The Bitch Is Back: An Elton...

By ShesAnAmericanIdiot

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Third book of the series, "An Elton John Fanfiction". Sequel to "Breaking Down Barries: An Elton John Fanfict... More

Part One: Pained
Part Three: Breaking Hearts
Part Four: A Lucky Man
Part Five: Healing Hands
Part Six: Little Jeannie
Notes and Reflections

Part Two: Back To Back

260 4 0
By ShesAnAmericanIdiot

Jeannie awoke to the touch of somebody tapping her shoulder gently. Her eyes were dreary, her eyelids couldn't even open all the way. She heard a soft voice whisper near her ear.
"Hey, are you awake?" It was Elton.
She realized she was laying on her stomach, facing the TV. She suddenly remembered that she had fallen asleep watching the TV, and she could feel the hot pad on her back still.
"Hey..." He whispered again, touching the pad. She slowly turned her head and looked up at him, and he gave her a weak smile.
"Hey sweetie, it's really late. Doesn't that sofa hurt your back now?" He paused for a second, then stuck his tongue through the cute gap in between his teeth. "Don't you want to come upstairs with me?"
In all honesty, she really didn't feel like sleeping with him. She vividly recalled the argument and anger between him and Bernie, and it was feeding off onto her. She felt like shit, and she really didn't want to get up.
"But if it makes him happy..." She whined to herself.
She noticed that the house was quite still. "Where's Bernie?" She asked, though only half-awake.
"He's gone. Left early. Com' on-"
"Wait, what time is it?" She slowly turned around. The pain shot down her spine again, but it wasn't as harsh as before.
"1 in the mornin'. Come on, Jeannie." He gently grabbed her arm and tugged her, but when he realized she wasn't moving, he stopped. He took the pad off her back and noticed a huge wet spot where it laid.
"I can't move..." Jeannie moaned, then buried her face back into her arms. She was sweating and her back hurt and she just wanted to go back to bed.
But Elton picked her up always and carried her up the steps and into his bedroom.
When he laid her down on the soft, feather pillow, she curled up in a ball and shielded her eyes from the light.
"Turn the lights off... please." She sighed, wanting the room to be nice and dark again. He listened for once and flipped the switch, and last rays of light diminished immediately.
He walked over to her side of he bed and touched her shirt. He began to pull it, lifting it over her head for her.
"It's wet." He said, then took her shirt off completely. Jeannie knew he was just using it as an excuse to see her body.
She still had her bra on, but she took it off, knowing he would probably appreciate that, though she didn't want to do anything with him tonight. She just wanted to catch up on sleep.
She could hear him undressing behind her, all the way down to his tight boxers. She could feel him crawl on the bed behind her, his hands wrapping around her body like he was snuggling a baby. And then he expressed a long, stressed sigh.
Jeannie sighed back, turning around and facing him the dark air. She could feel the warmth of his chest tempting her, so she buried her face in the hair there.
She hoped he would notice that she didn't want to do anything tonight, but he didn't. His lips traced along down her neck, leaving a trail of the red marks from his kisses along the way. But it didn't feel like Elton's kisses. Not at all. He felt chilling, unusual, like a stranger. She opened her eyes and then a few small tears fall down her cheeks. Quickly, she wiped them on her shoulder, praying that he didn't notice the tears she cried. He didn't. He was too indulged in kissing her.
She allowed him to touch her body and kiss her neck a little more, until she had enough and tried to turn over. Her back began to throb, and she whined with pain. But she wasn't crying because of her back. She was crying because she didn't know the man she was sleeping with anymore.
Elton tried to pull her closer, but he realized it was hurting her back. So he scooted to the edge of the bed where she was and kissed her cheek. He was trying to convince her for a kiss on the lips, but she wouldn't give it. Finally, after all his romantic invitations failed, he sighed and looked at the ceiling as if it was going to give him any answers.
Jeannie huffed one more thing before she dozed off that night.
"I'm sorry, I'm just really tired, Elton."
He heard this and whispered, "Pffftt..." as though he wasn't content with that answer. He looked at the bare, white ceiling one last time before he turned over on his side; sleeping with their backs against each other for the very first time.

