Test Subject

By PuppetHaze

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"Am I even human anymore? I am a test subject in a laboratory and I am not sure what exactly they want from m... More

The Beginning
New experiment
Where is my food Dr. Aderman
You're A Psychologist, Not A Detective!
All This Talk Is Making My Cereal Soggy
The Alarm
The Reason Behind Yesterday
For Three Months
The Key To A Glimpse Of Freedom
Don't Even Know Myself
Brutal Torture
Unraveled Truth
The Outside In Green Eyes
Vienna's Previous Life


294 11 4
By PuppetHaze

Okay guys, so I've seen comments asking if I'm going to continue this story. Let me explain.

Yes, it's been four years and I'm truly sorry. I was in my early years of high school when I started this story. After I published the last chapter, I started writing this chapter. Along the way, I was completely unsatisfied with what I had written. I thought, and I thought, and I thought, and added a few things, deleted a few things over and over. Yet I still wasn't satisfied where it was going so I put it off and it turned into a few months. I eventually started Badminton, had school, and worked. I didn't have time. It turned to 4 years. And currently I'm in college (kicking my ass) and work full time. 

I haven't written anything. But I haven't given up on this story! Despite being very unsatisfied with what I had initially written on this chapter, I deleted over 2,000 words (a whole scenario) and ended with this which I'm so much more satisfied with. (Then went back and fixed the chapter due to me deleting those 2,000 words). I was overthinking a lot.

Today I had time, so I took the time to finally do this chapter. Can't guarantee I will write but here is this chapter after 4 years. I'M SORRYYY!!! Thank you to those who still have faith in this story. I'm sure a lot have forgotten what even happened in the previous chapters and I don't blame you guys.


~Several Months ago~

I nervously walk up the steps of an old brown building. More of the windows seem to be boarded up than last time I came by. There are weeds all over and bushes overgrown. I knock and wait for someone to answer the door.

Someone speaks from the other side "Who is it?" 

"This is Ryan Brennan. I come to see Mike Brennan."

"Ryan! One moment please."

There's a series of clanging as locks are unchained. When the door opens it's Flora. I smile at her "Good to see you Flora."

She smiles back "Ryan! It's been a while. Welcome back to Springwood Clinical Residency! Glad to see you back! How you been?"

"Pretty good. Just come to see my father. How about you? How's your family?"

Her smile turns into a frown "My...My dad passed away about two months ago."

Shit. "Oh, I'm really sorry." I lean in to hug her and not one of us says anything for a while. 

She pulls away and shrugs "We all have someone we lost. Your father is in room 25. Excuse me I have to deliver something to room 13." She picks up a teddy bear and walks away. "I'll see you in a bit."

As I make my way to room 25, I see people in wheel chairs, people with crutches, people with burns on their face, and even people missing limbs. The hallways  are too small for people to move freely as doctors and some nurses move from room to room.

When I finally make it to the room, I take in a deep breath. Slowly opening the door, I take a small peek inside. My father lies on a bed with tubes all over. The heart monitor beeps at a constant rate, which means he is okay for now. The sight of it is painful. There is a chair near the bed, so I pull it up next to the bed and sit.

"Hey, dad." I pause hoping he might answer. "Don't worry about me. I'm doing great. I'm not starving either."

I don't know if he could hear me, but I sure don't want to tell him about what I am doing for a living. People aren't suppose to know. News like this would devastate him even more. He was devastated when mom died years ago when it all happened. Everyone was.

"Remember when I told you about my friend Derek? Well, he says hi. He is doing okay too."

The only sound in the room is the heart rate monitor. It makes it all more depressing.

"Also wanted to tell you that I... met someone." Thinking of her makes me smile. "I didn't tell you about her a couple of months ago when I last came because I wasn't sure, but I want to tell you now. Her name is Vienna Morris. We met a while back. She is quite serious and quiet, but she goes through a lot. So I understand her. Well, at least I try to understand.I enjoy our small conversations. She lightens up my day even when it gets hard. She is really nice once you get to know her better."

Just then, a doctor walks in. "Oh, Mr. Brennan, good to see you around. How are you today?"

I stand "Very well doctor. How is my father?"

The doctor grabs his glasses and puts them on. "Let's see here." He opens the file and flips through it. "May we step outside for a little?"

We step outside the room "Well, your father needs better treatment and we are running short on supplies. We went over that last time you were here. The medicines we give him are just not enough anymore. We've managed to control his disease, but it's getting harder."

