Cinderella (Counterpartshippi...

By CounterPartFantasy

32.5K 703 531

Yuya is a servant in his own home, bossed around by his evil stepmother and stepsisters. Yuto is a prince loo... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9

Chapter #6

3K 65 57
By CounterPartFantasy

"Prince Yuto. Prince Yuto, it's time to wake up." Yuto groaned and rolled over, pulling his pillow over his head. Something suddenly pounced on him, trying to yank the pillow from off his head. Yuto growled low in his throat as a warning, his fingers clenching tighter on the pillow. "Prince Yuto, please wake up. Don't make me get Yugo in here. If Yugo has to wake you up, you know it won't be a pleasant experience." The pillow was taken away from him rather forcefully then and whatever it was that had pounced on him was now bouncing up and down on the bed. Yuto groaned again and rolled onto his back. A face was thrust into his view then. Vivid golden eyes stared down at him as a smile lit the person's face.

"Good morning Yuto!" The girl chirped. A tall blond and blue haired man with warm blue eyes was standing at the side of the bed, watching the two of them. It was Kite, one of his father's most trusted royal advisors. Kite was a kind man, but he was stern when it came to discipline. The girl, Ali, had been under Kite's care since she had been brought to the palace when she was five. She and Yuto had been best friends ever since.

"Good morning Ali. Good morning Kite." Yuto said. Ali giggled and jumped off the bed. Yuto stared at her as she jumped up and down in place. Just where the hell did this girl get all her energy? Yuto sat up, shaking his head.

"It's time to get dressed, Prince Yuto." Kite said. Yuto looked at them, rubbing his grey eyes sleepily.

"Why are you getting me up so early?" Yuto asked. Ali pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You mean you forgot? Yuto, you promised to go horseback riding with me today. You said so before you left yesterday." Ali said. Yuto blinked.

"Oh, right. Sorry Ali, it slipped my mind." Yuto said, giving the girl a warm smile. She giggled and pounced on him again, hugging him.

"Don't forget the ball tonight either, my Prince. Your father has high hopes for tonight." Kite piped in. Yuto groaned again.

"Yeah, yeah. I remember the ball. Can you two go on? I'll meet you at the stables once I'm dressed." Yuto said. Kite nodded and bowed, grabbing Ali by the arm and dragging her from the prince's room. Once they were gone, Yuto got out of his bed and went to his wardrobe to find something suitable to wear. He settled on a pair of white pants with his shin-high black boots and a black shirt that ruffled once more at the sleeves. He left his room then and walked down the halls, raising one hand to his mouth as a yawn escaped his lips. Inside, Yuto was as happy as could be. He couldn't wait until tonight. Surely Yuya would be there and then he could let the whole world know he'd found his true love.

Yuto exited the palace a moment later and headed down to the stables. Kite and Ali were waiting patiently when he finally made his presence known. Ali waved to him excitedly. He gave her a small wave back and stopped in front of Kite. Ali skipped around the stables, looking at all the horses. She wanted to pick the very best one for her lesson and she looked back at them with a smile once she had stopped in front of a lovely red mare.

"I want Flare here. Can I ride her?" Ali asked. Kite nodded.

"She's pretty gentle. I think you can handle her." Yuto replied.

"Which one will you take?" Ali asked, directing her question to Kite. Kite pointed to a pretty smoke colored stallion. Yuto had already brought out his own horse, Anukete. She was a medium sized, beautiful black horse. They all mounted their respective horses and left the stables, heading for the riding trails. Ali was having only a little trouble, so Yuto rode beside her and coached her. Kite trailed behind the two so that if there were any problems, he could step in and help Ali too. Ali was soon getting the hang of it after a few pointers from Yuto, so Yuto thought they should go a little faster. He helped her get her horse to trot and they went further down the trails, Kite sticking to their heels. After a while they slowed back down to a walk, admiring the scenery as they passed it by.

"I'm so looking forward to the ball tonight!" Ali suddenly said, a bright smile lighting her face. Yuto almost agreed with her, thoughts of Yuya taking over his mind, but then he remembered he was supposed to detest the idea of a ball, so he shook his head at her.

