Sweet Silver Lining..

By Beautiful_World

596 42 53

Lydia was once a normal girl..Once happy..Once human. That all changed the night she was turned. Her life wou... More

Sweet Silver Lining..[Prologue]
Chapter Two- The Escape
Chapter Three- Wide Open Spaces

Chapter One- The Lab

106 13 13
By Beautiful_World

[A/N] HEEEYY !!! 

I've decided to continue with the second version of this now, I have so many ideas that just didn't fit in, in the old version. Needless to say I hope this is a better and easier version to follow. :D

To those of you who asked me to continue and are still interested in this story, I just wanna say thanks so much for your patients and really hope this chapter will satisfy you all. 

Send me a message and let me know what you think/want to happen in this newer version also what you think will happen next and I'll dedicate my next chappie to you :D

P.S!! Check out the video on the side, it is a frickin' amazing song :D It hasn't really got anything to do with the story though...:D

 P.P.S Thank you soooo much to Crazydaydreamer for my amazing new cover :D 





Chapter one.

Have you ever wondered what life is like through the eyes of another person? Have you ever wanted to be outside of yourself, seeing the things you do through the eyes of someone else? When you are at your lowest and your mind goes to the darkest of places, when the paranoia sets in and the  thoughts running through your mind are only serving to make you feel worse. What do you do? People always say it will get better, that life has a way of sorting it's self out, but what happens if it doesn't? 

So many unanswered questions and yet we have so little time to find the answers. Makes me wonder if it is all just a sick joke. If we are all just like ants in a farm and some greater power is a kid with a magnifying glass, slowly burning us until one day we give in and play dead. Or worse.

But, sometimes life gives you no other option, sometimes you have to lay down and play dead in order to survive. 


It was the smell that woke me. A mixture of bleach and unknown chemicals, so strong that the fumes were beginning to burn my nose. I so badly wanted to reach up and plug my nose but my hands were being held to the bed by leather straps, making it impossible for me to move. I tried my feet once more, If I could even get those free, I would have a smidgen of a hope of breaking out, but much like my hands the straps made it impossible. I had already tried to get free of course, I tried until the leather began cutting into my skin and left red angry marks behind.

I had no idea how long I had been in this room, but I did know that there was 82 white tiles on the ceiling and I'm guessing that is a bad sign. Everything was white and everything was clean and sterile, it made me wonder if it was an operating room, would I be the frog they were going to dissect? 

The more I was left laying there the more deranged my thoughts became, I even contemplated running my wrist along the leather until my hand just snapped right off. The more I thought the more irrational I became. The slow and steady beeping of the machines I was hooked up to soon became my lullaby, they let me know I was okay, that I was still apart of the world. 

Slowly I was becoming insane, whatever the IV in my arm was spilling into my blood stream it kept me weak and unable to escape. However for a few moments every couple hours, when the drugs had worn off slightly and the world was no longer blurring around the edges, I was lucid enough to realize exactly where I was. I grew to hate these moments. Just as I would be regaining my strength and a cunning plan was forming it's self in my head I would slip right back under the influence of what ever the dicks were injecting me with. 

It was during one of these lucid moments I had a thought. Everywhere on my body was firmly strapped down, everywhere except my head. I had only a couple of minutes to act, but it was all I needed. Lifting my head slightly, I suddenly became aware of how heavy it was, like someone plastered a lump of led to my skull. However, I had no time to think about this I had mere seconds to get the IV out of my arm, which had been shackled above my head. Arching my neck to the point where I feared my neck would snap, I latched my teeth onto the tube which pumped the unidentified drugs into my system, and pulled as hard as I could. 

Pain tore through my arm as I continued to tug on the tub, but I fought through it. With a small hiss the needle ripped through my skin and I quickly spat out the tub. 

Shaking I held my breath for a moment, waiting for an alarm to be triggered and for dozens of men in lab coats to come running in and ruin my hard work. I could feel blood trickling from my arm as I hadn't exactly been gentle and in turn ripped a large portion of my arm. Thankfully, I knew it would heal in a moment. 

After five minutes of waiting to be caught I finally let out a long and shaky breath. No one was coming. I could hear no footsteps nor voices around me, I had done it. Now I could think with a clear head and there had to be a way to get out of these binds. I spent the next hour tugging my arms and legs trying to wriggle free but, I was still too weak. I had been starved of blood for too long and without it I had a very slim chance of getting out of this alive.

I was a god damned Vampire, I was strong and fearless, I had lived many years and faced death dozens of time and now all I could do was lay wide open for whatever those men had planned for me. I was a disgrace to my kind and I couldn't help but think what would have happen if I hadn't chosen that night to go hunting. If I hadn't been in that part of town. There were too many 'if's' for my still groggy head to wrap it's self around, especially when I had bigger and more important things to think about. 

