Teen Wolf {One Shots}

Por stray-kid

35K 490 68

These are one shots I've written for Tumblr users who have requested them. {I do not own the TV show Teen W... Mais

One Shots
Hot Date - a Stiles Stilinski story
Relaxation - a Stiles Stilinski story
Dinner Date - an Isaac Lahey story
Give Us A Chance - a Scott McCall story
Goodbye For A Little While - a Jackson Whittemore story
Sweet Revenge - an Isaac Lahey story
Disneyworld cosplayers AU - a Sterek story
Crashed their car AU - a Stiles story
Whittemore's Back - a Jackson Whittemore/Sterek story
Convention.al Love - A Tyler Posey Story

The Unexpected - a Stiles Stilinski story

2.3K 46 14
Por stray-kid

As everyone else was talking loudly in class, you were sitting in the back hunched over a notebook trying to write down as much as you could before the teacher would come back. You loved to write and whenever an idea popped into your head you just had to write it down, too worried you'd forget about it if you didn't. When the teacher entered the classroom everyone went quiet; your signal to put down your pen and pay attention. 

After the bell rang you were in a hurry to leave. It was lunchtime and you wanted to get a table outside so you could enjoy the sunshine while writing down another idea for a story that you had just thought of. You had just sat down and started writing when a loud noise interrupted your thought process. You looked up and saw a crowd forming around a tree not too far from where you were sitting. You were never really interested in anything that happened in school, but something made you want to get up and see what all the commotion was about. 

As you got closer you saw Isaac -who was in your English class- beating the living hell out of someone you didn't recognize. Another guy tried to get inbetween them, but Isaac pushed him away. You hadn't realized how much force he had used until you saw that the guy wasn't getting up right away and had blood on his hands. You made your way over to him before anyone else did.

"Are you okay?" you asked him and only realized it was another one of your classmates when he started talking.

"Yeah, just right now I wish I was a were-..eh..uh.." Stiles stammered the last word when he realized you weren't one of his friends. 

"You wish you were, what?" you asked, slightly confused.

"Uh nothing," he replied. "I thought you were Lydia."

You assumed Lydia was his girlfriend which made you feel slightly jealous -you'd always thought he was really cute- and in a way a little hurt, thinking he didn't appreciate your help as much as he would hers.

"Oh.." you said in a low voice, but clear enough for Stiles to hear it.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you.." his voice was pitched a little higher than normal, almost making it sound like a question. "You're Laura, right? We have chemistry together," he said trying to make the conversation less awkward, but by saying that seemed to only make it worse -for himself. "Uh the class, I mean. Chemistry class. We have it. We're in the same class.. Oh god," he said and mumbled the last two words to himself. 

"We do," you giggled. "And it looks like you don't have a bad concussion if you remember who I am. You do seem to be bleeding from the back of your head though.."

You had spotted the wound a few seconds earlier and was surprised to see that much blood coming out of such a small gash. 

"Stiles!" a girl with red hair shouted and came running towards the two of you. 

"Lydia I'm okay," he assured her and held his hand up, making sure she didn't get too close. He must have not wanted to get her summer dress covered in blood.

"You should probably take him to see the nurse," you told her as you were standing up. 

Lydia looked at you, narrowing her eyes and pouting her lips slightly. It looked to you as if she was considering something. 

"Can you take him?" she finally asked.

"Erm yes? I mean sure," you replied and raised your eyebrow when you saw her winking at Stiles. You weren't sure what it meant, but you shrugged it off and took him to the nurse's office. 

A few days later Stiles asked you if you wanted to hang out with him after school and soon it became a regular after school activity. A lot of times his best friend Scott and Scott's on-and-off girlfriend Allison would be there too, and occasionally Lydia -who turned out to be just a friend of Stiles. You had built up friendships with all of them, but your friendship with Stiles meant the most to you and those times you hung out together -alone- were your favorite. He was the most sweetest person ever and definitely the most handsome guy you had ever laid eyes on. Usually you'd be shy around boys you liked, but it was different with Stiles. You were just so comfortable around him and you absolutely loved it. Sometimes you got the feeling that he thought the same way about you, but you didn't want to say anything in case you were wrong. And that was okay. You were fine with the way things were at the moment. Except for maybe one thing. 

There was something your new friends weren't telling you and it was starting to drive you nuts. There were times you'd join them for lunch and they'd just abruptly stop talking or change the subject. Or when they'd receive a text or phone call while you were hanging out and would just give you a lame excuse why they had to leave all of a sudden.

Tonight wasn't any different.

You were in the kitchen making tea when the doorbell rang. You looked at the clock; 7 o'clock, meaning Scott was right on time. You asked your mom if she could let him in, so you could finish making your tea. A few moments later Scott walked into the kitchen as you were trying to get a large bowl out of the cupboard.

"Let me get that for you," he offered and flashed you his signature crooked smile when he handed it to you. 

You thanked him and after you had put it on the kitchen counter he pulled you into a tight hug. "Thank you for wanting to watch this movie with me," he said as he stepped back. 