He is all I have left. "I would do anything, doctor. How can I help?"

 The doctor takes off his glasses "We need more medical supplies. If you can continue to bring what you find out there we can manage to help him a little longer. I must be honest with you in the fact that we cannot guarantee anything." 

"Just give me some time. I will get them. Please, just give me time." I need to bring in more supplies.

The doctor puts his hand on my shoulder "Thank you, Ryan. I will continue to help your father."

"Thank you, doctor! I promise I will bring any medical supplies I find."

"Okay. Now excuse me, I have others to attend." With that being said, the doctor leaves.

I quickly return to the room and stand at the bedside. "Don't worry about anything dad. It will all be alright. Hey, maybe one day I can present her to you." I wait a little longer hoping he'll open his eyes, but he doesn't.

As I walk by the front desk, I wave Flora goodbye as she seems busy scribbling something on a clipboard.

"Ryan, wait!" She quickly stands. "When are you coming back?"

I shrug "I don't know. When I can."

She frowns "Don't tell me in the next four months. Come sooner. We don't talk anymore. And if we do, it's just when you come to see your father."

"I know and I'm sorry, but I must go out and gather what I can. Maybe another time? I have to go soon and I still have to make another quick stop." Which by another quick stop, it means her home.

She pushes her hair behind her ear as her cheeks turn red. "So, I know your birthday is in like... several weeks from now, but I just want to say Happy Birthday. You know, just in case I don't see you."

I can't help but laugh how she blushed just to say that to me, but I am grateful for a friend like her. "Thank you so much."

"It's nothing. You are getting old though. How old are you turning? Eighty-four?"

"You're very close! Twenty-two." She does this every year.

She laughs as she pushes me a little push on my shoulder. "I have to get back now. Need to organize a few things. Please be careful out there. It's getting uglier."

"I will. Please take care of yourself. Never let your guard down okay? I'll come back soon." We give each other a brief hug.

As she heads back to her desk, she waves goodbye. I wave back.

Before heading back to the lab, I decide to stop by to see Flora's family. I once rented an apartment next to Flora's, so that is how we know each other.

The apartments are decent for now. Before everything happened, I would have to say this was a nice city to live in.

A few moments after I knock on the door, Flora's mother answers. "Ryan, what a surprise! Come in, come in." She opens the door wide for me to walk inside. As soon as I enter, she closes the door and locks it. She holds a bat in her hand, but then sets it down. "There are still thieves out there. Please, have a seat."

Violence and crime is almost everywhere now. You can never get too precautious now-a-days.

I sit in an old brown armchair and she takes the one across from me. The wall paper of the apartment now seems to be peeling. What used to be a white ceiling is now a yellow cream color. There is almost nothing in the living room area except for the three old arm chairs, a red rug, a bat, and a couple of sweaters hanging by a rack.

"Thank you. Where's Lilly?" Lilly is Flora's eleven year old sister. Lilly always went looking for me when I still lived here. I took the time to play with her when she had toys.

"She's out at a friend's house. I keep her in too much, so I thought it'd be good to let her out and have fun. Oh, but she would love to see you. Can you stay for dinner? I don't have much, but I have enough to cook something for you."

I shake my head "I would love to, but I only came to see how you were. I have to go very soon. I must go find supplies."

"Still scavenging about?" She asks.

"Yeah," I nod. I told Flora and her mother that I go off scavenging for medical supplies anywhere I can when in reality I am a guard. Some towns are pretty safe while others are completely destroyed, abandoned, or unsafe. People are killing each other to survive. Medical supplies, safety, and food being the main reasons.

Society isn't completely destroyed. At least yet. There is still some food floating around. At least in some areas. Some people travel from place to place to find a better living opportunity. Those who do not have enough to get something in the few market towns, steal or kill to get food.

Some high privileged areas even start to ration food. So I've heard. 

At the lab, people are rationed food. If it's not registered to you, you can't eat it.. Only people who work there and the level 3 test subjects get fed properly. Level 1 subjects hardly eat. Level 2 eat every once in a while. In a couple of years or maybe even months, it's going to get worse.

Out here everyone is on their own. Can't depend on government. It's pretty broken. Laws aren't enforced since even those who enforced the law suffer. In some areas.

She then shifts in her seat "Oh, guess what happened a couple weeks ago."


