Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo...

By ElyseMolander

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"I love you Alisha." He told me. My hands trembled as I touched my thumb to the thudding pulse in his nec... More

1: On the Move
2: Unexpected Events (Part 1)
3: Unexpected Events (Part 2)
4: Blurred Vision
5: Missing
6: First Day
7: The Next Day
8: Adrenaline
9: Felix
10: Rise to the Surface
11: Orders are Orders
12: Unexpected Surprise
13: Safe and Sound
14: Set Free
15: I am Leaving Alright
16: Secret Purple Box *Sexual Themes*
17: Gothenburg
18: Tour Life
19: New Beginnings
20: Recalculating Routes
21: Altitude
22: Close Encounters
23: Sweet Dreams
24: Deal or No Deal
26: Dead Silence
27: Strong as Family
28: I Spy
29: The Races
30: Trashed
31: Survival of the Fittest
32: That Makes Three of Us
33: Carry You Home
34: Guess What
35: When Push Comes to Shove
36: Urgent Matters
37: The Battles of Flight
38: Hollister
39: Boom Boom
40: Blood Boil
41: Phone Call
42: Arcadia Kingdom Come
43: Holding Power

25: Convinced

917 19 1
By ElyseMolander

Kale re-entered the room.

"Have you reached a decision?" He shot me a smile that every typical sales person would. He ran his hand through his brown hair and gestured to the contract.

One by one we signed our names at the bottom; I being the last person to sign it touched my pen to the paper considering all my options.

"Forget this." I stated, dropping the pen to the table and bolted out of the room back to the lobby.

The medicine that Katia fed me was beginning to ware off.

"Hey! Where are you going?" OG called after me.

I scooted over to a bench and picked out my phone to call Oscar. I couldn't stand having to wait this long.

"You're going to pay more calling off of your cell-"

"Shhhh!" I waved my hands in front of my face as the phone began to ring.

Unfortunately that is all it did.

"His phone is disconnected." My voice was shot as I said this. My whole self being began to shut down. Even the thought of moving on without Os-....

That was unimaginable...

"My Love you have nothing to worry about." Kale began.

"Don't you dare call me that!" I screamed at him. The last words Oscar spoke to me were him calling me 'my Love' Kale did not have the authority to call me as such.

I continued trying every available number I could think of but there was either no answer, or no one knew where Oscar was... my options weren't looking bright.

"Shall we maybe reschedule this meeting? I don't have all day to sit here and watch you play on your phone miss." Kale rudely interrupted.

"That won't be necessary." OG told him while looking at me intensely.

"Alright, let’s spring into action!" Kale clapped his hands together deciding where to begin the tour.

OG had to pull my dead weight body off the seat to help support me along the tour of the WOD headquarters.

"So this here is separate dance studios, we hold lessons there often for the intermediate levels..."

Bla bla bla... I thought to myself.

"This here is a map if all the institutes I own around the country."

Bla bla bla...

"And finally, this here is the WOD performing stage. Here is the birthplace of every dream. People like Chachi, Mos wanted crew everyone has danced on this stage."

Kale pulled the door open so we could enter the platform.

"How many seats?" Daff asked.

"Over 6000, we usually sell out at every event." He bragged rubbing his chin. We all sat back in awe, enjoying the beauty of the stage.

Kale's hands rose, two claps released from his fingers and Kangaroos began to play.

"Enjoy the quality of this music; this room is specially designed for maximum perfection."

OG and I stood in the middle of the stage. I am sure he was nearly close to wetting his pants as he entered this room.

We both began to dance in sync. And let me tell you, on this stage it had never felt better.

My mood was lifter higher, as OG and I swirled along with each other and busted out more moves.

"Holy cow! This is amazing!" OG cheered his hands were shaking from excitement.

"Ok ok!!! Stop the music now!"

The song paused but that didn't stop us from giving all that we had. Dance was truly our passion. Music wasn't about to stop that from happening.

"Alright, if you guys would like there is complimentary coffees and desserts in the front lobby, I would like to speak to Alisha alone." Kale started, rubbing his hands. He did that a lot which was beginning to make me nervous.

OG also felt uneasy about leaving me. He held my hand against his stomach, refusing to let go.