Earlier that day he had been talking about a romantic comedy that he wanted to see so badly. You and the others had made fun of him for it, but when you realized he was dead serious about wanting to watch it, you had decided to be a good friend and invite him over to watch it together. 

"No problem," you smiled widely. "I was just making some tea. Or would you like soda instead?"

He nodded sheepishly. 

"It's okay," you chuckled a little. "Just means more tea for me."

You opened the fridge and grabbed a Pepsi can for Scott before pouring yourself a cup of tea. You filled the bowl with chips and asked Scott if he could carry it to your room. You held your cup of tea in one hand and the teapot in the other and followed Scott upstairs. After you had placed your tea on your nightstand and plugged your laptop into the TV, you settled down on the edge of your bed. Scott had stolen a pillow from you and was sitting on the floor with his back against the bed. 

You pressed play on your laptop and the opening credits appeared on your TV screen. You were pretty quiet for the first 45 minutes, but then Scott turned around to talk to you.

"You're missing it!" you told him, pointing at the TV.

He shrugged and you weren't surprised at all when he told you he didn't really want to watch it anymore, because it wasn't exactly as good as he thought it would be. You were still shaking your head and laughing quietly when he started to ask you questions about Stiles -mainly about liking him. Apparently, Allison had told Scott she was convinced that you had a crush on Stiles. 

"Really? You're asking because Allison thinks so?" you asked him, raising an eyebrow. 

Scott nodded and tried to hold back a grin.

"What's that?"

"What's what?" Scott replied, still trying to keep a straight face.

You rolled your eyes at him. He knew you could tell he was trying to hide something from you.

"Does he like me?" you asked, kinda hoping that was it.

Just as Scott was about to say something, his phone went off. You sighed and let yourself fall back onto your bed, until you heard the sudden change of tone in his voice. You sat up straight again and watched Scott as he paced back and forth. He was already putting on his jacket by the time he hung up and told you he had to go. He gave you a quick hug and left. You could hear him running down the stairs -something he normally didn't do- and you finally had enough.

"That's it," you muttered to yourself and jumped up. 

You grabbed your bag that was hanging on your door and ran downstairs. You wanted to follow Scott to wherever he was going, but when you got outside you only caught a small glimpse of him as he disappeared around the corner. With a puzzled look on your face you stared into the distance. How did he get to the end of the street so fast? But you had no time to think of any theories; you heard a familiar sound and turned around to see Stiles' jeep moving towards you. Knowing he wasn't going to stop for you, you quickly searched your bag for your car keys and decided to follow him instead. 

A few minutes later you pulled up to the back of -what looked like- an empty building. You got out of your car and entered the building through a side door, making sure no one saw you. You walked through a small corridor that lead to a big room. There were a few people inside. You could make out Scott and Isaac, but you didn't know who the others were. A man next to Scott was shouting things at the others in front of them. You couldn't hear what he was saying, because Scott was shouting at Isaac at the same time. You were confused, but somehow intrigued by whatever was going on so you decided to get closer. You stayed in the shadows so no one would see you, but you could see everything clearly and what happened next was something you'd never seen before.  

"Isaac!" Scott yelled, but it was too late.

Something was happening to Isaac. As he lunged at the person in front of him he seemed to grow claws and next thing you know everyone in the room shifted into some kind of.. wolves.

"What the.." you gasped with your eyes wide open, trying to comprehend what the hell was going on. 

Stiles appeared out of nowhere and pulled you away from the fight. He waited until you were outside to ask why you were there.

"What are you doing here?! Are you crazy! You shouldn't be here!"

Normally you wouldn't appreciate him talking to you like that, but you knew he was only trying to protect you. But from what, exactly?

"Are those werewolves inside?" 

"W-what? Are you serious right now?" he asked, raising both eyebrows and looking at you in what must have been a combination of shock and surprise.

"So they're not?"

"I didn't say that," he said and ran his hand through his hair.

"So they are," you confirmed in a calm voice.

Stiles opened his mouth to say something, but you could tell he wasn't quite sure what. Confused he asked you, "You're not scared?"

"No. Not really. Should I be?"

"Uh well, not of Isaac, Scott, Derek, Cora and Boyd but those other guys? Yes. Very. We need to get you home. It's not safe here."

You agreed to meet him back at your house where you asked him to stay for a while. You had to show him something. 

"What is it?" Stiles asked curiously as you both entered your room.

Without saying a word you handed him one of your notebooks. He opened it and browsed through the pages, only reading some parts but you knew he had read the most important ones when he looked up at you.

"That's why I wasn't scared," you told him. A lot of your stories were actually about the supernatural, including werewolves. 

"Just because you write about them, doesn't mean you wouldn't be scared in real life."

You shrugged. 

He shook his head lightly and continued to read some more. "You know, all of this is pretty damn accurate. How do you know this stuff?"

"I looked it up online and in books," you explained to him. "I've always been interested in the supernatural. I just never thought any of it was actually real."

"Well it is. Very-very real," he assured you and handed back your notebook.

