Daibolik Lovers Boyfriend Sce...

Door Animefan446

282K 3.6K 769

Like what it says in the title but I won't put Kino in this because he's a new character but I will put in th... Meer

How You Met Him
The Two Of You Are Friends
When He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
First Date And First Kiss
He Watches You Do Your Favourite Hobby
You're On You're Period
You Find Out He's A Vampire And He First Bites You
He Meets Your Parents
You Learn About His Past
You're Sick
When He 'Accidentally' Touches Your Butt
When He Sees Your Sleeping Face
When They Randomly Kiss You
When It's Your Birthday
When He Hears You Singing
When You Go To The Beach With Him
When He Sees You Sad
When Someone Catches You Making Out
When He Has A Sleepover At Your Place
Sakamaki (Lemon)
Mukami (Lemon)
Tsukinami (Lemons)
When They Read Your Diary
When You have A Bath With Him
When You Wear His Clothes
Halloween Special
Author's note HELP!!
When He Cheats On You/You Break Up
After The Break Up/ They See You With Someone Else
After You Got Back Together
When You Two Are Watching A Film On The Kodi Stick
Christmas Special
New Year Special

When He Sees You Hurt And The Two Of You Get Back Together

14.2K 120 45
Door Animefan446


Shu was on his way to see you to make up for his mistake until he slapping sound and a slight cry and he knew it was you who was crying. He rushed over to the empty music room and he saw you on your knees while having your hand on your red cheek where your boyfriend slapped you. He stood above you and shouted,"How dare compare me to that lazy and good for nothing ex-boyfriend! I'm nothing like him! You're such a scaredy cat who refuses to sing in front of other people! It's pathetic!" Tears formed in the corner of your eyes and just when your boyfriend was about to slap you again Shu came up behind him and he grabbed his wrist.

You looked at Shu and said,"Shu!" Your boyfriend glared at him and Shu then said,"How dare you hit my girl! someone like you doesn't deserve to be her boyfriend! don't you ever call her pathetic!" You were surprised and happy to see Shu again and he then punched your Ex in the face and he ran off in fear. Shu turned to you and he said,"(Y/n) are you all right?" You couldn't hold back your tears anymore, you ran up to Shu and you hugged him tightly. You said,"S-Shu, I'm so sorry! I didn't give you a chance to explain yourself and now look what happened *Sob*"

Shu stroked your hair and he said,"Ssh, it's all right, he's gone now and no one is ever going to hurt you again." Shu picked you up like a bride and he took you to the nurse's office. Once he took you there he placed an ice pack on your red cheek and he said,"Before you caught me with that woman, she asked me to help her because she had a test for a music test but, it was all a trap she only wanted me to be alone and she suddenly pinned me down and kissed me on the lips I tried to fight back but that was when you came in and well.."

You felt guilty about jumping to conclusions so you kissed his forehead and said,"I forgive you Shu." Shu smiled and he said,"Does that mean you'll take me back?" You smiled and said,"Of course I do, I love you." Shu smiled at your words and he wrapped his arms around you and he gently kisses you on the lips. H e pulled away and he said,"I love you too."


Reiji was on his way to see you so that he could explain to you about what happened when he caught him and that woman together. Suddenly he heard someone shouting and he didn't like that the sound of it. Reiji rushed over and he saw your so called boyfriend holding you by the throat and he shouted,"You are so annoying! you think you're smarter than all of us when you're not! you are the most clumsy and worthless girlfriend that I could ever had!" You were struggling to breathe when he tighten his grip on your neck.

Reiji came in and he grabbed the boy by the collar and he pulled him away from you. Once your ex-boyfriend released your neck you fell to you knees catching breath, Reiji turned to you and he said,"(Y/n) I will deal with this vermin, you stay there I don't you to see any more violence." You nodded your head and Reiji dragged him out of the empty classroom and you then heard shouting and punching sounds meaning Reiji was beating the crap out of your Ex-boyfriend. Reiji came back and you looked up at him.