"Well, I'm not." Yuto said. Ali frowned at him.

"Why not?" She asked. "All the pretty girls in the kingdom will be there."

"I don't like the idea of being forced to choose a wife." Yuto responded.

"You think a fairytale will happen then, my Prince? That when you find the woman of your dreams that you'll just know because you'll feel something special the first time your eyes meet?" Kite asked, mostly teasing the young man. Yuto nodded, enticing a look of surprise from both Ali and Kite.

"I want that. To know you've found your soul mate just by looking in their eyes, by seeing their radiant smile..." Yuto broke off, a dreamy look on his face as he stared at the creek. Kite raised an eyebrow suspiciously while Ali looked on with dreamy big doe eyes, clearly caught up in Yuto's words.

"Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say you'd found your soul mate already my Prince." Kite said. Yuto's grey orbs snapped to his own misty blue, a clear look of panic in his eyes before it was carefully covered by his expressionless mask.

"I haven't yet Kite. I was just saying is all." Yuto lied, hoping Kite would buy it.

"I suppose so." Kite said after a long moment of silence. Yuto smiled, trying to brush off the tense feelings he was experiencing right now.

"Perhaps you'll find your soul mate at the ball!" Ali chirped, trying to be helpful. Yuto made a show of rolling his gorgeous grey orbs.

"Maybe." Yuto said. Kite sighed and looked to the sky. They'd spent a good portion of the morning riding. It was almost the afternoon already.

"We should head back to the palace. Your father must have sent out the invites already and that means it's only a matter of time before the ball. There are some things that still need done before tonight." Kite said. Yuto nodded.

"Very well then. Let's head back." Yuto agreed. They turned the horses around and began to head back to the palace.







"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Yuya sighed and reached down, grabbing the laundry basket full of dry clean clothes that he'd actually cleaned for the tenth time that day. Rin and Yuzu kept throwing their clean clothes back into the laundry so as to keep Yuya busy for longer then usual. And he knew better then to call them on it, so he sucked it up and just kept re-doing the laundry. He went into the house to find Rin waiting for him, hands on her hips.

"Yuya! My dress!" Rin snapped. Yuya ground his teeth together and forced a smile.

"I'll get right on that Rin, right after I put these clothes away." Yuya told her. Rin didn't like that. No, not one little bit.

"You do it when I say!" She retorted, stalking over to him and knocking the basket out of his hands, spilling the freshly washed clothes all over the floor. Yuya stared at her for a moment, stunned. Rin turned on her heel and stalked off. "Come up to my room and get my dress once you've gotten that mess cleaned up!" She called back to him before a door slamming was heard. Yuya knelt down to the floor slowly, tears brimming in his eyes. Rin was being even crueler then usual and he almost couldn't take it. Wiping away a few stray tears, he began to fold the clothes and place them back into the basket.

"Yuya, are you alright?" Yuya looked up to see Selena staring down at him, concern showing in her luminous eyes. Yuya was quick to wave her away.

"Get out of here Selena. You don't want to get caught talking to me, especially not now. They'll be harder on you too, I just know it." Yuya said. Selena leaned down and began to help him place the clothes in his basket. Yuya grabbed her wrist gently, trying to stop her. "Selena, please. I don't want you to get into trouble." Yuya told her.

"I don't care. I hate it here. Yuya, promise me that if you ever go away, you'll take me with you." Selena said, her eyes filling up with tears. Yuya's eyes widened.

"Selena..." Yuya said softly. A sudden noise made both of them jump. Selena leapt to her feet.

"It must be Mother. Yuya, hurry and get these clothes picked up. I'll go stall her." Selena said, running off. Yuya thanked her softly to himself and hurried to get the clothes back into the basket. He hurried up the stairs just as Selena and Yuzu entered the room, Selena chatting excitedly to her mother so she wouldn't notice Yuya's hasty get-away. Yuya entered Rin's room and found her waiting in a chair with her dress in her lap. Yuya gulped and set the basket down.

