The Oracle Of Gotham / Barbar...

By samiralula01

2.3K 131 62

One dark night, Prince Bruce's parents were attacked by a mad sorcerer leaving only the young prince alive. W... More

Note + Aesthetic
promo + aesthetic [2]


346 17 10
By samiralula01

❛ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐧 ❜


"Presenting, King Barry of the Kingdom of Allen!" The announcer introduced the latest and last guest to arrive. Prince Dick leaned over and whispered to his companions, "For a King known for his speed in war, he sure is slow while not in battle."

Sir Roy Harper snickered and Sir Wally West, who was eating nearly all of the appetizers, choked in laughter, not bothering to defend his uncle.

The banquet they were currently at was being held for the League of Justice, An alliance between certain Kings and Queens of Kingdoms that all worked together for peace and justice, and the fact that they were celebrating fifteen years of successfully working together.

"There you three are," A voice said from behind them. The boys turned around to see a smiling Princess Donna and Former Princess Koriander. "We were looking for you." Princess Donna grinned.

"It is good to see you all once again!" Princess Koriand'r greeted cheerfully.

"Wow! The entire Titans Division is here." Roy said, surprised. "Well...Except for Raven and Gar anyways."

"Oh, no. They're here alright." Donna smirked. "They're in the garden."

The Titans were silent for a moment and then burst out laughing, knowing perfectly well what was going on. Wally turned his head to look at Prince Dick, who had suddenly grown silent and turning a bit pink.

"Uhhh...Dick? You alright?" He asked.

The other Titans slowly stopped laughing. Dick was a bright red now and his blue eyes seemed to have an awe-struck sparkle in them. The Titans all simultaneously turned their heads to where Dick was looking.

Lady Barbara Gordon had just entered the hall, wearing a stunning, sleeveless, emerald green gown, which brought out her eyes, and her copper colored hair was loose and flowing, which was a change from her usual braided up hairstyle. To finish, her hair and dress were decorated with white roses.

"So beautiful," Koriand'r gasped, clasping her hands together in a perfect picture of awe. Roy and Wally were gaping, furiously trying to find the fierce and scarily tough girl they play fought with as kids in this now elegant and beautiful lady and Donna, well, Donna was smirking at the situation in whole.

"Oh, hello everyone," Barbara greeted, just seeing them. "Wow, you all are together! It's been a really long time since the Titans were all together. Er...I don't see Lady Raven or Sir Garfield though..." The redhead trailed off.

"Don't ask." Wally scoffed, and Roy snorted.

Barbara raised an eyebrow at the bright red Prince. "Is he alright?" Barbara asked concerned.

"He shall be fine, friend Barbara." Koriand'r smiled knowingly. "He is simply in a state of shock, that is all."

The sound of a spoon hitting a glass made them all look back towards the high table, where the Kings and Queen were seated. King Bruce was standing in the center with a wine glass ahand. "I'd like to thank you all for coming," He spoke. "As you all know, we are celebrating fifteen years of union between the kingdoms that comprise of the League of Justice. So, in honor of such a momentous occasion, I'd like to propose a toast to many more years of successful collaboration between our respective countries."

Just as Bruce sat back down, a dagger flew and pierced the wall right above his head.

Prince Dick stood up, snapping out of his stupor and unsheathed his sword. Beside King Bruce, the other Kings and Queens stood up abruptly as well. Barbara looked up at King Bruce to find his face dark and eyes narrowed.

"Search the castle and seal the gates!" King Bruce ordered. Prince Dick ran out of the ballroom followed by the Titans, leaving Barbara and the other guests.

"Gotham sure is dangerous, day and night." King Barry muttered, sinking back into his seat. King Oliver and Hal nodded in agreement.

"We can help, Bruce." King Clark supplied helpfully to his long-time acquaintance and debatable friend.

"Clark is right," Princess Diana said firmly. "This should be dealt with swiftly."

King Bruce shook his head. "Firstly, the failed attack was towards me and second, This is my kingdom and my castle so I shall be the one to deal with the situation."

"Well, you don't seem to have an issue with the Titans commandeering the hunt." Queen Dinah clicked her tongue from beside her husband.

* * *

While the Titan's searched for the would-be assassin the rest of the guests were quickly sent to their rooms and ordered not to come out until the culprit was found. Lady Barbara, however, had a different idea for herself.

Unlocking her room door, she poked her head outside and seeing no guards, ran down the corridor.