"Think Lydia, think..Think."

I chanted to myself, surprised at the sound of my own voice. It had been so long since I had heard a sound other then the beeping monitors and it was a relief to know I could still talk. Just as I had been about to try and wriggle free once more I heard something. Something that wasn't coming from me. It was the very faint sound of footsteps. Heavy boots smacking against marble and judging by the sound, they were heading in my direction.

Shit, shit, shit..I chanted in my head. Looking from my healing arm to the tube which was leaking onto the floor. I was a sitting duck and the footsteps were growing closer. They were joined by another set of feet, however these weren't half as loud nor aggressive then the first, a woman, I guessed.

Squeezing my eyes shut I held my breath, just wishing they would turn in another direction, one that wasn't quickly leading them to my room. But, it was useless and soon they were just outside my door. I lay as still as I possibly could, holding my breath to the point where I was surely turning blue. They snow white door crept open and in came the footsteps, this time joined by voices.

"Phew, she's still here."

The woman spoke, her voice sounded uncertain, almost like she wished I had broken free. Obviously she wasn't very comfortable being around something who ate people like her for breakfast. Literally.

"What did you expect. They've been pumping her with enough tranquilizer to take down an elephant. There is no way she could get free, in fact I'm amazed she still alive."

The mans voice was deep and husky. Also he sounded very confident that I wouldn't be able to put up a fight. We would see about that. Keeping my eyes tightly shut I had to rely on my senses to tell me exactly where they were standing. The large male was to my left, standing at the doorway, while the female was by my bed side staring down at me with fear and disgust radiating from her.

"She looks so harmless."

The female whispered.

"It makes me wonder how she can survive all this."

Oh dear, you shall see just how strong I am. I answered her in my mind. The male, however chose to speak out loud.

"I don't have time to listen to you, I have to deliver this..'Thing'..before Noon or else Sergei will have my head on a spike. So hurry the hell up."

Hmm, I had a feeling I would enjoy ripping his head from his shoulders and using his neck as a sippy cup. How dare he refer to me as a 'Thing'. He had no idea of what I was capable of. If I could only break free. 

The woman came to a stop on my right hand side and I knew she was staring down at the IV which I had so recklessly left laying on the floor.


She began but was quickly silenced by tall, dark and soon-to-be-dead.

"Fuck sake!! Will you just hurry up."

He huffed. Really, humans just annoyed me sometimes. Why must they always do everything in a hurry. Perhaps if he had not distracted the woman she would have taken the time to explain that I had ripped the IV from my arm hours ago and in turn was no longer drugged. But, then again it was just this carelessness that would be my escape from here, so I shouldn't complain. Muttering profanities under her breath the female quickly began removing wires from my chest, arms and legs, one that I hadn't even been aware were there, but I guess the machines had to be hooked up to something. Once I was successfully de-wired she turned off the beeping machines and the room became eerily silent. I wasn't aware of how used I had come to the steady beeping, well, not until it had stopped.

It was the sound of clicking which broke me from my thoughts, making me suddenly crash into reality and cuss myself out for getting distracted at such a crucial time. No longer occupying a planet of my own I was now aware of the bed moving, well it wasn't moving by it's self, the female was pushing it effortlessly down the too-white corridor, while the male was walking in front of the bed. If I was going to strike I had to do it right then. But first...


I mumbled quietly, flickering my eyes open and staring up at the female. I could no see she was in fact one of the lab coats, and she was far smaller then I expected. Oh this would be easier then I thought.

"Oh my god!!"

'Lab coat girl' gasped as she looked down at my now open eyes. Quickly I closed them before the male could notice.

"S-..she's Awake."

Lab-coat stumbled over her words. Ha, I had really spooked her. 

"She couldn't be, your minds just playing tricks on you. She looks pretty passed out to me."

He hissed, obviously annoyed that she was wasting more of his time. Lab-coat however wasn't convinced. I could feel her staring at me, her beady little eyes bore into my face almost like she expected me to jump up and shout 'boo'. But, that wasn't my plan. First I needed her to come closer. 

"I better check."