Reiji knelt down and he held your chin gently and he made you look at him eyes and he said,"My dear, that woman I was with, she wanted me to help her with her homework but she tricked me, turns out she planned to split up me and you so that I belong to her, I'm sorry, (Y/n)." You held Reiji's hand in both of your hands and said,"I forgive you Reiji, I'm sorry for smacking you and not giving you a chance to explain yourself, please, won't you take me back." Reiji smiled and he kisses you on the lips and said,"Of course I'll take you back, you don't deserve to be with someone like that vermin."

You smiled at him and you let Reiji pick you up like bride and he carried you to the nurse's office in case your ex-boyfriend hasn't done anything else bad to you.


After seeing you with your new boyfriend Ayato was determined to get you back. However, when he got to one of the classrooms that you were supposed to be in you weren't there. He asked one of your classmates where you disappeared to and she said that she saw you heading to the pool where she was meeting up with her boyfriend. Ayato knew that something was wrong so he rushed over to the gym and he saw your boyfriend holding you by the wrists making it hrd for you to break free from his grip.

Ayato saw another girl smirking at you and you ex-boyfriend said,"Sorry (Y/n), you're not worthy of becoming my girlfriend because you refuse to let me touch you and you're afraid of water, that makes you a weakling, have a nice dip!" He said as he shoved you into the pool in the deep end. Ayato was furious at this and he rushed over to your ex and he punched in him square in the face. Ayato glared at his new girlfriend and he said,"Make sure he doesn't go anywhere near (Y/n) again!" She nods her head and Ayato heard you saying,"*Cough!* Ayato! *Gasp!* Help me!"

You sunk to the bottom struggling to swim to the surface. Ayato's eyes widen and he dived into the pool while your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend escaped. Ayato grabs your wrist and he pulled you towards him. You had your eyes closed and Ayato quickly swam to the surface and then you coughed out some water that you swallowed and you were gasping for air. Ayato rubbed your back and said,"I'm sorry..." You gripped on the sleeve of his jacket and Ayato then said,"Pancake was jealous of you, so she told me her feelings towards me but I told her that I had you until she forced herself on me by kissing me on the lips and that was when you came in, I'm sorry..."

Tears formed in the corner of your eyes and hugged Ayato tightly and said,"I forgive you Ore-sama, you saved me from drowning and I want you back in my life." Ayato smiled and you pulled back a bit so that you were looking at his green eyes. You smiled and the both of you leaned in and Ayato kissed you on the lips with you still his arms. The both of you pulled away and Ayato smiled and said,"You belong to Ore-sama and no one else." You smiled at him and then Ayato carried you out of the water and tossed you a towel to dry yourself off. Ayato then said,"You know, I could teach you how to swim, if you wanted to."

You looked at Ayato and said,"Thanks but no thanks, I had enough of being in the water for one day." Ayato smiled and he said,"Understood." Once the two of you dried off and got some drier clothes the two of you headed back to the Sakamaki Manor.


Kanato was carrying his teddy while looking for you to explain about what happened when you caught him cheating on you. Just then he heard someone shouting and when he got to an empty classroom he saw you with your arms covering your head as your boyfriend threw some chocolate and sweets at you and he said,"Idon't even know why I'm with a fat girlfriend like you! you are too obsessed with sweets and chocolate! don't you ever compare me to that bipolar freak again!!" Kanato lost it when he heard him say that about and himself.

Kanato came over and he grabbed your Ex-boyfriend by the collar and shouted,"SHE IS NOT FAT!! LEAVE HER ALONE! DON'T YOU EVER INSULT MY GIRL AGAIN!!" You were happy that he came to save you. Kanato hands you over his teddy and said,"Don't look (Y/n), I don't want you to see what I'm about to do." You nodded your head and you held Kanato's teddy close you and you also hugged Sapphire. You buried your face on Sapphire and you heard Kanato beating the crap out of your ex-boyfriend and you were happy that Kanato help you.

Once the dust settled, you looked at Kanato and he said,"It's over now, you don't have to deal with someone like him again." You then said,"At least tell me this, what did happen when I saw you with another woman?" Kanato sighed and said,"That girl only wanted me to be alone while you were out but the she forced herself on me hoping that I would be hers but, I dealt with her after we broke up." You smiled and said,"Good, because I want to be with you again." Kanato smiled and he hugs you gently and he said,"I want to be with you again as well, (Y/n)." You smiled and you buried your face in his chest as he rubbed circles on your back.