"Over there!" She heard Wally shout from the courtyard. Running to the sound of his voice she skidded to a stop just in time to see Roy shoot an arrow into the arm of a cloak-wearing shadow. The figure, who was running along the upper castle walls, grunted but continued running, and disappeared over the side of the wall.

"Damn!" Dick muttered, kicking his heel along the ground. Lady Donna patted Dick's shoulder. "Don't worry, Dick. We'll find him."

Barbara turned and hid behind the wall before they saw her. She wondering why she did that but before she could question herself she fell to the ground, clutching her head.

'What?!' Barbara's thoughts panicked. 'I can't have a vision now! Not here! What is someone sees me?' She tried to get up and run back to her room but the edges of her vision blackened and the vision took over.

* * *

The full moon shone inside from the stained glass window of the castle. The room they were in was decorated with elaborate geometric and interlace patterns, floral motifs in intricate arabesque, and traditional Arabian low-sitting couches. Morrocan lamps were hung on the wall creating a beautiful, warm glow. The room in its entirety was rich and beautiful and yet it still had a simple and modest look to it.

Two men were seated on the couches, one dressed in green and gold robes with an aura of authority and command surrounding him and the other, while not in actuality, looked older with his white hair and scarred face showing experience and expertise in a certain field.

"Well, Cain?" The man dressed in green asked nonchalantly while his green, almost glowing eyes just slightly narrowing. "I trust you can handle such a task."

The older looking man gave a small smile. "I have other jobs requiring my attention but I know the perfect person to send in my stead."

The man in green raised an eyebrow. "Your daughter?" He said in more of a statement than an actual question.

Cain nodded. "Cassandra."

* * *

Barbara gasped as the vision ended, putting her arm against the wall to steady herself. "Cain?" She questioned herself. She'd never seen the man before nor heard his name anywhere but she supposed that made sense if he was, by the looks of the vision, an assassin or bodyguard of some sort. She thought about the other man in the vision. She knew she had seen him somewhere before but couldn't seem to place him.

Barbara's head was still spinning so she made her way back to her room, her former plans of trying to find the assassin with her foreseeing abilities now useless with her in such a state.

Pushing open the door, she stumbled back in and re-locked the door behind her. She sighed and walked over to her bed, but just before falling into it, she heard the faintest dropping sound. She turned around to see a small blood spot from under the curtains.

Barbara narrowed her eyes and quietly grabbed her sword hidden under her bed. Unsheathing it, she crept to the curtains and flung them back revealing a small foreign looking girl, clutching her arm which was covered in blood, face distorted in pain and panting. She looked up at

Barbara, who had her sword pointed at her neck with wide eyes. Barbara stared back at her with similar wide eyes and just as Barbara was about to open her mouth the girl gave into a dead faint.

'Is this the assassin?' Barbara thought as she threw her sword down and knelt beside the fainted girl. 'She's just a child.'

Barbara bit her lip. Even thought she was the, assumed, assassin she was still a child and losing blood fast. The girl's breaths became heavier as Barbara made her decision. 'I'll deal with her later right now she needs help.' Barbara nodded determinedly and she hoisted the girl up and laid her down on her bed.

* * *

Prince Dick ran his fingers through his hair as he waited and watched his adoptive father gaze out the window in deep thought.

"It's not possible to have thrown a dagger at that distance," King Bruce muttered. Dick raised his head and furrowed his brow in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Magic." King Bruce scowled. "It's the only explanation."

Prince Dick stared at Bruce in shock. "You think the assassin is a sorcerer? What sort of sorcerer would come to Gotham? A suicidal one?"

"Who knows for certain?" King Bruce spoke. "Sorcerors cannot be understood. Not only are they a superstitious and cowardly lot, they're unbelievably dangerous and I will not stand for them in my kingdom."

* * *

Barbara wiped the back of her hand aginst her forehead. She had finally gotten the bleeding to stop and had ripped up her nightgown to make bandages. The girl was still unconscious and know that she wasn't in any immediate medical danger, Barbara took a better look at her.

She seemed about seven years younger than herself, perhaps twelve of thirteen. She had an oriental look with raven black hair and brown eyes. Her hands were covered in callouses, showing that she practiced and used swords or other weapons frequently.

Her hands in themselves were enough proof that she was the assassin. Barbara pursed her lips, wondering what she should do once the girl woke up. Report her? Bring her to the King herself? Kill her on the spot? Although that wouldn't make any sense considering the trouble Barbara went through to save her. That left the question of why she did save the girl.