"A family who were just passing this town were a little lost finding the way to their destination. Well, I guess the dad went to go look around to see if there was a house nearby so he could ask directions. The family stayed on the road. He wasn't heard of again. The family went around a few days looking for him. The mother came to my door asking if we'd seen him. Poor woman, now she has 2 children to look after."

"That's terrible." I feel bad for the family.

"I know." A tear strolls down her cheek so she brushes it away with her hand. "I worry sometimes when Flora goes out to get some supplies."

It would be preferable that Flora and Lily do not go out and about constantly but it must be done to survive. "Flora can manage."

She doesn't respond so I speak up "I saw Flora today."

"You did? That's good. She really misses you. She always talks about you."

"Really?" To be honest, I'm not really surprised. I know she feels something for me. Even before I left to work at the lab, she would always seem to find a way to touch me or get close. She blushed every time I complimented her. I know the only reason she's at the clinic is because my father is there and she keeps an eye out for him. She knows I'll stop by there more than I will here. I'm grateful for her being a great friend to me "I brought you something though." I open the backpack I brought with me. I pull it out a wrapped box and hand it to her.

She takes the brown box and unwraps it. As she lifts the lid she gasps "Oh, Ryan! This is incredible! Thank you, thank you! I can't believe you brought us some beans, rice, and tortillas! Oh and some bread!" She pulls out another small baggie. "Candy?"

"For Lily."

She stands and gives me a tight hug "You shouldn't have."

I rub her back. It feels nice to see her smile "I got them from a guy."

"Are you sure you want to give them to me?" She asks.

"Absolutely. "

She pulls away and holds the box tightly "I'm so glad Flora has a friend like you."

I nod. "I'm sorry, unfortunately it's time for me to leave. Tell Lilly I say hi." I have to report back to the lab soon. I am allowed to go outside the lab and do something for a limited time.

"Will do."

Grabbing the backpack, I head for the door. "Pleasure seeing you again."

She opens the door and let's me walk out. "Take care, Ryan. Come back soon you hear?" Her happy smile turns into a frown.

She always worries about everyone. When I lived here, sometimes she wouldn't let Flora out of the apartment without me. Flora would always complain about it. Flora once had a heavy argument with her mother about it. She said she would have to leave at some point for supplies or something. They couldn't rely on me forever. Her mother broke down in sobs. She said she couldn't bare the thought of something happening to Flora.

Flora was right. They couldn't rely on me forever. I'm gone now. My plan is to get Vienna out. Once that happens, I will never return. 

"Will do."


It's my turn to patrol the hallways. It is silent all around. As I pass the janitor's room, I decide to talk to Lucas. He hates his job.

"Hey, Ryan. Did you come to visit me in my palace?" Lucas is organizing some tools.

"Couldn't help it. The way your palace glistens with Windex draws me in."

"Some man started throwing up in his cage today. Guess who had to clean it up?" He pounds his chest twice. "Me."

Lucas doesn't like being janitor, but he likes that he gets access to certain places.

"Did you hear what Vienna did?" I ask.

Lucas picks up a bucket and sets it aside. "Yeah. Pretty funny too. Can't believe she grabbed Dr. Aderman like that. Uh, could you pass me that box of tools?"

I turn to where he points. There is a black box of tools on the ground. I pick it up and hand it to him. "It is funny. Almost every guard here knows about it now. I've been asked to escort her to Dr. Friesen's office today."

Lucas sets the tools down on a rack and scoffs "Psychologists think they know everything. They don't know shit."

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

He shakes his hands off on his white pants, leaving it with black stains "Ah, great. This is a stupid uniform. Who decides to give a janitor white as a uniform. This job ain't the cleanest. Guess what now too? I've been put on laundry duty." He chuckles to himself. 

He grabs a rag from the floor and rubs his hands in it. "To answer your question let me just say that psychologists think everything happens for a reason. One time when I was younger there was a kid in my class who only colored in red. So psychologists wanted to study the kid to see what he had. More like what they thought was wrong with him. Let me tell you that there was nothing wrong with the kid. He just liked red so much."

"And how would you know that?"

Lucas stops what he's doing and leans against a ladder. "He told me."

All I hope is that they don't punish Vienna. It is more than likely they will. Dr. Aderman is always trying to get Vienna to act out. I don't like him for it. Vienna needs to be strong and resist it.


A guard and I are called over to escort a boy from level 1 test subjects to solitary confinement.

