Chosen One

By TinyKc

994 15 22

Follow the story of a normal Eevee as she is sucked into... humanity? Adventures await as a friendship is for... More

I've got it
Electric Terrain
Unfortunate Encounter
Final Trial
Leave a Mark

Day off

47 1 1
By TinyKc

The mother and father of Josh and Joleen were ecstatic to have their children back, safe and sound, giving us the promised prize of money with a bonus of potions - one that heals and one that boosts electric potential.


Back at the guild, we check off the assignment and hand-in our well-earned prizes. How unfair, we can't even keep all of what we won; we only get half.

"You may have the day off today. Two full days of assignments for newcomers is hard work, so relax, go explore the town or something."

Taking Dug's advice, I follow Patrick through the town, browsing cafes and small shops full of food, clothes, potions and nick-nacks. Patrick and I stop in at a little café using our winning to buy small takeaway cupcakes.

As the afternoon sun begins to dip towards the horizon, Patrick leads me up a winding path. The climb is steep and arduous. As we reach the summit, I'm struck by the breathtaking view of a crystal blue ocean stretching out before us. The salty breeze clears my airways, and the grass beneath my feet is like soft grass bedding, soothing my aching feet. But it's the tree that really catches my eye. It's massive, towering over us like a giant sentinel. Its trunk is thick and gnarled, and its branches stretch out, reaching towards the sky. Two ropes are tied to a plank of wood, hanging from one of the branches, swaying gently in the breeze. It's clear to see why this is Patrick's happy place, a sanctuary where he can escape from the world and find peace in the beauty of nature.

"It's beautiful up here," I say, sitting on the grass overlooking the sea.

"I know right? It's home away from home."

Patrick joins me, handing me one of the cupcakes we bought earlier as he sits on the grass, watching as each wave crashes against the cliff face.

"So, you're an Electric Ground Mage... I've never heard of that combination before. Although Duel Mages are common, most combinations are of the same sort of nature, like Water Ice or Grass Poison. They complement each other."

"Are you a duel Mage?"

"Nah, I'm a pure Volt Mage. Only lightning can run through these veins." I eat the last of my cupcake and rest my head on my bent legs, letting the breeze ride my hair. "I think your nickname should be cupcake."

I immediately turn my head towards Patrick, "What did you say?"

"Well, you're full of surprises, really sweet and small, and managed to wolf down that cupcake in a matter of seconds. Hence, it only seems fitting to call you cupcake."

"Then I should call you Rude."

"You're a savage little cupcake, aren't you?"

"You'll regret calling me that one day."

Patrick eats the last of his cupcake, then gets up, stretching out his entire body. He then jumps on the plank of wood, making it swing back and forth. "Would you like a go?" I look at the plank with an unconvinced smile, which immediately prompts him to jump off, landing a summersault just before the cliff's edge. "Don't say you're scared of swings."

"It's not that I'm scared," I bark, "it's just I've never been on one."

Patrick immediately grabs my wrist and forces me to sit on the plank. He pushes my back, and I'm instantly thrown through the air. Each swing is as soothing as the last. The breeze clears my thoughts and brushes through my hair, taking me back to the days of being an Eevee roaming through the captivating forests. Patrick then grabs my waist, stopping me mid-swing, "Stand up. It's more fun." I follow his instructions, and he pulls me back, letting my hair reach for the ground.

"What are you doing?" I say, slightly worried.

He then runs forward, jumping so his feet land on either side of mine. We swing higher than any other time before, swinging back just as fast as we are flung forward. That's when I notice it, and my heart skips a beat. His strong hands wrapped around mine, his broad chest pressing against me, and his chin grazing the top of my head. Despite the racing of my heart, I'm filled with a sense of comfort and safety. The moment then starts to overwhelm me, and instinctively I jump off the swing, leaving me both confused and conflicted. Staggering, I stumble to the side, holding my chest, trying to bring back my heartbeat.

"Are you alright?" Patrick asks. Worried he puts one hand on my shoulder.

I drop my shoulder so his hand falls, "I'm fine, I just..."

Time stood still...

Legends... frozen in stone...

Flames of darkness enclose the sky...

All because of the chosen one...

I inhale a gallon of air and stand up from the grass, my body still tense from the visions. My eyes are fixed straight ahead, but everything around me appears blurry. I breathe heavily, like a Rockruff, until I finally calm down and realise that the nightmare is over. Bowing my head, I take big deep breaths, trying to let the ocean's raw soothe my angst. I look over to Patrick, who looks to be in the same state as me.

"I hope you didn't see what I just saw,"

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