He's not bad just, misunderst...

By pllandTeenWolfluvers

30.3K 803 94

A troubled young girl Aliyah, finds herself move to Beacon Hills do to her parents getting divorced. She defi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

2K 65 3
By pllandTeenWolfluvers

While following Derek on my bike my mind keeps drifting back to what he said. If his tank was full then why did he stop? He didn't buy anything from the gas station either, we just talked. Ugh why is this so confusing?!

Focusing back on the road Derek makes a turn and parks in front the beacon hills hospital. Oh no what's wrong with his uncle? Please tell me he's not dying, Derek needs at least one family member! I park next to his car and hop off my bike and walk towards him. He gets out of the car and just looks at the hospital before turning and looking at me.

"So your uncle is in the hospital?"

"Yeah. He's been in a coma since the fire."

"Oh. I'm so sorry Derek."

"It's fine. At least your here with me, I usually come alone." he says. I can't help the small smile that makes it's way on my face. Awwww that is so sweet! I make a bold move and grab his hand walking with him towards the hospital. He doesn't try pulling away so that has to be a good sign, right? Derek signs into the visiting list and we walk into one of the rooms. Derek sits on the bed and pulls his uncle's wheelchair closer to him. Oh my gosh. Half of his face has burn marks all over it. A couple tears escape my eyes, just thinking of how much that man went through just hurts, Derek looks over at me while I wipe away my tears.

"It's ok. You can wait outside if you'd like, I'll be out in a minute."

"Alright." I say before walking out and leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the hall. A few minutes go by and then I hear yelling, well Derek yelling. A nurse walks to the room and they exchange a few words before Derek angrily storms out of the room, me following behind him outside quietly not wanting to upset him more. Walking towards his car I notice a piece of paper set on his windshield. Derek picks the piece of paper up and I can see a glimpse of a dead deer with that spiral sign carved into it from over his shoulder before he folds the paper in half.


"Yes?" I ask suspiciously.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Now that I think about it no I haven't.."

"You want to get something to eat?" He asks while rubbing the back of his neck. Oh my gosh did he really just ask that?!

"Yeah, I'd like that." I reply, not being able to help the smile that forms on my lips.


"Lead the way."

"Alright." He says before getting into his car and I hop on my bike. We drive down the same road we we're on, me still following behind him. I wonder what made Derek so upset though...maybe it's just because his uncle is still in the hospital. I come out of my thoughts just in time to see something run in front of my bike making me swerve off the road. I fly off my bike and my back slams against a tree making me let out a scream, that freaking hurts!
I look straight ahead and see the beast from my dreams snarling at me, but as soon as it appeared it was gone. I may have to rethink about wearing a helmet. I hear footsteps coming rapidly towards, I'm guessing Derek. Just as I suspect I see Derek running towards me.

"Are you ok?!" He asks with worry in his eyes.

"Perfect. You know just thought to wreck my bike and get slammed into a tree to start off the day would be a wonderful idea." I answer sarcastically.

"Your defiantly related to Stiles." He chuckles and helps me sit up. I hiss when I feel a quick pain shoot up my back. You know like if you hit your tailbone really hard and it hurts really badly? Yeah that's what I feel in my back, ugh so embarrassing too! I jump a bit in surprise when I feel Derek lift me up and starts carrying me bridal style, making me blush. Horrible mistake because now my back hurts even more! I groan when Derek sets me down in the passenger seat and the pain continues to shoot up my back. He goes to his side and takes a seat looking over at me before turning his attention to the road and starts to drive again. But then I remember, my bike!

"Wait! What about my bike?"

"What about it?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"I can't just leave it!"

"Well your gonna have too, your head is bleeding and I have to take you back to my place to clean you up."

"Ugh! That bike costed a lot of money though!"

"Well it's totally wrecked so you might just want to get a new one. What made you go off the road anyways?"

"Ugh, something ran across the road so I swerved so I wouldn't hit it."

"What was it?" He asks.

"A deer."

"A deer?."

"Yep. A deer."

"Your lying."

"What? No..."

"Yes you are."

"Is it so crazy for a deer to run in front of me?"

"No, but I know you didn't see a deer

"Fine I saw something else, happy now?"

"What was that something?"

"A wolf." I say causing him to slam his foot on the break causing me to jerk forward. Ow.