"About time!" Rin huffed. Yuya took the dress from her and noted where the tear was. He sat down in the chair opposite of her and pulled a needle and a thing of thread out of the pocket of his apron. He quickly mended her dress and gave it back to her, then hurried to get the clothes put away so he could work on their lunch next. He hurried to the kitchen to begin making the meal. He was so tired. Yuya just wanted to drop to the floor and fall asleep. He called them all to lunch and then hurried outside to get the other load of clothes on the line, content now to take his time and have a few moments all to himself.

Yuya quickly found he wasn't going to be allowed such a moment as he heard the sound of hoof beats behind him and a loud whinny. Yuya turned, his eyes widening when he saw a royal messenger on horseback staring at him from the dirt path leading up to the house. Yuya wiped his hands on his apron and walked over to the man, curiosity shining in his violet orbs as he wondered to himself why this man was here.

"Good afternoon kind Sir. What brings you to our humble home?" Yuya asked with a bow. The man pulled something out of a bag on the side of the horse and held it out to Yuya, beckoning him to take it, which Yuya did.

"It's a letter from the King to every person in the Kingdom. Good day to you." The man said and turned his horse around, galloping back down the path. Yuya walked towards the house, staring at the letter in his hands. What could the King possibly want? He entered the house and headed for the dining room. Yuzu and Rin glared hotly at him as he entered, but Yuya ignored it the best he could.

"Pardon my intrusion Step-mother, but there's come a letter from the King." Yuya said, holding out the letter to her. Yuzu's eyes widened and she wiped her mouth and hands with a napkin before swiping the letter out of Yuya's hand. She opened it and quickly scanned it. An unearthly shriek sounded from her lips as she stood suddenly, the letter clasped tightly in her red-nailed hands.

"It's an invite to a ball!" Yuzu cried. Rin spit her drink out all over the table and rose to her feet, hurrying around to her mother.

"What exactly does it say!?" Rin yelled. Yuzu was shaking from excitement.

"It says that there will be a ball tonight in honor of the Prince! And every person whom resides in the kingdom, every member of every household, is invited to attend!" Yuzu said, hugging Rin happily. They did a mini dance in a circle. Yuya's mind processed this information. Every member of every household...

"That means I can go too." Rin and Yuzu stopped dancing and stared at Yuya in surprise.

"Excuse me?" Yuzu said, straightening herself and glaring angrily at him. Yuya stared right back. This was his chance to see Yuto again, and he was not going to let Yuzu ruin it for him! He pointed to the letter in her hand.

"It says everyone in the kingdom, every member of every household, is invited to attend. I am still a member of this family, so I am able to go." Yuya told her. Rin looked to her mother worriedly while Selena watched this, biting her thumbnail. Oh she hoped Yuya would be able to go.

"So it does." Yuzu said softly.

"Please let me go!" Yuya begged. "I'll finish all my chores in time, I promise!"

"Very well. You can go, provided you have something to wear and if you get all your chores done in time." Yuzu said. Yuya's eyes filled with tears of happiness.

"Thank you Step-mother!" Yuya gushed, running from the dining room. Selena stared at Yuzu wide eyed from her place at the table while Rin stomped her foot, throwing a major fit, her face turning red as she began to shout.

"Mother, you can't be serious! You can't let Yuya go!" Rin screamed. Yuzu put her hands on her daughter's shoulders, calming her down with shushing noises.

"Remember dear child, I said IF he can get those chores done." Yuzu said, chuckling wickedly. Rin smiled brightly. Selena lowered her gaze to the food on her plate, suddenly not having an appetite. She should have known... She rose from the table and started to walk away. Yuz turned to her, her eyes curious. "Selena darling, where are you going?" Yuzu asked her.

"To my room Mother. Suddenly I'm not so hungry." Selelna said. Rin trilled excitedly.

"Me either! Come on Selena!" She ran over and grabbed her sister's hand. "Let's go pick out dresses for the ball! I have to look stunning when I see the Prince! Oh, perhaps he'll fall madly in love with me and we'll be married not long after that and have four beautiful children..!" Rin's voice trailed off as she exited the dining room, her sister in tow. Yuzu smiled to herself. She also had to find something lovely to wear.