After classes were over Laito went to find you to amke up to you and explain himself about what happened when you caught him cheating on you. However, when he found you, your ex-boyfriend wasn't happy with you as he slapped you across the face and he said,"How dare you break up with me!! you think you're a beautiful model who do whatever the hell she wants when actually you're a pathetic and a weak child!!"

You held your red cheek and just when your ex-boyfriend was about to slap you again Laito grabbed his wrist and he said,"Don't you ever hit her again! A beautiful woman like (Y/n) doesn't need someone like you!!" Laito said as he punched him in face and then your ex-boyfriend crouched down and he clutched his face in pain. Laito turned to you and he takes your hand he dragged you away from your ex-boyfriend. Once he got you to the nurse's office he placed an ice pack on your red cheek.

Laito then said,"Doll-chan, about the time when you caught me, that bimbo I was with tricked me into getting me alone because she was jealous of you, because you have a perfect body and she thought that you seduced me into becoming your boyfriend, I'm sorry." You stroked his cheek and said,"I forgive you, deep down I knew that you weren't the type to cheat on me when we were dating, besides I don't want any one looking or touching this body after we broke up." Laito smirked and he said,"Does that mean you take me back?"

You smiled and said,"Of course I do you Muppet, who else is going to look after you?" You said as you smirked and you snatched his fedora. Laito then said,"Hey! Give that back!" You giggled as you kept Laito's fedora away from his reach. Laito pinned you down on the bed and he smirked down at you. Laito leaned down and said,"I love you so much, Doll-chan." You smiled and you kissed him as your way of saying that you love him back."


Subaru hated watching you from the shadows after the two of you broke up but he knew that you didn't want to see him after you caught him cheating on him. Subaru was standing in the shadows near your house making sure that you got home safely even though that your new boyfriend was with you. Subaru sighed and just when he was about to head home, (D/n) came running out of the doggy door and he ran towards Subaru and he started barking at him. Subaru looked at (D/n) and he said,"What's wrong boy? is it (Y/n)?!"

(D/n) barked in response and he tugged on Subaru's jacket and he made Subaru follow him. Back at your house you were pinned down on the couch by your boyfriend and he said,"Come on babe, don't be shy, you let that lone wolf take your innocence so why won't you let me take you?" You glared at him and said,"Because Subaru would never do anything like this! get off me!!" You boyfriend was having none of it and he was about to rip off your shirt until (D/n) came rushing back and he bite on your ex-boyfriend's leg and then Subaru showed up as well. Subaru grabs your ex-boyfriend's collar and he roughly pinned him against the wall and shouted,"KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!!"

You sat up and said,"Subaru!" (D/n) snarled and growled at your ex-boyfriend and Subaru said,"If you EVER, lay a finger on my girl again, I will hunt you down and I will kill you, understood." Your ex-boyfriend nodded his head and he left. (D/n) stopped growling and he turned to you and he jumped on the couch and he snuggled into you and you hugged him. Subaru sat next to you and he said,"Are you all right? he didn't hurt you did he?" You shook your head for a no and said,"No I'm fine he didn't do anything until you showed up in a nick of time."

Subaru smiled and wrapped an arm around you and he said,"About what happened, it was that woman who tricked me and she said that she loved me but I rejected her love but she wasn't having any of it, that's why she kissed me when you caught us together." You looked at Subaru and said,"I see, I'm sorry." Subaru petted your head and said,"You've got nothing to apologise for but you know, (D/n) here is really loyal to you if he hadn't came running after me when he did I wouldn't have came here to save you."

You smiled and said to (D/n),"Good boy, I knew I could rely on you." (D/n) whimpered happily and he started to lick your face happily making you laugh in the process. Subaru then said,"Does this mean that you'll take me back?" You looked at Subaru and said,"Of course I do, who else other than (D/n) here will look after me?" Subaru smiled and he hugs you tightly.


Ruki was looking for you to make up for his mistake when your sister forced herself on him. He went into the school gardens where the two of you used to go to read in peace. Suddenly he heard shouting and he rushed over to see what the commotion was. When he got there he saw you on the ground and your boyfriend was kicking you in the side and on your stomach with another girl and he said,"You think you want to become an archaeologist just because your crazy grandfather was one of them! How pathetic can you get?! I never even liked you in the first place! You used me to get over that ex-boyfriend of yours!!"

