Drifting Away (Tanner Foust)

By bijouthegreat

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Drifting Away (Tanner Foust)
Chapter 1
Chapter Three
Chapter four:
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Two

602 21 3
By bijouthegreat

I sat down at the dinner table with Andy and his fiancée Sicily. I had been mostly quiet since I got here. There isn’t much to considering Andy doesn’t trust me to go out by myself yet. My cars arrived this morning and that had kept me busy for a while, but I’ve been bored ever since. I silently stabbed at the overdone pork that sat on my plate. From what I’ve experienced so far Sicily isn’t the best cook. Maybe I can teach her a thing or two while I’m here, for Andy’s sake.

    “So, Whitney how are you liking Nevada so far?” Sicily said with her annoying voice, it reminded me off of Karen from mean girls. I’m sure she is a very sweet girl, but her intelligence leaves something to be desired.

    “Its hot.” I smacked my lips. “That’s about all I’ve got so far.”

    “You’re going to love it, I just know it.” She giggled.

    She is the very type of girl who gives us blondes a bad name. Although unlike my bleach blonde hair hers is fake, just like her breast and nose. She was the typical racers girlfriend though and if this is what my brother wanted I support him. Plus her ditzyness should make family gatherings a little more laughable.

    After I had pushed my food around the plate for a while longer I decided I was done and excused myself to the kitchen. Andy followed me in.

    “She can cook some things good… sometimes.” my brother green eyes looked sympathetically at me.

    “Mhmm,” I popped a cheeto in my mouth “Maybe I can show her how to cook some of your favorites.”

    “You really are the best.” Andy grinned.

    “I know. Besides I might starve otherwise.” I said rubbing my stomach.

    “Alright well I’m going to bed, the race is in the morning. Um and we are having a party here afterwards so you should probably go straight to your room after the race.”

    “I’m not invited?” I clutched my chest looking hurt.

    “it’s a grown up party.” Andy patted my head.

    “Whats that supposed to mean? I’m grown up.” I defended, and Andy just chuckled.

    “No, these parties get kind of wild and I don’t need you getting sexually assaulted by one of my drunken competitors.” Andy said firmly.

    I huffed and pouted off to my room. Juvenile I know, but he seriously doesn’t trust me at all. Its not like I’ve never been to a party or been around guys before. In fact most of my friends back home are guys. Girls really don’t like me because their boyfriends spend more time with my working on cars. What they don’t know is that they have nothing to worry about, I’m just one of the guys. Honestly guys are never interested in me for me. It kind of sucks.

    When the race ended Tanner placed first, my brother was second and Brian Deegan placed third. I was extremely proud of my brother for racing so amazingly and I really enjoyed being down in the pits. Although I hated to admit it my brother is right, being here watching them have all the fun made it extremely hard. I wanted to get in there and be racing too.

    I had to ride home with Sicily since my brother had banned me from driving any of my cars until I earned his trust. The ride home was just as miserable as I expected, full of her laughing at her own stupid jokes. I resisted the urge to beat my head against the window. When we finally pulled in I headed straight to my room, per my brothers orders. I was locked in my room for the rest of the night forced to listen to the loud music blaring throughout the house and the sounds of drunken partiers celebrating.

    Around three in the morning I heard my door knob jiggling as someone on the other side tried to get in. I  groaned and swung my legs over the side of the bed and hopped out. I pulled down on the hem of my green polka-dot nightie to make myself a little more presentable before opening the door. I flipped the lock and pulled the door open, on the other side was a very sleepy and slightly inebriated looking Tanner.

    “Oh, I didn’t know you were in there.” Tanner mumbled softly.

    “Yeah, this is my room.” I just stood there awkwardly.

    “Oh, this usually where Andy lets me crash after parties.” Tanner bit his lip, I would tell her was pondering what to do next.

    “I’m sorry.” I offered “Is there a couch or something you can crash on?”

    “Not really. Deegan is on the big couch and there are still other people here that have passed out.” Tanner looked at the ground.

    “I don’t know what to do for you, I would offer for you to come in, but my brother would kill me.” I frowned thinking about how my brother treats me like such a baby. Its not like anything would happen Tanner is like twice my age and certainly not interested in me.

