Out Of Sight, Always In Mind!

By DoctorWhoWrites

167K 5.1K 1.1K

Keya Sharma was orphaned at ten, but her life only shattered after the death of her brother. She was brought... More

Chapter 1
SAM's Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 : The Party Begins
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 : Part 1
Chapter 20 : Part 2
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 : The Facebook Freud
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 : Part 1
Chapter 24 : Part 2
Chapter 26 : ..and they said It! <3
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 : Simran Speaks
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Teaser :: Chapter 36
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 : Part 1
Chapter 42 : Part 2
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 : Part 1
Chapter 45 : Part 2
Chapter 46 :: The Bachelors
Chapter 46 :: Aanya and Raj
Chapter 46 :: Tanya and Krish
Chapter 46 :: Keya and Vivan
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chpt 50 : 100k reads Special!
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 :: Raj's Reality
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 - Only If..
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 25

2.3K 79 5
By DoctorWhoWrites

Keya never thought she would have to fetch for those tablets again. But that was the only way which would make her stop thinking about Vivan. She was about to put the sleeping pills in her mouth when her door swung open with a thud.

"Keya..," her Mom called out with in a worried and scared state.

Keya threw the pills in her hand and got up from her place. "Mom.. What's wrong? You look so worried?," she asked.

"Keya .. Its.. Its Sahil on the phone...," her mother replied. The hand with the phone in was shaking. Keya quickly paced to her and grabbed the phone. Sahil had already hung up.

"Mom what did he say?," Keya was starting to get scared now. She called him back but her call wouldn't get through.

"Vivan..," she started to speak but it panicked Keya immediately.

"Vivan what? What happened to Vivan!," Keya lost her mind.

Her mother held her and said, "Vivan has been in an accident."

With that, Keya froze.

"He got hit by a truck on the highway and they are taking him to the hospital now," she tried to shake Keya who was in a shock, "Baby are you fine?"

"I.. I.. Need to see.. Vivan. Hospital. I need to. Go..," Keya went crazy and looked for her Lamborghini keys.

"I'm coming with you," Mom declared and Keya nodded.

Once they sat in the car, Mom said, "I totally trust you to be safe so take that pointer to the end of the speedometer if u may."

Keya knew she was lucky to have such a cool and trustworthy mother. She for the first time had tasted the speed of her powerful car.

Keya reached the hospital right behind the ambulance. She stopped her car at the immediate available place and jumped out of her car.

She saw Aarav getting out of the ambulance and Vivan on the stretcher. Aarav's shirt was soiled with blood. The moment Keya realised the intensity of the accident, she went hysteric.

"Vivan," she screamed and went to the stretcher.

She grabbed his palm and managed to say between her sobs, "Vivan look at me. Vivan look am here. You are gonna be fine okay.?"

Keya and Aarav did not leave Vivan's side until they reached the operation theatre and Vivan disappeared behind the huge doors of the OT.

Nothing could be worse than this for Keya. She went weak at her knees and started crying the moment she leaned against the wall. Aarav immediately took her in his arms and tried to calm her , "Shhh.. Shhh baby.. He is going to be fine." Aarav himself was a mess right now but he had to be there for her.

"Aarav its all because of me.. It's my fault," Keya wouldn't stop crying and Aarav continued to pacify her.

Krish's mother couldn't watch Keya's state. But she had a more difficult task to complete. Aarav's father, Mr. Shukla also reached the hospital along with his wife.

"Gauri," he called out to Krish's mother.

She let a sigh of relief and spoke, "Thank god you here. I was so confused. Did you call Reema?"

He replied,"I had no idea what would I tell her. I am trying to contact Vijay, he is in the US right now."

"Okay never mind. I think I should call Reema myself," she said and dialled her best friend's number.

In the UK.

Reema was with her youngest son Varun.

"This feels go good. I'm glad both of the pricks aren't here. I have you all for myself now," Varun said as he enjoyed being oiled by his mother.

"I know you miss them the most. And guess what? I'll talk to your dad and you can go visit them," she told him.

"Awesome!!," Varun was happy.

"So how did your exams go?," she asked.

"I think I've pretty much nailed them. Now just one to go and I will be freeeeeeeeee!," Varun was excited.

Reema was sitting on the couch while Varun sat on the floor in front of her. The phone which was on the table went off. Varun checked and said, "It's Gauri calling.."

"Oh Gauri! She is your Aunt baby.. My hands are oily. Just put it on the speaker," she said.

"Hello?," Gauri spoke.

"Hey Gauri.. Tell me. Isn't it like three am or something there?," Reema said checking the time.

"Umm yaa.. Actually the thing is," Gauri was speaking softly. Only she knows from where did she bring so much of courage.

"You.. You seem low. Is everything alright?," Reema asked.

"Reema just trust me on this that I am here to take care of everything okay? Vivan.. He.."

Varun panicked, "Bro? What what happened?"

"He has been in an accident," she finally said.

"Noo!," Reema cried.

"Vivan.. NO.. Where is he? How.. How.. Where? Is my son okay?," she stared crying.