That was when he just crossed the line and Ruki got angry. Ruki grabbed him and he punched him in the face and he said,"She is not pathetic! Don't you dare lay a finger on her again!" Your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend ran off in fear after what happened. You sat up slowly because you were in pain when he kicked you in the side and on the stomach. Ruki came over to you and he picked you up like a bride and he said,"I'll take you to the nurse's office to get you checked out." You nodded your head and you wrapped your arms around Ruki's neck not wanting to let go.

You've never thought that you would feel safe in Ruki's arms again and you loved being back in his arms again. Ruki then said,"I didn't make a move on your sister she came onto me because she wanted me to be her boyfriend not you." You looked up at Ruki and said,"I know, my sister told me what happened and mum has grounded her for a month and she said that if you and I do get back together, she said I have to watch you like a hawk at all times." You said with a smile. Ruki smiled back and he gently kissed you on the lips and you kissed him back. The two of you pulled away and Ruki said,"Will you take me back?"

You smiled and you rested your head on his shoulder and said,"Yes, of course I will take you back." Ruki pressed his forehead against yours and he said,"Thank you, I love you." Once Ruki took you to the nurse's office to get you checked out, you noticed that he has something in his hand, it was the romeo and juliet locket that he got you for your birthday. You said,"You kept it?" Rui looked at the locket in his hand and said,"I couldn't throw it away because it reminded me of you." You smiled and then Ruki got behind you and he puts the locket on for you and said,"From now on this locket is going to stay on your neck where it belongs."

You ran your fingers over it and said,"I won't lose it again, thank you, Ruki." Ruki smiled and he kisses you on the lips as a reply.


Kou was slightly excited that he was going to get you back but he knew that there something wrong in the air. As Kou got closer to your house he had a feeling that there was something wrong in the air. Suddenly, Kou heard a scream from your bedroom. Kou that something bad was happening and he didn't waste any time getting to you. Before Kou could even reach you your Ex-boyfriend had you pinned down on your bed and he tore off your shirt and said,"You let that Idol touch you and take your innocence away but you refuse to let me fool around with you! Why?!" You couldn't fight back because he had your arms pinned down roughly on the bed and he said,"No answer, oh well."

Right on time, Kou swung the door open and he grabbed your ex-boyfriend and he pinned him against the wall. You covered your chest and Kou shouted,"You monster!! you don't deserve to touch my keneko-chan! I will not have you traumatising her!! get the hell out of her life or else there will be consequences!" Your ex-boyfriend raised his hands and he apologised to you and he left in a hurry. Kou looked at you and you were still in your (F/c) bra and you were still wearing your (F/c) jeans. Kou sighed at the state that your Ex-boyfriend almost done to you and he takes off his pink jacket and he puts it over your shoulders. You looked up at Kou with tears in the corner of your eyes and you flung your arms around Kou's neck.

You were close to crying and you then said,"Kou! h-he almost r-raped me... *Sob, sob*" Kou wrapped his arms around you and he rubbed your back and said,"Ssh.. it's all right Keneko-chan, I'm always here for you." Kou said as he rocked you back and forth. Kou then said,"About the time when you caught me with another woman, she was one of my fans a jealous one, somehow she was able to sneak into my dressing room and she forced herself on me, I tried to pull away but that was when you caught us together." You gripped onto the back of his jumper tightly and said,"Kou I forgive you...please don't ever leave me again *Sob*"

Kou smiled and he said,"Don't worry, I won't leave alone ever again, I promise Keneko-chan." Kou said as he pulled away and he kissed you on the lips and you kissed him back.


Yuma had the biggest frown on his face when he saw you with another man and he couldn't sit by and watch another man touch his girl. Yuma was on his way to the school gardens where you were supposed to meet up with your boyfriend but that was when he caught your scent, the scent of blood. Yuma knew right then that you were in trouble and followed your scent through the gardens and he saw your boyfriend and those girls who bullied you from before and they were beating you up like a punching bag. Your boyfriend had your sketching book in his hand and Yuma noticed that he was tearing out the pages that your drew on. He said,"These scribbles may be good however, you're such a attention seeker just because you lost your precious sister that doesn't mean you believe that she's watching over you, you wanna why? Because you had her cremated and now she's nothing but ashes now! Hahaha!"

