Immortal Knight

By AmandaRawlins1

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With the wars over, there is nothing left but aftermath, and dealing with the consequences of making an army... More

A Note To You
Book One
The Beginning
Meeting of the Elders
Book Two
Deadly Truth
Cross Roads
Deadly Turn
Epilogue: Nate
Ending for now
warning this is mine


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By AmandaRawlins1

Kerri woke up how she liked to, nice and slow, Kerri yawned and stretched. In a sleepy haze, she threw the covers off and scooted off her bed to walk to her bathroom door, Kerri yawned as she walked to her bathroom to get ready for the day. Ten minutes later she walked out and walked down stairs and out the back door to check up on Damien. She knocked on the door of the guest house, she heard light footsteps.

How can Damien's footsteps be so light when he has all that muscle?

Damien opened the door and Kerri's thoughts went blank as she took in six feet and five inches of bare skin and under that skin was thick corded muscle that ran from head to toe. Then to Kerri's poor mind that was already was filled with him. The only thing that Damien had on was his boxers. Kerri spun on her heels and started to walk away, but Damien hand caught her right wrist.

"Kerri I'm sorry, stay here please" Damien said and Kerri looked over her shoulder and nodded and Damien let go of her wrist, went to the bed, picked up a pair of pants and pulled them on. Damien picked up the shirt that laid on the floor. Damien almost ran back to the open door just in time to see Kerri walking back to the house.

Damien ran after her, but got to her too late as the door to the house shut on him. Damien knocked on the door. He knew what she was thinking and he was ashamed that he was the cause of it.


"What do you want?!" Kerri yelled through the back door.

"Kerri open the door" Damien wanted to beg her to open the door so he could talk to her face to face.

"No" her voice was just below a whisper, how he could hear it, he didn't know. There was a lot that Damien didn't know about himself right at this moment, all he knew that he had to get to Kerri.

"Kerri I'm sorry, I shouldn't have answered the door like that, I'm sorry, please open the door"

"No!" Kerri yelled, Damien sighed as he laid his forehead on the door and closed his eyes. The feelings that Damien didn't understand washed over him and hit his stomach like lead weights. Damien felt nauseated that he had made her uncomfortable at her own house. Damien was an injured wolf needing comfort and he only wanted it from Kerri.

"Kerri please open the door, I know that was wrong of me to do.......... I won't be in your way any longer just say the word and I'm gone"

"You won't know where you're going if you leave"

"I'll find my way" Damien heard his voice dropped to a whisper "I always do" there was silence on the other side.

"I'll take that as a 'leave'" Damien's heart was heavy with pain as he pushed away from the door and started to walk back to guest house. He heard the click of the door and Kerri's frantic foot steps towards him.

"Damien stop" Kerri's voice was worried and Damien stopped, but he never looked up or turned around.

"Don't leave." Kerri's voice pleaded with him.

"I need to, I'm making your life harder for you."

"Damn it! You are not! Stop acting like a saint so I don't hit you. I don't want you to leave, I don't want you to be out there alone. And it wasn't you that made me run away" Her voice sounded like she meant what she said. Damien heard Kerri take a deep breath.

"May I ask what are you thinking about when you see me?"

"You wouldn't like my thoughts about you if I told you" Damien tried to make his voice calm. But in truth his emotions were quickly turning the inside of his stomach into churning pit of knots.

"Damien please turn around so I can see your face" Kerri said and Damien turned around and looked Kerri in the eyes. Kerri's breath caught when she saw Damien's smooth chest and washboard stomach, Kerri's heart sped up as she envisioned him above her, kissing her lips. Kissing down her throat to bellow her collar bone. Kerri shook her head.

"I-I want to know what you're thinking" Kerri stammered while gathering her thoughts.

"No, you don't" Damien's tone was flat as he tried to persuade her that she didn't. In truth, his thoughts would scar her if he told her, but Damien could see that she wasn't about to give up.

"Yes, I do" Kerri persisted and Damien groaned as he ran his hand over his face. She wasn't going to let this go.


"Because I do, is that a crime?" Kerri asked as she watched Damien pulled the shirt over his head.