Gauri tried to handle the situation, "We are at the hospital now and he is in the operation theatre. He will be fine. He will. Please calm down"

Varun immediately started dialling numbers on his phone and told someone, "I need two tickets for India in the earliest flight available! If there isn't one in a couple of hours, get me a jet. Now!

"How did it happen?," he asked.

"It was a bike accident. He was rushed to the hospital immediately," Gauri was not revealing how serious the accident was.

Reema had collapsed on the couch. Varun sat next to her and held her.

Varun got a call. "Its Dad"

Reema received the call.

"Where are you?," she asked her husband.

He too had received the news. He was trying to reassure her wife that everything would be fine. Though a stern man, he loved his sons and Vivan's accident came as a shock to him too. He cancelled all his appointments in the USA and was heading back home.

"What!," Reema reacted to something her husband said, " Okay fine." She hung up.

"Gauri did the doctors say anything yet?," she asked.

"No. They haven't come out yet," she answered.

Varun got a call from the office and he was pissed at what they told him.

"Mom why the hell is your passport sealed!?," he shouted, not at his mom but at the situation.

"Dad told me. There is some case going on and since your Dad, Vansh and I are on the the owners board of that company, our passports are sealed. Dad had somehow managed to get the US visa, so he could go. He is returning home right how but we can't leave the country. Your father said he will get it cleared in a couple of days.. It's more difficult for Vansh to leave Australia."

"Alright then I'm going!," Varun declared and got up to pack.

Gauri was still on the line and was aware of his exams, "Varun wait. Don't you have an exam to finish?"

"Aunty nothing is more important than my brother..," Varun replied sadly. He couldn't imagine his brother in a hospital.

"Varun my child. I know but even Vivan wouldn't like it if you miss on your exams. And it's just a question of two days right? Reema, your son isn't someone strange to me. He is like my own son to me and you know it. My son is away too right now and I can understand how you feel. But don't you trust me? I'll take care of him. We all are here. Abhay, Mr. Shukla, his wife, our kids, everyone."

Reema knew she could trust her. She said, "I do Gauri. But am so scared."

Both of them talked for a long time until Gauri knew Reema was almost fine. No mother would completely fine in this situation.

Back at the Hospital, Keya was sitting on the seat closest to the OT. She was sitting alone and staring into space. Despite of Aarav's efforts, she couldn't blame anyone but herself for Vivan's condition. The number of blood bottles being taken inside frightened her.

Aarav was sitting at the other end of the corridor. The elders were facing around and Sahil was attending calls.

Tanya finally reached and straight away went to Keya. Keya hugged her and started crying again. After Keya had talked her heart out, Tanya too made her understand she shouldn't blame herself. Keya's Mom came to them and said, "Keya come with me. You need to eat."

Keya resisted but her mother was adamant.

She then told Tanya, "Tanya please go and check on Aarav. He isn't listening to his parents or anyone. Please make him change and eat too."

Tanya nodded and went to Aarav.

A nurse was convincing him to let her attend to his minor wounds but he was shoving her away. Finally she gave up and was leaving when Tanya reached there.

She stopped the nurse and took the first aid box from her.

"Tanya please I don't.. ," Aarav was speaking but Tanya kept a finger on his lips.

"Shhh.. Not a word. Vivan would have slapped you right now if he were here. And am not listening to any of your bullshit! So just stay still!!," Tanya order him. Aarav was quite taken by surprise by Tanya's dominating side. He did as she said. Tanya took some cotton and pured some antiseptic on it. She then carefully started cleaning the cuts on his face. Aarav stared at her while she did so. Tanya nodded at the nurse who then attended Aarav.

Krish's father reached the hospital directly from a business tour. After talking to Aarav's Dad's he went to his family. He talked to Keya and only he succeeded and getting Keya to eat something. Keya took Aarav along with her after he had cleaned up.

In Australia, Vansh was sitting with Krish and other colleagues when he received the news. They were just beginning their day. Krish immediately checked his phone but there were no calls from Keya or anyone else. How'd they not contact him after something this serious, he thought.

"Vansh relax. I'm sure he will be fine. My family is there with him. Aarav and his family is there too. They will make sure he is at his best at the earliest," Krish told Vansh.

Vansh knew he wasn't gonna get his visa anytime soon. He also had grown aware of Krish's family with Vivan. He told Krish, "Krish we are wrapping up here anyway. Why don't you leave immediately. I trust you dude and need you to go back and keep me updated."

Krish agreed and without wasting a single minute left Australia at the earliest.

It was six in the morning when the doctors came out.

"Doctor!," everyone got to their feet.

"He is out of danger now," he said.

Everyone thanked god and felt relieved.

The doctor then said, "He has some minor fractures and there was a lot of internal bleeding. He might take time to regain consciousness. We'll be able to confirm everything once he wakes us."

"Can we go see him?," Keya asked.

"Yes you can. Just two at a time though."

"Thank you doctor," she said and went to see him with Aarav.

The doctor had a talk with the elders of the family.

