Guarded ✔️

By dancerthatreads

18.9K 627 186

Princess Braelynn Cochran of Thanes is the next in line for the throne. Begrudgingly affianced and overwhelm... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Aesthetic Blue
Aesthetic Gold

Chapter 1

1.9K 36 10
By dancerthatreads

Hey all!!  This is my first story on wattpad that I've completed and the first few chapters aren't that great. I'm in the process of editing them, so I would appreciate it if you would stick with the story. It gets better, I promise!!

Here we go!


I drummed my finger on the side on my chair.


Excuse me, throne.

Guests below me twirled and danced and actually enjoyed themselves while I was stuck on this piece of glorified wood.

I surveyed the crowd from the elevated throne platform, as usual.  The ballroom vastly expanding before me with blue stained glass windows letting in the moonlight and golden chandeliers illuminating the room in a warm glow.  Some curtains to my right billowed out from the autumn air coming in through the open doors.  People of all kinds of royalty danced and mingled below me.  A buffet stretched out the whole expanse of the wall to my left.  It was filled with things that I wasn't allowed to eat: tarts, cakes, muffins, you name it.

Squeals of laughter occasionally rose from the chatter as the band played an upbeat Irish tune.  People were still entering the ballroom even though the ball began over an hour ago.  I could see my father twitching in his throne. Fashionably late was not acceptable in this kingdom.

My mother, the queen, sat to my right.  My father was on the other side of her.  It was clear who was in charge. 

My mother sat with perfectly still, her posture immaculate and her face having the perfect hint of a smile.  People sent her nervous looks as they passed in front of the platform we were on.

My brother, Kellan, stood out in the crowd, chatting with some girl.  I watched as he let out a laugh and took her hand leading her out onto the dance floor.  They twirled to the music and looked genuinely happy.

Why couldn't he have been born first? 

I let out a huff of air and blew a fly away hair off my forehead.  My mother sent her signature sideways glare at me, letting me know that I was doing something wrong without making it obvious to the public.  If I had a jewel for every time she did that I could make a crown for every woman in Thanes.  And man for that matter.

Concealing an eye roll, I straightened my posture and smoothed out my dress.

Its thick navy blue fabric billowed out underneath me, filling up the entirety of the chair and most of the floor around it.  Tiny crystals glimmered throughout the skirt, casting a light on the lacy bodice.  It was beautiful, no doubt, but it wasn't me.  Mother was the one that picked it out.  No surprise there.

"Braelynn," she hissed.  "Your crown is crooked."

I sighed and moved my gloved hands up to my head to right the crown.  Except, being the clumsy princess I am, the tip of the glove got stuck on one of the spikes on the top of the crown. 

I could practically hear the annoyance in my mother's eyes as I yanked my hand free, revealing a loose thread in the glove.  She opened her mouth to reprimand me, but something in the ballroom caught her eyes.

"Oh, look, Braelynn.  Prince Buren has arrived.  You must go say hello."  I had to give her credit.  Mother turned on the charm in front of anyone of royal descent.  She never stuttered or showed any emotion except for happiness.  She smiled warmly at the prince and his family.

Prince Ford Buren, also known as the buffoon I was set to marry in the future.  I concealed an eye roll as he grinned right back at my mother, but it never reached his eyes. 

Ugh. He was such a fake.

Nevertheless, I stood up from my chair and smoothed out my dress.  I forced a smile on my face and did my best to regally walk towards Ford.  He offered his hand to me as I walked down the steps and I accepted it.  A hopeful look danced in his eyes.


"Would you like to dance?" he asked.

Not with you.

"I would be honored to," I gritted out and forced a smile on my face as he led me away.

Counting all the possibly weapons I had on my body, I was led out to the dance floor just as a slow song began from the band.

Just my luck.

The center of the ballroom cleared, forming a circle around the two of us as we began to sway back and forth.

Could earrings cause a deathly wound?  Or would the crown work better?

My parents soon joined us on the floor and Kellan joined in with the girl he was talking to earlier.