"OG, come on!" Daff called him, and he unwillingly joined him and Katia toward the exit.

The song Upgrade by Beyoncé began to fill the stage.

"This should bring back memories, remember?" He walked up behind me holding my shoulders so I was facing the empty seats of the auditorium. “Chicago, screaming fans, loud music, nothing but dance to keep us all together. Truly a wonderful thing it was."

The words began and I started dancing my part. To my surprise Kale was also a dancer and had created his own dance to accompany mine.

"You see Alisha, we make a great team." Kale shot me a lightly sinister smile.

The lights in the auditorium dimmed down, I began to realize what amazing bone structure Kale had. His long eyelashes created dramatic shadows down his face. His charming good looks didn't faze me though.

I continued dancing along with adding some new moves that OG taught me.

He stood back trying to accompany me dancing but he lost track of the rhythm.

"A lot has changed since I last performed here." For whatever reason I didn't trust Kale, his intensions seemed slightly odd.

"Well, I hope we have time to catch up, why don't we make plans for dinner tonight so we may speak about the past six months apart." He swiftly moved closer to me.

"Don't take me for a fool Kale; I am not a child that you can just manipulate. I also don't let a lawyer or a manager of any type speak for me." His straightened his back, his face tensed along with his fingers. I wasn't about to make this easy for him.

"Well I hope we can catch up. Meet me tonight at the Crab Shack. 7:30."

"What? sev... Like 19:30?"

"Yes." he nodded, his arm was folded over his chest while his other one was resting on the other in the air.

"I really cannot wait to catch up." He claimed enthusiastically. For me the thought of being away from my family and sitting across this man was torture.

"Ok, see you later then." I rolled my eyes; he made everything seem so serious. I exited the stage to find my people so we could leave.

"So what happened?" Katia asked as she drove us all out of the parking lot.

"Kale wants to have a dinner date with me tonight at the Crab Shack so we can discuss things."

"Hmm, well I don't like him." Kat stated.

"Same here, I acted pretty stubborn, and I let him know I wouldn't take any shit."

"Alright, that's good." She laughed. "I am quite impressed Alisha, you remind me of myself!" The car was silence for a moment. "But you are meeting up with him tonight."

"I know." I sighed.


I entered the Crab Shack after Daff dropped me off later that night.

Kale had already reserved a table.

"Hello, please sit." he stood up and pushed in my chair for me as I sat down. "You are eight minutes late Miss Crue." he took a sip of his water.

"Trust me Kale, you have a lot more work to impress me than I have to impress you."

"Aww won't you loosen up a little?"

"Two margaritas please, and two buckets of crab." He told the waiter, she quickly ran off.

"I don't drink."

"Well, I already bought you one so drink it; I won't tell your parents."

The waiter returned with the drinks and set both down in front of him. But the moment she left he placed a drink in front of me.

"Here, get what you like, I am buying tonight."

He watched me as I reached forward towards the drink but grabbed his water instead and took a sip.

"I don't drink; you cannot bribe me with alcohol."

He leaned his arms on the table and began to reason with me. My lack of care got the best of me as I interrupted him.

"I know you just want me to sign the contract." I interrupted him. "So why don't you cut to the chase?"

"I am glad you said so, I was just wondering what stopped you from signing it today?"

"I want to see my... boyfriend Oscar, and signing a contract with you would prevent me from leaving back to Sweden as I please."

The waiter came once again and dumped crab on our table.

"What if I, changed the contract to allow you to leave the country when you please, no longer than six months at a time, and on top if that, the WOD will support a house for you here in Los Angeles?"

"What's the catch?"

"The catch is that you are stuck with me in this contract for at least five ye-."

"Four years!" I protested.

"Ok... four years."


"Alright." I responded playing with a piece of crab. I didn't even like crab to be eating here.

He handed me a pen. I remember about three months ago I changed my signature for Oscar, placing an 'E' as my middle name for Enestad. amongst all the other scribbles of my name.

Kale pulled out the contract and I continued to sign my name at the bottom.


Hey guys! sorry the boys aren't really in this chapter but be patient.

Make sure you comment it really helps with the making of this book!

Tills nästa gång!

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