Same Mistakes (One Direction...

By danielleloves1D

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Hello Everyone! My name is Danielle, but my friends call me Dani for short. I have been best friends with Har... More

Same Mistakes (One Direction FanFic)
Chapter Two: Broken and Confused Feelings
Chapter Three: Together
Chapter Four: The Plan
Chapter Five: Beach Day
Chapte Six: All About Emma and Zayn... and Liam?
Chapter Seven: The Breaking News

Chapter One: Lies

1K 12 8
By danielleloves1D

Hello Everyone!

My name is Danielle, but my friends call me Dani for short. I'm best friends with Harry. I bet the first thing that came to your mind was either Harry Potter or Harry Styles. Well the difference between the two  is that Harry Potter is a fictional character, and well my best friend Harry Styles is not. Yes, I'm best friends with the one and only Harry Styles from the biggest and hottest boy band One Direction. Me and Harry go way back, I've known Hazza since I was a baby.

Our famalies have been friends with each other since forever, I'm not lying. Ever since Harry auditioned for the X Factor, and was put into a band with Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall and placed third, it was so hard to communicate. But Harry would always find time for me and him to just hang out like old times. I remember this one time, it was me and all the boys, and we were all at my house. They stayed a few nights at my house, we had so much fun.

We had this big food fight, like legit, the kitchen and living room was a total diaster! It all started when Niall decided to throw cake at me, and from there it turned into a full  out war. I really love these boys, especially Harry. I've loved Harry ever since I was 13, and now that I'm turning 18 this year, I haven't had the courage to tell him how I feel. But I don't think I want to ever tell him, now. I was going to, but no not anymore.

Why? you ask well, because Harry has turned into a complete different person. He's so conceited and self-obserbed. He isin't the way he is anymore. It hurts me to see my best friend and the love of my life, turn into someone I don't know any longer. He's been blowing me off also, making up the same stupid excues, "I'm busy" or "I'm in the studio" (when he's really not). Just last weekend, me and him were suppose to have dinner together. But he canceled at last minute, saying he had a family gathering. I was dissapointed and upset but I let it go. 

I just called my best friend Ally, we went out for dinner together at Nandos. I've known Ally since forever. She's such an amazing person, she's someone I can tell everything, someone I can run to whenever. I've been doing a lot of that lately because of all my problems with Harry. She is just so understanding and a great listener. When we arrived at Nandos, we got a seat and ordered our food. Ally and I were having a GNO. That's when I needed to use the bathroom so I excused myself, and made my way to the bathroom. When I was walking, I heard noises, kissing sounds. My curiousity got the best of me, so I went around the corner to find out what it was. I couldn't believe my eyes, tears automatically leaked from my eyes.

Harry and some blonde girl making out. So this is what he blew me off for, phfft, a family gathering please.

"HARRY!" I shouted at him.

The two jumped apart, Harry looked at me and suddenly snapped back into reliaty. Harry's eyes instantly was filled with regret and guilt. The blonde was just standing there clueless to what the hell was happening.

"DANI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Harry asked me.

"What am I doing here? Well I must be asking you that question Harry, what are you doing here? I thought you were at a family gathering? I didn't expect you to be at NANDOS SUCKING FACES WITH A GIRL!" I literally yelled to Harry. 

Ally must have heard me screaming because she was now beside me, trying to get me to calm down. 

"What the hell is going on here? Harry what the fuck did you do to Dani!" Ally demanded.

"Nothing, it's just a little misunderstanding Ally." He replied.

That little misunderstanding really pissed me off, he thoought that blowing me off, his best friend was a little deal. 


Everyone in the restraunt was now looking at us, but I didn't care, they'll have to listen to this arguement. 

"Love, we should leave now. Everyone is looking at us." Ally said to me and tried to pull me back, but I stood my ground.

"Dani, I-i'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happe-" He started but I cut him off.

"Foreget it Harry! I'm used to it, you have been blowing me off for the past few months. But you know what hurts the most, that you lied to me. If you wanted to cancel, all you had to do is ask. But instead you chose to lie, Harry it hurts me. It's not like you care anyways. All you care about is yourself, and pleasing yourself. I regret ever being best friends with you, from this day on, our friendship never excisted, I never knew you, and Harry you are now dead to me." I stated with all my anger and sadness poured into that one monolouge.

