Adopted Winchester (Supernatu...

By dazednotconfuzed

2.3K 54 14

Bella, a simple 11 year old girl with only her father to care for her. Her mother died in a terrible fire whe... More

Prologue: The Orphan
Chapter 1: Goodnight Everyone
Chapter 2: The First Demon Encounter
Chapter 3: Almost a Winchester
Chapter 4: What Are Hunters?
Chapter 5: The Flashback
Chapter 6: The Truth About Dad's Death
Chapter 7: The Return
Chapter 9: Uncle Bobby's House
Chapter 10: Let's Talk About Telekinesis
Chapter 11

Chapter 8: Azazel

150 5 0
By dazednotconfuzed

"Bella!" I heard Dean yell again. "Bella wait up!" John, Sam, and Dean ran in. They saw me standing in the doorway leading into the kitchen.

"Bella, you worried us. Don't do that ever again," John scolded. I didn't answer. "Are you okay? Bell?" I still didn't answer.

"Oh she's perfectly fine, John," said a deep, scruffy voice. It belonged to a man who appeared from behind the fridge. He took hold of me again as his eyes flashed a golden yellow.

"Dean, get Sam to the car. Now!" John ordered Dean. He nodded and took him to the Impala.

John took a gun from behind his belt but the man flicked it and it flew out of his hands.

"Azazel," John growled. "You let go of her right now or I swear-"

"What? You're gonna exorcise me? Kill me?" He taunted. "Come on! You know that won't work, Johnny boy!"

Dean came back in with his gun raised but it came out of his hands and Azazel pushed and held him against the wall, without touching him.

I whimpered and mouthed, "I'm so sorry, Dean."

"We're going to get out of this," he mouthed back. I nodded and closed my eyes.

I remembered my Smith&Wesson. I opened my eyes and instantly saw it on the cocktail table near John.

If I could just only break his hold and grab it.

"Ya know," Azazel said and wrapped his arms around me. "I've been watching you since the day you were born and I've been waiting for this moment!" he said as he rocked me back and forth in a rough hug.

Dean tried to break free of the invisible force holding him there, but it was no use.

"I was there when your mother was killed. In fact, I was the one who pinned her to the ceiling and burnt her to a crisp! Ahh, poor Tina." He cackled and pressed the knife against my throat again.

I felt tears run down my face.

He saw Gerald murder my dog.

He saw Gerald almost kill me.

He saw John save me.

He killed my mother...

I suddenly remembered the journal moving on its own and how angry I felt when it did.

I looked at the gun once more. It shook a little. I focused a little more as my nose started to bleed and it sailed through the air into my hand.

"This is what you get you sick son of a bitch!" I said through clenched teeth.

I took it and shot Azazel underneath the jaw. He stumbled back onto the wall.

"Exorcizamus te," John immediately started chanting. "Omnis immundus. Spiritus, omnis satanica potestas," he was pushed to the ground before he could finish.

"Omnis incursio infernallis adversii," I said instinctively and weakly. Azazel winced and jerked in inhumanly ways.

"I gave you that power. Remember that" was the last thing he said before black smoke escaped from his nostrils and mouth and disappeared out the open door.

Dean looked at me in shock. "How did you-"

I dropped the 9mm and collapsed to the ground and emptied my stomach of its contents before he could finish.

Dean fell and rushed towards me. He held my head in his lap as he whispered, "Stay with me, Bella. Come on. It's okay, I'm right here." That was the last thing I heard before everything faded to nothingness.

*Bella's dream*

I was laying in the middle of the forest, not knowing how the hell I got here. I sat up to lean on my elbows.

"What the hell? Where am I?" I wondered aloud.

"Hello? Is anybody there? John? Sam? Dean?" I called out.

I heard a rustling behind me and I stood up. I turned around to see a beautiful woman, standing there in a white nightgown with short pitch black hair.

I gasped in horror as I recognized her as my own mother.

"Mo-mom?" I stuttered. "I th-thought yo-you were dead?" I started crying as she approached me.

She wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead.

"What about Azazel?" Mom frowned at me.

"I'm so sorry Bella. I'm sorry you were brought in to this mess," she whispered. "I love you so much, Bell."

"I love you too, mom," More tears fell.

"I have to go now, baby. I'll see you soon," she said as she backed away slowly.

"No mom! You can't go! Take me with you!" I cried.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I love you. Goodbye."

*       *        *        *       *       *        *

I woke up in the back of the Impala with a throbbing sensation in my head.

Everything was blurry but I could make out the shapes in the car.

This time, Dean was up front and Sam was in the back with me, holding my hand.

I slowly lifted my head up but instantly removed my hand from under Sam's hand and put it to the side of my head and took a sharp breath due to the unbearable pain.

Sam acknowledged my waking and turned his head to look at me.

"Guys," Sam tried to get their attention. "She's awake."

John looked in the rear view mirror and nodded. "We'll have Bobby check her out," he suggested.

"Who's Bobby?" I piped in.

"He's a very good friend. A hunter as well," responded Dean. "I think you'll like him."

John pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contact list until he landed on Bobby's number. He pressed call and put it up to his ear.

*John's POV*

"Hey Bobby, sorry to call you," I apologized.

"What do you want now?" said an annoyed, deep voice.

"I need you to check someone out," I turned to look at Bella. "I'll explain when we get there." I shut my phone and continued on the road to Bobby's house.


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in 2 weeks. I've been having really bad writers block but that's okay, it happens.

So we FINALLY get to meet Bobby, see Bella discover her power, and met Yellow Eyes.

Remember to spread around the love! (n_n)


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