"You can do this. You know you can do this."

"You know, it's weird how you talk to your reflection like that, dear cousin." Yuto whirled around as his cousin's voice interrupted his voiced aloud thoughts. He flushed knowing he'd been caught speaking to himself, and straightened up. Yugo stood in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. He was dressed for the ball already, wearing a lovely blue shirt that buttoned up to the neck and completed his icy blue eyes coupled with tight white pants and black shin high boots. He was wearing his sword on his hip.

"Sorry. I'm just nervous. I'm really hoping Yuya will show up. I'm kind of afraid he won't." Yuto said, voicing his fears.

"Don't worry so much. You need to play it cool or your charade will be over before the crucial play." Yugo told him.

"Is everything a game to you Yugo?" Yuto asked. Yugo smirked.

"Life is a game Yuto. That's all there is to it." Yugo responded. Yuto sighed.

"Alright. I'm ready. I need to go find my father." Yuto said, straightening the sleeves of his shirt. He strode past Yugo and walked down the hall, the tall brunet right behind him. They found King Shun in the ballroom, putting in his last say so on the beautiful decorations that brightened up the room. He smiled when he saw the two boys enter, and he quickly motioned for them to join him.

"Doesn't this place look marvelous?" Shun said with a blissful smile.

"Yes Father, the ballroom looks wonderful." Yuto replied. "I'm sure the guests will all love it."

"A brilliant job Your Majesty." Yugo said. Shun beamed.

"Tonight will be the night for dreams and for romance!" Shun said, throwing his arms wide. Yuto looked to the side and Yugo suddenly found the ceiling to be very interesting. Shun frowned. "Oh come now boys! You can't tell me you won't dance with at least one lass! Yuto, tonight is the night you will find your future bride! Chin up Son!" Yuto cringed at those words. Shun raised a hand to his mouth, fisting it and clearing his throat.

"Wonderful sentiments, Your Highness. Let's go view the menu, shall we?" Yugo said, ushering the king out of the ballroom. Yuto mouthed a silent thank you to his cousin and turned on his heel, striding from the ballroom. He needed to find someplace to be alone. He walked through the hallways of the palace until he came to a balcony overlooking the front gate. Already there were people outside the gate, some in carriages, waiting for the gates to open so they could come inside. Yuto sighed and a nervous shudder ran through his body. It was nearly time.

"I hope you'll be here tonight Yuya." Yuto murmured. A light breeze ruffled his hair, making his bangs brush his face as he stared at the sky. The sun was setting and soon the moon and stars would be out. Yuto's eyes lowered until he was staring at the bracelet on his wrist. If the worst happened and Yuya didn't show up, then he would just go searching throughout the kingdom for the boy, and to hell with what anyone else thought. The heart charm on the bracelet shone brightly, and Yuto smiled. Yuya would show up. And then he would proclaim his love for him to the entire world.


"No, not this one! No, not this one either! Argh!" Rin shrieked and threw yet another dress on top of the pile already in Yuya's hands. It was near dusk and almost time for everyone to be heading out. Yuya fought back tears as he realized he would most likely not be going. They had kept him so busy that he hadn't had time to find something to wear and it was almost too late. By the time Rin finished dressing, which Yuya had to help her with, it would be time to leave. A hot tear escaped down Yuya's cheek and Yuya suddenly felt angry that he was starting to cry. Rin would gloat forever if she saw him. Thankfully she was still distracted right now.

"Rin, dear, it's almost time to go. Pick one already!" Yuzu's voice sounded from the doorway.

"I'm trying Mother!" Rin snapped. Selena suddenly came into the room, already dressed and ready to go to the ball. She was wearing a lovely blue gown with matching green gloves that went up to her elbows. Her long blue hair was pulled back into a ponytail, the ends curled and fluffed. A dab of red lipstick colored her lips. She leaned down and picked a beautiful pink gown off of the floor.

"Wear this one ." Selena said. RIn eyed the dress. It was lovely... She shook her head.