I looked Harry in the eyes, and saw that he was crying as well. Ally was just holding me in her arms, since I was about to break down then and there. The blonde girl he was making out with was no where to be seen.

Harry took a step forward to me, but Ally literally growled. 

"Don't you dare! You've caused her enough pain Harry. You think 'Sorry' will cut it, well guess what it wont. She's my best friend, and  won't let you do this any longer." Ally said.

"Alls, let's go." I said weakly, I felt like I was going to collapse.

Ally noticed that I wasn't looking good, and became very worried.

"Dani, oh my gosh. Let's go, I'll drive." Ally said. She wrapped an arm arounf my shoulder, and we walked out of the reastraunt.

"Dani, I'm just going to get the car. You stay here alright?" Ally asked me.

I nodded, and Ally walked off to the parking lot.

It was freezing out, all I was wearing was a black dress, heels, and a leather jacket. I just waited for Ally to come back with the car. I waited pateintly. So many thoughts were running through my head at that moment. I couldn't believe Harry out of all people would do this to me. As much as I hated him right now, I always knew at the bottom of my heart that I would always love him, no matter how many times he would hurt me.

I was interuppted from my thoughts by a deep voice from behind me calling my name. I knew it was Harry. 

"Dani... please... please forgive me. I can't live my life knowing that you wont be there anymore." His voice was so coarse and dry. He's been crying. Filled with sadness, sorrow, regret and guilt.

I turned around to face him, and when my eyes fell in his face. My heart shattered into a million peices. His face was full of tears, and covered with so much pain. He really was sorry. The last time I saw him like this, was when his parents had divorced. As much as I wanted to go and hug him and tell him that I forgive him, I wouldn't do that he would just keep taking advantage of me. I will not stand for that anymore.

"Harry, I forgive you. But for now I can't be around you. It hurts me to be around you." I said with honesty, I looked brave on the outside, but on the inside I was breaking apart.

"Danielle, please, I can't live without you." He said.

"Yes you can Harry. You don't need me, you have million of girls that are after you and would kill to be your best friend. Just find some other girl to be your new best friend, I'm preety sure that the would say yes. Plus you just proved tonight, that you don't need me." I told Harry, emotionlessely. 

Ally wasn't here yet, what the heck? How long does it take to get a car! I really didn't want to have a conversation with Harry right now. 

"Look Harry, I'm going to go and look for Ally. Goodbye Harry." I said this not facing him because tears were streaming down my face like a never ending rainfall. 

I started to walk away, but Harry ran up to me and hugged me from behind. His arms wound away my mid-section and he pulled me close to him. His grip was tight, not letting me go. 

Harry whispered into my ear "Dani, please. Please, give me another chance to become a better best friend to you. I promise I won't let you down. You'll never have to cry a single tear because of me again. I'm begging you Dani, don't walk away from our friendship." That sent shivers run down my spine.

I lightly threw him off me and looked him in his tear stained emerald eyes and said "Harry talk to me when you actually mean what you say. Talk to me when you finally figure yourself out. Talk to me when you finally stop making the same mistakes." I stated. It killed me to say this to him, but I had to.

With that, Ally finally came with the car. I made my way to the car. I walked away from Harry not looking back once. I climbed into the passenger seat, and I looked down not wanting to meet Ally's eyes. I felt Ally's hand go unto mine and I looked up and Ally gave me a reassureing smile, that everything would be fine. I smiled back at her. She took the stearing wheel, and started to pull out of Nandos.

But not without looking back at Harry. His beautiful emerald eyes met my chocolate orbs, and we just stared at each other. Tears were streaming down both of our faces, we were both heart broken. Our friendship has fallen apart. We both knew, that things would never be the same.

(A/N) Heey Everyone! Sorry it took forever to update. There is not alot of characters in this story, I'm so sorry. I promise that there will be more in the next chapter. Thaanks guys!

 XOXO-Dani :) <3 

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