The Game

By towardsthestart

273 26 0

My brother is the one any person could dream of having but only my family gets him, my sister overreacts when... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:

Chapter 2:

51 6 0
By towardsthestart

Chapter 2:

I would know that writing anywhere, it isn’t just any writing it was my brothers, it was Jason’s. Everything whirled as I hit the ground. I saw faces, too many faces that all smudged into one then went black. I heard a loud thud then blacked out.

I found myself in an ugly blue gown sitting in the middle of a white room with nurses surrounding me. I opened my eyes and felt a sudden surge of light, “What happened?” I tried to say but all that came out was a whimper. As I slowly went back in time I remembered everything that had happened, school starting, morning circle, my friends where were my friends? I didn’t know how I ended up in the hospital but then it all hit me like a sudden slap, the note, Jason’s death, the grave, the funeral, I had a sudden dizzy feeling as I tried to sit up. “She is awake!” I heard someone yell. I heard a bunch of footsteps and rustling then I saw Summer, Winter, and Sydney standing at my bedside with looks of relief spread across their faces.

“What happened?” I groggily asked them.

 “We don’t know exactly we were walking down the hall then saw you collapse with a piece of paper in your hand. But we didn’t understand because when we looked at the piece of paper it was blank. The nurse said something had frightened you because you were so pale but we didn’t understand what could have frightened you!” Sydney cried.

 “Wait, what? The paper wasn’t blank!” I screamed. “Jason had sent me a message on it! It had his handwriting!” I screamed.

“I think she needs a break the nurse said to them. My friends left me in peace to think about what had happened.

“They had to have lied. The paper wasn’t blank. I read it. Jason had sent me a message. Was I hallucinating?” I thought as I stared at the ceiling. I didn’t understand anything. Jason wrote to me, the paper wasn’t blank I was sure of that. Or maybe I was just overreacting about his death. Maybe I was still in shock about him and the story of “he will haunt you” I shivered at the thought of his soul haunting me forever. It’s just a lie. I was overreacting, like my sister. Yes, I was overreacting I know I was.

My mom walked in first thing in the morning and took me home. “The nurse said you should rest for the day today.” My mom told me.

“Call me if you need anything.”

“Sure mom.” I tried to sound as normal as possible. How could I rest when my mind was racing through every thing to find the truth about Jason? Well, my mom is clueless most of the time…

My mom startled me with a knock on my door and a muffled “Are you awake sweetie pie?” Phew! Just mom.

“Yes mom. I am awake.” I replied. “I hope I didn’t wake you up. Would you like anything to eat?” she is so clueless I thought with a grin on my face.

“Sure. Soup would be okay.” I said suddenly realizing I was starved.

 “Okay honey. If you need anything else give me a shout!” she said as she walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

Now I have some time to figure things out I thought. But then I got a facetime call from Sydney. “Hello.” I said.

“Hi!” she replied. “How are you? You look terrible!”

“Oh, thanks. I feel terrible!” I replied trying to look as miserable as possible. “Well, I should probably leave you to it then sorry to bother. Hope you feel better soon!” and with that she hung-up. She is such an understanding friend I thought, I love her.

“Just like you loved me…” something whispered. What was that?! Is the question that immediately popped into my head.

 “Who is there?” I asked suddenly terrified.


Silence kills me, it’s as if something is out there moving but you can’t see or hear it.

I am just paranoid I realized as I closed my window. It was just the wind I thought with a laugh. “Was it just the wind?” the same voice whispered.

“AHH!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and heard the door swing open.

“What happened?!” my mom yelled. “I heard voices and now a scream! What was going on up here?!” even my mom looked scared.

“Nothing.” I lied. “I just had a little nightmare.” I hated lying to such a truth full person but…I couldn’t help it…I felt so guilty after she stalked off.

My cat Mixie walked in after that. I gasped as I suddenly saw her midnight black fur and bright green eyes. “Oh! You scared me baby!” I whispered into her fur. She smelled of violets and vanilla. I loved her so much! I took her almost everywhere with me except to school because of what happened last time…

We were in school and at that moment in time we were aloud to bring pets. So I decided to bring Mixie. She was 4 months old at the time and loved to play. My teacher was allergic to cats, like deadly allergic, but I did not realize that so I brought her in and he stopped breathing my class didn’t know what to do so I pulled the fire alarm and he got into a hospital just in time. He ended up surviving but he never worked at that school ever again all because I brought Mixie to school. I told my parents what had happened and they said that I could never bring Mixie back to school unless I have a signed contract that says no teachers are allergic to cats. And if I escape with her and go to school they would put her up for adoption, they said I could choose. I noticed that keeping Mixie and never going to school with her again was a better idea then giving her up. So my parents let her stay and now she is 3 years old.

That was the tragic story of why Mixie is never aloud to go to school with me again, unless we are going to the vet and she is in the car but I cannot take her inside with me. But I really don’t care whether or not she can come to school with me or not because I can always spend quality time with her at home.

As I was rubbing her neck I realized she was wearing the diamond collar Jason had got her for her birthday. I never put that on there I thought. As I went to take it off I felt a ring. I pulled it closer to me and realized it was Jason’s graduation ring; he was wearing this golden ring in his coffin I remember. He knew he was going to die and so he put it on to be with his graduation friends. I thought “Oh! This is just a replica of the original.” I turned it around in my fingers and stopped short. This is his ring, the one he was wearing in his coffin because on the inside it had J.F. his initials and not only that but one single drop of blood in the shape of a heart…

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