I finally looked up at Ford's face to see him looking back at mine with a look of annoyance.  He raised his eyebrows.  I looked away.

I focused on everything other than Ford.  Kellan met my eyes from over the shoulder of his partner and smiled.  He knew I hated Ford.  I gave him  a look which shut him up pretty fast.

A pinch on my shoulder made me look back at Ford.  He was looking down at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes.

"Is there something wrong, Braelynn?" He asked.  I smiled back at him, even though I'm sure it looked fake.

"No, nothing," I replied sweetly and continued dancing.  Only that I can't stand you.

He thinks he is so high and mighty (even though he is a prince) with his smirk and confident stride.  His dull brown hair was always styled in the same slicked back manner.  His royal sash fit snugly on his suit, showing off his authority to everyone who looked.  And don't even get me started on his personality.  He talked and gave orders like everyone was below him.  I don't think he has ever listened to a word I said.

We danced to a couple more songs before my mother came over to us and  led me back to the throne. I tried to hide my smile of relief.

It didn't work.

This is the only time I actually am glad to sit on my throne.

Time passed on as I watched the people below me.  They soon began to file out, but not before bowing or curtsying to us.

I hated this.  I didn't want to be seen as higher up than everyone else just because I was born into a royal family.  I didn't want to be kept from all the fun or making any decisions because of my parents.  But that's just how things are around here, and I've come to accept that after nineteen years.

Maids and butlers filed in after everyone was gone to clean up the mess that was left behind.  My mother nodded at me and I got up from my throne and descended the three steps that led to the main floor.  My heels kicked an empty glass across the floor, so I bent down to pick it up.

A slap on my hand stopped me before I could touch it.  Just one guess on who that could be.

My mother clapped her hands and a maid dropped the tray she was carrying to sprint over to us and pick up the glass.  We met eyes and I gave her my best I'm sorry my mother is such a bitch look.  She looked down straight away and scurried off.

I sighed and began to walk towards the door leading to the east wing where my chambers were.

"Braelynn," my  mother's voice echoed in the almost empty room.  I turned around the best I could in my dress.

"Yes, mother?"

"I presume you will not make the same mistake of being late to your lessons tomorrow" she said sternly and walked the opposite way to her chambers. 

Once the doors closed behind her, I started back towards my door, but not without picking up a glass from the floor and putting it on one of the maid's trays.



The hallways were dimly lit and my heels clicked as I walked down them.  Expensive vases and paintings lined the edges as I passed door after door.

The sapphire blue tulle of my dress crinkled with each step I took.  The weight of all the layers was starting to make it hard for me to walk.  It was beautiful, but just too much.  A tight bodice with capped lacy sleeves and embroidery creeping up my shoulders, chest, and back. It flared out into a huge ball gown that went down to the floor. 

Finally, I reached the large oak door that led to the hallway with my room.  Two guards nodded at me as they opened it.  I smiled back at them and thanked them.

My hallway was brighter, as I had requested more lamps and chandeliers to be installed.  It made it feel less like a dungeon.

To be honest, I loved my quarters.  There were six rooms in my hallway in total.  My bedroom, a lounging room, and a wardrobe room to my right.  My lessons room, another bedroom, and an empty room that led to the east wing observatory and gardens to my left.  I had designed the decorations and purpose of the rooms myself and had picked everything down to the light bulbs that were used in the lamps.  The rooms were all airy, warm, and inviting, as opposed to my mother's cold, dark, and dim taste.

I took a right and opened the door to my quarters.  It was simple, with a canopy bed on the right wall, a nightstand on either side, and a chair situated by the door.  To the left was a desk and a door to the bathroom. A small bookshelf was  situated next to one of the nightstands. There were large French doors that opened up to a balcony overlooking the forest and front gardens.

A nightgown was laid on my bed and I heard running water in the bathroom.  I grabbed it and walked towards the sound.  My maids, who I like to call my friends, were preparing a bath for me.