"There are no wolves in California."

"Exactly. Probably just my imagination messing with me."

"Alright." He says in an unconvinced tone before driving back to his place. When he parks I slowly try to get out not wanting to make him carry me again. I guess I'm walking to slow for his taste because next thing I know I'm swept off my feet and into his arms.

"You know I can walk right?"

"Yeah but your going really slow." He says, walking into his house and into what I think used to be the living room. It's the same room I woke up in yesterday though. He sets me on the same couch I was also laying on and walks out of the room. Now that the sun is out and I can actually see the fire must have been a big one because almost everything is just demolished. I continue looking around the room until Derek walks back into the room and comes over with a bottle of witch hazel and a cloth and sits beside me on the couch. Oh this is going to sting like hell.

"Do you have to use that?"

"Do you want it to get infected?"

"Will I die if it does?"

"You could."

"Then yes let it get infected."

"Just let me clean it."


"Good girl."

"I'm not a dog." I say watching him pause for a second before opening the bottle of witch hazel. I smirk at him continuing.

"What, are you scared of dogs or something?" I tease.

"No." He says, pouring some of the witch hazel on a cloth. He gently brushes a few of my bangs that fell in front of where the wound is. I unconsciously stare into those emerald pools, I don't know how but just looking into his eyes is like looking into complete darkness. Not even a speck of happiness or anything. Just nothing.

"What?" He asks looking at me questionably. I snap out of my trance I went into and shake my head a little causing me to gain a slight headache.


"You were staring at me."

"Oh...sorry." I say sheepishly looking down at the floor embarrassed of me just staring at him. I feel him gently place his hand under my chin making me look up at him, suddenly he seems a lot closer than he was before.

"I need you to keep your head up for me, alright?" He asks. My voice suddenly caught in my throat so I just nod. He keeps his one hand still under my chin tilting it slightly to the side trying I guess to make sure I don't move. He gently starts to clean my wound making me wince from the stinging sensation it's causing. The smell of the alcoholic medicine making me lightheaded. I begin to go in and out of consciousness as Derek tries to keep me awake not being able to fight it any longer I let darkness consume me.

Derek's POV

I continue trying to keep Aliyah awake but can tell by the steady beat of her heart that she's not going to be able to. Her body starts to slide towards me and before I can stop it she falls on top of me, her head on my lap. She groans slightly in her unconscious state and moves a little more closer to me. Not wanting to cause her anymore pain by trying to move her I let her sleep on my lap. Listening to the calm beats of her heart.

Why am I acting like this towards her?

I'm not acting like a total ass to her to push her away. It's like I really don't want to push her away though but I know I can't keep her around me, it's too dangerous. Even if she is Stiles's cousin I think she'll figure out sooner or later. I'm praying for later though, I still have to worry about the Alpha and Kate. A low growl rumbles through my chest as I think about Kate. The sick twisted bitch who burned my family alive, ever since then I never let anyone close to me. I just think they'll end up hurting me again.

But something I can't keep my mind from wondering too is that conversation we had last night. Her telling me all of that personal information about herself but more to my surprise I shared my personal information with her also. I just met the girl but when she said she was being abused by her mother's boyfriend it gets me so angry. It makes me feel like I don't want to leave her side and protect her from whoever this Rick bastard is. I don't understand why a nice girl like her has to go through such a painful filled life. Family is supposed to love you and make you feel protected, not be the ones you feel like you need protection from. If I was able to hear her heartbeat I would think she's fine and that she's just a funny, sarcastic girl who loves her life unconditionally. But I can see through the façade she uses and I all you can actually see is a sad and very scared girl.

She just reminds myself of well...me. Acting like I'm ok and putting up a wall, I'm never ok I haven't been for years. And now with Laura dead it's even worse. I can tell that ever time Aliyah speaks even if she does seem happy at the time she's not letting herself enjoy it. She's human too, not a werewolf who's life is born complicated. She's nothing like Stiles but yet she's just like him, 10 times less annoying though. Then again not since she hates Scott, I'm not the biggest fan either but if you see the look in her eyes when she sees him it's like all she sees is red.

I might ask her about that later. I feel like I need to get to know her, as much as I hate to admit it I think I have feelings for her.


Yay a new POV! Hope you guys enjoyed, now I just got to get chapter six write for ya! Love you all so much!!!




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