Best friends with benefits (C...

By MurdererObsessed

11.2K 222 57

Rewriting because first time was crappy More

Out with the old and in with the new
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Fuck you
Fuck off
A/N sorry
Winter ball part 1.
Winter ball part 2.
Winter ball part3
The mistake
Mistake part2
Juliana's unspoken secert
What the fuck did you do!!??
Black mail
Black mail part 2
Part title
Come again?
Perfect Her
Nightmare turned reality
Comic con


429 8 6
By MurdererObsessed

Chandlers POV
It's been two weeks since me and (y/n) talked and that's when I chased her from school to her house. I walked in to class with Brianna she was complaining about something I wasn't really paying attention I hear laughing and turn to see (y/n) hanging out with the new girl along with Sam and Gray I miss hanging out with them. "Chanler, CHANdler, CHANDLER ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT IM SAYING" I was suddenly cut off from my thought by Brianna crying and winning "yeah I'm paying attention sorry so what's up" she rolled her eyes and took a deep breath "I said there's a winter ball and I want you to match my dress for the dance here at school so that we will look cute and you can't be late for the fitting on Saturday" I nod my head and she walks away. 'Wait when did I say I was going to take her I never asked her and I can't this Saturday I have to go on set for the new episode' I think to myself. The bell ring and I sit in my A signed seat which is next to (y/n) she payed no attention to me I sighed and kept my gaze on her. 'your such an idiot Chandler how could you let this happen? I wonder how Juliana is doing? I didn't see her today so she must be out of school because she punched Brianna which I think she deserved since she was trying to piss off (y/n) and the other three. How are the boys doing I heard Sam asked out Madison I'm happy for him.' I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard the teacher call me. I look up and he said "you and (y/n) have to help decorate the cafeteria for the winter ball so can you please head down there now and get started" I hear a slight quiet grown escape from (y/n). I nod my head and we head to the cafeteria. As soon as we enter there where kids panting and laughing and getting things ready for the winter ball. I turn my head and see Juliana, Sam, Gray and Madison panting and laughing I smile knowing there having a good time with what there doing "hey (y/n) come help paint with us" Juliana shouted 'I guess she wasn't in that much trouble as I thought' I think to myself. (Y/n) walks over to them and help paint I look around the room for someone I know but sadly the only people I know where panting and pissed at me. I sigh and started to walk over to my friends I used to hang out with everyday. As I'm walking I think of what I'm going to say to them suddenly I'm in front of them and they stared at me like I was an Alien or something. I talked a deep breath and say "hey guys look I know I've messed up badly and I want to make things right with us I miss all of you and I hate fitting with you. You all have been with me every step of the way and have helped me when I was struggling with school and the show. Sam, Gray, Juliana I miss going over to your houses to play League of legends and all the jokes we made about Norman and Andrews bromance I also miss how we would go to the mall all the time and get kicked out because we always caused trouble. (Y/n) I miss how you would listen to me when I was pissed off at Brianna and never gave up on me and how you cared for me. I also miss how we all would hang out at the skate park and laugh at the stupidest things I also miss how we would pull pranks on each other and how nun of us took each other seriously. I miss you guys and I'm sorry I chose Brianna over you guys that was a mistake and I want to hang out with you guys again can you guys ever forgive me." They all stared at me trying to decided whether or not to forgive me. After awhile Sam smiled and nod his head along with Gray then Juliana "brother and sisters always fight so I will always forgive you" Juliana says I smile and look at (y/n) she looks at Sam, Gray, and Juliana then at me then back at them then me she did this a few times and it looked like she was having a fight with her brain. She finely sighs and says "how do I know that your not just going to turn around and do the same thing?" Everyone looks at me including Madison all waiting for an answer. *sighs* "You don't...but I'm making an effort that you won't ever have to....this is me trying to prove to you that I really am sorry and that I want to make this work" everyone turns back to (y/n) waiting for her words. It felt like 30 minuets of my life just passed by as I was waiting for her to make her choice. *sighs*"alright I'm trusting you but you better not screw it up  fagget" ѕhє said while smirking like she was proud of what she said. "*slightly laughs* okay I won't I prσmíѕє" I said while laughing a bit "GROUP HUGGG!" Juliana screams out of no where. Suddenly everyone is pushed into a hug me and (y/n) are pushed together and smile at one another with awkwardness written all over are faces. After a while we finely brake from are hug and started to laugh. "Okay let's get back to work and finish painting whatever we need to" Sam says in a rather annoyed but excited tone. Everyone sets off painting and mixing colors together to make winter colors. Me and (y/n) where cutting out snow flacks and putting glitter or what (y/n) likes to call clown herpes all over the snowflakes. I some how got glitter in my hair, my nose and in my shirt I have no idea how but it's was everywhere. After we spent the hole day putting stuff together we decided to head to the mall after school and hang out (y/n) had to ask her mom first but she already said agreed to take (y/n) tomorrow since it was a school night and tomorrow was Friday but (y/n) insisted.