The morning light was kinder and gentler than the moon's the night before. Jeannie awoke and found that his side of the bed was bare. She could smell a strong scent of syrup and pancakes coming from the kitchen, and she knew Elton was most likely downstairs preparing breakfast.
Jeannie moved her neck slowly, but it didn't hurt. She moved it a little more, but it didn't hurt. Finally, she got up on her own and sat up on the bed. Still it didn't hurt. She was so relieved that she didn't have to at least worry about any physical pain today.
She looked down at herself and noticed that she still had no top on. The only thing she had on was the gold pendant necklace that he had given her.
Jeannie picked up the necklace and gave it a long look again.
"Love, Elton." She read it over and over.
"I hope yesterday was just a bad day." She prayed, holding the little piece of gold and platinum to her heart.
She had to use the bathroom, but she wanted to search for a t-shirt to wear first. She ranged around his bedroom to try and first the shirt she had worn last night, but it was gone.
"I guess he put it in the laundry." She thought, then sighed, and then sat on the edge of the bed for a moment.
Directly in front of her was a drawer full of his clothes.
"Well, the bastard's gon' have to deal with me wearing one of his shirts." She chuckled to herself quietly, then walked over to the dresser and opened a few drawers. She found his boxers and some socks in one of them.
She couldn't help herself; she picked one of the boxers up and gave it a long examination.
"Wow." She told herself, smiling. "These are pretty tight." She put the pair of boxers up to her waist to compare his body to hers. He was still much bigger than her and she knew this, but she thought it was funny anyways.
For some reason she felt like smelling it. It smelled exactly like clean laundry.
"You naughty freak!" She whispered to herself. What did she think, that she was going to find a hint of his scent in there? Or something else?
She smiled again to herself, folded up the pair of boxers, and put them back as neatly as possible so that he never knew they were being tampered with. She looked through a couple other drawers until she found some of his t-shirts. They were on the lowest drawers, so she got down on her knees.
She pulled out some random t-shirts until she found a black one that she thought would fit her the best. When she tried it on, to her surprise, it did fit pretty well.
She stood up and looked in the mirror, and for some unknown reason, the shirt didn't smell much like clean laundry. It actually smelled like him, a sweet scent of, well, man. Then she began to feel really curious.
"Why does this smell like him and nothing else does?" She thought that maybe he didn't wash this particular shirt. She kept on sniffing it until her senses adapted and she couldn't smell it strongly anymore. She sure loved the smell of her man.
But she was still thinking about last night. And how cold and cruel Elton was acting towards Bernie. Almost hostile. She didn't have the slightest clue what was the matter with him, or what in the world would change his behavior like that. She was seriously beginning to contemplate whether it was just a bad day or not.
The urge to use the bathroom was really getting to her now, so she closed his drawers and slipped into the bathroom beside the bedroom. Even with the bathroom doors closed, she could still smell breakfast in the kitchen.
"I'm so hungry... ugh." She complained, realizing that she had missed dinner last night because she fell asleep early. She hoped that maybe she could make peace with Elton this morning while they ate.
When she finished, Jeannie could hear footsteps coming closer and closer to her. He was walking up the stairs. She made her way back onto the the bed and waited for him to come inside.
He opened the door just a crack and peeked through. When he could see her patiently waiting for him, he comfortably walked inside. He had two trays in his hands full of pancakes- one for him and one for her.
"I heard the toilet flush," He smiled, "So I knew you were awake."
He walked to the edge of the bed and set his tray down, then walked over to Jeannie and gave her hers.
"I made ya bed and breakfast!" His tone was much sweeter and happier like his old self again. This made her so much more relieved.
He continued, "I didn't want you to have to get up with the pain in your back." Jeannie graciously took the tray from him and stared hungrily at the delicious pancakes her prepared for her.
"Oh thank you, Eltie, but my back doesn't hurt anymore!" She already began scarfing down the food anyways.
Elton took his food and crawled up on the bed beside her. He shrugged and looked at her, the cold look in his eyes were gone at last.
"Huh? Well that was a quick recovery. Oh well." He paused, then cleared his throat and chuckled, "I mean not oh well that you recovered, sweetie, I mean I guess we'll just eat in bed then!" He nudged her arm to get her to laugh, or at least smile, but she was too busy chewing her food.
She swallowed a piece and then her eyes grew big.
"Elton, this is delicious. What did you do to these?" She couldn't bring herself to slow down, it was so tasty.
He chuckled and then took a bite himself. "It's uh, a top secret of mine." With food in his mouth, he tried to slow down but there was too much that he had to chew still. He glanced over at Jeannie and she was giving him a silly frown.
"Ah no, seriously, Elton, how'd ya do this?"
"Just bought a really good brand of pancake mix, I guess." He smiled back.
They ate their food together in peace, just as Jeannie hoped, eating the pancakes and having little light-hearted jokes until they were finished. Elton took the tray out of her hand to clean up, but then he finally realized that she was wearing his shirt so he stopped. He gave her a funny look, then asked her where she found it.
"Well I just found it in your drawer. Sorry for peeking!" She smiled, then looked down at the shirt herself. It did fit her quite perfectly; the more she looked at it the more she liked it, even if it was a man's t-shirt.
