My Love

By ArtoriasDHart

335 5 11

Our past shapes us, molds us, and turns us into the people we are today. Memories are our stepping stones and... More

Chapter One: Dipper and Confused!
Chapter Two: Dungeons & Dorks
Chapter Three: Come Back.

Chapter Four: His Side

47 1 3
By ArtoriasDHart

It was only a little over a month and a half ago. When the most horrifying experience in his life had taken place.

Sure he had faced countless amounts of deadly creatures, demons, and even the sight of seeing his Grunkle Stan, naked, after stepping out of the bathroom from taking a shower. A sight that could not be unseen, he was sure, even if the memory gun was used on him a thousand times!

Yet even that paled in comparison to the crash, of waking up upside down in confusion, and then the image of, Wendy, the love of his life. Bleeding profusely from her head, even more pale than usual, and unresponsive to his calls of distress. It had made his stomach churn.

After seeing her, dangling by her seat belt, and her beautiful face becoming a ghost of what it used to be, forced him awake. Panic filled his chest and he scrambled for the buckle of his seat belt, trying desperately, to remove himself from it's hold. It was no use. Something must have happened to the lock mechanism in the crash.

Dipper reached into the pocket of his jeans feeling around for the one thing that he needed and after a few seconds he found what he was looking for, his pocket knife! Spending countless hours in the face of danger had taught him to always keep one hand, in case of sticky situations, like this one! Though he also learned to carry matches, a flask of holy water, unicorn hair, bubblegum, and a vile of emergency glitter. Surprisingly the vile of emergency glitter had been proving to be one of the more useful items. 'Remember to thank Mabel later,' he thought to himself.

"Hold on Wendy, I'm coming!"

He reached over and cut the belt near the buckle to quickly remove the hold it had on him. Though, of course, being the dork he is he didn't think about what would happen when he cut the entire thing off. He quickly found himself more acquainted with the roof than he wanted to be. Landing on his shoulders and hitting his head pretty good caused him to see stars and curse himself under his own breath.

"Nice thinking doofus, how are you going to help Wendy, if you get yourself knocked out?" He scolded himself.

Kicking his door open, crawling out onto the soft grass, he quickly made his way to Wendy's door. It had been well damaged and he had to use a lot of his strength to pry it open enough for him to reach her. When he cut Wendy's seatbelt he was ready. He caught her before she could fall.

He carried her far rom the wreckage of her old beat up, forest green, Toyota Corolla and over to the slanted part of the ditch where it turns to road. He sat down with her and immediately noticed how cold she had become. It filled him with worry and he quickly took of his flannel shirt, wrapping it around her.

The man who had been driving the truck was standing next to his vehicle, cellphone in hand, and frantically trying to explain the situation. He was clearly drunk because it took him quite a while to get a sentence across from the amount of slur he was putting to his words. Dipper was hardly paying attention by the end of the conversation. He was more concerned about his favorite redhead.

She was growing colder by the second. It was the most frightening thing that had ever happened to him. Watching her body become pale, cold, and then hearing her heart beat becoming slower when he pressed his ear to her breast. He removed the flannel from around her and tied it around her head. He needed something to hold in the rest of her blood, he would keep her warm with his body heat.

They had stayed that way until the ambulance arrived and took them to the hospital.


After thousands of examinations, endless questions, and a half a juice box that Dipper had asked for, he was clear to go. He hadn't suffered a lot of damage in the crash, a bruised rib, a few cuts on his face, and a mild concussion where nothing he couldn't handle!

Though Wendy was different story. Her head had been swung hard into the passenger window when the truck hit, causing her brain to swell. It was down right horrifying! To hear that his love, his lumberjill, his best friend, had almost died. Then to top it all off, to hear, that she was purposely being kept in a come like state, for God knows how long, to allow the swelling to go down and give her time to wake up! Ha! Talk about cruel fate.

Dipper sat by her side, watching her slow, and steady breathing. It filled him with hope and relief. Though the guilt gnawing at his stomach was overbearing and he began to blame himself. If only he hadn't taken his eyes off the road. Sure Wendy had distracted him, but, he had closed his eyes during their kiss when he could have kept them open and watched the road at the same time! Maybe then she wouldn't be lying here like this, broken, hooked up to various kinds of machines, and being kept unconscious so she doesn't die.

"I'm so sorry Wendy." He thought.

He was disgusted and angry with himself. How could he have ever allowed this to happen to her?  This self loathing was worse than when he let Bill take over his body.

It was during theses thoughts when a doctor approached, a man, by the name of Matthew.

"Mr. Pines, may I have a word with you please?" He asked

Dipper reluctantly rose from his seat, leaned over giving Wendy a kiss on her forehead, and whispered into her ear. "Please, don't leave me."


In the somewhat deserted hallway, save the occasional passing nurse, and kid flying by on a wheel chair screaming at the top of his lungs. Doctor Matthew stood waiting for the chaos to die down a bit. When he was finally sure that there would be no prying ears he spoke.

"So just to begin I've got some really good new, some expected bad news, and news that I am dreading telling you."

Dipper's heart beat faster against his chest and even though he knew he should listen to the most horrible news first he said, "Can we start with the expected bad news first? You know, so, I can get party of the anxiety attack over with?"

Doctor Matthew's eyes seemed to shine with a bit of laughter before returning to his serious expression that Dipper didn't really like. He looked like a mouse trying to be a runway model.

"Well the bad news is, your girlfriend isn't going to be waking up anytime soon, the damage was more extensive than we originally thought."