"What did this boy do to go in confinement?" The other guard asks.

We both enter the large room. There's too many people too count, but they all seem to be suffering inside their cages. "He threw a shoe at a guard."

The other guard laughs "Stupid boy! They're way of thinking seems underdeveloped. Do they not know that misbehaving brings them consequences? How'd he even get a hold of a shoe? These people don't even wear any!"

Personally, I don't blame the test subjects. Before I entered this place, I thought I could handle this job. It only gets harder and harder. Only those who have no heart can live their lives without batting an eye to these suffering people.

This all started with the bombing of Washington D.C. A few power plants exploded and cities closed off. Then a virus broke out killing millions and millions of people across the country. So much death. Many knew it was purposeful. Who did it? No one knows either. It spread and thousands were killed. The whole country went pitch black. Still no one aided us. No one came to find a cure. There must be a cure, but no one ain't speaking up. People decided to just shoot on sight if someone showed symptoms. After a couple years it went away, but the damage was done. Everything changed.

Just as we drop off the boy at solitary confinement, the alarm goes off. The other guard and I look at each other with confusion.

"Report to Armory level now!" A voice comes in through the ear device. "We got a lose one!"

After reporting to designated Armory room, we are given some big bad boys. Meaning powerful guns. We are given military flashlights to attach to out guns.

"A test subject from level 2 has escaped. Someone seemed to break and not be able to fix something in the surveillance system, so for now we search every room! Search everything! Follow the search procedure! We must not allow this test subject to somehow be seen by level three subjects."

We gear up and are assigned certain areas. Room after room we search, but the guy is nowhere to be found.

We approach Vienna's room. As we burst in the room, we clear the main area first. Vienna walks out of her bedroom and to the cell door. She drags chains along that are attached to her feet. I assume she was going to be escorted somewhere when the alarm rang.

A guard orders her to go to a corner in the cell so we can enter. We are suppose to flash the test subjects so they cannot see. "Guards safety procedure."

Vienna seems to try to block out the light from her face because she has one arm to her face. A guard screams at her "Hurry!"

She suddenly jolts in action and tries to manage to get to the corner the guard points at, but with all these lights flashed in her face make it difficult for her to see. She stumbles causing her to bump into the corner of the small table in the cell. Her hand flies to her hip where the corner of the table hit. Ouch.

Vienna reaches the corner. A guard unlocks the door and I am the first one to enter. I rush over to Vienna as I maintain my weapon pointed at her. The others rush over into the bedroom to search thoroughly.

Subjects are forced to get on the ground during search procedures. I must follow through so I put hand on Vienna's shoulder and force her down.

She is scared. Her eyes are red. I need to let her know that I don't mean this. She can't tell it's me probably because of all these lights in her face, but I feel the urge to comfort her in a way to let her know I mean no harm to her. So I try screaming loud enough for her only to hear."I'm sorry!"

I pull away and stand straight. She seems to have a confused look on her now.

"Clear!" A guard yells.

"Clear!" Another follows.

As we clear out the cell, I keep my eyes on Vienna. She remains on the ground with her hand on her face trying to block out the light shining in her face.

We march into another level three test subject. Busting in, Mathew sits on a chair. We approach the cell and command him to move to the corner of the cell. Mathew ignores us as he stands and walks to the cell door. His hands reach up to take hold of the cell bars.

"Move to the corner! Now!" A guard yells.

Mathew stares at us with hatred. It is spread all over his face. Mathew is a twenty-two year old with brown hair and clear blue eyes too. He is about my height and is one of the harder subjects to escort.

As he holds onto the bars, his knuckles turn white. His glare remains cold.

"Get to the corner! Now!" The guard yells over the alarm.

Mathew doesn't move. We decide to bust in and pull him to the ground. He puts on a fight. He is pretty strong. Especially with all the lessons with a military commander or something.

Mathew manages to put his hands on a guard and throws a punch. Grabbing him, we hold him down.

We search all of the level three subjects rooms, no sign of an escapee.


As I leave the room, I take in a deep breathe. What did I just do? Does she suspect something?

I walk down the dim hallways thinking about what I just did. I enter the elevator and press a button to lead me to another floor.

I reach the security door. As I walk in the room, Derek claps. "How was your date?"

This security room is filled with screens. Derek is in charge of surveillance at night most of the times. He is the hawk in the sky. He helps me sneak into Vienna's room. When I give him the cue, he freezes the cameras for a few seconds, so it is my job to move as fast as I can.