"How do you guys always know exactly what I need?" I uttered and kicked off my heels. 

Holly, the maid closest to my age at twenty, came over and pushed me into the chair by my vanity.  She carefully removed my crown and set it in front of me as she undid my hair. 

I admired the beautiful sapphires ornately set around the silver of the crown.  They perfectly matched my earrings and necklace, as well as my dress.

"So, did you three make it down to the ball tonight?" I asked them as they worked.

"No, but I heard you danced with Ford again," Carrie answered with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you enjoyed it too.  All the seamstresses were gushing on how in looove you two are," Lauren teased.

"Oh, hush," I giggled back.  I smiled back at the first time my maids were introduced and how scared they were to talk to me.  They would have never joked with me, let alone teased me.

I've taught them well.

I keep them up with major kingdom events and they keep me up on the latest castle gossip.  Many nights, they are the only ones who listen to me, and I hope I am someone they can talk to as well.  We are each other's rocks, to put it simply.

I stood up once my waist length blonde hair fell in waves down my back.  They undid the corset back of my dress and helped me out of it, leaving me in my underwear.  Holly left the room and came back with my nightgown.  She set it on the vanity chair and ushered Carrie and Lauren out of the room.

I sank into the rose scented water and let out a sigh as the warm water soothed me.  I quickly washed and listened to the giggles of my maids from outside the door.  They used to help wash me when they first started, but I convinced them that I was a big girl and I could wash myself a couple years ago.  Their orders came from my mother of course.

Once finished, I dried off and dressed myself, pushing open the door to my room.  Needless to say, I was shocked at the sight that met my eyes.

Holly was on her knees at the foot of the bed, laughing, while Carrie and Lauren jumped on the bed behind her, sending pillows flying onto the floor.

"What are you guys doing?" I shrieked, sounding a little harsh.  They immediately stopped and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Miss, I am so sorry-"

"We were just-"

"It came out of nowhere-"

Seeing their panicked looks, a plan formed in my head.

"I see, well I will surely have you three punished for what you have done.  Look at this mess!" I bent down to get a pillow, while the three of them stayed frozen in place.

Acting like I was going to put it back on the bed, I walked towards them faking anger.  But before I set it down, I hit Lauren with  the pillow, laughing.

She screamed and tried to block the hit.

"Oh my gosh, you should have seen your faces!" I gasped out through my laughter.  The tension in the room was released and everyone giggled.

I kept hitting Lauren until I couldn't move from laughing so hard.  I rested my hand on the bed post as I doubled over laughing.


Holly smacked my side with another pillow, making all of us laugh even harder.  I fought back with a pillow of my own. Lauren and Carrie joined in the fight, attacking us from the bed.

I jumped up to join them and pulled Holly up after me.  We screamed as someone hit the bed post on accident, breaking open the pillow and sending feathers flying everywhere.

Pulling us out of our fun, a knock sounded at the door. 

"Is everything alright in there?  I'm opening the door now," a guard shouted from the outside.

I plopped onto the bed, trying to hide my heavy breathing while Holly and Carrie fixed their uniforms and Lauren smoothed down her chocolate colored hair.

The door creaked open revealing two concerned guards.

"Is everything okay in here, princess?  We heard screams from the other side of the hall," a short, burly guard asked us.

"Oh, yes, everything is fine.  There was just a..." I trailed off, looking at Holly.

"A-a rat!" Carrie nearly shouted.  The guards' eyebrows raised.

"A rat?" The other guard, a red head, inquired.

"Yes, a rat, that's it," I stated proudly.

"It ran right across the floor.  It must have come from the balcony," I explained. 

"Sir, we tried to catch it, but it got away," Carrie added, smoothing her apron over her full figure.

"Did you see where it went?" The red headed guard asked.

"Yes, it went, um, it went over there," I pointed to the door to the small closet.

"Over there?" one of them questioned and we all nodded our heads.  They entered the room and walked over to where I pointed.  The larger guard grumbled something about an infestation as he got on his knees and peered under the door.  The red head shined a flashlight under the door.

