The Rosafelt [Fairy Tail/Nalu...

By naluAlly

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Imagine if the characters of fairy tail were in a slightly different world...a world in which magic only exis... More

Chapter 1: Where Our Story Begins
Chapter 2: The Rescue Plan
Chapter 3: The Scarlet Rosafelt
Chapter 4: A Desperate Escape
Chapter 5: The Immune and Mysterious Natsu
Chapter 6: The Adventure She's Been Waiting For
Chapter 7: Escape From Greedrun
Chapter 8: They Are The Future
Chapter 9: The First Stop
Chapter 10: Natsu's Encounter
Chapter 11: The Familiar Illusion
Chapter 12: Return For Her
Chapter 13: The Memories That Hurt
Chapter 14: Leaving Satina At Last
Chapter 15: The Train
Chapter 16: Recieving The Truth
Chapter 17: The Dragon Slayer Wakes
Chapter 18: The Race For Lucy
Chapter 19: I'm Here for Lucy
Chapter 20: The Kiss of Creation
Chapter 21: Lucy and Natsu, The Holy Creators
Chapter 22: Your Tears Will Bring Them Home
Chapter 23: Months Lost To Sleep
Chapter 24: Unfolding Mysteries
Chapter 25: Our Plan Of Action
Chapter 26: FRAS Second Raid
Chapter 27: New Comrades
Chapter 28: Earning Trust
Chapter 30: Damnit, I love you
Chapter 31: The Rosafelt Army
Chapter 32: The Diary's Truth
Chapter 33: The Journey Home
Chapter 34: Deivina and Deinira
Chaptet 35: Army Preperations
Chapter 36: The Recruitment Process
Chapter 37: The Speech for Magnolia
Chapter 38: My Stolen Future
Chapter 39: Welcome to Fairy Tail
Chapter 40: The Last Town
Chapter 41: Take Action
Chapter 42: The Holy War I
Chapter 43: The Holy War II
Chapter 44: The Holy War III
Chapter 45: The Holy War IV
Chapter 46: The Holy War V
Chapter 47: The Survivors
Chapter 48: The Holy Royals
Chapter 49: Recovering
Chapter 50: The Grand Celebration

Chapter 29: Detonation Strikes

1K 65 25
By naluAlly

Ciara Zayder- Unknown Origin

Amira Gold- Sophie Neuenmuller from Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of The Mysterious Book

Azamara Snow- Unknown Origin

Celina Rosan- Fugi games character

(A/N These are not the character's exact appearance's by the way. I make the character up first, then find an anime art that resembles their appearance as much as possible. For example, Celina doesn't use the weapons in that picture, and her hair is white not grey, however, in terms of features and overall style she looks like that. Just making that clear for all you guys) xxx
Okay, back to the story!

-Natsu P.O.V-
I left the room with Nova following me behind.
"Now all we have to do is find the other rosafelt children," I told her. "There are six girls helping me, we should run into them soon."
As if on cue, I suddenly spotted Levy in the distance of the long hallway we were in.
"Speak of the devil!" I said, laughing. "Hey, Levy!"
She turned round at my voice, and her appearance completely took me by surprise. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks were stained with tears, and she was clutching a letter and a small book with trembling, bloodied hands.
"Natsu!" She screamed, running towards me. As soon as she was close enough, she practically threw herself into my arms.
"Hey, calm down," I told her. "Are you hurt? What happened?"
I waited while she attempted to steady her heavy breathing.
"It's okay, don't rush," I warned. She shook her head frantically, then swallowed hard.
"T-There's a bomb!" She managed to get out. "It's set for midday!"
I felt the colour drain from my face.
All of us are in this building. A bomb would end it all...
"What's the time?" I asked her quickly.
She closed her eyes, her sobs returning.
"Eleven fifty," she answered. "We have ten minutes."

"Go and find the others, tell everyone to get as far away from here as possible!" I ordered.
"But what about the rosafelt children? None of them know!" Nova added.
"Is there any way to tell everyone to evacuate?" I asked Levy. She thought for a few seconds, ten her eyes glinted with an idea.
"There's a tannoy in reception. I can use that," she replied
"Good. Nova, go with her," I said. "Where's the bomb?"
"In the basement," Levy answered. "I read a plan on the library's desk. It's located in the room where you and Lucy made divinity."
Luckily, that was the only place I knew how to find.
"Go. We haven't got much time," I told them both. Just before I hurried off in the opposite direction, Nova grabbed my arm.
"What are you going to do?" She asked. I grinned at her, then answered.
"I'm gonna do what I do best," I replied, with an assuring smile. "I'm gonna play the hero."