"No. I need something else, something more flashy!" Rin said. Selena sighed. She went to Rin's wardrobe and opened it. After skimming through it, she pulled another dress out of it. It was a lovely off the shoulder green gown. Rin saw it and screamed happily, taking it out of her sister's hands. "Oh it's perfect Selena!"

"I'll help you dress." Selena offered. "Yuya, please put those down on the chair and exit the room so Rin may undress." Selena said. Yuya resisted the urge to jump for joy and gently laid the dresses down, then left the room. Yuzu came out of her room, locking it behind her. She turned and when she saw him, a look of surprise crossed her face. Yuya cringed at the look.

"Why Yuya, you're not dressed." Yuzu said. Yuya squared his shoulders and looked her in the eye.

"I'm not going." Yuya said.

"Oh, I see. Well, there will be other balls." Yuzu chirped, walking past him and down the stairs. Yuya couldn't take it anymore. He turned and fled down the stairs, running past her, tears blurring his vision. He threw open the door to his tower when he got there and ran up the stairs. Throwing open his door, he ran to his bed and threw himself onto it, sobbing his heart out. He'd wanted so badly to see Yuto and now he wouldn't get his chance. And what if this was the last time he could have seen the devilishly handsome prince? Yuya sobbed harder, his face buried in his arms.

"Yuya? Why aren't you getting ready ta go?" Yuya looked up and turned, seeing Gong standing in his doorway.

"I can't go! I didn't have time to find anything to wear!" Yuya cried. Gong smiled.

"Don't worry. Tate and I took care of that for you." Gong said. Tate stepped into the room, something small and black in his hands. Yuya sniffled and wiped at his eyes, curious as to what it was that Tate had.

"It was your dad's." Tate said softly. "While you were working today, we worked hard to fit it for you." Yuya let out a gasp and he looked up at Tate and Gong, admiration and joy written in his beautiful violet eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you both so much." He said. Gong grinned.

"Let's get you dressed!"

Rin tapped her foot and crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for her sister. Selena sure was taking her sweet time. How long did a restroom break take? Yuzu simply fanned herself with a purple fan that matched her beautiful violet dress and tiny purple purse that she was carrying in her other hand. Selena suddenly appeared at the head of the stairs and hurried down, mumbling I'm sorry over and over and over again. Rin let out a angry sigh.

"Come on Selena! We do not have all night!" RIn snapped. Selena finally caught up to them, fighting to catch her breath from hurrying and fighting with her dress.

"Alright then, let's go." Yuzu said, turning towards the front door.

"Wait! Wait a minute!" All three girls turned and Yuzu and Rin gasped when they saw Yuya hurrying towards them, looking very handsome in a beautiful black tuxedo. "You weren't going to forget me, were you?" Yuya asked, flashing them a grin. Rin's face began to turn red with rage. Yuzu simply hid her surprise under a mask of calm. Selena looked simply thrilled to see him.

"Oh, so you're ready then Yuya?" Yuzu asked. Yuya nodded, reaching up to brush a strand of his bangs out of his eyes. Rin seethed; Yuya actually looked good! Suddenly something flashed on Yuya's wrist when the light from the chandelier above them hit it. rin's eyes widened. What was this? Yuya had never worn anything shiny the entire time she had known him. She stalked forward and grabbed Yuya's wrist, yanking the sleeve back, revealing a beautiful silver bracelet with a charm on it shaped like half a heart. Yuya's eyes widened in panic as her eyes scanned the bracelet, rage now showing in her green eyes, turning them icy and cold.

"What's this Yuya? Where did you get it?" Rin asked. Yuya tried to wrench his hand back, but Rin had it caught fast.

"It's mine! Let me go Rin!" Yuya cried.

"Where did you get it?!" Rin snapped. She unclasped the metal thing, taking the bracelet off Yuya's wrist. Yuya thrashed against her hold.