"No, fine this is what I think about when I see you, I think about kissing you hard on the mouth and making you mine, but......" Damien stepped closer to Kerri and captured her lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck, Damien felt her lips respond and move against his. In the rush of kissing her Damien pushed her against the wall and placed her hands above her head. Damien left her lips and kissed her under her ear, he heard her breath pick up and he pushed his body closer to hers. She sucked in a breath in surprise. The reaction made the corners of Damien's mouth twitch. He let go of her arms and they fell over his shoulders and he let his hands wonder over her sides as he recaptured her lips.

Down over the side of her legs and Damien placed his forearm behind her legs and lifted her off the ground, her legs wrapped around his waist. As he walked into her living room and sat her on the couch. Damien deepened the kiss and Kerri returned the kiss in need of more of him. Her heart sounded like that of a humming bird, pounding against his chest. Her hands traveled across his back and over his chest sending blades of heat through Damien's body.

Kerri broke away from Damien's lips and kissed his neck and grazed her teeth against his shoulder sending more of those blades through him. Damien kissed what exposed skin that he could reach, as he kissed her neck the burning thirst flared and scorched his throat, Damien felt red start to tint his eyes.

"Even though I want you, I won't ever take advantage of you" Damien's lips brushed against hers and Kerri closed her eyes. Damien started to pull away, but she held onto him.

"Don't you dare leave. I have a theory about you" Kerri said and Damien smiled, his lips brushed hers.

"I'm interested in hearing it" Damien said before he kissed her.

"Well you healed too fast for a normal human and you're always thirsty around me and your skin is cool to the touch so you can't be all human. Also, you're unbearably handsome, fit, and I admit that I stayed up last night watching unearthly movies-" Damien lifted his head away from hers to look at her.

"How do you know that I'm always thirsty around you?" Damien pulled away from her enough to look at her and she blushed.

"Well I can tell by your facial expressions when you get thirsty, but it's always around me when you get a confused look."

"I see, you think that I'm a superhuman? How long did you stay up doctor?" Damien said, his voice sounding amused,

"Till six and yes I think that you are a superhuman."

"You're wrong doc, I'm human"

"Human, that sounds a little off coming from you"


"Don't know"


"You're hiding something" Kerri said and Damien smiled and stood up. Kerri frowned at his departure.

"Maybe and that, doc, is for you to figure out."

"Tell me" Kerri said and she pouted at him.

"You like puzzles, this is your biggest one to figure out"

"H-how did you know that I liked puzzles?" Kerri asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"Come on doc, I can't tell you that, the info is part of the puzzle." Damien said and Kerri rolled her eyes, he leaned over her and gave her mischievous look.

"Damien stop being rude" Kerri said, his lips inches away from hers.

"What if I can't tell you?" Damien said an inch away from her face, his breath was no doubt cool on her flushed checks,

"What if I told you that you'd run right out of your house screaming?"

"I wouldn't" Kerri shook head from side to side.

"Should we see?" Damien asked as he lied down beside her and she laid her head on his chest.

"What would you think if I told you the truth?" Damien said in Kerri's ear and she turned her head to face me.

"I don't know and would like to know more about you since I just made out with you." Kerri said and Damien smiled at her comment.

"You wouldn't like the answer even if I did tell you it"

"So, you do remember everything"

"Not everything just have a feeling that I know why I'm always thirsty around you, I thought about it last night while I was trying to sleep."

Damien come home, it was that males voice again, but this time it didn't cause pain just confusion. Damien didn't hear what Kerri had said. Kerri seemed to notice that and repeated herself.

"Good, hmmm so are you going to tell me?"

"Nope" Damien said as he sat up and walked to the door and into the hall, Damien looked back at Kerri with a grin that nearly stopped her heart from beating, he heard her heart flutter and started laugh.

"Stop doing that to my heart and stop laughing it's not funny!" Kerri exclaimed as she walked over to Damien,

"Oh, on the contrary my dear, it is funny from where I'm standing and I happen to like the sound of your heart beating." Damien said and kissed her lips.

"Let's go for a walk" Damien said as he held his hand out to her.

"Really?" Kerri asked as she placed her hand in his.

"Yep, why not? it's a nice day outside and maybe I'll remember something." Damien smiled and Kerri looked at him with an amused grin on her face.

"What?" Damien asked and Kerri started to laugh and he rolled his eyes.

"You might want to put that shirt back on before we go outside so you don't give an old lady a heart attack." Kerri said between giggles and he smiled,

"Maybe I wanted too. It would have been so much fun" Damien's voice was light with humor and Kerri rolled her eyes at his back as he turned to walk into the room that they were in and grabbed his shirt. Damien walked out of the room as he pulled the shirt over his head and he heard Kerri clicking her tong. When Damien's head was free from the shirt he turned to look at her. Kerri was shaking her head in disproval.