-Nova P.O.V-
I raced down the corridor with Levy, someone I had only met a few seconds ago.
"I'm Nova," I greeeted, between pants. "Natsu's sister."
"N-Nova? The one from the illusion?" She replied, her eyes wide. However, she quickly shook herself out of it. "Sorry, but we haven't got time to answer questions. We have to get to the tannoy."
"Right," I replied, nodding my head. " more thing...what's in that book? You seem to be holding it pretty tightly. Is it important to you?"
This seemed to catch her off guard. She hesitated to answer, gripping the book even more tightly.
"This diary..." she began, glancing down at the clasped book. "This diary holds the truth. The truth...of our existence."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Are the others waiting for us?" Niska asked, as all three of us were making our way back upstairs.
"We're getting all of the rosafelt children out, one by one," I answered. Niska smiled warmly, the very thought making her even happier.

It took us a few minutes to leave the dungeons, thanks to the endless hallways and cells.
"What did they use these cells for, anyway?" I asked Ekiro. He simple shrugged, also noticing that there were an excessive amount.
"These five layers were all completely shut off till now. So I'm not really sure what they kept here," he replied.
"But you're the lead prison officer! How could you not know?" I added.
"There's a simple answer for that. If I didn't know, then whoever they kept down here weren't prisoners."
"Well, if you're locked in a cell, it's kinda hard not to be a prisoner..." I murmured. "Whatever. I'm sure we'll uncover it eventually-"
I was suddenly cut off, as Levy's voice sounded through the whole building.
"This is Levy McGarden, a rosafelt child. There is a bomb located below that FRAS that will explode in five minutes. I repeat, there is a bomb located below the FRAS that will explode in five minutes. Please evacuate as quickly as possible through the front doors."
"There's a bomb? Are you kidding me?!" Ekiro cried. "So that's why all the council members left!"
It only took a few seconds for all the doors to open, and for hundreds of rosafelt children to pour out of them.
"We have to hurry! We'll meet everyone at the entrance!" I shouted, joining the crowd. Ekiro and Niska followed shortly after, as we all desperately made our way to the building's only exit.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Faster...I have to go faster...
I raced down the corridors as quickly as my feet could carry me. The FRAS was so big, I was afraid that I wouldn't make it in time.

It took me two more intues to find the place, meaning I had three minutes to do something about it. The bomb was roughly the size of a person, with big block numbers that were gradually counting down.
"Okay, think..." I said to myself. "Uh, if only I could use divinity better!"
My body collapsed instantly.

I woke up, startled.
"Hello, creator," Divinity greeted, bowing her head. I was back in the goddamn field.
"W-What? Did I come here by accident again?" I asked her.
"You possessed a desire inside of you once again, yes," she answered.
"Damnit...anyway, that doesn't really matter now! Divinity, I need your help!" I shouted. "There's a bomb that's going to explode!"
"Do you wish to stop this bomb?" She asked.
"Yeah, obviously!" I cried back. "We only have three minutes!"
"The answer is simple. It may still be new to you, but the formulas of every substance is stored inside of your brain. Surely you can come together with a material that would be capable of containing the explosion," she explained.
"I can do that?" I asked, surprised. "But what if it doesn't work?"
"Since I have analysed your anatomy, I have also discovered that you possess dragon slaying magic," she continued. "Dragon slayers have the ability to digest the substance of their dragon's power."
"Are you telling me I can eat fire?" I asked her. She nodded, smiling.
"Now, creator, I must bid you farewell. Seventy three seconds have passed, meaning you currently have under two minutes. Good luck."