Time skip to the mall

"Okay where to first" Sam said

"Oh let's go to Spencer's" Juliana shouted

"Okay but on the way can we stop by hot topic there's a shirt I want and I need to know how much it cost" (y/n) said

"Yeah we can do that as long everyone is okay with it right" I said in sure tone. Everyone nods there heads in agreement and we head to HT. After awhile of looking at the band shirts and other band stuff we head to Spenser's as we where wαlkíng julíαnα, Sam and Gray kept making weird noises and screaming at the top of there lungs for no reason all I could do was laugh at them because they where being so stupid.

Time skip to Chandler at home after the mall

'Well I'm glade we are all friends again and I don't want to lose them again' I think to myself. I was laying down on my bed when suddenly my phone starts to explode with text from Juliana,Sam,Gray and (y/n) I pick up my phone and see it's a group chat I read the text.

Juliana(sis): hey fagget what's up?

Sam the man: the sky haha jk nothing much playing Minecraft and you?

Gray fagget: hahah sammmme I think I'm playing online I'm not sure..

Shorty aka (y/n): hey guys.

Me: yo

Juliana(sis): Sam your a fagget.... I hope you know that

Sam the man: yeah I already know. So what are we going to do tomorrow??

Gray fagget: we can go to the mall and then got out to eat then see a movie if you guys want??

Shorty aka (y/n): that sounds fun let's do that

Me: yeah sure why not since it's Friday I don't need to me on set so my schedule is clear.

Juliana(sis): yayyyy we have something to do tomorrow. Which means we have a life yayyy lol.

Me: wow

Shorty aka(y/n): lol who said we don't have a life

Gray fagget: everyone

Sam the man: yeah that's true

Shorty aka(y/n): oh hahah. Quick question what do you guys think if this outfit???

Shorty aka(y/n):

Sam the man: I like it :)))

Gray fagget: same here

Juliana(sis): sweet I like the shirt

Me: same here what's the outfit for??

Shorty aka(y/n): I've always wanted to see what Tia looks liked so I put it together and yeah.

Me: well I like it what do you think of this??


Shorty aka(y/n):I like it where did you get the shirt??

Me: I forgot I had it for a while now

Juliana(sis): I like it

Gray fagget: can I borrow it one of theses days?

Same the man:awe look the girls are sharing close how cute lol

Gray fagget: truck off

Gray gagget: duck off

Gray fagget: damnit autocorrect I mean fuck off

Sam the man:haha dumbass 

Gray fagget: I hate you

Sam the man: hahah I know

Juliana(sis):are you done

Gray fagget: yess

Me: haha yes Gray you can borrow it and Sam

Sam the man: yes Chandler

Me: your a fagget

Sam the man: I know

Shorty aka(y/n): haha wow well I'm going bed night guys

Same the man: same here night guys

Gray fagget: as am I night People

Juliana(sis): k I'm going to bed to goodnight see you tomorrow

Me: okay see you tomorrow night

A/n: this chapter is now over I'm sorry it took forever I was grounded anyways here you guys go goodnight love ya byee

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