    I watched Tanner shift back and forth and then loose his balance and almost fall. I resisted the urge to smile, but I also felt bad for him. He looked so tired and I couldn’t let him go home like this.

    “Look, go get in my bed. I will be back in a minute.” I went around him and headed out to find my brother.

    I looked over my shoulder and watched Tanner shuffle into my room and shut the door. I sighed and went to search for my brother. I looked all around the house and couldn’t find him, the last place I could look was his room. I knocked on his bedroom door. I faintly head him groan ‘go away, parties over.’.

    “It’s me, nit wit.” I called through the door.

    I heard him groan again and then the sound of him getting out of bed and making his way to the door. He opened to door to see me standing there hand on my hip scowling at him.

    “Way, to look out for your guest douche bag. I just got kicked out of my bed.” I stuck finger in his chest.

    “What do you mean Whit?” I groaned again.

    “A drunk and tired Tanner just showed up at my door and informed me that is where he normally sleeps and that he doesn’t have anywhere else to go.”

    “Well, Whit I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking all these people would stay.”

    “They don’t normally stay?” I raised on eyebrow.

    “I mean they do… I’m just not used to you being here.” Andy rubbed his eyes sleepily.

    “Well what are you going to do about this?” I questioned.

    “Can’t you just deal for one night?” he asked.

    “What does deal mean? Sleep on the floor? I’m going to go check into the holiday inn before I sleep on the floor and you can ‘just deal’. I’ll send you the bill.” I smiled.

    “No. it means just go share a bed with Tanner. The bed is a king its not like there isn’t enough room.”

    “What happened to your no boys in my room rule.” I asked smugly.

    “Whatever, Tanner is probably passed out by now and besides I already had a talk with him and he isn’t interested in you. He is the only guy I would trust to do this.”   

    The words  ‘isn’t interested’ stung. I don’t know why I cared its not like I liked him either, sure we is attractive but I hardly know him. Still having someone flat out say that they don’t like you isn’t a good feeling. I hid my hurt though.

    “Okay whatever.” I said and retreated to my room.

    Just as my brother thought, once I was there Tanner was already asleep. I slid into bed and sat there thinking about what my brother had told me and fighting the urge to cry.

    When I awakened to looked over to see Tanner still asleep. He was adorable. I frowned thinking about last night. I then walked into my ensuite bathroom. I looked in the mirror, all I see are my flaws and the reasons he wouldn’t like me. I looked like a little kid for crying out loud. I’m short, have small boobs my hair is a dull blond and is straight and flat. I examined myself for a few more minutes before going back into my room. There isn’t really anything for me to do so I walked out on my balcony and sat in one of the chairs that was placed on it. I observed the scenery although my brother backyard consisted of a dirt track, off in the distance were beautiful red mountains. The sun had just risen over them and red, orange and yellow tones bathed the sky. The wind blew softly and it felt amazing in the morning.

    “Its beautiful isn’t it.” I turned to see Tanner stepped out on the balcony.

    “yeah.” I said quietly, and he handing me a mug presumably filled with coffee and then he sat down in the chair across from me and took a sip from his own mug.

    “Thanks for sharing your bed last night.” he said.

    “No problem.” I faked a small smile and then turned back away from him. The silence was awkward. I took a sip of the coffee.

    “Thanks for the coffee.” I said not looking back at him.    

    “Can I ask you a question?” Tanner spoke.

    “I suppose so.” I looked up at him making a small fake smile trying to keep up the appearance that I’m not upset.

    “Do you really want to race still?”

    “What kind of question is that?” Just thought of racing brought a smile to my face. “I would die if I couldn’t.”

    “Well I’m just to talk to your brother about it, of course legal racing this time little missy.” I cringed at him calling me little.

    “That would be amazing.” I squealed, resisting the urge to jump over there and hug him.

    “Well its not a done deal yet, but I think I can talk him into it.” He chuckled at my girly squeals and excited noises.

    “I’m going to go work on my cars.” I smiled and ran down stairs.

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