Yuma came up behind your ex-boyfriend and he grabbed your sketching book and then the bully girls saw Yuma and the leader said,"Oh no! it's Yuma!" Her friend said,"Run for it!!" They said and they ran off leaving You, Yuma and your ex-boyfriend. Yuma glared at your Ex and he grabbed his throat and shouted,"How dare you do this to her! (Y/n) doesn't deserve someone like you in her life!!Go to hell!" Yuma said as he snapped your ex-boyfriend's neck and he dropped dead in the process. Yuma turned to look at you and you were knocked out. Yuma knelt down and he checked to make sure that you were still alive and thankfully you were still breathing, you only caught a glimpse about what was happening before you heard Yuma telling you to stay awake.

You slowly opened your eyes and you found yourself in a hospital room. You then heard a familiar voice saying,"Are you awake?" You looked to your side and Yuma was sitting next to you munching away on his sugar cubes. You said,"Yuma...where am I?" Yuma then said,"You're in the hospital, the doctors said that you have a sprained arm and you're gonna have a few bruises for a while." You were relieved that Yuma saved you but your sketching book had torn out pages on it and some of the torn pages were scrunched up or they were torn into tiny pieces. Yuma the said,"I was able to save this from those bullies and I was able to save of the torn out pages but I was unable to save the rest of he pages." You took the sketching book from Yuma and you ran your fingers over the cover.

You then said,"Thanks for trying to save this Yuma." Yuma smiled and he pets your head and he the said,"When ypu caught me and that woman together I wasn't cheating on you, that woman had a crush on me and she said that she wanted me to her boyfriend but I told her I had you but she didn't take no for an answer so she kissed me and that was when you caught us together." You were so releived that Yuma finally told you and you felt guilty that you dumped him without him explaining to you. You hugged Yuma with your good arm and said,"I'm sorry Yuma, I jumped to conclusions, please will you let be your girlfriend again?"

Yuma smirked and he patted your back and said,"Of course I will, you're my Sow, I'm not gonna let any one else take you away from me." You smiled at this. Yuma pulled away and he kissed you on the lips. Once the two of you pulled away your parents came rushing in, when they heard the news about you being beaten up. Yuma frowned that moment was ruined. When your father was about to throw him out you explained to your parents that it was a misunderstanding and your parents decided to give Yuma another chance to be your boyfriend.


Azusa still felt a bit sad that you spilt up with him but he was going to get his precious angel back. Azusa walked down the hallways and then he heard you screaming. Azusa rushed over to the source of the screaming and he found you laying on the ground with your ex-boyfriend's foot on top of your head and he shouted,"You are such an attention seeker!! You think you can just get everyone in this school to fall in love with you just because you're supposed to be special! I hate to break it to you! You're nothing special you're nothing but an attention seeking freak! You're a nobody!!"

Azusa frowned at his cpmments about you and he walked over to your Ex-boyfriend and he dragged him out of the classroom so that you didn't have to see what he was going to do him. You sat up slowly and you rubbed your head where your Ex stomped on you. Azusa came back and he knelt down to you and he said,"(Y/n)-san...my angel...what has this man done to you...?" You looked up at Azusa and you hugged his neck tightly and said,"Azusa! I'm so glad you came!!" Azusa wrapped his arms around you and he said,"My angel...What happened from before...wasn't my fault... She came onto me...that girl felt sorry for me when she saw me hurt...she tended to my wounds but..."

Azusa hugs you tighter and said,"She had a crush on me...she took advantage of me being hurt...she then kissed me on the lips until...you came in and you saw us together.." You happy and relieved that Azusa explained himself to you. You hugged him tighter and said,"Azusa! Thank you so much for telling me this! Please, don't ever leave my side ever again!" Azusa smiled and he rubbed your back and said,"Yeah...I will be your boyfriend again..my angel..." Azusa whispered before he kissed you on the lips.


