summer after we met them.

Most people's hands were at 'home', but Harry's and mine were pointing at 'lost'. Daisy's was pointing at 'mortal peril'. I had no fucking idea why mine was at lost; I could understand Harry seeing as his sister was missing, but me? She's just my best friend. Even if holding her hand did feel nice...

"...Remember, she interviewed all the Gringotts curse breakers once, and called me a 'long-haired pillock'?" Bill said as he partook in a conversation I had zoned out of.

"Well, it is a bit long, dear." Mum said gently. "If you'd just let me -"

"No, Mum."

"You alright?" George whispered to me. I looked back at him and the parchment we were bent over. I had forgotten about the quill clenched in my hand, and it was bent slightly from how I had gripped it.

"Yeah." I replied, manipulating my face into a grin.

"Dude, Softpaw's missing. It's okay to not be alright." George flicked my hand reassuringly. I nodded slightly, my grin dropping, and I looked down at my lap.

"What are you two up to?" Mum said sharply, her eyes on us.

"Homework." I said vaguely.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're still on holiday."

"Yeah, we've left it a bit late." George said.

"You're not by any chance writing out a new order form, are you?" Mum said shrewdly. "You wouldn't be thinking of restarting Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, by any chance?"

"Now, Mum." I said, looking up at her, using my pained look as a joke to distract them all from the fact that it was real, and it was maybe because of Daisy. "If the Hogwarts Express crashed tomorrow, and George and I died, how would you feel knowing that the last thing we ever heard from you was an unfounded accusation?"

Everyone laughed, even Mum. We gotta find some way to distract ourselves from the horrid event that had occurred.

Daisy's POV

"Okay, what the fuck is going on." I demanded information as my two brothers basically Apparated us to a large, fancy room. "And where are we? Who am I?"

Gabriel pushed me down onto the huge four-poster bed, snickering.

"Fuck off." I scowled.

"FuCk OfF!" He mocked.

"You are our sister, Daisiel." Trench-Coat said. "I am Castiel, your younger brother. You brought me up. Gabriel is your older brother, and he brought you up. You have been sent to Earth as -"

Gabriel sighed loudly, rolling his eyes. "Boring, Cas. I've heard this rehearsed explanation too many times."

"That would be Daisy's fault." Castiel sent a glare my way.

"What is my fault, for fuck sake!" I growled, throwing my hands up.

"Okay basically, you have been sent to Earth a bunch of times because you fucked around as an angel. Dad gets pissed every time, and this happens to be one of the many times he has sent you down. Most times I'm sent with you because we fuck around together." Gabriel snorted. "But this time I didn't get caught, only you did."

"Why don't I remember it then?" I asked suspiciously.

"Dad takes your memory so you'll realise how hard life as a human is when you finally remember... which is supposed to be around fifteen or sixteen years, on average." Gabriel shrugged.

"Life as a human is great!" I grinned around at the both of them.

"That's what you say each time." Gabriel grinned too. "No matter how hard the life that he puts you into is, you always seem to make it fun and enjoy it. Even this one, where both of your parents are dead and a deadly mass murderer is trying to kill you and your brother. And you're surrounded by hot people of both genders. Poor you. How frustrating that must be."

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at Gabriel's mischievous, wicked eyes.

"Oh, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy." Gabe crooned. "Your big bro is very bisexual. Aaaand... so are you."

I shook my head. "Nah. I'm pretty straight."

"You'll see." Gabe smirked. "Now put your wings away - you'll bleed all over the carpet."

I gaped at him for another second, before snapping at them both, "Y'all didn't answer my other question: where are we?"

"Our house." Gabe snickered. He seems to laugh a lot. Then again, so do I. It makes sense that he raised me, wow.

"Whose room is this, then?" I asked vaguely, focusing on my wings, and as expected, feeling them fold back into my back.

"Mine." Gabe supplied, flopping onto the bed beside me. "But I guess we had better send you back, then. Time passes quicker in your world than ours. Your lot will be going back to school at this very moment."

"I don't really give a shit if I'm late, to be honest." I shrugged.

"What about your human brother and everyone else that cares about you?" Gabe said casually, leaning back on his bed.

"Fuck, yeah." I said, my heart dropping. "I forgot." I looked back at my brother suddenly. "Wait, I can't go yet! I've still got so many questions -"

"Which will be answered soon, you just need to go now." Gabe rolled his eyes. "We'll see you later. Bye, sis." 

Then Gabriel touched my shoulder and everything went black.

Fred's POV

Through the gates, flanked with statues of winged boars, and up the sweeping drive the carriage trundled, swaying dangerously in what was fast becoming a gale. Leaning against the window, I could see Hogwarts coming nearer, it's many lighted windows blurred and shimmering behind the thick curtain of rain. Lightning flashed across the sky as our carriage came to a halt before the flight of stone steps leading up to the great oak front doors. People who had occupied the carriages in front were already hurrying up the stone steps into the castle, muttering ominously about Daisy. The news had been on headlines and passed from mouth to mouth, and everyone was talking about the kidnapping. An air of sorrow and suspicion hung in the air: everyone knew Daisy. Most people were at least friends with her.