"Okay," I said to myself, as soon as I'd woken back up. "I've never made a bomb shield before, and I've never eaten fire before...which one do I do?" I said to myself, gripping my head tightly.
The lives of everyone are in my hands...
I wasn't in the condition to think. Would I be able to composed a material that strong in such a short amount of time? I highly doubted it. On the other hand, I wasn't in any condition to eat an explosion right off the bat.
What's my best bet? I need to pick one, and fast!
"Okay, let's see..."
Explosive material defensives. Concrete infused with silica sand as an aggregate, with steel fibre reinforcements.
Wow...I'm smarter than I thought.
I checked the bomb's timer. One minute left.
"Help me out, divinity..." I muttered, as I concentrated as hard as I could. I held my hands up, and felt the particles float out of me like fireflies. They hovered towards the ceiling and surrounded me, then in a millisecond smacked down as rock-hard explosion resistant concrete. I had covered the ceiling completely, and all exits to the basement to stop the explosion leaking out of the room. I had to ensure that however bad the explosion was, that it would be contained in here.
Thirty seconds left.
I began to climb up the bomb, making sure to be as delicate as possible. Once I gained my balance, I stood on top of the bomb, placed my mouth over the tip, and closed my eyes.
Whatever blazing heat comes out of this bomb, I pray to heaven that I can eat it.
"Please be safe, everyone," I whispered.
Five seconds.
"I love you."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Huh?" I muttered, glancing above me. Barely a second after, the entire building began to shake, just as we were leaving through the door.
"W-Where's Natsu?" I asked, but no one was listening. The rumbling was only causing more and more panic. However, it didn't feel like an explosion. It felt more like a mild earthquake. Somehow, the explosion had been nulled.
But how?
I faced the direction of the noise, to see Levy running towards me with a younger girl by her side.
"Levy!" I cried back, among the other girls' frantic shouting to get away. I attempted to make my way over to her, but it was useless with everyone rushing past me. I'd only end up getting shoved and pushed aside.
"Levy, have you seen Natsu?!" I cried. I saw her nod, but I was suddenly grabbed by a hand I couldn't see. When I looked over, I noticed it was Erza, trying to get me out the door.
"What are you doing?!" She asked. "We have to get out of here!"
"I can't leave Natsu!" I cried back, desperate to stay inside the building.
"He'll be fine, Lucy! Right now he'd want you to leave so you're safe!"
"He's feeling so much right many mixed emotions..." I muttered. "I can't leave him alone."
There was a slight pause, as Erza breathed in.
"Forgive me," she murmured, then tightened her grip on my arm and began to drag me through the crowd.
"Erza! Let go!" I screamed, scratching at her fingers. I couldn't use my magic here- it was way too cramped, and I wouldn't be able to preform the spells properly. Not to mention that many others would get hurt in the process.
Luckily, I wasn't that hasty, since there was no hint of danger in Natsu's feelings. They were just unusually high.
If Natsu had been in danger, that would've become a disaster.
We were outside by now, and were making our distance away from the FRAS.
"The bomb didn't go off..." Levy said, who had somehow appeared beside us.
"No, it did," I replied, shaking Erza's grip away from me. "That rumbling was the bomb."

"What? But how?" Erza asked, her eyes wide.
"Levy," I began, my head low. "Where is Natsu?"
There was hesitation in her voice. She knew that whatever she about about to say, I wouldn't like.
"He was the first person I ran into, after I found out about the bomb," she informed, with a trembling tone. "When I told him, he went to try and stop it. Alone."

"He...He's so reckless," I said to myself, laughing nervously. I could already feel myself taking steps towards the building.
"Lucy, please don't-"
The building suddenly creaked and crumbled, before crashing down in a heap of rubble. The floors toppled over each other like tumbling bricks, causing dust and ash to come flying away. I covered my eyes from the smoke, as did everyone else.
"Natsu!" I screamed, though I could not see him. I could not hear him. I could not feel him.

-Natsu P.O.V-
"Come on, come on!" I shouted at myself, as the flames erupted out of the bomb. My body began to suck it in, but it was an overwhelming amount. I felt the building shake around me, and prayed that the concrete would be enough.
"Creator, your survival rate in this situation is severely decreasing."
I glanced up, even though I knew where the voice was coming from.
"Divinity? Is that you?" I said.
"Yes, creator. I am here to aid you in getting out of this situation as safely as possible. Now listen carefully."
"I-I'll try!" I muttered, as I attempted to suck in more flames. I had to bring the explosion to me, so that it would affect the FRAS as little as possible.
"The fire you are absorbing will transfer into magic power for you to use. However, with an amount this big, and the fact that you have not yet mastered how to control magic within your body, you will have to immediately let out the magic energy as soon as it's stored up."
"So what was the point in storing it anyway?!" I yelled with annoyance.
"The time it will take for you to absorb all of the fire will give the rosafelt children enough time to escape."
"O-Okay..." I muttered, making to sure to continue 'eating' the fire.
"So what's the plan? How am I going to get out of here alive?"
Divinity was silent for a moment, then she answered. The all knowing, divine creation, answered.
"I do not know, creator."
Oh damn, it's getting intense...
We still don't know what's in the diary, or why the chairman wanted to bomb the rosafelt children...
Where is the chairman, and all the council guards? What are they planning now? How will Natsu escape?
I swear, all of these authors notes are just me asking question now, lol tho...

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