Roommates | Cashton

By 1D_HarryStyles_1D

26K 1.5K 667

Calum Hood was the stereotypical jock in high school. He was the star of the football team and basketball tea... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Character Ask
Character Answers
Thank You!

Chapter Seventeen

620 46 12
By 1D_HarryStyles_1D

Dedication: @5SecondsofDaddyAF because you are the sweetest human being! :D

Ashton woke up, feeling slightly confused when he realized that he was in his dorm room. He looked over and saw Calum was fast asleep, his snores being the only noise filling the room. It was then that the memories of the day before washed over him. Ashton just stayed where he was, reflecting on his life since he had started at Melbourne. It was certainly more drama-filled than he had originally planned for and imagined. However, while he didn't think about it before when it was happening, it now made sense to Ashton that it all had happened for a reason. All of the pain and humiliation that he had went through had led him to what was happening in his life. In a way, Ashton felt somewhat thankful. But in another way, he was resentful about how it happened.

His phone began to vibrate on his desk, creating a loud noise to echo throughout the small space. Hopping out of bed, Ashton grabbed the shaking device before it woke Calum up. The last thing that he wanted to do was wake his roommate and risk being yelled at. However, he remembered that Calum could most likely sleep through a hurricane and he just rolled his eyes. But he looked down on the screen and he spotted a missed call. Ashton quickly called his voicemail and realized that the only missed message that he had was from someone that he could've gone the rest of his life without talking to.

Luke Hemmings.

And then he started wondering how the bully even got his number. From what Ashton could remember, it wasn't connected to his Facebook page. He didn't even use his Facebook enough for it to be connected. His mind went to Calum, but last the boy told him, they weren't talking. Luke wouldn't talk to Michael. Or Anya. He might talk to Bryana, but Bryana wouldn't waste her breath on him, knowing who and what the sport star was capable of.

However, he was curious as to why Luke was calling him. Other than the need to harass him, Ashton couldn't think of any reason. Figuring that he would ignore it, Ashton set his phone down. He would ask Calum when he woke up, even though Ashton already had an idea of what Calum's thoughts were going to be.

Ashton grabbed out his red sweater, only to hear the familiar grunting and groaning of Calum waking up. Ashton turned around, sweater in his hands, watching as his roommate flailed around in order to wake himself up. It wasn't like Ashton got a kick out of just watching Calum; he was self-conscious and didn't want to change in front of him. The thought of Calum or someone other than his mum seeing him naked made him uncomfortable.

"Sleep well?" Ashton asked his roommate.

"I wasn't sleeping," Calum said with a hoarse voice.

"Of course not. The snores and heavy breathing that came out of you were just natural noises that happen when you're wide awake," Ashton pointed out.

"Is Ashton Irwin being sarcastic? I never thought the day would come," Calum asked, a smirk forming on his face. "Why are you up so early anyway?"

"Someone had called me and the vibration of my phone woke me," Ashton explained to him.

"Who would be calling you at the ass crack of dawn?" Calum groaned.

"None other than the famous Luke Hemmings," Ashton revealed, earning a puzzled look from Calum.

"Are you sure?" Calum asked after a minute.

"Yes. It was his voice and the voice also clarified that it was him on the other side of the line," he confirmed.

"What did he want?" the Kiwi boy wondered.

"He just wanted to talk. I wasn't sure that I should answer or respond to him as he may just be looking for an invitation to harass me," Ashton shrugged.

Ashton watched as a quizzical look formed on Calum's face. Curiosity was gnawing at Ashton's mind, almost making it impossible for him to ignore it. It was getting to the point where Calum's suggestion wasn't going to mean anything, as much as Ashton didn't want that.

"Don't talk to him until I do. I want to make sure that he isn't going to hurt you or anything like that," Calum instructed.

Ashton nodded in understanding, knowing that his roommate was only trying to prove that he had his back. It meant a lot to Ashton and he was thankful that Calum was doing that, but he was still curious as to finding out what the man wanted. Part of him was tempted to talk to him despite what Calum told him.