"Okay, if hearing that my girlfriend is going to be in a coma for awhile, I'm obviously doing a happy jig for the worst news." He exclaimed sarcastically before sighing, "can I get the good news now?"

Matthew offered him a small apologetic smile.

"The good news is that the swelling is starting to go down and rapidly at that. She may just be out of the danger zone and into the clear soon."

Dipper breathed in relief and had almost forgotten about the other horrifying news. Almost.

"So, let's get this over with, what's the last part I should know about?"

Dipper actually watched Matthew squirm, the DOCTOR, and knew immediately that whatever this was. He wasn't going to like it one bit. Matthew walked over to a couple of chairs, motioned for him to sit, and joined him after Dipper complied. Then he looked Dipper straight in the eyes.

"When we had gotten word of the crash and the extent of its damage, that there weren't any casualties. We were relieved!" The doctor looked at the floor. intertwining his own fingers together. "Really it was a miracle that everyone had come away almost unscathed."

Dipper sat patiently, waiting for whatever this man was going to throw his way, but he was getting frustrated with how much he was beating around the bush. He should just say whatever he was going to say, but, thinking about it. Dipper wished he hadn't.

"When we realized that the only person in serious need of medical attention was Ms. Corduroy. I thanked the stars and counted my blessings." Matthew looked back up to meet Dippers eyes.

"But my blessings weren't enough." Dipper felt his heart race.

"During the middle of Ms. Corduroys operation, we noticed, something terribly wrong."

The pause and hesitation was killing Dipper! The frustration finally got the better of him but he tried to keep his tone light.

"What was it? What's wrong with Wendy?" Dipper asked, his voice rising in anticipation and fear. Could it be possible that there was something more serious than the swelling in her brain? Even though her brain is healing, is it still possible that fate was going to rip her from him anyway?

"Is Wendy dying?" Dipper asked in a weak voice.

Matthew smiled at him reassuringly, setting Dippers heart at ease, "No Ms. Corduroy is perfectly fine now. In fact I expect her to make a full recovery."

Dipper sighed in relief, then curiosity took hold, "Okay so what happened? What went wrong?"

Matthew fidgeted again before resuming his explanation, "well to correct my earlier statement, we THOUGHT there were no casualties." He took a deep breath before continuing," but we were wrong. During the operation we noticed that the gown she was wearing was becoming dark at around the middle of her pelvis. When we checked we realized she was bleeding a lot from her vaginal area." Dipper didn't like where this was going. "So when we had confirmed that the bleeding wasn't from any sort of injury, I ran a few tests on her blood, and I hoped that what I was thinking wasn't the actual cause of her bleeding. Those prayers went unanswered too."

"When the tests came back and my suspicions were confirmed I knew I had to immediately tell you what I had found. I just didn't know how. I'm sorry it took this long, Mr. Pines but I have finally worked up the nerve to tell you. There was a casualty in this accident."

Dipper silently prayed that what he was about to hear wasn't what was running through his mind. The fear gripped onto him like some of the weird, mysterious, substance in the back of Grunkle Stan's car does to the seats.

Doctor Matthew looked him dead on, sorrow filling those electric blue eyes, "It is with my deepest regret, to inform you, that because of the immense trauma. Ms. Corduroy's and your  unborn child, didn't survive the crash."

In that single moment, Dipper experienced for the second time to day, the weight of the world crashing down around him.


Now back inside of the car, parked outside of the mystery shack, he wiped his tears.

After that, Dipper had spent a week, drifting through the hospital like a ghost. Visiting Wendy everyday, never being able to talk to her. The days went by as he tried to deal with the news of the miscarriage.

At first he repressed any thought of it ever happening. Allowing himself to go into denial, in hopes that he would feel better, but it didn't. Minutes, hours, days, and eventually a full month and a half went buy. Still, he hadn't dealt with the death, of his child.

The world had robbed him of the jot of being fatherhood. He found that he hadn't mined the thought of being a dad, in fact, the more he thought about it the more he wanted to have become true! Even if he was only 15! He hated the world for taking away something so precious from him! Why did all of these things have to happen to him!? Why couldn't the world just let him be happy for once!?

Dipper rested the back of his  head against his seat. Taking deep breaths, closing his eyes, he calmed himself. Then all of a sudden he punched himself in the jaw! He couldn't believe that he was just sitting here, wallowing in despair, and self pity! He could deal with all of these things when the time came, but right now? Right now, Wendy needed him, she needed him now more than ever!

She was his best friend and he wasn't going to let her deal with this alone. So what if she didn't remember their love right now? So what if she was reliving her past feelings for another? There was a reason why that love failed, reason why she fell in love with Dipper, and a reason why they had lasted so long! They were perfect each other! They complimented the other in the spots where they were weak, both strong in the same places which caused them to grow stronger in that area, and both agreed that this, was it. This was the love Wendy had waited for and the only one Dipper could ever want! He would wait for an eternity for her and if her memories didn't come back? Then he would create new ones and win her love all over again!

There wasn't anything that was going to keep him from that love. She fell in love with him the first time because he didn't try to be some one he wasn't, so, he just had to be himself. Everything else would fall into place.

With determination in his heart and fire in his eyes he set his resolve. He turned the keys, revved the engine, threw it in reverse, and before he knew it. He was racing down the street to an old video store where they had the most cheesiest, stupidest, acting and low rate budget movies known to man.

If Wendy couldn't remember him, then, he just had to make her fall for him again.

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