For the first time ever you were both quiet. You had to think about what you were gonna say next. You had so many questions you didn't even know where to start. You finally asked him if the others were gonna be okay. Stiles assured you they would be, but promised he'd call Scott in a little bit just to make sure. Then you asked him to tell you more about the other werewolves he had mentioned before. You already kinda knew Isaac, but apparently he was a Beta. So were Boyd and Cora, and all three of them were part of Derek's pack. Making him the leader -the Alpha. Scott saw himself as an Omega, but according to Stiles he had the potential to become an Alpha too. 

You were so fascinated by them that you almost demanded Stiles to tell you more. And so he did. Some things you already knew from doing your own research for your stories, but you were especially interested in hearing about the things that had occurred in Beacon Hills in the past few years; about the time Scott got bitten by Derek's uncle Peter; Peter who turned good; a guy called Jackson being an Kanima; and Allison's evil grandfather. And right now they were having problems with a so called 'Alpha pack' and a mystery, dark druid called the Darach. 

Again you were quiet for a bit until a thought popped into your head. A thought that wasn't very pleasant. 

"Stiles," you said without looking at him. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

He could tell by your tone of voice that you were disappointed and pretty hurt that they hadn't trust you with this secret. At least, to you it felt exactly like that.

"Oh! No! No, Laura. No. No. No," Stiles just repeated over and over. "It wasn't like that at all," he promised. "We were gonna tell you, honestly. We just all agreed it wasn't the right time. The Alphas had just come to town and we didn't know how dangerous they were. And then the Darach.." 

He reached out to touch your hand and made you look at him.

"We just didn't want you to become a possible target. You know, we didn't want you to get involved in any way or to get hurt. didn't want you to get hurt. I'd never forgive myself if something happens to you."

Loving how much he cared about you, you blushed a little and then smiled at him, nodding lightly. "Tell me more about this Darach person?"

Stiles' entire face had lit up when you had asked him to tell you more about the dark druid. He had been wanting to tell someone about all his theories, but everyone else seemed to care more about the Alphas at the moment. He was totally ecstatic that you were so interested in all of it. You could tell by the way he was talking, and swinging his arms around to either demonstrate certain things or just because he didn't know what else to do as he was just too excited to finally be talking to someone about the Darach and actually being taken seriously. 

It wasn't until your dad called out your name and asked you to be a little more quiet that you realized you had been talking for hours. Literally, because when you looked at your phone you noticed how late it was; half past one in the morning, but you could tell Stiles still wasn't done talking and you just loved seeing him so excited that you didn't want to send him home. Instead you lowered your voices and asked Stiles to sit down on the bed next you so your parents wouldn't keep hearing his loud footsteps and the occasional tumble.

After what must have been another 30 minutes of talking about the Darach, you caught Stiles staring at you as you were finishing up one of your own theories that you had thought of as the night had progressed.

"What?" you asked him when your eyes met his.

"Nothing," he answered and looked away for a second, biting his lip as he shook his head.

"Tell me!" you demanded and chuckled a little.

"I really want to kiss you right now," he just blurted out when your eyes met again.

Your eyes widened in shock. Not a bad shock, but a surprised shock. One that made the butterflies you had been trying to ignore all night go crazy in your stomach. 

"You have no idea how much more attractive I find you after tonight," he continued. 

"More?" you asked, even more surprised than you already were.

"Yes.. Laura, there's something else I have been keeping a secret from you."

A big smile spread across your face before he had even finished talking. But you knew exactly what he was going to say. Something you had been keeping a secret from him too, but you weren't given the chance to tell him that; Stiles' phone rang. You could tell it was his dad asking him where he was and if he was coming home. Without even thinking about what your parents would say, you told him he could stay over. You didn't like the idea of him driving home so late all by himself now you knew about all the crazy things that were happening in your town. Stiles nodded and while he told his dad, you went to the bathroom to get ready to go to bed. 

Walking back into the room you stopped in your door opening and just watched Stiles as he was taking of his shirt. You had always figured he was hiding a fit body underneath all those layers of clothes, but you weren't expecting him to look that good and when he turned around your cheeks flushed red. Trying to speak, you finally managed to tell him he could use one of the spare toothbrushes that no one had used yet. He thanked you with a smile and you crawled into bed while you waited for him to come back and join you.

Being his awkward self again, Stiles stumbled back into the room as he was trying to take off his pants. You laughed quietly as he climbed into bed next to you.

"Sh! Don't make fun of me!" he said jokingly and turned on his side to face you.

You did the same and smiled. You couldn't believe he was actually lying next to you and that you'd be waking up next to him in the morning. The thought of that made you smile even more, probably making you look like a crazy person but you didn't care. Stiles liked you. He really liked you and you were feeling like the happiest person alive. Thinking of something that would make you even happier you subtly licked your lips.

"So erm.. Do you still want to kiss me?" you asked, biting your lip slightly to try hide a cheeky smile that was already started to spread across your face.

"Hell yes," Stiles nodded and gently grabbed your face, pulling you closer to him and kissed you like you'd never been kissed before.

You thought of falling asleep in his arms; waking up next to him; kissing him good morning; and spending the entire day looking up more stuff about the Darach and the Alphas. You smiled into the kiss realizing that's what your lite was going to look like from now on, and you absolutely loved it.

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