Keeping her hidden away here would be considered treason. And being a close friend to Prince Richard as well as King Bruce's god-daughter while hiding said assassin was just unforgivable.

There was a knock on the door and Prince Dick's voice called out. "Babs? You in there?"

Barbara's eyes widened as she looked to the door and back at the girl. Thinking quickly she grabbed the quilt and threw it over the girl, hiding her beneath it and pulling on a dressing gown to hide the ripped nightgown. "I'm here," Barbara replied as she walked to the door and opened it.

"Might I come in?" Dick asked. Barbara bit her lip. If she let him in he might see the girl. The blanket covered her but if you really looked it was obvious that a person was under the covers. Barbara mentally cursed herself and she smiled pulled her lips into a smile. "Do you need to ask? Mi casa et tu casa."

Dick smiled and walked in, sitting down on a travelling chest. Barbara remained standing, leaning against the wall. "Did you find the assassin yet?" She asked.

Dick sighed. "We've conducted an extensive search and yet the assassin is still nowhere to be found. I'm starting to think that he somehow already left the castle even with the gates still locked down."

"You're telling me a wounded person is able to evade the guards and escape the castle?" Barbara frowned. "How's Bruce reacting?"

"Well, the other Kings and Queens have been sent back, 'For their safety' of course," Dick smirked. Both he and Barbara knew that it was more because of Bruce not wanting any help. Dick's voice dropped a bit as he leant forward and whispered. "Bruce thinks the assassin is a sorcerer."

Barbara's eyebrow's shot up. "A sorcerer?!" She gasped. "Forget that, A sorcerer in Gotham? What is she, mad?"

This time it was Dick's eyebrows that shot up. "She?" He asked. Barbara mentally slapped herself. "Well, who says it isn't a she?"

Dick gave her a look as if he were thinking for a moment and then stood up to leave.  Just before he opened the door, he gave her a final glance over his shoulder. "I trust you Babs, you know that." 

As he closed the door behind him Barbara sighed heavily. "I know," She whispered regretfully.

She went back over the girl, removing the quilt covering her. Barbara removed the bandages to examine the wound, gently moving her arm. "Thank you, Oracle." A voice spoke in her head.

Barbara reeled back, wondering if she was going insane. Hesitantly, she replied. "Oracle?"

"That is what you are." The voice affirmed.

"What...Wait. Are you...her?"

The girl's eyes flickered open and Barbara gasped. "You are a sorcerer," Barbara looked at the girl. "Although I've never heard of a sorcerer who can read minds..."

"It is a gift with a price." The girl gave a sad, resigned smile. 

"A price? And why aren't you speaking?" Barbara asked. "It is the price, Oracle." The girl shrugged. Barbara stayed silent for a few moments as it settled in. "You can't speak." She breathed.

The girl nodded wordlessly.

"Why did you try to kill the King?" Barbara interrogated. "And why are you calling me 'Oracle'?"

"Forgive me. I have nothing against your King, it was simply an order from my father." The girl explained. "Your father...Wait...Cain?" Barbara asked, stunned. "Are you Cassandra?"

The small girl smiled. "This is why I called you Oracle." She explained. "You can see into the past and future. It's your gift. Every magical being knows of your powers."

"Know... my powers?"

The girl nodded. "Every time an Oracle dies, a new one is born to take her place. Oracle's are highly revered in magical circles. While we know of your prediction abilities it's rumoured that you have much more than that. They say you can control all other magical beings."

*      *      *

Author's Note:  What do you guys think of Cassandra so far? I've never written her before or even read much with her in it. She's an odd character to write. But I really want to keep her in the story and as a regular character.

*     *     *

Bonus Deleted Scene: It was originally supposed to be in somewhere in this chapter or perhaps as an after-scene but I couldn't weave it in so it ended up being a deleted scene.

Deleted Scene | 001 | Post-Banquet Spinning

Dick outstretched his hand to Barbara's, pulling her out onto the balcony. "You know, I never did get a chance to dance with you at the banquet," Dick said with a warm smile, eyes twinkling. "And I was looking forward to it as well."

"-eh-?" Barbara began but was cut off when Dick started spinning her around, laughing. 

"Wha- What song are we supposed to be dancing too?" Barbara asked, stumbling, a bit confused. Dick laughed, carefree. "Who knows? We're just spinning."

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