She gulped as she let go of the bed and moved to my side now, trying to get a better look at me. I could hear the male cussing and walking off ahead, leaving me alone with Lab-coat.Exactly what I wanted. Hesitantly Lab-coat leaned over me, her hand reaching out to touch my face. Softly she poked my cheek. Seriously!! When I didn't move she became braver, moving instead to my eye lids, which she forced open. She studied me for a moment, her grimy little human fingers touching my eye lid as she tried to get a reaction from me. Moving with inhuman speed I snapped my head back and latched my mouth to her arm which had been hovering above my face. My fangs suddenly retracted out and dug deep into her flesh. Lab-coat screamed and began trying to pull her arm free, but thankfully I had my jaws latched too tight. As soon as the sweet liquid touched my tongue I felt considerably better. Greedily I drank from her, taking long gulps before I heard the loud thump of the males boots. Ah, I had almost forgotten. Quickly I let go of the females arm and with as much force as I would muster I ripped my limbs free of the binds. Without hesitation I shot up into a crouch, looking like, what I assume, was a deranged cat. The male was now a few feet from the bed, reaching frantically into his jacket to pull out his gun. No way.

Suddenly I sprung forward, wrapping my legs around his waist and gripping onto his hair. He let out a loud yell from the pain as he reached up to claw at my hands. As much as I would have liked to make his death slow and painful I still had to deal with Lab-coat who had passed out when I bit her. Acting as quick as I could I gripped either side of the males head and with expert precision I snapped his head to the side, breaking his neck and killing him. As he began falling to the ground I gracefully leapt away from him, landing safely on my feet, just in time to see the blonde female Lab-coat stumble to her feet. She looked weak and frightened, but heck, that was just the way I liked them..Vulnerable. Strutting closer to her, like a lion trying to catch his pray, I reached out and took hold of her neck. She tried to scream, tried to break free but I was too strong for her little human body.

"Hush, I promise this will only hurt a bit."

I cooed while turning her head at an angle which gave me better access to her jugular. The bluish-purple vein bulged beneath her skin, simply begging me to taste it. My fangs slid out of hiding and without any more thought I sank them through her skin, like a warm knife through butter. Too easy. Soon she was drained dry, not a drop of blood left in her veins and I felt high. I felt like I was completely invincible. I loved this feeling. Striping her of her lab-coat I placed it over my own hospital gown, hoping that this would buy me a few minutes before I was discovered. 

Sucking in a sharp breath I took off down the corridor with inhuman speed, everything around me was in slow motion, but to the human eye I was nothing more then a gust of wind. I was light and free. I just had to find the exit. I ran around corners, past other lab-coats, through doors but it was useless. This place was a god damned maze. Every turn I took led me to another room, everyone of them empty until I heard something in the distance. It was a faint cry, not unlike that of an infant. My blood turned to ice as I ran on the direction of the wails, coming to a stop just outside a room exactly the same as my own, except for the absence of a bed. Just inside the doors sat an incubator and inside the incubator sat a child. Taking a quick glance around the room I decided it was safe to step inside undetected. Hesitantly I pushed the door open, all the while my eyes glued to the tiny human inside the box with wires poking out of every part of it's body. Poor thing, looks so helpless I thought as I took a few more steps towards it.

Never before had I felt such pity for a human. I kill humans on a regular basis, so why did I wish to save the life of this one, you ask? I have no idea, just something called me to it. A strong force pulled me towards the screaming child, and when I managed to reached the incubator I stared down into the widest, most perfect ice blue eyes I have ever seen.

"Hush little one."

I whispered and much to my surprised the crying stopped, instead the child's eyes met my own with awe etched into the blue depths. Erupting into a gurgle of happiness that small child reached out to touch me but sadly only managed to contact the plastic roof of the incubator. Guilt and pity washed through me as the child looked shocked and saddened by this. Looking around me I searched for something to break open the incubator. The large lock on the side would be hard to snap but I was determined. When my eyes met nothing that could be used as a weapon I sighed and looked down at the child through the clear plastic of the box. On top of the clear plastic sat a small sticker, narrowing my eyes I leaned closer to read the messy scrawl across it.

Gender- F

Weight- 10lbs 4oz

Age- 2months

Species- Unknown.

I blinked once, twice and then a third time before everything sunk in. They were testing her to see what she was. I knew there was something special about this girl and these bastards were trying to figure it out too. Anger welled up inside me as I gripped the edge of the incubator. 

"Don't cry, I'm going to get you out."

I whispered to the baby as she began to squirm and sniff slightly, obviously not liking the lack of attention. Using all the strength I could gather I pulled on the lock, I could feel the metal weaken and with a loud crack I managed to snap it in half. My hand burned from the effort but it was worth it to push open the top and reach into to pick up the little girl inside. Wide blue eyes stared up at me as I hugged her small blanket wrapped body to my own.

"Your safe now little one."

I whispered, my hand stroking her small tear stained cheek.

"What the hell are you doing in here!!"

A shrill voice broke through the silence. Snapping my eyes up to look at the new addition to the room, I cursed myself for letting myself get distracted.

In the door way stood the largest man in a white lab coat I have ever seen, however it was the black gun he held in his hand that gained my full attention.

How the hell would I get the both of us out of here alive?

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