"Well, I'll let you keep it, darling, it's not quite my size anymore..." He began to laugh, and then covered his mouth, "Ah but I think it was meant for you anyways!"
Jeannie looked at it again and then smelled it. His scent was strong on it again. He smelled like a man- a smell she could not quite define. Some cologne smell, maybe, but it wasn't just all of that. She swore it was just the scent of his body that attracted her. It was as simple and sweet as that.
"Elton, it smells like you." Jeannie closed her eyes and kept a piece of the fabric near her nose.
"Oh, I'm sorry, should I wash it?"
"No-" Jeannie blurted, "No. I love it." She finally took the fabirc away and smiled at him very cutely, her cheeks turning rosey pink. That smell was so sensual and satisfying to her!
Elton raised an eyebrow and scratched his head. "You like my sweaty t-shirts?" He then began to laugh, but Jeannie only blushed harder in response.
"Yeah, I guess so-"
"You're cute, you know that?" He took his hand and pinched her cheek until she couldn't hold her smile in any longer. Her eyes lit up and her smiled beamed across the room, a young and child-like expression took upon her face and she began to giggle.
"Eltie, quit it, cut it out!" She took his wrist and pushed him away, but he fought back until she gave up. Once he won, he took his hands around her cheeks and touched them slowly, then bent down to her tiny body and kissed her forehead lightly.
"I need you..." He whispered in her ear, his fingers stroking her cheeks down to her jawline, then giving her another sweet, wet kiss, only on the cheek this time. He felt that he wanted more and more from her each second that his lips touched her skin, but he somehow managed to refrain himself from doing it. 
Jeannie was smiling and enjoying his pleasure, finally, now that it felt like Elton, his old self again. However, he still seemed different, and she couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly. Something about him, she could tell, was different. Wrong. She could tell that deep inside, there was something bothering him, aching him, paining him, even- but he was doing a hell of a job hiding it. There was no longer a stranger look in his eyes- she could tell it was Elton, but not her Elton. Not the Elton she grew to love and cherish. And it hurt her to know that he was hiding something from her. He never did that before.
And then Elton let go of her cheeks as he realized that he needed to tell her something.
"Hey, I forgot to tell you that the party is beginning at 6pm. If you want to go home and change some clothes, I'd advise you do that before then." He eased off her body and let he sit up more.
She looked up at him, and then the clock up on the wall, and then sighed.
"Is it really noon already?"
He laughed a little, staring at his lap and legs, "Yeah, you slept in quite a bit."
"Hmmm, I feel like I wasted half the day-" She got up from the bed and walked over to the mirror. She gave herself a long look, especially her hair. It was a mess, and she did look rather unkempt this morning.
"I think I'll get home around 4pm to take a shower and get ready. Could we maybe... hang out before then?" She looked over her shoulder at Elton and tried to give him her best puppy-dog look, which he did laugh, but it was followed with a frown.
"I'm sorry, sweetie, I have to do some work with the boys before tonight."
"The boys" meant the band. He was always busy working with them and becuase of this, she didn't ever get the chance to hang out with him as often as she'd like. She was tired of driving up to his house each morning and checking to see if he was home or not. He was almost always at the studio, or out of town, playing live concerts, or just about anything but staying at home. Of course, when he was home, he would call her up and they'd do something fun together, but it wasn't often.
In fact she hadn't really slept over his house in about a month since last night. And she missed his warm love and hands around her body all over again. She prayed that tonight, she could at least sleep in his arms this time, and not with her back against him. She had never done that before. It was a terrifying thought to her. What... happened? What happened to their love? How could they go on living like that? With their mouths taped shut to hide their emotions? Why wasn't Elton speaking to her? Clearly he is in pain. She didn't want to sleep with a stranger Elton no more. She wanted her Elton John back, the one that saved her life. The one that became her first kiss when she was only a teen. The one that she lost her virginity to. She missed that Elton John. And she wondered if he was ever coming back now.
She was about to respond to him, but she remembered Bernie, and the way Elton had treated him last night. It was like utter shit, to be honest. He constantly ordered Bernie to do everything for him, and built up the pressure by inadvertently insulting him and saying he was always wrong.
But what was strange enough was the way Bernie behaved. Never batted an eyelid. Just stood there and held his ground like a 10 foot stone wall- as if Elton's anger was a gentle breeze to him. He might have raised his voice, but he didn't give in to Elton. It was such an unusual thing; their friendship. Very peculiar, very eerie. Would he be there at the party tonight? She didn't dare to ask.
"Well, alright. I guess another day." Jeannie's eyes gazed down onto her lap, and she stayed with her head down for awhile, her thoughts completely wiped from her mind all of a sudden. All she could do was stare blankly into space. She couldn't bare feeling stuck like this.
Elton had approached her and put his arm around her waist and gave her a tight little squeeze, then apologized again for having to leave her.
"But," He said, his fingers rubbing up and down on her ribcage as he leaned on her, "I'm sure the party will be great tonight. I promise soon that you and me will have some time to ourselves, okay?" He kissed her shoulder lightly and then let go of her waist. Jeannie just stared at herself and the floor forlornly. He always promised her that he would do something. But... he didn't always do it.

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