"Give it back Rin! Give it back! It's important to me!" Yuya cried. Rin released him and he reached up, trying to take the bracelet away from her. Rin ignored his attempts and batted his hands away, holding the bracelet out to her mother. Selena's eyes were wide with fear as she watched what was happening. Yuzu took the bracelet and looked back to Yuya, who was now just standing there watching them with tears in his eyes.

"What's this Yuya? I don't remember you owning something like this. Where did you get it?" Yuzu asked, playing with the bracelet in her fingers.

"It's mine. Give it back." Yuya said through clenched teeth. Rin took the bracelet back from her mother and stared at it.

"I like it. I think I'll keep it. What do you say Mother?" Rin said.

"No!" Yuya cried.

"Mother please! Stop this! Can't we just give it back to him and go to the ball!?" Selena cried at the same time. Rin did not wait for her mother's approval and put the bracelet on her wrist, closing the clasp. She was surprised when it the clasp snapped back open. She tried to close it several times, but it just would not close.

"Stupid thing is broken!" Rin said, taking it off and dropping it to the floor. Yuya gaped at her as she placed one foot over the bracelet.

"No, no please! Rin don't!" Yuya cried. He moved to step forward, but Yuzu held up one hand to stop him and he froze.

"I'll tell her to smash the thing Yuya, unless you tell me where you got it." yuzu said. Yuya clenched his hands into fists, a few tears beginning to fall down his face.

"It was a gift from the Prince." Yuya snapped. Rin gawked at him, moving her foot and snatching the bracelet from off of the floor.

"The Prince gave a little wretch like you a bracelet as beautiful as this!?" Rin cried, not believing it. Yuzu stood there for a moment, but then she smiled.

"I don't believe you. I think you stole it from him." Yuzu said. She took the bracelet back from Rin and slipped it into her purse. "And thieves do not go to balls. I don't think we'll allow you to go tonight Yuya. You need to be taught a lesson about taking other people's valuables." Selena began to cry, muffling her sobs with one hand over her mouth. Yuya said nothing and he just stood there, the tears flowing freely down his cheeks. He made no attempt to wipe them away. Yuzu turned and opened the front door, ushering her girls outside. Rin grabbed Selelna by the hand and stormed outside, her sister in tow. Yuzu smiled sweetly at Yuya.

"Goodnight Yuya." Yuzu said before she shut the door. Yuya let out a sob and turned, running for the back door. He threw it open and ran into the small woods behind the house until he came to a small clearing. There was a tree stump in the center and he hit his knees in front of it, burying his face in his arms as he cried his heart on on the stump. That was it; his life was over. He'd lost the last link he had to Yuto, and he would never see the handsome prince ever again. Why, why did the universe hate him so much!? Why couldn't they have given him this one night!? Why at such a critical time had Rin noticed the bracelet!? It just wasn't fair!

Yuya sat there and cried for a long time. He didn't even know how long he had been sitting there by the time he raised his head and wiped away some of his tears. Suddenly a bright white light began to come from the stump. Yuya yelped and scrambled backwards, his violet orbs wide and full of fright. The light grew brighter and brighter, and Yuya had to shield his eyes to keep from going blind. When the light faded, Yuya moved his hands and looked back towards the stump. What he saw made his eyes go wide.

"Damnit! Wrong turns! Made me late! Damn it all to hell!" Yuya blinked. And blinked again. A young man wearing a long white robe with a hood stood on the stump, cursing as he straightened said robe. He yanked a little too hard and he fell off the stump with a yelp, falling on his face. He stood up hurriedly, throwing the robe around angrily. When he was finally settled, he shot a glare to Yuya and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Um... Who are you?" Yuya asked. This boy looked so mean. He had long white hair, with some sticking out to the side on top, sort of resembling horns. His eyes were yellow and narrowed slightly. He looked offended at Yuya's question and huffed.

"I'm your freaking Fairy Godmother. The name's Zarc." Zarc snapped. Yuya's eyes went wider. What...?

I'M SO SORRY!!!!! i didn't post yesterday!! and i posted very late today. I was very busy with school yesterday. I feel horrible so to hopefully remedy this i will post two chapters tomorrow!!!!! 

BUT UNTIL THEN Hasta la vista BABY'S

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