Derek Rivera is a friend of mine here at the lab. He has black hair, kind of shaggy. He doesn't speak much with others. He is sort of a dork with technology. That is why he signed up for surveillance. When something malfunctions, they call him in. Depending who is around. He and I go back a while. He always was excluded in conversations with the other guards. He ate his lunch at a corner in the cafeteria.

One time, the chief ordered Derek and I to escort a new incoming person. In other words, a test subject. It was Derek's first time receiving a person, so he was nervous. He didn't say he was, but I could tell he was due to him tapping his feet as we waited for the van to pull up.

The van ended up being delayed. I don't remember why, but Derek and I were stuck there waiting. I decided to just talk to him in the meantime. That's where it all started.

"Haha, very funny." I lean back on a desk near by. Can't believe what I did! I slap my hand on my face and sigh.

"Spit it out Brennan." Derek says. "What happened?" Did you finally tell her how you feel? Did she say she doesn't feel the same for you?"

I shake my head. "No."

Derek grabs the chair next to him. He turns it so it faces my direction and pats the seat. "Here, bud. Sit down and tell me what happened. Dr. Rivera is here."

Walking to the chair, I sit. "I got too close."

Derek pretends to take out a pen from his uniform pocket. He makes a clicking motion along with a clicking sound. He then pretends to write something down on an imaginary paper. "By close, what do you mean? Like physical close or emotionally close?"

I run a hand through my hair. "Both. I touched her again. I saw her laying down getting ready to sleep and I couldn't help myself! I pulled the blanket over her and tucked her in. She thought I was treating her like a child."

Derek pretends to take more notes. "Mr. Brennan. Are you saying you are freaking out over something this small? I will need you to describe it for me. What were your feelings at the moment?"

Derek does this a lot. He knows that I'm really into Vienna and so he makes me explain things all the time. He never wants a brief summary, he wants the feelings. "Well, it started with me joking with her. she's pretty bad at following along with a joke, but I don't blame her. Anyway, her eyes changed all green meaning she was happy. It was a good feeling knowing that I made her happy. She hates it though."

Derek takes more fake notes. "What does she hate?"

"Her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. She got all nervous like usual and she looked away. I told her that I liked them. I wanted to make her feel better. She then asked me about the outside. I got really nervous because I didn't know whether to tell her the truth or not. She seemed so excited about it and I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth. So I just described the outside the way it looked before the whole thing. She told me she wanted to see a sunrise in a lake so I told her I would take her. She didn't take her eyes off me the entire time." Those pretty clear blue eyes. I stared at her and secretly wanted her to feel a connection. To feel how much I cared for her. I don't think she did though."

Derek sets his fake pen down. "Tell me something Ryan. What do you think will happen if she finds out what really happened outside?" He leans forward and whispers "Do you think she'll get mad that you lied if you actually do find a way to bust her out? Where will your happily ever after go?"

There is no happily ever after here. Not at the moment. Not soon either, but that doesn't mean I will suffer for the rest of my life. I'm at a loss for words. Not knowing what to tell Derek, I stay silent.

Derek breaks the silence as he leans back into his chair "Are you going to tell her how you feel?"

I shake my head "Not now. It isn't a good time. I need to find a way to get out first. Have you thought about my question yet?"

Derek scratches his head "I have been thinking and I think...I... will help you."

My eyes widen in surprise. What I've asked Derek to do is risky and dangerous. I asked him if he would help me get Vienna out. "Really?"


"Are you sure? You are risking getting caught and executed." We might be brainwashed. But what I want to do would will get us killed.

Derek sighs "I know. But I was thinking and thought about my family. I have no one left. No one I care about. That is why I'm here. You found someone. I would want someone to help me keep a dear one to me safe. You would do the same for me right? If it was vise versa?"

"Yeah. I would" I really would. Derek has been loyal since the start. He is like the brother I've never had. We tell each other everything. Well, at least for me, almost.

"A true friend would not stab their friend! Why are you lying to me? It doesn't change the fact that you still stabbed me. I guess a good friend prefers a job that pays well just to make their friend miserable."

It's not even about the money. It's a safe haven for those who work here. beds, food, health, and safety. And I steal a couple of medical supplies that I can get my hands on to take back to the clinic. Help others and my father. I want to tell her. But now is not the time. Her words just keep ringing through my head.

I'll get you out Vienna, I promise.

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