Calum walked over to the workout area of the athletic center on campus, determined to find out what in the name of God Luke wanted with Ashton. There was something inside Calum that was infuriated, causing him to want to ask questions like what the hell do you want with him? why do you want to talk to Ashton? He felt protective over his roommate, which was weird. He had never necessarily felt that before - over anyone. Why was he all of a sudden feeling it for Ashton?

When he got to the gym, he cut straight through the locker room, knowing that Luke would be well into his workout by now. It had been what felt like eons since Calum spoke to Luke. Well, at least civilly. He wasn't sure if this encounter would be that civil either. Most likely not.

Luke was in the middle of lifting a dumbbell, his face focused so he didn't even notice Calum angrily sauntering towards him. Something in Calum urged to scare Luke so he would drop the weight on his foot, just because he betrayed him, but he knew that wasn't the right thing to do.

Luke finally noticed Calum was standing there and he set down the dumbbell, giving the black haired boy a smirk as he grabbed his sweat towel. Calum wasn't impressed with the way that Luke was trying to put on a show and be some macho man.

"Hey, Cal. Long time, no chat," Luke said, trying to be suave.

"I'm not here for tea time chat, Hemmings," Calum started.

"So, you're just standing here and stalking me while I work out? Sure you're not a homo like your lover boy?" Luke jabbed.

Anger boiled in the put of Calum's stomach as he listened to Luke's hateful speech. It wasn't so much that Luke was insulting him; it was that he was insulting Ashton. "Fuck no. Believe me, if I were gay, I wouldn't spend my time on your shallow ass."

"Well, instead of just standing here trying to come up with shitty comebacks, what the hell do you want? I have a workout to get back to," Luke sassed, pretending Calum's words didn't affect him.

"Why the fuck did you call Ashton? So you can torment him?" Calum spat.

A maniacal smirk formed on Luke's lips. "Getting defensive about someone that you supposedly hate? If that's the new definition of mortal enemy, then I better get an updated dictionary."

"Answer my question, dumb shit. Why are you calling Ashton? What do you want from him? Are you going to torment him and make him feel like shit again? Or what, are you and your little frat fuck buddies going to torture him? Because if that's the case, I'm not going to let that fucking happen," Calum insulted, getting in Luke's face.

Calum could see the fire ignite in Luke's eyes before he exploded at Calum, trying to show his false authority. "I'm your damn captain and you treat me with fucking respect, you little faggot. It is none of your fucking business what I do in my frat house or who I talk to in my spare time. So why don't you just butt your little fake ass out of my business and go back to humping your roommate. And if you do this again, I'm going to make sure that you don't get recruited by any professional footie teams ever."

As much as Calum wanted to continue pushing Luke to get his answer, but he was too scared of the threat Luke had thrown out there. Calum didn't know what Luke was capable of and he didn't want to risk fucking up his future. He knew that Ashton would avoid Luke, so there wasn't any reason for Calum to have to put himself back into a situation such as the one that he was in.

"All I'm asking is that you stay the fuck away from him," Calum warned, throwing his arms up in surrender as he backed away from the jock, not wanting to raise anymore cane. 

Calum then left the gym, on his way to tell Ashton to delete the message and lose Luke's number, maybe even block it so there isn't any chance of Luke trying to harass him. He wouldn't let Ashton know about the threat, not wanting to make him worry. Things were still a bit awkward, at least for Calum it was. Despite talking to Ashton about what had happened, he still felt a little uneasy about it. Ever since it happened, he felt like it changed him. He knew he wasn't gay. He never had feelings for another guy. But there was something that concerned him with the fact that he had initiated the kiss. It made him wonder if he was something other than straight. But then again, maybe it was that natural thing he did when he wanted someone to quit talking, despite the fact that he had only done that to his girlfriends. He just wasn't so sure anymore.


Tada! This came out sooner than I had expected. So, you're welcome.

Thoughts on Luke and Calum's encounter? Ashton wanting to talk to Luke no matter what Calum says?


All the love. -B

Length: 1.6K

Social Media:

AO3: xdistorted_cliffordx

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