"What?" Damien asked as he pulled the shirt over his belt.

"It's a shame that we have to cover up all that yummy torso, but on the other hand I am not about to share you." Kerri said and Damien felt his eye brows raise.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Kerri placed her hands on her hips and gave him a stern glare, Damien started to laugh. he couldn't help it.

"You are one amazing women Miss Kerri Young" Damien said as he held his hand out to her for her to take.

"Shall we go my lady?" Damien said and Kerri smiled.

"We shall" Kerri placed her hand in his and they walked down her hall way and out the door. The day was beautiful, the sun was bright and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The brightness of the sun made his eyes ache. Damien closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose against the dull throb.

"Damien, are you okay?" Kerri said as she pulled his hand down to look at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's the bright sunlight. Do you have any dark sunglasses that I could use?" Damien asked, his eyes still closed and Kerri patted his arm.

"I think that Nate left his in my car, I'll go get them."

"Nate?" Damien asked after her, confused.

"He's my older brother, he watches over me like a hawk." Damien could hear the smile in her voice and heard a car door shut and her light footsteps coming towards him.

"It's his job and it seems like he does a good job looking after you." Damien felt the sunglasses being placed in his right hand.

"Thank you" Damien placed the sunglasses over his eyes and opened them.

"Much better."

"I'm glad. So, what do you want to do?" Kerri asked and stepped closer to him. The sweet smell of mangos floated up to Damien's nose and he had to concentrate on what she asked.

"Well I think I am in need of some new cloths and then you can show me your favorite places" Kerri looked up at Damien, her dark blue eyes full of wonder.

"It'll take some time to show you all of them"

"We have time" Damien said as he smiled a crooked smile and he heard Kerri's heart sped up.

"Ah there's the humming birds heart that I was talking about" Damien said and Kerri looked at him, then with a humph turned and walked away, she started to cross the street at the same time Damien heard tires screech in protest and a horn blaring a warning.

"Kerri, turn around and get back on the sidewalk!" Damien exclaimed as he watched in horror as a car turned a corner too fast, heading straight for her. Kerri turned to look at Damien.

"Why?" Kerri turned to see the car and Damien had no time to explain before he was at her side. Damien wrapped his body around hers before the car smashed into her. The impact made them go over the hood, Damien's head hit the windshield. Damien landed on the ground dazed on his back and Kerri landed on top of him, Damien shook his head to clear it and was completely amazed to find that there was no pain in his body even though he took most of the cars impact.

"Damien you're bleeding!" Kerri exclaimed as she sat up and looked at him, then a confused look washed over her face. Damien could feel the cut on the side of his face healing. Damien wiped the blood off with his hand and smeared it on his T-shirt.

"You were bleeding" Kerri stood up and Damien slowly stood up after her. His body popping as he straitened up and Kerri looked at him, worry on her face.

"Kerri, are you okay?" Damien looked her over carefully trying to find any cuts. Damien was grateful when he couldn't find any.

"I'm fine, but I'm worried about you Damien. How in the hell are you even standing? You just got hit with a car." Kerri said and Damien looked away, reality hitting him at the same time something clicked together in his brain. He couldn't die, he would never die. One word came to Damien's mind of what he was.


The driver of the car had stopped and got out to ask them if he needed to call an ambulance, amazed that the two were still standing.

"No, thank you, I'm a doctor and this man who saved me seems to be fine. I will watch him for any signs of trauma and take him in if necessary." Damien looked at Kerri, he didn't know what to say to her. 'Yeah, I got hit with a car, but don't worry about me I can't die.' Yeah that would be great to say to her, hell and while he was at it he might as well just walk in front of another speeding car and give her another heart attack. Damien rolled his eyes at himself and started to walk back the way they came from. Kerri ran after Damien and caught his arm,

"Damien what's wrong? I need to check you out to see if you have an internal injury." Kerri said and Damien could feel his temper rising. Damien pinched the bridge of his nose to ease the anger that he felt.

"I'm fine Kerri, you have nothing to worry about" Damien's voice came out strained and harsh. Kerri glared at him, then her gaze softened and she lightly tightened her grip on his arm.

"Let's get some lunch." 

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