Flora~ The Dumping Ground Fan...

By lilliemaex

32.3K 466 39

flora ~ the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period. ✧ or just a young girl, in care, wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

1K 19 0
By lilliemaex

Flora's POV
As I entered the kitchen, with Tee by my side, we walked to the nearest spare seats and sat down, admiring the array of food lining the table; it was all piled onto lots of delicate China plates, which were filled to the brim with hot, steaming lasagne.
At the centre of the table sat a few bowls of fresh garlic bread, the smell pervaded the air, filling it with a beautiful homemade scent. Brightly coloured cups of drink were scattered around, each one placed directly in front of a chair. Everyone grabbed one of the plates of food and we began eating. I lifted the fork and began shovelling the flavourful meal into my mouth; eventually, I finished and began making my way to the living room.

When I arrived, I quickly dashed to the sofa- I jumped on it whilst grabbing the TV remote and switching on the television. After scrolling through the different channels for a while, I gave up. Looking around, Floss was staring at me with a sorrowful expression on her face, she looked back down towards the table and picked up a crayon, starting to colour in the picture which was lying on the wooden surface. I picked myself up from the sofa and headed towards where she was seated,
"Hey Floss," I said, sitting down in the chair beside her.

"Hello," she sighed.

"Flossy, what's wrong?" I sympathetically asked. She didn't reply, yet merely looked down towards the picture in front of her; following the gaze, I studied the photo. The paper held an image of a family. A little girl with orange hair and an older woman beside her, presumably the child's mum.

"Do you think I have a family?" She asked, her eyes welling up with tears, creating deep puddles of sadness.

"Sweetie, of course you have a family." I exclaim.

"But they don't want me do they? That's why my mum left me at a nail bar," she cried.
I didn't say anything, just pulled her into a gentle hug- letting her sob on my shoulder. A few tears also fell from my eyes, and we sat there alone in the living room.

After comforting the small girl and helping her complete the drawing I stood up, grabbing her hand.

"It's time to get you to bed young lady, it's getting late." I said, Floss nodded and followed me out of the room. I helped get her ready for bed, tucked her in and then I read her a bedtime story.
"And they lived happily ever after..."
I finished the story and slowly closed the book- placing it back on the shelf.

I left her room and strolled down the hallway, heading back downstairs. I passed a few people, briefly stopping to say hello but continued to head towards the office. I needed to speak to Mike. The sound of my knock on the door was responded to by a muffled 'come in', I entered the room and sat down on the chair opposite him.

"How can I help you?" He asked.

"It's about Floss", I said. "She's really upset, I think someone needs to speak to her about it. Maybe you could get May-Li to talk with her?"

"Of course, I never realised there was something going on, thanks for letting me know!" Mike responded.

I stood up and opened the door, "it's a pleasure!" I responded.

Heading out of the office, I returned to the living room and sat back on the sofa next to Carmen who was watching 'Find me a Star', I loved this show!

"Oooh, I love this show!" I exclaimed.

"Me too!" Carmen giggled. We spoke during the programme about who our favourites were and how excited we are for the final.

"What was up with Floss?" She asked.

"Oh it's a long story,"I started before being interrupted by a groan from the door, I spun around to see Johnny and Bailey in to doorway,
"What's your problem?" We questioned simultaneously.

"You're seriously watching this rubbish?" Johnny asked.

"It's a good show." I argued. Bailey raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah", Carmen agreed," just because you don't have the necessary brain cells to understand."

A small smiles crept up on my lips as the boys faces morphed into faces of annoyance. Carmen sat beside me smirking and we shared a high-five; the shows ending theme started and I made my way to the bathroom and then my bedroom where I fell into a dreamless sleep.

A/N I know it looks like a dress but I promise it's a nightie, if you ever want to know any of the items I use, message me and I can send you the link! Love - A

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