Vivan was taken to a normal room now. There were machines checking his body. Saline was being admitted to him. His head was bandaged and left arm in a plaster.

Keya sat on his right and took his hand in hers. She softly kissed it and said, "Am sorry Vivan. Am sorry. I have so much to tell you. Wake up soon please"

Aarav moved a hand on his forehead. "You gave me an attack out there bro. You scared all of us. You can punch me, slap me, do whatever you want. Take out all your frustration on me. But get well soon. We love you."

Keya wiped her tears. Everyone came to see Vivan one by one. After an hour or so, Aarav and Keya were told to go out. There their parents convinced them to go home and get some rest.

"Just have a bath, eat something and sleep for an hour or so at least baby. You want to take care of Vivan right? Then how can you be careless with your own health?," Keya's dad told her when she refused to listen to anyone.

"The doctor said he won't wake up for a couple of hours. The anaesthesia was powerful. Both of you go home now. We will call you in case of anything. Sahil and I are waiting here.," her mom said.

Aarav and Keya had to listen finally. Keya was dropped home by Aarav. His Mom had also stayed back. Tanya wanted to stay with Keya but she insisted her to go with Aarav. Keya said Shalaka was home in case she needed anything. Keya knew Tanya would make sure Aarav ate well and took rest.

Keya entered the house and saw a huge suitcase in the living room. Realization struck upon her immediately. She screamed, "Oh my god! Krish!!!"

She ran upstairs and into the already open room. Krish had heard her and was waiting for her with open arms. She jumped on him and started hitting him, "You bloody idiot!"

"Yeah yeah.. You love this idiot!," he said as he hugged her.

"You are the only one I need right now," she rested on his chest.

"And that's why am here. I found But first you need to go clean yourself up," he pushed her towards the bathroom.

"I will see you downstairs for breakfast. Come soon," he told her and went to fix a breakfast for Keya himself.

Keya was really hungry so she ate the sandwich Krish had made for her very quickly.

After breakfast, she sat with him on the couch and finally told him everything from the beginning.

"My goodness how could you be so silly. You are not ready to move on in your love life till I do? Don't be mad Keya. I am not sad or something. However I am, I couldn't be happier with life. Trust me.And what on earth were you thinking! Would I ever have been happy if I knew that you are doing so many compromises for me.? You were the one who told me once right, that never hold on to your feelings. Who knows it better than us about how life can change within a blink of an eye. Then why'd you do that?"

Keya hung her head low and said nothing. She was already regretting what she had done. Watching Vivan so critical scared the life out of her. She realised she couldn't lose him at any cost.

There was honking outdoors.

"Must be Aarav and Tanya. Let's go. Vivan might wake up any time," Keya got up.

"What was Tanya doing with him?," Krish asked.

Keya felt weird but she simply replied, "I told her to go with him. He has been equally upset about all this"

"Okay," Krish plainly replied.

Tanya saw Krish come out and exclaimed, "Krish!." She went on to hug him.

"Thank god you are back," she said.

"Yes babe. Am here now," he replied kissing her forehead and locked eyes with Aarav.

"Welcome back," Aarav warmly said.

Krish nodded and went and sat next to him.

"My goodness. So many flowers!," Keya said as she sat in the back with Tanya.

"Yes! When Vivan wakes up I want it to be to freshness and scent of the flowers. Not both of yours gloominess!," Tanya said.

"This boy is so crazy!," Gauri cried out on seeing her son.

"Hush Mom! Its a hospital!," Krish purposely said and got a slap from his mother.

"Shut up! Come here!," she hugged him.

"Dad!," he said and went to his father.

Keya went into Vivan's room with others. She sat on the stool on his right and again took his hand in hers. Aarav took a look at Vivan and checked the reports lying on the table. He then sat on the couch. Tanya was arranging the flowers in the room.

Krish came and was standing next to Keya. He moved a head on her forehead and said, "He is going to be fine." Krish then went next to Aarav. Tanya took a stool and sat next to Keya. Everyone was quiet.

Krish was the one who broke the silence, "Stop stressing Keya. The more you think, the more you will confuse yourself."

"Exactly!," Aarav added.

Tanya kept a hand on her shoulder and said, "Keya follow your heart. We all are with you."

Keya smiled and with watery eyes, looking at Vivan's face she said, "I think am falling in love with him."

Everyone's face brightened up.

"Damn! That's like my girl!," Krish went and hugged Keya from behind.

"Now all we gotta do is wait for him to open his eyes and set the rules for dating our girl!," Aarav said excitedly.

"Totally dude!," Krish replied to him and Tanya stared at the two of them. Chivalry much?

"That's if he still wants to date me!," Keya sulked.

"Oh shut up you!," Tanya hit her.

Vivan was unconscious. Who would have thought that a spoilt brat would change in so little time. He had not only gained friends here but a whole new family. Everyone genuinely cared for him and he considered himself luck.

Keya was moving a hand over his hair when she felt some movement at her other hand. She almost freaked out but her happiness knew no bounds when she announced, "Guys Vivan just held my hand!"

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