Me? A terrible, burning feeling was residing in my chest, and my heart felt like it been dropping through my chest into my stomach ever since my best friend was gone.

George, Terry, Lee, and I jumped down from our carriage and dashed up the steps too, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco following from their carriage, looking up only when we were safely inside the cavernous, torch-lit Entrance Hall.

"Blimey." George said, shaking his head and sending water everywhere. "If that keeps up, the lake's going to overflow, and it'll be banter. We can go canoeing to Herbology!"

"I'm soak- ARGH!" Terry screamed.

A large, red, water-filled balloon had dropped from out of the ceiling onto Terry's head, and exploded. Drenched and spluttering, Terry staggered sideways into Lee, just as a second water bomb dropped - narrowly missing me, it burst at Lee's feet. People all around us shrieked and started pushing each other in their efforts to get out of the line of fire - I looked up and saw, floating twenty feet above us, Peeves. His malicious face was contorted with concentration as he took aim again.

"Go on there, Peeves, my man!" I shouted up to him, momentarily pushing all negative thoughts about Daisy aside as I grinned fleetingly.

"PEEVES!" An angry voice yelled. "Peeves, come down here at ONCE!"

Minnie had come dashing out of the Great Hall; she skidded on the wet floor and grabbed Hermione, who was just behind us, around the neck to stop herself falling. "Ouch - sorry, Miss Granger -"

"That's all right, Professor!" Hermione gasped, massaging her throat.

"Peeves, get down here NOW!" Minnie barked, straightening her pointed hat and glaring upwards through her square-rimmed spectacles.

"Not doing nothing!" Peeves cackled, lobbing a water bomb at several fifth-year girls, who screamed and dived into the Great Hall. "Already wet, aren't they? Little squirts! Wheeeeeeeeee!" And he aimed another bomb at a group of second-years who had just arrived.

"I shall call the Headmaster!" Minnie shouted. "I'm warning you, Peeves -"

Peeves stuck out his tongue, threw the last of his water bombs into the air, and zoomed off up the marble staircase, cackling insanely.

We all filed into the Great Hall, grinning, glad that our minds had been taken off of the worry and terribleness of the Daisy situation.

Daisy's POV

I was suddenly outside the oak front doors of Hogwarts. I gasped, teetering on my feet, as rain poured down on me and blood dripped down my body.

"Fucking hell." I muttered as I altered my image. My cuts were still shining slightly with pure white light, so I covered them up with a glamour with my powers so that I could investigate them later without medical interference.

I looked up at the building in front of me. My family was in there. I need to go in. But for some reason, I felt hesitant.

Oh for fuck sake Daisy, just go in. This is your chance to make a dramatic entrance in the middle of the start-of-term feast. And Snivellous won't even be able to give you detention for it, because you're famous and you were kidnapped. Fucking awesome.

And besides, even if he did, I'm an angel and I can just call down my angel brothers to sort him out. Ha!

With the thought of my dramatic grand entrance in mind, I grinned and pushed my soaked self in through the double doors.

Peeves was up above, with two red water balloons in his arms. He grinned at me.

"Hello, Potty."

"Hello, Peevsy!" I grinned back.

He lobbed a balloon at me as I squealed, slipping and sliding across the Entrance Hall, both of us sniggering. Then I paused in front of the doors to the Great Hall.

"Time for my Entrance." I told Peeves, a smirk on my face. Then I pushed the doors wide open.

The Hall fell silent. Hundreds of faces looked up at me. I stepped forward into the massive room.

I grinned. "Guess who's back, bitches!"

🎈🎈Sorry for the so, so long wait guys!! I am back permanently now, and Daisy Potter will be updated as regularly as possible! 😝 And yes, Daisy is bi. If anyone is homophobic or has an issue with the lgbta community or the fact that she's into girls and boys, then you can leave, because I am also lgbta and I do not want people who don't support me or have a dislike or even hatred of people like me in their hearts to read my work. I'm not even sure who Daisy will end up with in this series, so don't stop reading if you're straight, but it's most likely to be someone who is, or is starting to become in this book, a love interest ;) and also, Daisy's female love interest will be someone who you're not expecting...

But yes! I am back! I love all of you that have stuck by me and who are going to continue to stick by me throughout this wonderful journey with Daisy and her life in the wizarding world and the life of banter. Also, would you guys like to see Daisy and her squad make another 101 ways to piss off the new professor (mad-eye moody *cough*wee barty*cough*) list? If so, drop a comment with some ideas :D🎈🎈

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