
By DizzieFrizzy

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Three best friends An amazing trip That's all it takes for life to be wonderful again. Except there's one q... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Don't Read This
A Letter
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 42

63 11 8
By DizzieFrizzy

'I know I shouldn't have done that Chris. I know I shouldn't have hurt you like that. I wish you could forgive me for it', said Samantha, looking down at her sandals.

Samantha didn't want to hurt Chris but she'd known that Sam was a better guy for her, he understood her like no other.

And Chris had long forgotten about the incident himself.

He smiled and gave her a side hug, 'It's kay. Forget and forgive? Yeah, that's what I believe'

'Thanks', she said smiling back and finally having the courage to look at him. 'You don't know how much this means to me'

'Oh, no problem. Wanna join us for breakfast? It's almost time', he said checking his watch and walking towards the restaurant to meet Zara.

'Yeah', she said beaming. She couldn't be happier to get her friends back.
'But, there's one more thing left'

'What?', he asked.

'Sam and Lily. Remember?'
'Hon, Chris and Zara have left the room for breakfast. We should too. You ready?', said Shane, reading the text he got from Chris a minute ago.

'In 5', Lily said from the washroom.

But he knew she would take long, she didn't like anything more than a hot shower in the morning.

Except Shane.

Yeah, I guess she loved him more.

She came out, wearing a blue summer dress that Shane had chosen for her, her wet hair falling behind.

'How is it?', she said.

'You're looking hotter than I imagined', he teased pulling her into a kiss.

'Shane, let's get going', she said, pulling away.

'Awwwww, do we really have to?', he pouted.

Lily laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek, 'Yeah, we have to. Come on. I'll get the keys'

Shane and Lily walked out of the room and Lily began closing the door when she heard her boyfriend half shout.

'What do you want?', he spoke to Sam.

'Lily, can I talk to you for a second?', he said, completely ignoring Shane.

'Yeah sure' she said. 'It's okay Shane. I wont be long', she reassured him with a hug.

He nodded and made way to the lift.

'Yes, what is it that you wanted to say to me Sam?', she spat out, not looking at him.

There was the time when just seeing his face on Monday mornings would make her face light up. There were times when he would sit with her in lunch and make her feel good even though there would be Math next period. There had been the times when studying together would turn into wrestling matches over popcorn and soda. There had been times and she wished those stayed, like that, forever.

Sadly, she was wrong.

Now all this guy brings with him are sad memories and broken promises.

'Lily, please look at me', he pleaded.

She turned to face him, tears already prickling her eyes, but she dare not let them fall. Her tears aren't worth him, Shane had reminded her a lot of times.

'I know I've made mistakes. A lot of them. And I've mad them a lot of times too. I've hurt you too. And I don't know what you came here thinking to ask for your forgiveness when you want even look at me properly. Maybe because I want you back as my friend. I want to laugh, with you, like we did. And I really miss you. I don't know what came over me that day at the club, with Samantha. But she's perfect for me, yknow? Like Shane for you. And I knew that you'd always loved Shane so there's no point in asking you to be my girlfriend. It was simply wrong. You'd always go back to him, if and when he asked you to, because that's the truth.
Samantha is funny, she's so amazing and she's so beautiful. And that day we felt a connection. Something that might live longer than our relationship. I knew I had to let you go but I didn't want to hurt you. And I did. And I'm so sorry.
I wish I could rewind the past and tell you all this before, but sadly I'm no Doraemon.
So, I'm here, wishing, praying, pleading you to forgive me'

She hugged him and then she cried while he held him.

'Shh. It's all fine. And why the heck are you crying? I'm supposed to be crying'

She looked at him, 'You knew the truth even when I tried to hide it. And you pretended to love me still. Why are you such an idiot?'

'Yeah, I know. But I couldn't see you hurt and all. It did break me. And breaks me everytime you pass by and don't talk to me. But let's just forget?'

She nodded.

'So, how's Shane in bed?', he wiggled his eyebrows.

'Eww. Sam', she laughed. 'I missed you too man'

'Same',he whispered as they made their way down to the lobby.
'She's been away too long now', he said pacing the lobby

'Listen, Shane, she's a big girl now. She can handle herself. Stop worrying', said Chris

'She's with Sam, dude. You know what happened. I was much scared than her. You didn't look at her face when she jumped down that window. I swear I broke. If he does something, I'll punch the hell out of him'

'That's not a problem. I shall too. And nothing  will happen. That was eighth grade Shane', he tried to reason.

'He's still not a better human. At least... ', he stopped as he heard the lift bell ring and saw Sam and Lily com out, his arms loosely hanging around her neck.

And they were laughing.

And Shane smiled.

'There you are. I've been waiting for ages', he said.

Lily walked over and gave him an Eskimo kiss.

'God you guys are so cute! Wait.... What? God, I sound like Samantha now', said Sam

And it was then that they realised that they'd missed each other too much.

I've not been updating We since long (tries to hide behind her blankie and fails)


Frankly speaking, it's not like I had work and assignments and everything.

I didn't want to. I don't want it to end.

But it has to,  so like.

This one's forrrrr..... AditiDureha!!!! Ayyyy!!! (I love her so much)

The Epilogue is coming up soon..... (sadly)....

Happy Reading ;D

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