I looked at my maids startled expressions and stifled a laugh.  Carrie was blushing, her freckled cheeks turning almost as red as the guards' hair.  Holly was gripping the bed post like it was the only thing keeping her upright.  Lauren was staring straight ahead, trying not the laugh at the frustrated guards.

"Princess, I do not see the vermin," the burly one grumbled.

"No?" I asked, sounding shocked.  He shook his head.

"Oh, that's okay, it must've gone into hiding.  You may leave now.  Thank you for your service," I said and they nodded and left the room.

As soon as the door closed, we all let out the breath we were holding and burst into laughter.

"That was hilarious!  I'm pretty sure if that guy bent over any further he would have split his pants in two!" Holly giggled and we all joined in.

"Carrie, you looked like you were going to explode, your face was so red," Lauren commented and we all laughed again.

The grandfather clock outside my room chimed, signaling that it was midnight.

"Oh my, we must be going now, let us pick up and then we will be out of your hair," Carrie began cleaning up the feathers.

"It's okay, we can clean it tomorrow.   Good night ladies," I said and climbed under the covers.

The three of them bid their goodbyes and hustled out of the room, shutting off the light and closing the door behind them.

I sank deeper into the pillow, and closed my eyes, letting the weight of the day fall away as I drifted into sleep.

Knock.  Knock knock. Knock.

The familiar pattern of my brother, Kellan's knock woke me out of my sleep as I grunted for him to come in.  The door creaked open and he staggered in.

"This better be important, or I swear you will never see the light of day again," I seethed.

"Relax, would you.  It's not like it's against the rules for a brother to visit his sister," he argued.

"Actually it is," I retorted.

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"Why do you get to make the rules?"

"I'm the oldest, it's my job."

"Oh yeah, well, I'm the youngest, so the rules don't apply to me," he stuck his tongue out at me and I scoffed.

In a purposeful mocking way, I said: "I'm the youngest so the rules don't apply to me."

"Ew, Brae, never make that face again, it's hideous," he laughed.

"Look who's talking!  Anytime I feel ugly, I look at you and I'm all better!" I retorted.

Kellan opened and closed his mouth, proving my point that he was the ugly one, as he tried to find a comeback. 


"What did you actually barge into my room for, at one in the morning, might I add?" I asked and he sat down on the bed.

"So, you know the girl that I was dancing with today?" I nodded.

"Well, I um...You see, I uh-"

"Oh my gosh, Kell!  You like her!"  I shouted and he blushed, fiddling with his jacket.

"Look at my little brother, all grown up!" I pinched his cheek.

"Stop!  I don't know what to do.  Should I ask her out?  Should I tell mom?" He asked.

"Are you joking? Yes, ask her out!" I squealed and pushed his shoulder.  He flinched.

"Okay, but how?  What should I say?"

"Tell her what you feel.  You two looked like you were having a great time at the ball.  Take her on a walk through the gardens or something," I proposed and he grinned.

"That's great!  Thanks sis!" He jumped off the bed and kissed my cheek,  running out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head.  He really was growing up.  I thought back to when I was seven and he was four when he and I used to race across the ballroom in our socks.  He broke his arm that day.


Now he's sixteen and actually has control over who he dates.  Meanwhile, I can't even eat something without my mother reprimanding me.

Letting out a huff, I pushed these thoughts from my mind and turned over in my bed.

Soon, I was asleep.  Dreaming of a world where I didn't have to be perfect in everything I do.


So this was the first chapter... Thoughts?

This was mainly to get a feel for the characters and their relationships, but I promise there is more to come.  Stick with me and I hope you will come along for the journey.

So I'm kind of obsessed with words.  It's a problem.  So, at the end of each chapter, I am going to define a word that is uncommon.  It may be in English or another language.  I'll try to make it somewhat relevant to the events or mood of the chapter.

Monachopsis: the subtle persisting sense of being out of place

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