Carla knew that it was a mistake to let his precious Eve go. Carla wasn't going to let you go that easily so he was determined to get you back. When he was on his way to the prefect's office he heard shouting. Carla rushed in and he saw your boyfriend pinning you down on your desk with his hand underneath your skirt. He said,"Come on babe you know you want me, you've already given yourself to that Moran so why won't you let me fool around with you." You glared at your Ex-boyfriend and you tried to kick him in the privates but he hand his leg in between your legs so you couldn't struggle out of his grip.

Carla frowned at the fact that his Eve was being abused by that man. Carla grabbed your Ex-boyfriend by the collar and shouted,"You dared to abuse my precious Eve!" Your Ex-boyfriend just glared at Carla and said,"Mind your own business! Jackass! What happens between me and (Y/n) is my business!!" You glared at your ex-boyfriend and shouted,"Carla, kill him." Carla nodded his head and said,"With pleasure." Carla said as he dragged your Ex-boyfriend out of your office. You then heard a screaming sound and the sound of flesh being torn open meaning, Carla tipped the flesh off your Ex-boyfriend's neck, not that you were complaining because he had it coming.

Carla came back and he said,"It's over, he won't be bothering you again my Eve." You sat up from the desk and you rushed over to Carla and you flung your arms around him. You buried your face in Carla's chest letting his scent consume you. Carla wrapped his arms around you and you missed being his arms. You then said,"Carla! h-he almost-" Cara rubbed your back and said,"Ssh, it's all right my eve, that woman who kissed me was jealous of you because she had her eye on me ever since I transferred here, when you were busy working away she confessed her feelings but I rejected her feelings however, she didn't take no for answer so she kissed me right the lips when she saw you coming."

Your eyes widen at this and you pulled back to cup Carla's face in your hands before pulling him into a steamy kiss. Carla kissed you back and then the two of you pulled away for air. You were panting and Carla said,"I will never leave you again (Y/n), you are my lover and my precious Eve, I love you and I won't allow you to leave my side ever again." You smiled and said,"Sounds good to me, My king." Carla smirked at his nickname and he kissed you again. You then felt Carla putting something on your neck and when you looked, it was the same necklace that Carla gave you for your birthday. You smiled at this and Carla then said,"That necklace is yours and when you wear this, this will tell some of those filthy men to keep your paws off you." You smiled and you hugged Carla before kissing him on the lips.


Shin looked around for you to make up for his mistake when that girl kissed but you were no were to be found. Just the smell of blood struck his nose. Shin knew right then that something was wrong. Shin followed your scent and he saw you on the floor with blood dripping from your head and on your arm. Your so called boyfriend has become a possessive psycho and now he's abusing you with a sharp needle and his pocket knife. You were hiding underneath a desk from your boyfriend and he said,"You can't hide from me, you let that eye patch freak take your innocence! you never stop talking about him! all I hear is Shin this and shin that! what about me?! I'm your new boyfriend why don't you ever talk about me with your friends huh?!"

You came out of hiding and said,"Because you are a psychopath! you are a possessive freak!!" Your ex-boyfriend came over to you with his pocket knife. Your back was against the wall until Shin transformed into his wolf form and he got in front of you and he then leaped into the air and he bit down roughly on your Ex's neck. You covered your mouth in shock at this and then Shin turned to look at you and he said,"Don't worry, I didn't kill him, it was only just a shock to knock him out." You knelt down to Shin and you rubbed your hands on his furry face and neck and said,"Thank you so much for saving me."

You said as you wrapped your arms around Shin's neck and he rests his head on your shoulder to hug you back. After Shin took you to the nurses office to tend to your wounds, he starts to explain himself about what happened before you caught him. Shin said,"That woman I was with, was recently dumped by her boyfriend and her Ex was that same psycho that you were with, she wanted me to comfort her but she got the wrong impression when I was comforting her so she forced herself on me and that was when you caught us at the wrong moment."

Once Shin was finished wrapping another bandage on your arm, you said,"I see, so it meant nothing to you?" Shin looked at you and he said,"No way, I could never fall for another girl not when I got you, that is if you will take me back." You looked at Shin and you flung your arms around his neck and said,"Of course I'll take you back! don't ever leave me alone with a maniac like that jackass again!" Shin smirked and he rubbed your back in circles to comfort you and he then kissed you on the lips gently.

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