It All Started With Women's R...

By gerardsjuarez

4.3K 246 201

Mr. Way, age 27, is a creative writing teacher. Frank Iero, age 18, is his favorite student. Frank is bullied... More

Rules and Regulations
Fag Classification
Friend Conscious
Wet Friends and Dry Ideas
Nervous Smoke
My New Date and Twisted Phone Calls
A Little Paris, Women's Rights, Arcades, and 50s Horror Movies
Even Light Switches Won't Turn Us Off
Taunting Birds, Haunting Words
Neck Things and Vampy Types
I'm Your Canvas
Makeup and Get Up
Frank The Bird
Old Men ≅ City Boys
Brave Woah
Life Is What You Make It

Linda, Frank, and Gerard.

202 13 15
By gerardsjuarez

It all started at four in the morning when the hospital called me- called Gerard. My phone was dead and broken. So, Gerard was their last effort. I remember him answering it happy, cheery- like he always does- and then, oh then, his face fell and he gasped, dropping the glass of water he was getting. I sprung to my feet at the sound of shattering glass, only to see Gerard hang up the phone and lock eyes with me. And then he told me. He told me what had happened. A month after I had left.

"Your mom... she's in the hospital. On the account of your father..."

My whole world fell apart. I almost fell to the floor just like the cup. My heart shattered.

"My mom? L-Linda?"

My voice cracked as hot tears rushed down my face. My father hit her too hard. My mother, the one who was there for me through thick and thin, was in the hospital. I had heard so many stories of domestic abuse and how some died because of it. But-but never my mother.

"Yes. They said Linda Iero was in the hospital and- and wanted to see you before..."

"Before it's too late?"

He nodded.

I rushed into his arms, sobbing at that point. He dragged me out to the car and drove me to the hospital, the both of us still in what we wore to bed. My vision was blurry and I felt weighted. I was about to puke.

I was going to murder my dad's ass.

I walked- ran- into my mother's room, ignoring the nurses telling me to hush and keep it down. It was my mom. They didn't understand how much shit she went through with me and came out as a person you wouldn't expect to come out of that shit. If that made sense.

Some doctor stopped me before I went in, "She's pretty fragile. Her lungs are punctured, broken ribs, some broken bones in her legs... and when you go in, don't say anything about her bruises. She's self conscious of them."

"How's her face?"

"Black eyes." He explained.

"Thanks for warning me. She's awake?"


I walked in, clutching onto Gerard. I moved the curtain and met eyes with my mom. She looked horrible, but it was still her. There was so many things beeping and attached to her. I started crying again, letting go of Gerard. She reached out to me.

"Come here, Frankie," her voice sounded hoarse.

"Mom," I cried, hugging her, kneeling on the cold linoleum.

She was so fragile. I felt like I was holding a skeleton. I looked up at her and touched her cheek. It was the only place that didn't look painful. She smiled and touched my hand. I smiled back and she chuckled.

"Remember when you were little and you went through a phase where you would always be touching me? Your little hands would always be in my hands, touching my hip, in my hair, or like this- cupping my cheek. I missed being that close." She sighed, holding my other hand.

"I do, I do. I miss you."

A tear fell from her right eye. The one that was the most swollen. I wiped it away and she laughed quietly, "I'm so sorry, baby. I should've left with you."

"No, shhh. It's okay. Don't put the blame on yourself. This isn't your fault." I held her hand firmly.

"Oh, Frank. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Ma. Oh, God, I love you." I squeezed her hand.

She kissed my forehead and I laughed quietly, crying. She looked at Gerard and beckoned him, "Is that you, Gerard?"

"Yes, ma'am." He responded.

I let go of most of her, but kept a hand on her arm. She told him to come closer and he did, kneeling down so he could be at eye level. He was such a gentleman and it broke my heart watching him. She held his hands and looked at him pleasantly.

"I want you to take good care of him, you hear me?" She used her Mom Voice.

He chuckled, "Yes, I will, Linda. I'll take care of Frankie."

"I always liked you." She smiled.

"I'm glad to know I have your blessing." He smiled back.

She was almost in tears. She leaned in and whispered something and he giggled. I was curious as to what she had said, but let it be. She kissed his forehead and he laughed.

"Linda, you are one of the most interesting woman I have ever met. This may sound odd, but thank you." He spoke quietly and gently.

Her smile remained even when tears were on her cheeks. Her breathing patterns became strange, "Thank you? Well, what have I done? Is it Frank? Ah, yes. You're welcome, dear."

He kissed her hand and scooted away so I could be with her. He put a hand on my back and kissed my temple then he got up and sat across the room.

"I know I was hesitant about him, oh, but Frank, he has charm." She melted, "So kind. I've seen how he looks at you. He loves you. But not as much as I love you."

She brushed hair out of my face and I blushed, "Ma."

She giggled. Gerard was almost asleep in the chair. I smiled at him and she squeezed my hand, "I know you love him, too."

"I really do. I just want you to see us grow."

"Frank, I don't know if I'm going to survive this blow. Your father's in jail now. He used the Slugger he has in the garage."

"That's what I was afraid of hearing." My voice hitched.

She grabbed my face, "Don't you lose yourself. I want you to be my Frankie even when I'm gone. You hear me?"

I nodded, "Yes, Ma."

"Now, I want you to tell me everything about you and Gerard. Give me somethings to smile about with you."

I looked over at him and then back at her, "We've been dating for a long time now. I don't know... he's really sweet and kind... he knows what to say and exactly when to say it. He's a really good kisser, too. And when I'm sad he'll hold me... I don't know, Ma. I just love him so much. I want you to be able to bond with him and love him. I want you to be apart of our family. Ma, please."

"Frankie, go on. Have you two...?"

My cheeks went red, "Ma!"

She laughed, "I take that as a yes. Do tell me- top or bottom?"

I paused, "Top,"

"Ha! I knew it!"


"Shhh! You'll wake him."

"Too late, not even asleep." He said from his position.

"Come over here then, will you? I wanna see your pretty face up close again." Mom called out to him.

He got up and kneeled by her again, kissing my cheek this time, ruffling my already messy hair. She looked at us warmly. She seemed oh so proud to have such a flaming son.

"Do tell me, Gerard," she paused, "is what Frank saying true?"

He smirked at me, "Yes, indeed."

We talked for hours it seemed until she fell asleep. I snuck into her bed at one point and held onto her, falling asleep as well. Gerard took to the chair.

Then it happened.

Her lungs gave out from all that talking and she knew that it would happen if she talked all night, yet... she did. She made us tell her everything. She laughed, she cried, she gave small kisses and told us she loved us so much.

Linda Iero died at 6:39 am that morning.

And so did a piece of me.

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